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Veena G. Billioux Larry W. Chang Steven J. Reynolds Gertrude Nakigozi Joseph Ssekasanvu Mary K. Grabowski Robert Ssekubugu Fred Nalugoda Godfrey Kigozi Joseph Kagaayi David Serwadda Ronald H. Gray Maria J. Wawer 《Journal of the International AIDS Society》2017,20(1)
Introduction : To assess progress towards the UNAIDS 90–90–90 initiative targets, we examined the HIV care cascade in the population‐based Rakai Community Cohort Study (RCCS) in rural Uganda and examined differences between sub‐groups. Methods : Self‐reports and clinical records were used to assess the proportion achieving each stage in the cascade. Statistical inference based on a χ2 test for categorical variables and modified Poisson regression were used to estimate prevalence risk ratios (PRRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for enrolment into care and initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART). Results : From September 2013 through December 2015, 3,666 HIV‐positive participants were identified in the RCCS. As of December 2015, 98% had received HIV Counseling and Testing (HCT), 74% were enrolled in HIV care, and 63% had initiated ART of whom 92% were virally suppressed after 12 months on ART. Engagement in care was lower among men than women (enrolment in care: adjPRR 0.84, 95% CI 0.77–0.91; ART initiation: adjPRR 0.75, 95% CI 0.69–0.82), persons aged 15–24 compared to those aged 30–39 (enrolment: adjPRR 0.72, 95% CI 0.63–0.82; ART: adjPRR 0.69, 95%CI 0.60–0.80), unmarried persons (enrolment: adjPRR 0.84, 95% CI 0.71–0.99; ART adjPRR 0.80, 95% CI 0.66–0.95), and new in‐migrants (enrolment: adjPRR 0.75, 95% CI 0.67–0.83; ART: adjPRR 0.76, 95% CI 0.67–0.85). This cohort achieved 98–65–92 towards the UNAIDS “90–90–90” targets with an estimated 58% of the entire HIV‐positive RCCS population virally suppressed. Conclusions : This cohort achieved over 90% in both HCT and viral suppression among ART users, but only 65% in initiating ART, likely due to both an ART eligibility criterion of <500 CD4 cells/mL and suboptimal entry into care among men, younger individuals, and in‐migrants. Interventions are needed to promote enrolment in HIV care, particular for hard‐to‐reach sub‐populations. 相似文献
Phoebe Kajubi Susan Whyte Simon Muhumuza David Kyaddondo Anne R Katahoire 《Journal of the International AIDS Society》2014,17(1)
Knowledge of antiretroviral therapy (ART) among children with HIV depends on open communication with them about their health and medicines. Guidelines assign responsibility for communication to children''s home caregivers. Other research suggests that communication is poor and knowledge about ART is low among children on treatment in low-income countries. This study sought to describe communication about medicine for HIV in quantitative terms from the perspectives of both children and caregivers. Thereafter, it established the factors associated with this communication and with children''s knowledge about their HIV medicines.Methods
We undertook a cross-sectional survey of a random sample of 394 children with HIV on treatment and their caregivers at nine health facilities in Jinja District, Uganda. We assessed reported frequency and content of communication regarding their medicines as well as knowledge of what the medicines were for. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine the factors associated with communication patterns and children''s knowledge of HIV medicines.Results
Although 79.6% of the caregivers reported that they explained to the children about the medicines, only half (50.8%) of the children said they knew that they were taking medicines for HIV. Older children aged 15–17 years were less likely to communicate with a caregiver about the HIV medicines in the preceding month (OR 0.5, 95% CI 0.3–0.7, p=0.002). Children aged 11–14 years (OR 6.1, 95% CI 2.8–13.7, p<0.001) and 15–17 years (OR 12.6, 95% CI 4.6–34.3, p<0.001) were more likely to know they were taking medicines for HIV compared to the younger ones. The least common reported topic of discussion between children and caregivers was “what the medicines are for” while “the time to take medicines” was by far the most mentioned by children.Conclusions
Communication about, and knowledge of, HIV medicines among children with HIV is low. Young age (less than 15 years) was associated with more frequent communication. Caregivers should be supported to communicate diagnosis and treatment to children with HIV. Age-sensitive guidelines about the nature and content of communication should be developed. 相似文献3.
Kathryn Church Alison Wringe Phelele Fakudze Joshua Kikuvi Dudu Simelane Susannah H Mayhew The Integra Initiative 《Journal of the International AIDS Society》2013,16(1)
Integrating HIV with primary health services has the potential to reduce HIV-related stigma through delivering care in settings disassociated with HIV. This study investigated the relationship between integrated care and felt stigma. The study design was a comparative case study of four models of HIV care in Swaziland, ranging from fully integrated to fully stand-alone HIV care.Methods
An exit survey (N=602) measured differences in felt stigma across model of care; the primary outcome “perception of HIV status exposure through clinic attendance” was analyzed using multivariable logistic regression. In-depth interviews (N=22) explored whether and how measured differences in stigma experiences were related to service integration.Results
There were significant differences in perceived status exposure across models of care. After adjustment for potential confounding between sites, those at a partially integrated site and a partially stand-alone site had greater odds of perceived status exposure than those at the fully stand-alone site (aOR 3.33, 95% CI 1.98–5.60; and aOR 11.84, 95% CI 6.89–20.36, respectively). There was no difference between the fully stand-alone and the fully integrated clinic. Qualitative data suggested that many clients at HIV-only sites felt greater confidentiality knowing that those around them were positive, and support was gained from other HIV care clients. Confidentiality was maintained in various ways, even in stand-alone sites, through separate waiting areas for HIV testing and HIV treatment, and careful clinic and room labelling.Conclusions
The relationship between model of care and stigma was complex, and the hypothesis that stigma is higher at stand-alone sites did not hold true in this high prevalence setting. Policy-makers should ensure that service integration does not increase stigma, in particular within partially integrated models of care. 相似文献5.
Désiré L Dahourou Madeleine Amorissani-Folquet Malik Coulibaly Divine Avit-Edi Nicolas Meda Marguerite Timite-Konan Vic Arendt Diarra Ye Clarisse Amani-Bosse Roger Salamon Philippe Lepage Valériane Leroy for the Monod Anrs Study Group 《Journal of the International AIDS Society》2016,19(1)
The World Health Organization (WHO) 2010 guidelines recommended to treat all HIV-infected children less than two years of age. We described the inclusion process and its correlates of HIV-infected children initiated on early antiretroviral therapy (EART) at less than two years of age in Abidjan, Côte d''Ivoire, and Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.Methods
All children with HIV-1 infection confirmed with a DNA PCR test of a blood sample, aged less than two years, living at a distance less than two hours from the centres and whose parents (or mother if she was the only legal guardian or the legal caregiver if parents were not alive) agreed to participate in the MONOD ANRS 12206 project were included in a cohort to receive EART based on lopinavir/r. We used logistic regression to identify correlates of inclusion.Results
Among the 217 children screened and referred to the MONOD centres, 161 (74%) were included and initiated on EART. The main reasons of non-inclusion were fear of father''s refusal (48%), mortality (24%), false-positive HIV infection test (16%) and other ineligibility reasons (12%). Having previously disclosed the child''s and mother''s HIV status to the father (adjusted odds ratio (aOR): 3.20; 95% confidence interval (95% CI): 1.55 to 6.69) and being older than 12 months (aOR: 2.05; 95% CI: 1.02 to 4.12) were correlates of EART initiation. At EART initiation, the median age was 13.5 months, 70% had reached WHO Stage 3/4 and 57% had a severe immune deficiency.Conclusions
Fear of stigmatization by the father and early competing mortality were the major reasons for missed opportunities of EART initiation. There is an urgent need to involve fathers in the care of their HIV-exposed children and to promote early infant diagnosis to improve their future access to EART and survival. 相似文献6.
Hannah N. Gilbert Monique A. Wyatt Emily E. Pisarski Stephen Asiimwe Heidi van Rooyen Janet Seeley Maryam Shahmanesh Bosco Turyamureeba Alastair van Heerden Oluwafemi Adeagbo Connie L. Celum Ruanne V. Barnabas Norma C. Ware for the Delivery Optimization of Antiretroviral Therapy Study Team 《Journal of the International AIDS Society》2021,24(10)
IntroductionUNAIDS fast track targets for ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 call for viral suppression in 95% of people using antiretroviral therapy (ART) to treat HIV infection. Difficulties in linking to care following a positive HIV test have impeded progress towards meeting treatment targets. Community‐based HIV services may reduce linkage barriers and have been associated with high retention and favourable clinical outcomes. We use qualitative data from The Delivery Optimization of Antiretroviral Therapy (DO ART) Study, a three‐arm randomized trial of community ART initiation, monitoring and re‐supply conducted in western Uganda and KwaZulu‐Natal South Africa, to identify mechanisms through which community ART delivery may improve treatment outcomes, defined as viral suppression in people living with HIV (PLHIV).MethodsWe conducted open‐ended interviews with a purposeful sample of 150 DO ART participants across study arms and study sites, from October 2016 to November 2019. Interviews covered experiences of: (1) HIV testing; (2) initiating and refilling ART; and (3) participating in the DO ART Study. A combined inductive content analytic and thematic approach was used to characterize mechanisms through which community delivery of ART may have contributed to viral suppression in the DO ART trial.ResultsThe analysis yielded four potential mechanisms drawn from qualitative data representing the perspectives and priorities of DO ART participants. Empowering participants to schedule, re‐schedule and select the locations of community‐based visits via easy phone contact with clinical staff is characterized as flexibility. Integration refers to combining the components of clinic‐based visits into single interaction with a healthcare provider. Providers” willingness to talk at length with participants during visits, addressing non‐HIV as well as HIV‐related concerns, is termed “a slower pace”. Finally, increased efficiency denotes the time savings and increased income‐generating opportunities for participants brought about by delivering services in the community.ConclusionsUnderstanding the mechanisms through which HIV service delivery innovations produce an effect is key to transferability and potential scale‐up. The perspectives and priorities of PLHIV can indicate actionable changes for HIV care programs that may increase engagement in care and improve treatment outcomes. 相似文献
The HIV response has long recognized that certain “key populations” such as individuals in detention, adolescent girls and young women, sex workers, people who use drugs, LGBTQ individuals, migrants and others face higher barriers to access to, uptake of, and retention in HIV prevention and treatment services. One approach to addressing these barriers is the training of community paralegals to advocate for the rights of individuals and to address discrimination in health settings.Discussion
Community paralegal programmes have been able to successfully address rights violations that impact access to health services and underlying determinants of health across a range of countries and populations, focusing upon issues such as discrimination and the denial of health services; unlawful detention of outreach workers, sex workers, persons who use drugs and men who have sex with men; and harmful traditional practices and gender-based violence. In addition to resolving specific cases, evaluations of paralegal programmes have found that these programmes increased legal literacy among key populations at risk of HIV and increased understanding of human rights among healthcare providers, resulting in improved access to HIV services. Some evaluations have noted challenges related to the sustainability of paralegal programmes similar to those raised with community health worker programmes more broadly.Conclusions
To achieve global HIV goals, funding for legal literacy and paralegal programmes should be increased and interventions should be rigorously evaluated. Efforts should target discrimination in access to HIV prevention and treatment and criminalization of key populations, two key barriers to ensuring access to HIV prevention and treatment services. 相似文献8.
Rankin SL Hughes-Anderson W House AK Heath DI Aitken RJ House J 《ANZ journal of surgery》2001,71(9):544-547
Introduction : Access to surgical specialist services by rural and remote residents in Australia is limited. Little information is available on the cost to rural residents of accessing specialist treatment. The aim of the present study was to define the personal costs incurred by country patients in Western Australia when accessing specialist surgical services in a rural or metropolitan setting. Methods : A random sample of 50 patients who attended a visiting rural surgical service between December 1998 and February 1999 inclusive was recruited. In a structured telephone interview patients were asked 40 non‐clinical questions relating to their recent specialist consultation. The cost of accessing these services was determined from time lost from work, distance and travel expenses. The same formula was then applied to estimate the cost of attending a base metropolitan hospital. The need for an accompanying person was determined from a subset of 16 patients who had transferred to metropolitan specialist consultation in the previous 12 months. Average waiting list times for consultations and common surgical procedures for the visiting service were compared with those for a metropolitan‐based service. Results : An estimated saving of AU$1077 was made per specialist consultation when accessing a local rather than a metropolitan service. Savings were observed in travel time, distance travelled, lost income, provision of an escort and waiting time. Conclusion : The present study shows that the personal costs and difficulties incurred by rural and remote residents when accessing specialist treatment can be reduced if a visiting specialist service is available. 相似文献
Elvis D. Chem Alissa Ferry Janet Seeley Helen A. Weiss Victoria Simms 《Journal of the International AIDS Society》2022,25(8)
IntroductionAdolescents living with HIV (ALHIV) on antiretroviral therapy (ART) have specific health needs that can be challenging to deliver. Sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA) is home to 84% of the global population of ALHIV, of whom about 59% receive ART. Several studies in SSA have demonstrated health service gaps due to lack of synchronized healthcare for ALHIV receiving ART. We conducted a systematic review of health‐related needs among ALHIV on ART in SSA to inform decisions and policies on care.MethodsWe searched MEDLINE, Web of Science, EMBASE, PsycINFO, Cochrane library and grey literature for studies reporting health‐related needs among ALHIV receiving ART in SSA, between January 2003 and May 2020.Results and discussionOf the 2333 potentially eligible articles identified, 32 were eligible. Eligible studies were published between 2008 and 2019, in 11 countries: Zambia (7), Uganda (6), Tanzania (4), South Africa (4), Kenya (3), Ghana (2), Zimbabwe (2), Rwanda (1), Malawi (1), Botswana (1) and Democratic Republic of Congo (1). Seven categories of health needs among ALHIV were identified. In descending order of occurrence, these were: psychosocial needs (stigma reduction, disclosure and privacy support, and difficulty accepting diagnosis); dependency of care (need for family and provider support, and desire for autonomy); self‐management needs (desire for better coping strategies, medication adherence support and reduced ART side effects); non‐responsive health services (non‐adolescent friendly facility services and non‐compatible school system); need for food, financial and material support; inadequate information about HIV (desire for more knowledge to fight misinformation and misconception); and developmental and growth needs (desire to experience sex, parenthood and love). Ecological analysis identified different priority needs between ALHIV, their caregivers and healthcare providers, including psychosocial needs, financial challenges and non‐responsive health services, respectively.ConclusionsTo respond effectively to the health needs of ALHIV and improve ART adherence, interventions should focus on stigma reduction, disclosure challenges and innovative coping mechanisms for ART. Interventions that address the health needs of ALHIV from the perspective of carers and providers, such as financial support schemes and adolescent‐friendly healthcare strategies, should supplement efforts to improve adolescent ART adherence outcomes. 相似文献
Carmen H. Logie Moses Okumu Isha Berry Robert Hakiza Stefan D. Baral Daniel Kibuuka Musoke Aidah Nakitende Simon Mwima Peter Kyambadde Miranda Loutet Shamilah Batte Richard Lester Stella Neema Katie Newby Lawrence Mbuagbaw 《Journal of the International AIDS Society》2023,26(10):e26185
Urban refugee youth remain underserved by current HIV prevention strategies, including HIV self-testing (HIVST). Examining HIVST feasibility with refugees can inform tailored HIV testing strategies. We examined if HIVST and mobile health (mHealth) delivery approaches could increase HIV testing uptake and HIV status knowledge among refugee youth in Kampala, Uganda.Methods
We conducted a three-arm pragmatic controlled trial across five informal settlements grouped into three sites in Kampala from 2020 to 2021 with peer-recruited refugee youth aged 16–24 years. The intervention was HIVST and HIVST + mHealth (HIVST with bidirectional SMS), compared with standard of care (SOC). Primary outcomes were self-reported HIV testing uptake and correct status knowledge verified by point-of-care testing. Some secondary outcomes included: depression, HIV-related stigma, and adolescent sexual and reproductive health (SRH) stigma at three time points (baseline [T0], 8 months [T1] and 12 months [T2]). We used generalized estimating equation regression models to estimate crude and adjusted odds ratios comparing arms over time, adjusting for age, gender and baseline imbalances. We assessed study pragmatism across PRECIS-2 dimensions.Results
We enrolled 450 participants (50.7% cisgender men, 48.7% cisgender women, 0.7% transgender women; mean age: 20.0, standard deviation: 2.4) across three sites. Self-reported HIV testing uptake increased significantly from T0 to T1 in intervention arms: HIVST arm: (27.6% [n = 43] at T0 vs. 91.2% [n = 135] at T1; HIVST + mHealth: 30.9% [n = 47] at T0 vs. 94.2% [n = 113] at T1]) compared with SOC (35.5% [n = 50] at T0 vs. 24.8% [ = 27] at T1) and remained significantly higher than SOC at T2 (p<0.001). HIV status knowledge in intervention arms (HIVST arm: 100% [n = 121], HIVST + mHealth arm: 97.9% [n = 95]) was significantly higher than SOC (61.5% [n = 59]) at T2. There were modest changes in secondary outcomes in intervention arms, including decreased depression alongside increased HIV-related stigma and adolescent SRH stigma. The trial employed both pragmatic (eligibility criteria, setting, organization, outcome, analysis) and explanatory approaches (recruitment path, flexibility of delivery flexibility, adherence flexibility, follow-up).Conclusions
Offering HIVST is a promising approach to increase HIV testing uptake among urban refugee youth in Kampala. We share lessons learned to inform future youth-focused HIVST trials in urban humanitarian settings. 相似文献16.
近年来,地理信息系统(GIS)因其将空间数据信息(地图)及社会属性信息(数据库)有效结合起来,对其他学科发展产生深远的影响.应用GIS研究乳腺癌的流行病学,可以分析影响乳腺癌分布的各种因素,明确其空间分布和时窄趋势,并进行空间聚类分析,重建历史暴露现场,监测居住环境与乳腺癌的关系,并以此帮助决策者进行针对性的卫生决策.本文就应用GIS对乳腺癌的研究进展做一讨论. 相似文献
Sabha Ganai M.D. Jane L. Garb M.S. Prathima Kanumuri M.D. Roshni S. Rao M.D. Albert I. Alexander M.D. Richard B. Wait M.D. Ph.D. 《Journal of gastrointestinal surgery》2006,10(1):22-31
Transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) is a technically challenging procedure hindered by rectal anatomic constraints. To
study the relationship of lesion position with performance of TEM, a novel approach of spatial analysis using Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) was developed. A retrospective review was conducted on 144 consecutive TEMs, analyzing clinical, pathologic,
and positional characteristics. Two- and three-dimensional maps of rectal topology were developed. GIS was used for spatial
analysis, accounting for regional position and clustering of lesions. Lesions were located at a mean distance of 9.3 ± 4.9
(SD) cm from the dentate line, with an average size of 3.1 ± 1.4 cm. Proximal regions were associated with prolonged operative
time. Regions between the rectosigmoid junction and the peritoneal reflection were associated with peritoneal breach. In spatial
regression analysis, regional characteristics that were significantly associated with operative time included distance, presence
of cancers, and positive margins; peritoneal breach was significantly associated with lesion size and location; conversions
were associated with distance (P < 0.05). Specific knowledge of lesion size and location in the context of anatomic relationships
is important for optimizing operative intervention. GIS provides a valuable tool in organizing spatial information and can
be extended into clinical research topics involving the distinction of anatomic relationships.
Presented at the Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting of The Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, Chicago, Illinois, May 14–18,
2005 (poster presentation). 相似文献
Angela Cescon Sophie Patterson Colin Davey Erin Ding Janet M Raboud Keith Chan Mona R Loutfy Curtis Cooper Ann N Burchell Alexis K Palmer Christos Tsoukas Nima Machouf Marina B Klein Sean B Rourke Anita Rachlis Robert S Hogg Julio SG Montaner the CANOC Collaboration 《Journal of the International AIDS Society》2015,18(1)
Combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) significantly decreases morbidity, mortality and HIV transmission. We aimed to characterize the timing of ART initiation based on CD4 cell count from 2000 to 2012 and identify factors associated with late initiation of treatment.Methods
Participants from the Canadian Observational Cohort (CANOC), a multi-site cohort of HIV-positive adults initiating ART naively after 1 January 2000, in three Canadian provinces (British Columbia, Ontario and Québec) were included. Late initiation was defined as a CD4 count <200 cells/mm3 or an AIDS-defining illness before ART initiation (baseline). Temporal trends were assessed using the Cochran–Armitage test, and independent correlates of late initiation were identified using logistic regression.Results
In total, 8942 participants (18% female) of median age 40 years (Q1–Q3 33–47) were included. The median baseline CD4 count increased from 190 cells/mm3 (Q1–Q3 80–320) in 2000 to 360 cells/mm3 (Q1–Q3 220–490) in 2012 (p<0.001). Overall, 4274 participants (48%) initiated ART with a CD4 count <200 cells/mm3 or AIDS-defining illness. Late initiation was more common among women, non-MSM, older individuals, participants from Ontario and BC (vs. Québec), persons with injection drug use (IDU) history and individuals starting ART in earlier calendar years. In sub-analysis exploring recent (2008 to 2012) predictors using an updated CD4 criterion (<350 cells/mm3), IDU and residence in BC (vs. Québec) were no longer significant correlates of late initiation.Conclusions
This analysis documents increasing baseline CD4 counts over time among Canadians initiating ART. However, CD4 counts at ART initiation remain below contemporary treatment guidelines, highlighting the need for strategies to improve earlier engagement in HIV care. 相似文献19.
Bruce A Larson Margaret Bii Sarah Henly-Thomas Kelly McCoy Fredrick Sawe Douglas Shaffer Sydney Rosen 《Journal of the International AIDS Society》2013,16(1)