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沟通是指人与人之间交换意见、观点、情况或情感的过程.早在19世纪,现代护理的创始人南丁格尔就在其护理著作《Notes on Nursing》中专门论述了护理工作中沟通的重要性.美国高等护理教育学会(American Association of Colleges of Nursing)于1998年1月完成修订了"护理专业高等教育标准",其中,将沟通能力定义为护理专业教育中的核心能力之一.  相似文献   

目的 研究护理本科生同感心的特点,为制定护理高等教育教学策略提供依据.方法 采用香港理工大学中文版情感活动指标量表(C-IRI)对重庆某医科大学护理学院191名护生集中进行CIRI测量.结果 护生C-IRI测量结果总分平均为(65.011 0±9.203 3)分;各年级同感心特点比较,1年级护生C-IR[得分明显高于2,3年级护生,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);在同感心的4个维度方面,1年级的护生在幻想力、同情关怀、观点采择3个维度得分均高于2,3,4年级;在个人悲伤维度,4年级护生的得分明显高于1,2,3年级护生(P<0.01).结论 应从课程设置、课程建构以及教学方法等方面,对护理本科生同感心加以培养.  相似文献   

该文介绍了共情的概念及组成部分,护理专业学生共情能力的相关因素以及提升其共情能力的干预措施,以期为护理专业学生共情能力的培养提供借鉴和建议.  相似文献   

AimThe aim of this study was to determine the effect of online communication skills training conducted for first-year nursing students on effective communication and self-efficacy and self-regulated learning skills.BackgroundCommunication skills are an important part of nursing care.MethodsThis research was designed as a pre-test–post-test randomized controlled experimental study. The study population comprised first-year undergraduate nursing students of a state university in Turkey. A total of 60 students included in the study were divided into the two following groups: experimental (n = 30) and control (n = 30) groups. The research data were collected between 1 December 2020 and 1 March 2021. Pre-test and post-test forms were simultaneously provided to the groups. Post-tests were repeated 1 month after the pre-test was completed. A 2-day (a total of 12 h) communication skills training was conducted online for the students in the experimental group after the pre-test forms were filled. Information form, Effective Communication Skills Scale (ECSS), General Self-efficacy Scale (GSE) and Self-regulated Learning Skills Scale (SRLSS) were used to collect the data.ResultsThe effective communication and SRLSS mean scores of the nursing students were high and the GSE scores were below average. On comparing the groups, the post-test mean scores of the communication skills and GSE were found to decrease in both the groups compared with the pre-test ones. This decrease was significant only in the “ego-enhancing language” subdimension of ECSS (p < 0.05). The post-test mean scores of the SRLSS increased in both the groups, but this increase was not significant (p > 0.05).ConclusionAlthough the SRLSS scores of the students increased in the post-test, the study results show that communication skills training did not have a significant effect on effective communication and self-efficacy and self-regulated learning skills. The results of this study are important in terms of guiding research and trainings that examine the effects of communication skills.  相似文献   

护理人员同理心培训策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了同理心在临床护理中的作用,回顾和总结了国内外护理人员同理心培训策略,提出了现阶段开展护理人员同理心培训的分层模式.  相似文献   

AimTo evaluate the effects of high-fidelity simulation training on attitudes towards older people and empathy among undergraduate nursing students.BackgroundPeople worldwide are living longer and, consequently, the number of older people is increasing globally. Geriatric syndromes are highly prevalent and associated with increased morbidity and mortality in this population. Positive attitudes towards older people and high levels of empathy are necessary for the provision of high-quality nursing care, which will contribute towards improving the quality of life of older patients affected by these syndromes.MethodsA quasi-experimental study was conducted using a longitudinal design with a single group and a pre- and post-intervention evaluation. The development of attitudes towards older people and empathy skills were evaluated using high-fidelity simulation-based training, comparing the levels obtained in these skills at baseline and after the simulation experience. The simulated scenarios recreated the great geriatric syndromes in older patients: instability, immobility, intellectual impairment and incontinence.ResultsAfter the simulation sessions, nursing students significantly improved their total scores for both attitudes toward older people and empathy, moreover, improvements were found in the three subscales of empathy. The effect size was large for the total scores of both the attitudes towards older people and the empathy scales and the ‘perspective taking’ subscale. The obtained effect size was small for the ‘compassionate care’ subscale, whereas for the ‘standing in the patient’s shoes’ subscale, the obtained effect size was medium.ConclusionsOur high-fidelity simulation-based training allows undergraduate nursing students to improve their empathy levels and positive attitudes toward older people. The development of these skills may provide benefits directly related to high-quality care for older patients. Therefore, the inclusion of simulation training programs in geriatric nursing study plans is necessary to train nursing students in the care of older people and to prepare them for real clinical practice.  相似文献   

覃湘庸 《护理与康复》2011,10(6):482-483
目的 了解90后护理本科生的共情能力.方法 自行设计问卷对160名护生进行调查.结果 91.9%护生认为除了学习医疗护理知识外还需学习人文社科、伦理等知识,35%护生认为能察言观色、准确辨别他人情绪,18.1%护生认为站在患者角度考虑问题很困难.结论 90后护理本科生的共情能力有待提高.  相似文献   

ObjectivesStudies of empathy among medical students reported an alarming significant decline during medical education. Some authors identified the third year of education as the most problematic one: empathy decreased significantly when the curriculum was shifting to patient-care activities. Scientists have tried to address the means and methods for improving empathy skills (e.g., by improving communication abilities), but investigations on this topic are missing. Based on the Damasio’s hypothesis and scientific studies, we assume that Focusing (i.e., an embodied practice where one attends to a bodily felt sense and uses it to understand the self and situations) would be significantly and positively linked to empathy.MethodAfter their clinical internships, we selected third-year medical students (N = 121) and asked them to complete three questionnaires assessing empathy, Focusing, and social desirability.ResultsBy controlling social desirability, findings confirmed that Focusing (especially the “having access to the felt body” component) was significantly and positively linked with empathy (i.e., Fantasy & Perspective-Taking), and positively predicted Fantasy, Perspective-Taking, and Empathic Concern.ConclusionsThese preliminary results suggest that the felt body plays a role in increasing empathy (mainly on cognitive empathy). Few scientific studies have described constructs that significantly promote cognitive empathy and empathic concern (a deeply anchored trait of empathy), which suggests new avenues of investigation.  相似文献   

目的 探讨护理专业本科生共情现状,并分析其影响因素.方法 应用人际反应指针问卷中文版(IRI-C),对226名本科学生的共情现状进行调查;应用多元逐步回归对共情现状(因变量)和6个可能影响因素(自变量)进行分析.结果 护理本科生IRI-C总分为((55.14±9.73)分.在观点采择中,年级因素进入回归方程,回归系数为...  相似文献   

梁瑞媚 《天津护理》2020,28(6):635-638
目的: 探讨Seminar-CBL联合模式对强化护理本科生人际交往效能感和护患沟通能力的实践效果。方法: 基于《护理人际沟通》课程教学,将147名大三护生随机分为对照组与观察组,对照组按传统的传授式进行教学;观察组则采用Seminar-CBL联合模式,课程结束后比较两组教学效果的差异。结果: 观察组在人际交往效能感、护患沟通能力、课程考核成绩、护生满意率方面均优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论: Seminar-CBL联合模式有助强化护生人际交往效能感和护患沟通能力。  相似文献   

对护理本科生采用探索性临床沟通能力培养方案,通过问卷凋查方式与常规教学培养进行对照分析,结果 显示优于常规教学方法,尤其在护生由浅入深逐步深入学习护患沟通技能,积极参与沟通,发挥中医特色护理在沟通中的优势作用,通过反思日记提高对有效沟通的认识等方面,在提高护生临床沟通能力起着积极作用.
To explore the clinical communication training programs in the nursing students , and compare with conventional teaching. The questionaire showed that the new methods was better than conventional teaching, in particular from the point of the nursing students studied the nurse-patient communication skills progressively and gradually in-depth, took active participation into it, and had Chinese characteristics nursing role in communication, through the reflective diary to raise awareness of effective communication, and promote clinical nursing students improving communication skills.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to explore, describe and illuminate nursing students’ best encounters of caring in the clinical learning environment. Caring for nursing students was emphasized and recommendations provided to enhance caring for nursing students within their clinical learning environment.MethodsQualitative data was collected by the researcher using semi-structured individual interviews and an Appreciative Inquiry (AI) methodology. Ten second year nursing students undertaking the bridging course leading to registration as general nurses in terms of Regulation 683 of the South African Nursing Council (SANC) were purposively sampled from 3 private hospitals within the Western Cape. Data was analysed using Giorgi’s method.ResultsThe main theme included the best and ‘least best’ caring practices embedded in the centrality of the heart. The subthemes comprised of the nursing students’ experiences of caring literacy and caring illiteracy. The second theme included the creation of best caring practices within a conducive clinical learning environment. Within this theme, the subthemes comprised of the caring attributes required in reflecting best caring practices, as well the creation of a clinical learning environment to optimise caring.ConclusionsThe significance and necessity of caring for the nursing student were clearly illustrated and confirmed by participants. Caring was equated to the heart as the core to the nursing students’ being. Recommendations for nursing education, management, practice and research were therefore specifically formulated to enhance caring towards nursing students.  相似文献   

目的探索神经语言程序(NLP)培训法在培养护理本科实习生临床沟通能力中的效果。方法采用方便抽样的方法,选择参加毕业实习的60名本科学生作为研究对象,按随机原则分为实验组和对照组,对照组学生采用常规带教方法进行临床实习;实验组学生在常规带教的基础上实施NLP培训。实习前后采用《护生临床沟通能力测量表》对两组学生的临床沟通能力进行测评。结果实习前两组学生的沟通能力差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);实习后实验组学生沟通能力优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论NLP培训法能有效地改善护理本科生的临床沟通能力。  相似文献   

护理专业学生护理技能岗前培训的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
护理技能岗前培训能使学生扎实地掌握护理专业技能,在临床工作中较快地适应护士角色,提高实习质量.实习前开展规范化的岗前培训已成为护理教学过程中的重要环节[1-2].但是传统的岗前培训往往是护理操作技能的重复训练,针对某项操作教师演示,学生进行反复练习,在练习的过程教师给予指导,最后进行抽签考核.这种训练方法能使学生对单个项目操作技能熟练掌握,但真正接触临床时往往不知所措,缺乏综合分析和解决问题的能力,思维存在一定的局限性,不利于培养学生的综合能力[3].显然传统的培训模式已不能适应现代护理人才的培养目标.近年来,不少护理教育工作者对护理技能岗前培训的模式进行了积极探索,现对其研究进展综述如下,以期为护理专业学生岗前培训的进一步完善和发展提供参考.  相似文献   

目的:了解高护女生的共情现状,探讨共情现状的形成以及提高共情能力的方法.方法:采用整群随机抽样的方法进行团体施测,使用杰弗逊共情量表( JSE - HP)对262名高职护理女生进行测量.结果:非独生子女在观点采择上明显高于独生子女(P<0.05);各年级中大三护生在共情上得分最高,大三护生在情感护理、换位思考及共情方面的评分情况明显高于大一、大二护生(P<0.05);月生活费水平低的护生在情感护理和换位思考上明显高于月生活费水平高的护生(P<0.05).结论:本研究支持共情的自我和他人融合理论.以往经历可以增强共情者的感知相似性,有助于共情者的自我和他人进行融合,促进共情.  相似文献   

目的提高卫生学校护理专业学生的护患沟通能力。方法实施“护理情景实录-反思”法,具体步骤为:记录护理情景,提出问题,在带教老师的指导下,通过讨论与反思,得出最佳的沟通方式建议,指导学生与患者实施有效沟通。结果通过实施“护理情景实录-反思”法,学生沟通能力得到提高,出院患者对实习生满意率由实习初期的67.0%上升到92.0%。结论运用“护理情景实录-反思”法,学生的护患沟通意识与能力明显提高。  相似文献   

目的:探讨在护理技能实训课程中应用SSP对高职护生评判性思维及沟通能力的影响。方法选取2009级两个班级分为实验组和对照组,实验组应用SSP进行护理技能实训,对照组按常规示教-练习模式进行护理技能实训,课程结束后采用评判性思维倾向问卷( CTDI-CV)及沟通能力测试问卷调查。结果实验组护生在评判性思维倾向总分和寻找真相、分析能力、系统化能力、认知成熟度方面的平均分及沟通能力评分上均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义( P<0.05)。结论 SSP可以提高高职护生的评判性思维能力和沟通能力。  相似文献   

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