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The specific characteristics of cardiovascular (CV) disease in women are discussed, emphasizing that coronary heart disease (CHD) is the major health problem in women but, overall, women are still less likely to die of CHD than men. This is clarified by the fact that women under age 75 are more likely to die from a myocardial infarction when one occurs and that CHD, when it is present, is especially malignant in women under the age of 50. Separate from risk are the issues of prevention and treatment. The latest in prevention with aggressive treatment of cholesterol especially is emphasized and discussed. Regardless of gender, the guidelines for low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol lowering have become more and more intensive with benefit accruing to the patient with high CV risk of either sex at levels of LDL cholesterol below 70 mg/dl. Inflammatory risk factors as well as homocysteine and lipoprotein (a) have been shown to make a difference and their control has assumed increased importance. There are now multiple therapeutic options for attaining blood lipid goals and the major therapeutic options are discussed. Statins are still primary in controlling LDL cholesterol but numerous other medications contribute secondary additional benefits or are primary because of specific metabolic problems such as the metabolic syndrome and hypertriglyceridemia. When CHD is established or the risk for CHD is high, it is essential to treat aggressively all major risk factors: hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, cigarette smoking, diabetes mellitus, and metabolic syndrome. Such management delays development of clinical CHD and saves lives.  相似文献   

心血管疾病作为目前危害人类健康和生命的常见病与多发病,受到广泛关注。长期暴露于具有某种危险因素的饮食模式,会加大心血管疾病的发生概率。合理的饮食习惯对保护心血管的健康、预防心血管的发病及阻止病程进展都有帮助。现结合当前文献,综述饮食对心血管疾病的预防和保护,对各种有利于心血管疾病防治的饮食进行阐述。  相似文献   

Recent population studies demonstrate an increasing burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and related risk factors in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The mitigation or reversal of this trend calls for effective health promotion and preventive interventions. In this article, we review the core principles, challenges, and progress in promoting cardiovascular health with special emphasis on interventions to address physical inactivity, poor diet, tobacco use, and adverse cardiometabolic risk factor trends in SSA. We focus on the five essential strategies of the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. Successes highlighted include community-based interventions in Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, and Mauritius and school-based programs in Kenya, Namibia, and Swaziland. We address the major challenge of developing integrated interventions, and showcase partnerships opportunities. We conclude by calling for intersectoral partnerships for effective and sustainable intervention strategies to advance cardiovascular health promotion and close the implementation gap in accordance with the 2009 Nairobi Call to Action on Health Promotion.  相似文献   


Purpose of Review

Cardiovascular diseases account for nearly one third of all deaths globally. Improving exercise capacity and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) has been an important target to reduce cardiovascular events. In addition, the American Heart Association defined decreased physical activity as the fourth risk factor for coronary artery disease. Multiple large cohort studies have evaluated the impact of CRF on outcomes. In this review, we will discuss the role of CRF in reducing cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.

Recent Findings

Recent data suggest that CRF has an important role in reducing not only cardiovascular and all-cause mortality, but also incident myocardial infarction, hypertension, diabetes, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, and stroke. Most recently, its role in cancer prevention started to emerge. CRF protective effects have also been seen in patients with prior comorbidities like prior coronary artery disease, heart failure, depression, end-stage renal disease, and stroke.


The prognostic value of CRF has been demonstrated in various patient populations and cardiovascular conditions. Higher CRF is associated with improved survival and decreased incidence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and other comorbidities including hypertension, diabetes, heart failure, and atrial fibrillation.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is common in older adults. CVD is a significant cause of both death and disability in old age. Though the prevention and treatment of CVD have been extensively studied, historically older adults and especially those older than 75 years have been underrepresented in clinical investigations designed to determine the best way to prevent or treat CVD. As a result, geriatrics clinicians frequently need to decide which interventions to recommend for their patients by extrapolation from existing data, which may or may not be applicable to the patients they are caring for. This narrative review summarizes existing data regarding the prevention of three common CVDs in older adults: stroke, coronary artery disease, and peripheral artery disease. Special emphasis is given to the prevention of CVD in those aged 75 years or older. J Am Geriatr Soc 68:1098–1106, 2020  相似文献   

Abstract. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death, morbidity and disability in older people. Strategies for cardiovascular disease prevention and intervention in older people are similar to those available for younger ages. The population strategy for primary prevention is broad ranging from food and tobacco policy legislation and media communication to simple and direct advice delivered by all health workers. High risk strategies for reducing elevated levels of the major cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension and hypercholesterolemia in older populations indicate that gains in life expectancy are greatest where absolute risk is highest and the intervention is the cheapest available. Non-pharmacological treatment, in particular dietary therapy, is recommended as the first line of treatment for both raised blood pressure and blood cholesterol. Because of the high excess mortality associated with smoking, even a brief advice package associated with modest success is cost effective in older people. Health policy for older people should be directed towards the overall goal of maintenance of autonomy and should include prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of cardiovascular disease as part of a comprehensive program for the prevention and control of all diseases.  相似文献   

Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is extremely common in older adults and the potential benefits of secondary prevention are perhaps greater in this population than in younger patients. While there is good evidence that secondary prevention efforts are justified in patients up to 80 years of age, limited data are available on secondary prevention in octogenarians and there is no evidence to guide treatment in patients ≥ 90 years of age. Further, the value of secondary prevention may be confounded by prevalent comorbidities, polypharmacy, and limited life expectancy. It is therefore essential that all management decisions be made in relation to individual preferences and goals of care, with understanding by patients that benefits as well as risks may increase with age. Furthermore, research is needed to refine markers to better delineate which older adults are most likely to benefit from preventive therapies.  相似文献   

Major dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids are fish containing eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), as well as nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils containing α-linolenic acid (ALA). Omega-3 fatty acids, especially those derived from marine sources, may be a useful tool for the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Omega-3s exert their cardioprotective effects through multiple mechanisms, including reducing arrhythmias and altering production of prostaglandins, which reduces inflammation and improves platelet and endothelial function. To date, no serious adverse effects of omega-3s have been identified, despite extensive study. In adults, any potential harm from mercury exposure from consuming fish rich in omega-3s is outweighed by the proven cardiovascular benefits of eating fish. Concerns over increased bleeding complications have not materialized despite the increased concomitant use of aspirin and clopidogrel. We recommend one serving (200–400 g) of fatty fish two times per week and a diet that includes foods rich in ALA for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. We recommend one serving (200–400 g) of fatty fish or a fish oil supplement containing 900 mg of EPA + DHA every day and a diet rich in ALA for patients with known cardiovascular disease or congestive heart failure.  相似文献   

OPINION STATEMENT: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with a large burden of cardiovascular risk factors ultimately leading to increased cardiovascular events and mortality. Prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in CKD involves early identification of individuals at high-risk of renal disease. In fact, substantial evidence points to a complex bidirectional relationship between CKD and CVD. Therefore, most interventions directed at CKD prevention should include multiple risk factor interventions with the goal of preventing CVD events while slowing progression of CKD. Clearly, prevention of CVD in CKD is a complex task and requires a multidisciplinary team approach, with a well-defined program, rational targets for each risk factor, and implementation of the most effective intervention strategies. Although several interventions to prevent CVD have proven effective in the general population and in individuals at high risk for CVD, a true benefit in patients with CKD remains to be demonstrated for several of them. A few rational targets of intervention should be optimal blood pressure control, reduction of proteinuria, treatment of dyslipidemia, good control of diabetes, smoking cessation, dietary salt restriction, achievement of normal body mass index, partial correction of anemia, and management of mineral metabolism abnormalities. Lifestyle modification and pharmacological therapy with renin-angiotensin blockers, β-blockers, diuretics, statins, and aspirin should be encouraged in the early stages of CKD.  相似文献   

Cardiac troponin has been well described as the preferred biomarker for diagnosis of myocardial infarction due to the high sensitivity and specificity for myocardial injury. Numerous other conditions apart from acute coronary syndrome can also lead to small elevations in troponin levels. However, the use of cTn as prognostic biomarker for the primary assessment of cardiovascular risk in asymptomatic patient has only recently been described. And with the development of newer generations of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin assays that can detect 10-fold lower concentrations of troponin, the potential value cTn in the prevention and management of asymptomatic cardiovascular disease has come to the fore. This review provides an overview of the transition of cardiac troponin as a marker of acute myocardial injury to one that detects sub-clinical injury. Evidence continues to show that high-sensitivity troponin is emerging as one of the most powerful prognostic biomarkers for the assessment of cardiovascular risk in the general population.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease is responsible for 205 deaths per 100,000 persons annually and is the leading cause of death worldwide. The public health burden of cardiovascular disease is expected to continue to grow as the prevalence of many cardiovascular risk factors increases. Several novel classes of glucose-lowering, lipid-lowering, and weight-loss therapeutics have shown mortality benefits in outcomes trials. However, a large proportion of subjects in those trials had established cardiovascular disease, so, as a result, the role of these novel therapeutics in primary cardiovascular prevention is controversial. In this review, we highlight recent advances in the pharmacotherapeutic management of the cardiovascular risk factors of hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, and obesity. We examine key subgroups within recent cardiovascular outcome trials, weigh the risks and benefits of several novel therapeutics, and provide practical insight into the use of these agents. Our article concludes with a look toward the future and provides the practitioner and scientist with an early view of emerging therapeutics that may play an important role in primary cardiovascular prevention.  相似文献   

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