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The RuvA, RuvB, and RuvC proteins of Escherichia coli are required for the recombinational repair of ultraviolet light- or chemical-induced DNA damage. In vitro, RuvC protein interacts with Holliday junctions in DNA and promotes their resolution by endonucleolytic cleavage. In this paper, we investigate the interaction of RuvA and RuvB proteins with model Holliday junctions. Using band-shift assays, we show that RuvA binds synthetic Holliday structures to form specific protein-DNA complexes. Moreover, in the presence of ATP, the RuvA and RuvB proteins act in concert to promote dissociation of the synthetic Holliday structures. The dissociation reaction requires both RuvA and RuvB and a nucleotide cofactor (ATP or dATP) and is rapid (40% of DNA molecules dissociate within 1 min). The reaction does not occur when ATP is replaced by either ADP or the nonhydrolyzable analog of ATP, adenosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate. We suggest that the RuvA and RuvB proteins play a specific role in the branch migration of Holliday junctions during postreplication repair of DNA damage in E. coli.  相似文献   

The ruv operon is induced by treatments that damage DNA and is regulated by the LexA repressor. It encodes two proteins, RuvA and RuvB, that are involved in DNA repair, recombination in RecE and RecF pathways, and mutagenesis. RuvB protein was previously purified and has ATP-binding activity and weak ATPase activity. To study the biochemical properties of RuvA and its interaction with RuvB, we purified RuvA protein to near homogeneity from an over-producing strain. RuvA bound more efficiently to single-stranded DNA than to double-stranded DNA. RuvA bound to DNA greatly enhanced the ATPase activity of RuvB; the enhancing effect of various forms of DNA was in the order of supercoiled DNA greater than single-stranded DNA greater than linear double-stranded DNA. UV irradiation further enhanced the ATPase stimulatory effect of supercoiled DNA dose dependently. The RuvA-RuvB complex has an activity that renatures the cruciform structure in supercoiled DNA. From these experiments and previous work, we infer that the RuvA-RuvB complex may promote branch migration in recombination and may correct irregular structures in DNA, such as cruciforms and hairpins, to facilitate DNA repair using ATP as the energy source.  相似文献   

The RuvA and RuvB proteins of Escherichia coli act late in recombination and DNA repair to catalyze the branch migration of Holliday junctions made by RecA. In this paper, we show that addition of RuvAB to supercoiled DNA that is bound by RecA leads to the rapid dissociation of the RecA nucleoprotein filament, as determined by a topological assay that measures DNA underwinding and a restriction endonuclease protection assay. Disruption of the RecA filament requires RuvA, RuvB, and hydrolysis of ATP. These findings suggest several important roles for the RuvAB helicase during genetic recombination and DNA repair: (i) displacement of RecA filaments from double-stranded DNA, (ii) interruption of RecA-mediated strand exchange, (iii) RuvAB-catalyzed branch migration, and (iv) recycling of RecA protein.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli RecQ protein is a DNA helicase.   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
The Escherichia coli recQ gene, a member of the RecF recombination gene family, was set in an overexpression plasmid, and its product was purified to near-homogeneity. The purified RecQ protein exhibited a DNA-dependent ATPase and a helicase activity. Without DNA, no ATPase activity was detected. The capacity as ATPase cofactor varied with the type of DNA in the following order: circular single strand greater than linear single strand much greater than circular or linear duplex. As a helicase, RecQ protein displaced an annealed 71-base or 143-base single-stranded fragment from circular or linear phage M13 DNA, and the direction of unwinding seemed to be 3'----5' with respect to the DNA single strand to which the enzyme supposedly bound. Furthermore, the protein could unwind 143-base-pair blunt-ended duplex DNA at a higher enzyme concentration. It is concluded that RecQ protein is a previously unreported helicase, which might possibly serve to generate single-stranded tails for a strand transfer reaction in the process of recombination.  相似文献   

To examine the coupling of ATP hydrolysis to helicase translocation along DNA, we have purified and characterized complexes of the Escherichia coli Rep protein, a dimeric DNA helicase, covalently crosslinked to a single-stranded hexadecameric oligodeoxynucleotide (S). Crosslinked Rep monomers (PS) as well as singly ligated (P2S) and doubly ligated (P2S2) Rep dimers were characterized. The equilibrium and kinetic constants for Rep dimerization as well as the steady-state ATPase activities of both PS and P2S crosslinked complexes were identical to the values determined for un-crosslinked Rep complexes formed with dT16. Therefore, ATP hydrolysis by both PS and P2S complexes are not coupled to DNA dissociation. This also rules out a strictly unidirectional sliding mechanism for ATP-driven translocation along single-stranded DNA by either PS or the P2S dimer. However, ATP hydrolysis by the doubly ligated P2S2 Rep dimer is coupled to single-stranded DNA dissociation from one subunit of the dimer, although loosely (low efficiency). These results suggest that ATP hydrolysis can drive translocation of the dimeric Rep helicase along DNA by a "rolling" mechanism where the two DNA binding sites of the dimer alternately bind and release DNA. Such a mechanism is biologically important when one subunit binds duplex DNA, followed by subsequent unwinding.  相似文献   

DNA helicase II is a well-characterized Escherichia coli enzyme capable of unwinding duplex DNA and known to be involved in both methyl-directed mismatch repair and excision repair of pyrimidine dimers. Here it is shown that this enzyme also catalyzes the ATP-dependent unwinding of a DNA.RNA hybrid consisting of a radioactively labeled RNA molecule annealed on M13 single-stranded DNA. The DNA.RNA unwinding reaction required less protein to unwind more base pairs than the corresponding unwinding of duplex DNA. In addition, the rate of unwinding of the DNA.RNA hybrid was more than an order of magnitude faster than unwinding of a DNA partial duplex of similar length. The unwinding of the DNA.RNA hybrid is a property unique to helicase II since helicase I, Rep protein, and helicase IV failed to catalyze the reaction. In light of these results it seems likely that helicase II is involved in some previously unrecognized aspect of nucleic acid metabolism, in addition to its known roles in DNA repair reactions.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli Rep protein is a 3' to 5' SF1 DNA helicase required for replication of bacteriophage phiX174 in E. coli, and is structurally homologous to the E. coli UvrD helicase and the Bacillus stearothermophilus PcrA helicase. Previous crystallographic studies of Rep protein bound to single-stranded DNA revealed that it can undergo a large conformational change consisting of an approximately 130 degrees rotation of its 2B subdomain about a hinge region connected to the 2A subdomain. Based on crystallographic studies of PcrA, its 2B subdomain has been proposed to form part of its duplex DNA binding site and to play a role in duplex destabilization. To test the role of the 2B subdomain in Rep-catalyzed duplex DNA unwinding, we have deleted its 2B subdomain, replacing it with three glycines, to form the RepDelta2B protein. This RepDelta2B protein can support phiX174 replication in a rep(-) E. coli strain, although the growth rate of E. coli containing the repDelta2B gene is approximately 1.5-fold slower than with the wild-type rep gene. Pre-steady-state, single-turnover DNA unwinding kinetics experiments show that purified RepDelta2B protein has DNA helicase activity in vitro and unwinds an 18-bp DNA duplex with rates at least as fast as wild-type Rep, and with higher extents of unwinding and higher affinity for the DNA substrate. These studies show that the 2B domain of Rep is not required for DNA helicase activity in vivo or in vitro, and that it does not facilitate DNA unwinding in vitro.  相似文献   

Pyrimidine dimers are the major photoproducts produced in cellular DNA upon UV irradiation. In Escherichia coli there are dark and photorepair mechanisms that eliminate the dimers from DNA and prevent their lethal and mutagenic effects. To determine whether these repair mechanisms act cooperatively or competitively in repairing DNA, we investigated the effects upon one another of DNA photolyase, which mediates photorepair, and uvrABC excision nuclease, an enzyme complex of the uvrABC gene products, which catalyzes nucleotide excision repair. We found that photolyase stimulates the removal of pyrimidine dimers but not other DNA adducts by uvrABC excision nuclease. The two subunits of uvrABC excision nuclease, the uvrA and uvrB proteins which together bind to the dimer region of DNA, had no effect on the activity of photolyase. T4 endonuclease V, which like photolyase is specific for pyrimidine dimers, was inhibited by photolyase, suggesting that these two proteins recognize the same or similar chemical structures in UV-irradiated DNA that are different from those recognized by uvrABC excision nuclease.  相似文献   

Guanosine tetra- and pentaphosphate, (p)ppGpp, can be synthesized in vitro in a reaction containing only the enzyme (stringent factor), salts, and substrates (nonribosomal system). This reaction is greatly stimulated upon addition of methanol (methanol system) or by ribosomes, mRNA, and tRNA (ribosome system). Here we show that several ribosomal proteins alone stimulate the synthesis of (p)ppGpp in the presence of stringent factor (protein system). The optimal ionic conditions for the ribosome and protein systems are identical. The concentration of ribosomes or any stimulating ribosomal protein required for saturation of a given concentration of stringent factor is similar. Fifty of 54 ribosomal proteins were tested for stimulation in the protein system; 15 proteins showed high activity, seven of these from the 30S ribosomal subunit and eight from the 50S subunit. The physiological relevance of this finding is discussed.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli uvrD gene product, helicase II, is required for both methyl-directed mismatch and uvrABC excision repair and is believed to function by unwinding duplex DNA. Initiation of unwinding may occur specifically at either a mismatch or a nick, although no direct evidence for this has previously been reported. It has recently been shown that helicase II can unwind fully duplex linear and nicked circular DNA with lengths of at least approximately 2700 base pairs in vitro; hence, a flanking region of single-stranded DNA is not required to initiate DNA unwinding. In studies with uniquely nicked duplex DNA, we present EM evidence that helicase II protein initiates DNA unwinding at the nick, with unwinding proceeding bidirectionally. We also show that helicase II protein initiates DNA unwinding at the blunt ends of linear DNA, rather than in internal regions. These data provide direct evidence that helicase II protein can initiate unwinding of duplex DNA at a nick, in the absence of auxiliary proteins. We propose that helicase II may initiate unwinding from a nick in a number of DNA repair processes.  相似文献   

DNA helicases catalyze separation of double-helical DNA into its complementary single strands, a process essential for DNA replication, recombination, and repair. The Escherichia coli Rep protein, a superfamily 1 DNA helicase, functions in DNA replication restart and is required for replication of several bacteriophages. Monomers of Rep do not display helicase activity in vitro; in fact, DNA unwinding requires Rep dimerization. Here we show that removal of the 2B subdomain of Rep to form RepDelta2B activates monomer helicase activity, albeit with limited processivity. Although both full length Rep and RepDelta2B monomers can translocate with 3' to 5' directionality along single-stranded DNA, the 2B subdomain inhibits the helicase activity of full length Rep. This suggests an autoregulatory mechanism for Rep helicase, which may apply to other nonhexameric helicases, whereby helicase activity is regulated by the rotational conformational state of the 2B subdomain; formation of a Rep dimer may relieve autoinhibition by altering the 2B subdomain orientation.  相似文献   

Active DNA helicase I (Mr 180,000) can be isolated from Escherichia coli F+ strains but not F- strains. The transfer of the F sex factor to F- strains by conjugation permits the purification of the enzyme from the transconjugant strains. We conclude from this that helicase I is coded for by a portion of the F factor. Results also obtained by using recombinant plasmids carrying different DNA fragments of the F factor transfer region suggest that DNA helicase I is identical to the product of traI, one of the transfer genes of the F factor.  相似文献   

Precursors to two periplasmic proteins and one outer membrane protein were synthesized in a membrane-free extract from Escherichia coli programmed with plasmid DNA. In the presence of inverted plasma membrane vesicles from E. coli up to 25% of the precursor molecules were converted into their mature forms. Using externally added proteinase K as a probe, we found the processed proteins segregated within the membrane vesicles. By the same criteria, a small amount of each precursor also proved to be translocated, indicating that translocation and signal sequence cleavage are not necessarily coupled processes. Furthermore, we present conclusive evidence that the translocation step can occur post-translationally even as late as 60 min after the beginning of translation.  相似文献   

Precursors of three exported proteins in Escherichia coli.   总被引:29,自引:7,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
Arabinose-binding protein, maltose-binding protein, and lambda receptor are synthesized in vitro on membrane-bound polysomes from Escherichia coli. All three proteins are exported from the cytoplasm of E. coli and all three are made in vitro in a form a few thousand daltons larger than the authentic protein. The larger form of arabinose-binding protein is also detected in vivo by pulse labeling. It is concluded that the larger forms of the exported proteins are precursors containing an extra sequence. In contrast to the above, when the intracellular protein elongation factor Tu is synthesized in vitro on free polysomes, it is not detectably larger than the authentic form.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli dnaK gene product, originally defined by mutations that blocked lambda phage DNA replication, is known to be necessary for E. coli viability. We have purified dnaK protein to homogeneity and have demonstrated that it possesses a weak DNA-independent ATPase activity, which results in the production of ADP and Pi. The proof that this ATPase activity is encoded by the dnaK+ gene relies primarily on the fact that the dnaK756 mutation results in the production of an ATPase activity with altered physical properties. The dnaK protein is phosphorylated in vitro and in vivo, probably as a result of an autophosphorylation reaction. The lambda O and P replication proteins were shown to interact in vitro with the dnaK protein. The ATPase activity of the dnaK protein was inhibited by purified lambda P protein and stimulated by purified lambda O protein. Moreover, the dnaK protein participates in the initiation of DNA synthesis in an in vitro DNA replication system that is dependent on the O and P proteins. Anti-dnaK protein immunoglobulin specifically inhibited DNA synthesis in this system.  相似文献   

We have discovered that the Escherichia coli terminator protein (Ter) impedes replication fork movement, initiated in vitro from the simian virus 40 replication origin by the large tumor antigen (TAg), at the terminator site (tau R) of the prokaryotic plasmid R6K preferentially when tau R is present in one orientation with respect to the origin. We also have discovered that Ter impedes helicase activity of TAg at the tau R site, when tau R is in this same orientation. In contrast with Ter, a mutant EcoRI protein (EcoRIgln111) that binds with high affinity to but does not cleave at EcoRI recognition sequences impedes both simian virus 40 fork movement and the helicase activity of TAg in an EcoRI-site-orientation-independent manner. These results suggest that a feature common to both TAg and prokaryotic helicases may recognize the Ter-tau R complex resulting in a polarized pause in fork propagation and DNA unwinding. In contrast, the effect of EcoRIgln111-DNA complex on these reactions may be based on steric hindrance.  相似文献   

The primosome is a mobile multienzyme DNA replication-priming complex that requires seven Escherichia coli proteins for assembly (the products of the dnaB, dnaC, dnaG, and dnaT genes as well as proteins n and n" and replication factor Y). It has been shown previously that the primosome, in combination with the E. coli DNA polymerase III holoenzyme, can form replication forks in vitro that move at rates similar to those measured in vivo and that the primosome and one of the components of the primosome, the DNA B protein, have DNA helicase activity. Evidence is presented here that another component of the primosome, replication factor Y, possesses DNA helicase activity as well. Factor Y helicase activity requires the presence of E. coli single-stranded DNA binding protein, Mg2+, and hydrolyzable ATP or dATP. Helicase activity is stimulated 15-fold when the enzyme is actively loaded onto single-stranded DNA through a primosome assembly site, and duplex DNA is unwound unidirectionally, 3'----5', along the DNA strand to which the protein is bound.  相似文献   

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