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Following the World Health Organization's recommendation for developing countries to discontinue the use of Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) in rural areas, the government of Ghana banned TBAs from offering maternal health care services. Since this ban, community‐level conflicts have intensified between TBAs, (who still see themselves as legitimate culturally mandated traditional midwives) and nurses. In this articles, we propose a partnership model for a sustainable resolution of these conflicts. This article emanates from the apparent ideological discontent between people from mainstream medical practice who advocate for the complete elimination of TBAs in the maternal health service space and individuals who argue for the inclusion of TBAs in the health sector given the shortage of skilled birth attendants and continued patronage of their services by rural women even in context where nurses are available. In the context of the longstanding manpower deficit in the health sector in Ghana, improving maternal healthcare in rural communities will require harnessing all locally available human resources. This cannot be achieved by “throwing out” a critical group of actors who have been involved in health‐care provision for many decades. We propose a win‐win approach that involve retraining of TBAs, partnership with health practitioners, and task shifting.  相似文献   

Demographic indicators such as fertility rates and infant mortality rates are often measured in census surveys by interviewing mothers to obtain their pregnancy histories and child deaths. The validity of such surveys depends upon accurate recall of histories, truthful reporting of events and understanding of the questions posed. To measure the reliability of maternal reporting, two census surveys conducted in a rural Egyptian population were compared. Women between 15 and 55 years of age residing in 20 villages were asked their histories of live births, stillbirths and child deaths. An identical set of questions was posed 2 years later. Twice-monthly home visits were conducted in the intervening 2-year interval to identify accurately any new births, stillbirths and deaths occurring in the population. The maternal reports from the first census were combined with the prospectively identified births, stillbirths and deaths and compared with the maternal reports from the second census. For 1502 women, the discrepancies in the total number of births, stillbirths and child deaths reported between the two surveys were 0.6%, 4% and 0.6% respectively. However, when the consistency of responses was analysed, the proportion of women with discordant responses was 10%, 6% and 7% for the same measures. These results suggest that, despite the large number of births and deaths that women may experience in developing countries, maternal interviews provide reliable responses that can be used to estimate mortality and fertility rates in settings where vital records are incomplete or unreliable.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of a verbal autopsy (VA) tool in ascertaining the causes of stillbirths and neonatal deaths in rural Ghana and was nested within a community-based maternal vitamin A supplementation trial (ObaapaVitA trial). All stillbirths and neonatal deaths between 1 January 2003 and 30 June 2004 were prospectively included. Community VAs were carried out within 6 months of death and were classified with a primary cause of death by three experienced paediatricans. The reference standard diagnosis was obtained by the study paediatrician in 4 district hospitals in the study area.
There were 20 317 deliveries, 661 stillbirths and 590 neonatal deaths with a VA diagnosis in the study population. A total of 311 stillbirths and 191 neonatal deaths had both a VA and a hospital reference standard diagnosis. The VA performed poorly for stillbirth diagnoses such as congenital abnormalities and maternal haemorrhage. Accuracy was higher for intrapartum obstetric complications and antepartum maternal disease. For neonatal deaths, sensitivity was >60% for all major causes; specificity was 76% for birth asphyxia but >85% for prematurity and infection. Overall, VA diagnostic accuracy was higher than expected in this rural African setting. Our classification system was based on the expected public health importance of the individual causes of death, differing implications for intervention and the ability to distinguish between the individual causes in low-resource settings. We believe this system was easier to use than traditional approaches and resulted in high precision and accuracy. However, further simplifications are needed to allow use of the World Health Organisation VA in routine child health programmes. The diagnostic accuracy of the VA tool should also be assessed in other regions and in multicentre studies.  相似文献   

In developing countries many stillbirths and neonatal deaths occur at home and cause of death is not recorded by national health information systems. A community-level verbal autopsy tool was used to obtain data on the aetiology of stillbirths and neonatal deaths in rural Ghana. Objectives were to describe the timing and distribution of causes of stillbirths and neonatal deaths according to site of death (health facility or home). Data were collected from 1 January 2003 to 30 June 2004; 20 317 deliveries, 696 stillbirths and 623 neonatal deaths occurred over that time.
Most deaths occurred in the antepartum period (28 weeks gestation to the onset of labour) (33.0%). However, the highest risk periods were during labour and delivery (intrapartum period) and the first day of life. Infections were a major cause of death in the antepartum (10.1%) and neonatal (40.3%) periods. The most important cause of intrapartum death was obstetric complications (59.3%). There were significantly fewer neonatal deaths resulting from birth asphyxia in the home than in the health facilities and more deaths from infection. Only 59 (20.7%) mothers of neonates who died at home reported that they sought care from an appropriate health care provider (doctor, nurse or health facility) during their baby's illness. The results from this study highlight the importance of studying community-level data in developing countries and the high risk of intrapartum stillbirths and infectious diseases in the rural African mother and neonate. Community-level interventions are urgently needed, especially interventions that reduce intrapartum deaths and infection rates in the mother and infant.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: As part of a community-based reproductive health project in rural Tanzania, a maternal and perinatal health care surveillance system was established to monitor pregnancy outcomes. This report presents preliminary results. METHODS: Village health workers were trained to collect data during health education visits to pregnant and postpartum women. Maternal and fetal or infant survival or deaths were tracked on a community monitoring board. RESULTS: Among 904 pregnancies, the fetoneonatal mortality rate was 69.4 deaths per 1000 live births and fetal deaths; 4 maternal deaths occurred. Intrapartum and early neonatal deaths of infants with birthweights of 1500 g or greater represented a large proportion of deaths. CONCLUSIONS: These preliminary results will be used to prioritize project interventions, including increasing access to skilled delivery care.  相似文献   

《Global public health》2013,8(4):359-372

The objective of this study was to determine causes and contributing factors to maternal deaths in a poor rural setting. We included all maternal deaths (N =42), identified from January to September 2002, in a remote area of The Gambia. To gain a comprehensive picture of medical causes and contributing factors a combination of audit procedure and verbal autopsy was applied. The results showed that anaemia (n =12) was the leading cause of death followed by haemorrhage (n =10), eclampsia (n =8) and obstructed labour (n =8). Placental abruption accounted for 9 of the 10 haemorrhage cases. Substandard obstetric care was identified for the majority of deaths. Substantial inadequacies were revealed at the hospital, characterized by operational difficulties and an uncoordinated emergency preparedness, including malfunction of the blood transfusion service, failure to obtain operative delivery, poor birth monitoring and lack of trained personnel, electricity, medical equipment and drugs. Substandard primary care and logistic difficulties within the referral process further complicated the situation. Delay in seeking care by the cases themselves played a less important role. It was concluded that interventions, addressing the profound deficiencies within the health care system and increasing access to emergency obstetric care, are warranted to reduce maternal deaths in a poor setting such as rural Gambia.  相似文献   

Maternal mortality is an important indicator used to assess the level of development of a country and particularly the coverage of health services. In Africa where the maternal mortality ratios are about 100 times higher than those of developed countries the situation is even worse due to problems of underregistration. In Mozambique the figures officially used are derived from the data of some hospitals in the main cities. This leaves out the 60% of pregnant women who do not attend health facilities. It was against this background that the present study was designed to be a prospective community-based study carried out in the central region of Mozambique involving a population of 207,369 inhabitants. The study covered a 12-month period, from 01/08/96 to 31/07/97 and found 214 deaths among women in reproductive age (15-49 yr) of whom 40 were classified as maternal deaths. Gross underregistration was revealed, as the health institutions failed by 86% in recording maternal deaths, the same happening with other official sources, like the Civil Register and the Funeral Services registering only 9% of the maternal deaths. This kind of study is however complex and labour intensive and a practical way of monitoring has to be found; for the region where the study took place close collaboration with private cemeteries appears to be a way to be further explored.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Perinatal deaths have been more difficult to prevent than infant deaths in low- income countries due to its close relation to poor maternal outcome. The aim of the study was to perform a comprehensive population-based analysis of perinatal mortality in a high mortality setting and to determine the impact of midwifery-assisted home deliveries. METHOD: The study design was a community-based cohort study. In all, 4876 perinatal deaths were recorded among 116 211 newborns in the districts of Sundsvall and Skelleftea in northern Sweden during the years 1831-1899. Relative risks, 95% CI, population attributable proportions and prevented fractions were calculated. RESULTS: The overall perinatal mortality rate was 42.0 per 1000 births. A previous stillbirth represented one of the most important risk factors (RR = 3.25, 95% CI : 2.97-3.56), with a population attributable proportion of 7%. Two or more previous stillbirths gave an RR of 8.50 (95% CI : 7.58-9.53) and a population attributable proportion of 4%. There was an increased risk of perinatal mortality for mothers over 35 years old, the primiparous and the unmarried, while grandparous women had a higher perinatal mortality that was accounted for completely by a poor history of previous stillbirths and infant deaths among these women. The children of crofters, farmers and workers had higher perinatal mortality, but area had no significant impact. During the years 1881-1890 and 1891-1899, the prevented fractions of midwifery were 15% and 32%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Poor reproductive history, particularly previously high perinatal mortality, is associated with high perinatal mortality. Midwifery-assisted at home deliveries successfully reduced perinatal mortality.  相似文献   

从社会文化、精神卫生防治体系、卫生资源配置公平性、专业人才匮乏、治疗信心及康复延误6个方面,分析了农村精神分裂症患者社区康复存在的问题,为政府制定农村精神卫生政策提供有效的决策依据.  相似文献   

The main problems identified during maternal mortality surveillance in Pernambuco State, Brazil, were low coverage and poor quality of data, as well as the inadequacy of data-collection instruments. Based on these findings, a new instrument called the Confidential Form for Reporting Deaths of Reproductive-Age Women was developed, and later an evaluation was conducted on the available procedures for distinguishing maternal deaths among female deaths. The RAMOS method, using the new questionnaire, was applied in Camaragibe (a city in Greater Metropolitan Recife) based on the female deaths recorded in 2000. According to the results, this method, using the new form, showed improved recording of socio-demographic and female mortality variables as compared to both the maternal mortality surveillance conducted by the Municipal Epidemiological Department and the death certificate system. This finding reinforces the need to improve maternal mortality surveillance in the study area, taking into account the RAMOS method and the new instrument.  相似文献   

We investigated perceptions of the causes of maternal mortality by women attending referral hospitals in Nigeria. Focus group discussions were conducted with various categories of women. Our results showed that women were aware of the medical causes of mortality, although a few listed divine reasons. Delays in reaching hospitals or after women arrive in hospitals featured prominently as lead causes mentioned by women. Listening to women as end-users is an important approach to identify points of remediation in the provision of maternal health care. This should be taken into cognizance when policymakers or international agencies plan the prevention of maternal deaths in developing countries.  相似文献   

Supervision of medical interns posted to various primary health centres and rural health training centres by specialists in preventive and social medicine and other clinical disciplines is becoming less and less effective for a number of unavoidable reasons. Because of lack of proper and timely guidance, interns feel that during the 6-month rural internship they do not get enough experience of rural life. In order to provide them with learning experiences in community medicine and orient them in the social dynamics of the community, a new approach involving interns in small community-based projects, probably for the first time, was tried on a pilot basis at the Rural Health Training Centre (RHTC), Sirur, a field practice area of B.J. Medical College, Pune, Maharashtra, India. Interns working at RHTC Sirur completed these community-based projects successfully. Identification of problems, study design analysis and drawing conclusions, based on observation, were all undertaken by the interns under the guidance of the staff of the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, B.J. Medical College. The opinion poll at the end of the rural internship revealed that 76% of interns considered this experience valuable for improving their knowledge and skills, and 56% though that interaction during these projects was beneficial to the community as well. This experience with community-based projects for interns during their rural posting provides them with an opportunity for interaction with the community.  相似文献   

This study compares two antivenoms used to treat Echis ocellatus snake bite patients at Mathias Hospital, Yeji, central Ghana. FAV-Afrique antivenom (Aventis Pasteur) was given to 278 patients during 2001--2003, whilst Asna Antivenom C (Bharat Serum and Vaccines Ltd) was used in 2004 to treat 66 patients. The two groups had comparable patient attributes, time from snake bite to treatment and staff adherence to the tested treatment protocol. The antivenom C group required more repeat doses and twice the amount of antivenom to treat coagulopathy. Of greater concern, the antivenom C mortality rate was 12.1%, a marked rise from the 1.8% rate in the earlier FAV-Afrique antivenom group. In this study, antivenom C was ineffective as treatment for West African E. ocellatus snake venom. This illustrates the absolute need for regional pilot tests to assess the effectiveness of a new antivenom against local snake venoms before its sole and general distribution in a region is initiated.  相似文献   

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