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1例婴儿活体肝移植术的手术配合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王莺  陈玲红 《护理学杂志》2002,17(3):240-240,F003
目前活体肝部分移植已成为挽救儿童终末期肝病行之有效的手段 [1] 。我院于 2 0 0 1年 6月成功实施1例婴儿活体肝部分移植术 ,术后患儿恢复良好。现将手术配合报告如下。1 病例介绍男 ,8个月 ,体重 7.5 kg。皮肤黄染 8个月 ,因先天性胆道闭锁 ,5个月时行肝管空肠内引流术。术后黄疸一度有所缓解 ,但不久即出现反复发热 ,黄疸加重 ,确诊为胆管炎合并胆汁性肝硬化 ,已严重影响患儿的生长发育及生存质量。供体为患儿母亲 ,30岁 ,体重 5 0 kg,身体健康。自愿捐献肝脏并被详细告知手术的危险性。手术分两组同时进行 ,一组为供肝切取组 ,另一组为…  相似文献   

儿童亲属活体肝移植的麻醉处理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 总结儿童亲属活体肝移植的麻醉处理。方法 回顾11例肝豆状核变性患儿行亲属活体肝移植手术的麻醉处理过程,对一些重要生理指标如血压、心率、中心静脉压、体温、激活凝血酶原时间、血糖、血钾和血浆乳酸浓度进行分析。结果 术中,尤其是在无肝早期及新肝早期,血液动力学波动较大,体温在无肝后期及新肝期有不同程度下降,凝血功能随着手术的进行有一定程度的恶化,血浆乳酸水平在手术后期明显增高。11例患儿均健康生存,其中1例是于术后因肝动脉血栓形成而行再次异体肝移植术取得成功。结论 儿童亲属活体肝移植术中多项生理指标发生明显变化,加强各生理指标的监测、及时纠正循环和代谢紊乱是保证手术成功的关键。  相似文献   

目的 探讨婴幼儿亲属活体部分供肝肝移植中的供、受者的安全性.方法 2006年9月至2009年11月,行婴幼儿亲属活体部分供肝肝移植者8例,受者原发病均为先天性胆道闭锁.供者术前常规行三维CT观察和计算全肝及肝叶(段)体积及形状,磁共振胰胆管造影术(MRCP)了解胆道情况.根据婴幼儿受者腹腔容积切取合适肝叶(段)行肝移植术.受者术后给予抗排斥反应和预防感染等治疗;供者术后给予保肝和抑酸治疗.分析供、受者术前、术中及术后情况.结果 8对供、受者手术均获成功.6例供肝为左外侧叶,1例为S3肝段,1例为减体积S3肝段,供肝重量为(235.9±53.6)g(148~302 g),供肝重量与受者体重比(GW/RW)为(2.65±0.48)%(2.11%~3.36%).对供、受者随访3~40个月(中位数18个月),8例供者均存活,发生并发症2例(25%).8例受者中,死亡1例(12.5%),其他受者发生并发症13例次.结论 术前对供、受者行精确评估,切取合适供肝行肝移植术,术中精细操作,术后精心治疗可最大程度保证供、受者的安全.  相似文献   

我院于 2 0 0 2年 6月 4日施行了亲属活体供肝移植 1例。供者为男性 ,6 4岁 ,体重 5 0kg ,系受者的亲父 ,无肝炎病史 ,术前各项检查均在正常范围 ,血型为O型。受者为男性 ,30岁 ,体重 5 5kg ,因急性暴发性肝功能衰竭入我院传染科。入院时神志模糊、烦躁 ,有明显扑翼样振颤 ,肝浊音界缩小。每日予以护肝治疗和混合型人工肝支持治疗。血型为O型。供者术前先行肝动脉造影 ,以了解肝动脉情况。全身麻醉 ,取右肋缘下切口进腹 ,先经胆囊管行术中胆道造影。游离肝脏 ,解剖第一、二、三肝门 ,分别游离出肝右动脉、门静脉右支、胆管右支以及肝右静脉…  相似文献   

活体肝移植外科处理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
活体肝移植的最初设想是应用于由于不能及时获得尸体供肝的儿童病人。世界上首次报道活体肝移植是巴西Raia等〔1〕,他们共做 2例 ,2例供体术后完全康复 ,但是 2例受体均于术后 1个月内死亡。以后澳大利亚的RusseeStrong教授等〔2〕、北美的ChristopherBroelsch教授等〔3〕先后报道了成功的活体肝移植。为了缓和脑死亡供体缺乏的矛盾 ,目前活体肝移植已被广泛应用于治疗儿童和成人的终末期肝病病人。香港大学玛丽医院自 1993年 9月至 1999年 6月共行活体肝移植 4 0例 ,其中儿童 15例 (14例使用左外侧叶 ,…  相似文献   

肝中静脉在活体肝移植中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过对肝中静脉的解剖、在活体肝移植手术时供体和受体的肝中静脉的取舍、肝中静脉属支的重建与否的描述,以了解肝中静脉在活体肝移植的重要地位。  相似文献   

目的了解婴幼儿活体肝移植术中血糖异常情况、血糖变化趋势及波动幅度并分析其影响因素。方法回顾性分析活体肝移植手术婴幼儿196例,收集其一般资料及麻醉诱导后即刻、无肝期前5min、无肝期15min、新肝期15min、新肝期1h、新肝期2h、新肝期3h7个时间点的动脉血气血糖值,分析各个时间点异常血糖发生情况,绘制血糖波动曲线,计算血糖波动幅度。结果患儿低血糖发生的主要时段在麻醉诱导后即刻(81.6%)、无肝期前5min(68.4%)和无肝期15min(85.2%),高血糖发生的主要时段在新肝期15min(37.2%)和新肝期1h时(47.4%);患儿术中血糖波动1.70~17.90(6.66±3.12)mmol/L;多元线性回归显示,患儿体质量是其术中血糖波动的影响因素(P0.05)。结论婴幼儿活体肝移植术中血糖异常发生频率高,血糖波动幅度大。手术室护理人员应对肝移植患儿进行及时评估,对于体质量较轻的患儿在无肝期和新肝期等血糖波动高危时段加强术中血糖监测和管理,减少术中血糖波动。  相似文献   

目的 分析胆道闭锁婴儿亲属活体肝移植术后空肠穿孔的原因,总结治疗经验.方法 胆道闭锁婴儿行亲属活体肝移植者28例,术后应用环孢素A、糖皮质激素预防排斥反应,部分患儿加用吗替麦考酚酯.结果28例中4例(14.3%)发生空肠穿孔,共发生7次,发生时间平均为术后11 d(8~13 d).4例的穿孔部位均在空肠,其中3例在肠吻合口丝线缝合线脚处,1例在肠袢臂固定丝线线头处.肠吻合口丝线缝合线脚处穿孔的3例经丝线缝合修补穿孔后,其中2例(67%)再次出现穿孔,用prolene线修补后愈合.无患儿因空肠穿孔而死亡.结论 胆道闭锁婴儿行亲属活体肝移植后发生空肠穿孔可能与用丝线吻合肠道有关,可换用Prolene线吻合肠道或修补穿孔.早期诊断和早期剖腹探查对空肠穿孔的治疗至关重要.
Objective To investigate the cause of jejunum perforation after infantile livingrelated liver transplantation (ILRLT) and summarize the experience of treatment. Methods The clinical data of 28 infants with biliary atresia who underwent ILRLT were analyzed and 4 of 28 infantile recipients (14. 3%) developed jejunum perforation after ILDLT. Results Four patients had 7 episodes of jejunum perforation after transplantation among 28 infantile recipients who underwent ILRLT because of biliary atresia. The median time between transplantation and perforation was 11 days.Perforation occurred at the point of silk in jejunum stoma (n = 3) and the Roux-en-Y limb (n = 1 ).None had a history of prior operation including Kasai in 4 patients. Clinical manifestation included fever, increased heart rate, abdominal distention, leukocytosis, and no free air on abdominal roentgenograrns. A simple repair was performed in three infants with silk: two developed recurrent perforation (67%) and underwent a re-exploration,and another had a third perforation and underwent a third repair because of re-perforation. Another child underwent a simple repair with prolene, and there was no recurrence. None died from the perforation in our study. Conclusion The occurrence and location of jejunum perforation after ILDLT suggests that the cause of the perforation is related to the jejunal anastomosis with silk, and the jejunum perforation may be avoided in the jejunal anastomosis with prolene. Early diagnosis and exploration may ensure better survival.  相似文献   

活体肝移植中肝中静脉的分配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文描述了肝中静脉的解剖结构,以及在活体肝移植供、受体手术中肝中静脉分配的解剖学基础。  相似文献   

目的观察非静脉-静脉转流原位肝移植术患者术中全身氧代谢变化。方法23例接受非静脉-静脉转流原位肝移植的终末期肝病患者,全麻诱导用咪唑安定、依托咪酯、芬太尼和阿曲库铵,以异氟醚、丙泊酚、阿曲库铵、间断静注芬太尼维持麻醉,通过左侧桡动脉置动脉导管和右颈内静脉置Swan-Ganz导管。分别在麻醉后手术开始前(T1)、无肝期前10min(T2)、无肝期30min(T3)、新肝期30min(T4)及术毕(T5)采动脉血和混合静脉血,监测和计算以上各时点的SaO2、PaO2、SV-O2、心脏指数(CI)、氧供(DO2)、氧耗(VO2)和氧摄取率(ERO2)。结果与T1时相比,T2时S-VO2增加(P<0.05),DO2和VO2无明显变化,而ERO2下降。在T3时DO2和VO2下降明显(P<0.01),而ERO2则提高(P<0.05)。在T4时DO2、VO2和ERO2恢复至T1水平。至术毕时与无肝期无明显变化。结论非静脉-静脉转流下经典原位肝移植术患者术中氧代谢存在严重异常,以无肝期最为严重,氧供和氧耗明显下降,氧摄取率增加。  相似文献   

活体肝部分移植术供肝的处理   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 探讨活体肝移植术供肝的处理方法。方法 以日本京都大学经治的9例活体肝部分移植供者为对象,对供肝的灌洗时机、方法和供肝的修整及保存等方面进行观察。结果 9例供肝顺利切取,肝切除量平均占全肝的20% ̄29%,受肝者存活良好。结论 供肝的灌洗时机、方法和供肝的修整及保存都是活体体肝部分移植术中应重视的问题。  相似文献   

Abstract FK 506 (Tacrolimus) was used with steroids to treat 61 pediatric patients who received living related partial liver transplantation. Fifty-two recipients survived and 9 died between 6 months and 3 years after transplantation. In the surviving patients, oral doses of Tacrolimus were tapered from 0.298 ± 0.277 mg/kg daily at 1 month after transplantation to 0.078 ± 0.054 at 24 months after transplantation. The 12 h trough levels of Tacrolimus were 12.6 ± 7.1 ng/ml and 4.1 ± 2.4 at 1 and 24 months after transplantation, respectively. The percentage of recipients free from steroids was 77%, 97%, and 94% at 6, 12, and 24 months after transplantation, respectively. Liver allograft rejection was encountered in seven recipients, five of whom were treated by steroid pulse therapy and a dose increase of Tacrolimus; the remaining two required OKT3. However, there was no episode of rejection that required retransplantation. Infectious complications encountered in 34 patients included 12 bacterial, 3 fungal, and 19 viral infections. Two recipients died one of fungal pneumonia and one of Epstein-Barr virus-associated lymphoproliferative disorder. Regarding adverse reactions of Tacrolimus, hypertension was observed in 28 patients, diabetes mellitus in 3, pancreatitis in 3, convulsion in 1, tremor in 12, itching in 5, and pigmentation in the oral mucosa in 2. Slightly increased values of creatinine were observed in most of the patients; however, an abnormal increase of serum of serum creatinine (> 1.0 mg/dl) was confined to the complicated cases. Improvement of somatic growth was observed in 21 patients (62%) and 13 (75%) at 12 and 24 months after transplantation, respectively. The long-term use of Tacrolimus is highly effective in terms of its immunosuppressive potential and reduced adverse reaction. Steady growth development can be expected in pediatric recipients free from steroids.  相似文献   

原位活体部分肝移植五例报告   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
目的:总结活体肝移植的临床经验与教训。方法:对5例原位活体部分肝移植的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:5名供者术后均顺利康复;5例患者手术顺利,4例原发病为肝豆状核变性者术后健康存活,现已分别存活21周,15周,12周及2周;1例肝癌患者移植术后12d死于心律紊乱,心跳骤停;术后并发症以血管并发症,胆道并发症,细菌及病毒感染和肺部并发症为主。结论:原位活体部分肝移植手术过程复杂,技术要求高,难度大;具有其它类型肝移植无法比似的优越性。  相似文献   

Graft oxygenation plays an important role in successful liver transplantation. Intraoperative changes in the oxygenation state of the liver graft were measured by near infrared spectroscopy in 28 cases of living related liver transplantation. Oxygen saturation of hemoglobin in the liver (hepatic SO2) changed from 81.2%±1.5% (mean±SEM) before donation (in the donor) to 49.7%±4.2% after portal reflow, to 58.4%±5.0% after arterial reflow, and then to 71.4%±3.9% before closure. Mean hepatic SO2 was positively correlated with portal flow rate as measured by duplex Doppler sonography. Cases with low portal flow rate showed a high coefficient of variation (SD/mean) of hepatic SO2, indicating heterogeneous tissue oxygenation. Though graft size was expected to affect the graft oxygenation state, hepatic SO2 was fairly independent of the graft-to-recipient weight ratio. In two cases with markedly low hepatic SO2, postoperative graft dysfunction occurred. This study suggest that the method of near infrared spectroscopy is reliable and useful for assessing the graft oxygenation state in liver transplantation.  相似文献   

Because of the shortage of cadaveric donors, three techniques of partial liver grarting have been developed. These techniques are placed in perspective in relation to the organ shortage. Reduced size liver transplantation (RSLTx) is widely used and has results comparable to those from whole liver grafting. However, this technique, while benefitting pediatric patients, reduces the adult donor liver pool. It also makes inefficient use of an available adult donor liver. In split liver transplantation (SPLTx), the whole liver is used after bipartition for two recipients. The results are comparable to those of RSLTx. The problem with SPLTx is that it is a very demanding technique applied only in centers with extensive experience with liver resection and reduction. Living related liver transplantation (LRLTx) yields excellent results; however, it places an otherwise healthy person at risk. It is argued that instead of performing risky operations on healthy persons, the health authorities should take specific measures to alleviate the organ shortage. In the meantime, SPLTx should be developed further because of its optimal use of donor tissue. As for LRLTx, its excellent results and the present shortage of size-matched pediatric liver donors justify its use, at least for now.  相似文献   

目的 观察右美托咪定对亲体肝移植术婴儿术后肺损伤的影响.方法 选择2019—2020年行择期亲体肝移植患儿120例,男56例,女64例,年龄4~12个月,ASAⅡ或Ⅲ级.采用随机数字表法将患儿分为两组:右美托咪定组(D组)和对照组(C组),每组60例.D组于麻醉诱导后静脉输注负荷剂量右美托咪定1μg/kg,持续泵注10...  相似文献   

A 14-year-old boy with congenital biliary atresia underwent living related liver transplantation. Because of anatomic variation in donor hepatic vein, there were small and double orifices of hepatic veins in the harvested left hemiliver graft. To minimize the risk of outflow block after reperfusion, the recipient’s native hepatic vein was used as an autologous patch for hepatic vein reconstruction. After 3 years of follow-up, the patient is alive and well with normal liver function. Follow-up duplex ultrasound scan showed adequate hepatic vein outflow without signs of late obstruction. The new technique of the autologous vascular patch grafting for successful hepatic vein reconstruction is described.  相似文献   

目的 探讨原位肝移植术后感染的特点及其易感因素,提高肝移植术后感染的诊治水平。方法 对250例原位肝移植术后感染患者的资料进行了回顾性分析,以术前、术中及术后主要的临床和实验室指标作为观察对象,分析感染组和非感染组间的差别。结果 250例原位肝移植患者术后发生感染的共163例,感染率为65.2%。最常见感染部位依次为血液、泌尿道和呼吸道。单个部位感染91例,两个部位感染45例,多个部位感染共27例。最常见为细菌感染,约89.6% (146/163),其中单一细菌感染62例,两种细菌感染27例,多种细菌同时感染19例。其次为真菌感染,占27.0%(44/163),44例中38例患者同时伴有细菌感染。病毒感染6.7%(11/163)。大部分感染均发生在围手术期内。Logistic回归分析表明肝移植患者年龄大于60岁、术前肝功能Child-Pugh C级、手术时间、术中输血总最〉1000ml、术后胸水、重症监护室(ICU)住院天数是术后感染的独立危险因素。结论 原位肝移植术后感染率高,多部位、多种病原菌的混合感染以及多重耐药菌日益增多。应重视对感染易感因素的控制,降低移植术后感染的发生率。  相似文献   

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