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试论中学生的心理卫生   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中学生由于正处于身心发展的激烈变化之中,身心发育尚未成熟,社会阅历的缺乏,以及心理承受能力差,对学习、生活中所发生的各种心理冲突不善处理,而心理和行为就更容易失常,当代中学生大量地存在着生活、学习、情绪、交往、人格、性心理以及应激能力弱等方面的心理障...  相似文献   

医学生考试期间心理卫生状况调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
了解医学生考试期间的心理状况。方法 有杉SCL-90,SAS,SDS对考试期间医学生的心理卫生状况进行调查。结果 医学生考试期间心理问题发生率占48.00%,常见的心理问题为人人际关系敏感,强迫,敌对,偏执和抑郁;中度以上焦虑抑郁的发生率分别为4.57%和8.00%。结论考试期间学生具有较高的心理问题发生率,并对之提出干预对策。  相似文献   

目的了解治安伤者的心理卫生状况。方法本调查采用SCL-90症状自抨量表封治安伤者施测。结果治安伤者的精神病性、焦虑、偏执、敌封因子呈极显着差异,人际关系呈显着差异。结论治安伤人员存在着一定的心理卫生问题,应采取有效的心理干预措施,重视心理疏导在司法调解工作中的重要作用。  相似文献   

绝育术后人群心理卫生状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 调查绝育术(包括输精管结扎术和输卵管结扎术)后人群的心理卫生状况,为预防绝育术后心身反应提供临床依据.方法 对141名输卵管结扎术受术者和109名输精管结扎术受术者进行面访调查,填写自编一般资料问卷、症状自评量表(SCL-90)、艾森克人格问卷(EPQ).结果 绝育术后3月有49.5%的男性和66.7%的女性出现心身症状.男性SCL-90的焦虑、人际关系因子分与全国常模有显著性差异(t焦=1.996,t人=2.130,P<0.05),而女性的躯体化、抑郁、焦虑因子分与全国常模有显著性差异(t躯=4.264,t抑=4.419,t焦=8.537,P<0.001),男女受术者之间躯体化、抑郁、焦虑因子分均有显著性差异(t躯=2.216,t抑=2.381,t焦=3.306,P<0.05).女性心身症状的发生率比男性高(χ2=7.465,P=0.006).无生育男孩受术者的SCL-90各因子分和心身症状的发生率均高于有生育男孩的受术者(χ2=36.076,P<0.001).EPQ情绪稳定类型不同的受术者心身症状的发生率有显著性差异(χ2=45.897,P<0.001).结论 绝育术后部分受术者会出现心身症状.对高危人群如女性、未生育男孩或情绪不稳定型人格的受术者,应注意做好解释安抚工作,必要时请心理卫生专业人员心理辅导,以减少绝育术后心身症状的发生.  相似文献   

对南京医科大学五年制的精神卫生专业在校学生69人(观察组)进行心理卫生状况调查。其中男51人,女18人,一、三、四年级分别有51、18和21人,作症状自评量表(SCL-90)检测。其中24人重测,相关系数为0.53~0.78(Pearson相关,P<...  相似文献   

长期住院精神分裂症患者精神残疾状况的调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长期住院精神分裂症患者精神残疾状况的调查分析河北省精神卫生中心(071000)陈立成,王凤英,余莎莎,李翠领河北省荣军医院刘晓温精神分裂症是一种致残率很高的精神疾病。本文对长期住院的81例男性精神分裂症患者进行了社会功能状况的调查和分析,现将结果报告...  相似文献   

目的 了解应届高中毕业生高考前的心理卫生状况。方法 采用SCL~90,SAS、SDS对300名应届高中毕业生高考前的心理卫生状况进行测查。结果 应届高中毕业生高考前心理问题发生率为66.67%,常见的心理问题为:强迫、人际关系、敌对、抑郁、偏执和焦虑。中度以上焦虎和抑郁的发生率分别为3.82%和6.60%。结论 高考前应届高中毕业生具有较高的心理问题发生率,对此,应给予心理干预。  相似文献   

目的 了解少数民族聚集地区卫校学生的心理健康状况。方法 采用心理卫生自评量表 (SCL -90 )对 170名少数民族卫生学校学生进行了调查。结果 少数民族聚集地区卫校学生的SCL - 90总均分及各因子分均显著高于国内 (青年组 )常模 (P <0 .0 0 1)。高年级躯体化、人际关系、抑郁、偏执因子分高于低年级 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 少数民族学生的心理健康问题相对突出 ,应予以重视及相应干预  相似文献   

AbstractBackground Background In the past decades, the ethnic diversity of the population in the Netherlands has rapidly grown. At present, approximately 10% of all people in the Netherlands belong to immigrant families that originate from a very large variety of non-Western nations. Although it is often assumed that migration has a stress-inducing effect, leading to heightened levels of mental health problems in both immigrant children and their parents, research into this group of children is very scarce in Europe. In this paper, we want to report on the mental health of immigrant children originating from non-Western countries enrolled in a large cohort study in the Netherlands.Method A large sample of 11-year-old children in the Netherlands (n=2230) participated in the TRacking Adolescents’ Individual Lives Survey (TRAILS). Approximately 10% of these children (n=230) belong to immigrant families originating from non-Western countries. Mental health problems were assessed using self-report measures (Youth Self-Report), using parent-report measures (Child Behaviour Check List) and using teacher report (Teacher Checklist for Psychopathology). In this paper, we report on the mental health problems of these children from all three perspectives (child, parent, teacher). In analysing the impact of immigrant status, the effect of gender and of socio-economic inequality was taken into account.Results According to self-report measures, mean level of mental health problems in immigrant children is comparable to that in non-immigrant children. Immigrant parents report higher problem rates for their daughters, in particular for internalising problem behaviours, social problems and attention problems, but not for their sons. In contrast, teachers perceive higher levels of externalising problem behaviour, but lower levels of anxious/depressed problems, social problems and thought problems in immigrant children. This last effect is most strongly found with respect to boys: teachers perceive less withdrawn/depressed problems, social problems, thought problems and attention problems in immigrant boys.Conclusions Children from immigrant families do not appear to experience more problems than their non-immigrant peers. However, parents from immigrant families do report more problems in their daughters than non-immigrant parents, in contrast to teachers who perceive lower levels of internalising, social and thought problems in particular in boys, and higher levels of externalising problems in both immigrant boys and girls. In describing problem behaviour in immigrant children, the effect of diverging social contexts for and multiple perspectives on immigrant youth has to be taken into account.  相似文献   

Germany turned towards community-based mental health care in the mid seventies, during a general climate of social and political reform. The continuing deinstitutionalisation process and the implementation of community mental health services was considerably affected by the reunification of East and West Germany in 1990, which required dramatic changes in the structure and quality of the mental health care system of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR). Overall, German mental health care is organised as a subsidiary system, where planning and regulating mental health care is the responsibility of the 16 federal states. So German mental health care provision is spread among many sectors and characterised by considerable regional differences. A key characteristic is the particularly wide gap between inpatient and outpatient services, which are funded separately and staffed by different teams. In 2003 the total number of psychiatric beds was a mere two thirds of the overall bed capacity in 1991, the first year as a re-unified Germany, when psychiatric beds in East and West Germany totalled 80,275. From 1970 onwards the number of psychiatric beds was cut by roughly half. So the momentum of the reform has been strong enough to assimilate the completely different mental health care system of the former German Democratic Republic and, in the course of a decade, to re-structure mental health services for an additional 17–18 million new inhabitants. In an ongoing struggle to adapt to changing administrative set-ups, legal frameworks, and financial constraints, psychiatry in Germany in currently facing specific problems and is seriously challenged to defend to considerable achievements of the past. A major obstacle to achieving this aim lies in the fragmented system of mental health care provision and mental health care funding.  相似文献   

Although there are 22 Arab countries in the Arab League, the mental health services provided in those countries show several forms of variation. Economic, political, social and cultural factors seem to play a major role in determining the state of the psychiatric profession and the access of the service to citizens. The different needs expressed by Arab colleagues at times seem incompatible with the available allocated resources. Some Arab countries enjoy the highest income per capita, yet this is inconsistent with the quality of mental health services available there. The per capita mental health services, the availability of a Mental Health Act, and the space allocated for mental health in medical curricula are but a few of the concerns that have been expressed by colleagues from the different countries of the Arab region. The following review will attempt to draw up a profile of the situation for mental health services and research in the region, and to suggest some measures for intervention.  相似文献   

Fiji is one of the largest island nations in the South Pacific. It is multicultural and has an economy based on tourism and sugar production. Like many developing countries Fiji faces the double burden of communicable and non‐communicable diseases as well as a third emerging burden of accidents and injuries. Fiji lacks data on the national prevalence and burden of disease of mental disorders. Using World Health Organization estimates there is over a 90% treatment gap for mental disorders. Contributing to this treatment gap are the misconceptions and stigma surrounding mental illness leading people to seek alternative treatments. Fiji's mental health services were established in 1884, comprising a single ward to care for mentally ill expatriates. Services have since expanded to include a 136‐bed inpatient facility (St. Giles Hospital), which provides outpatient, psychosocial rehabilitative and community psychiatric services. Mental health services remain centralized at St. Giles, with follow‐up in the community supported by a well‐established public health hierarchy and by medical personnel at the divisional hospitals. St. Giles is also responsible for conducting mental health awareness and training for health workers and the public and provides input at a national level for mental health policy, plans and legislation. Psychiatric training is available at the undergraduate nursing and medical levels. The Fiji School of Medicine is in the process of developing a postgraduate psychiatric program. With its limited resources Fiji needs to integrate mental health services into the general and public health systems to achieve a comprehensive and integrated mental health system.  相似文献   

Aims: This study aimed to make a comparison of the mental health status between Japanese‐Brazilian children in Japan and in Brazil. Methods: A total of 331 Japanese‐Brazilian children at five Brazilian schools in Japan (Japanese Group), and 172 Japanese‐Brazilian children at one private school in São Paulo (Brazilian Group) were enrolled in statistical analyses. The Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire was applied for parents, teachers, and students who were aged over 11 years old. Results: The total comparison of the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire scores between the two groups demonstrated that all the average symptom scores except prosocial behavior were significantly higher in the Japanese Group by parent report. By teacher report, the average symptom scores of conduct problems, hyperactivity, peer problems and total difficulties were significantly higher in the Japanese Group, while that of the prosocial behavior was significantly higher in the Brazilian Group. Dividing parent and teacher reports into two age ranges, similar results to the total comparison were seen in the parent report in the age range of 4–10‐year‐olds and both parent and teacher reports in that of 11–16‐year‐olds, while in the teacher report for 4–10‐year‐olds, only conduct problems and total difficulties score showed significantly higher average scores in the Japanese Group. By self‐report, the average symptom scores of emotional symptoms, peer problems and total difficulties score were significantly higher in the Japanese Group. Conclusion: The results indicate poorer mental health status in the Japanese Group than the Brazilian Group, and suggest the adverse circumstances of the former group both at their homes and schools.  相似文献   

The Solomon Islands comprise an archipelago of nearly 1,000 islands and coral atolls and have an estimated population of 549,574 people. Formal mental health services date back to 1950 when an asylum was established. Since then the process of mental health service development has been largely one of incremental change, with a major boost to community services in the last two decades. During the 1990s a mental health outpatient clinic was established in Honiara, together with attempts to recruit nursing staff as psychiatric coordinators in the provinces. In 1996, the Ministry commenced sending registered nurses for psychiatric training in Papua New Guinea. By 2010, there were 13 psychiatric nurses and one psychiatrist, with a second psychiatrist in training. A National Mental Health Policy was drafted in 2009 but is yet to be endorsed by Cabinet. A significant portion of the population still turns to traditional healers or church leaders for purposes of healing, seeking help from Western medicine only after all other alternatives in the community have been exhausted. There is still a long way to go before mental health services are available, affordable and accessible to the whole population, including people living in geographically remote areas. Realization of this vision requires increased resourcing for mental health services; improved communication and collaboration between the centrally‐based, national mental health services and the provincial health services; and closer, ongoing relationships between all stakeholders and partners, both locally and internationally.  相似文献   

Objectives Based on the investigation of 144 families (144 patients affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS), 109 partners, and 192 children) examined in three different European child and adolescent psychiatric University centres by means of questionnaires, we evaluated the prevalence of psychological symptoms in the offspring and associated risk factors such as duration and severity of the disease as well as depression of the ill and the healthy parent. Results Indicate that the severe disease of MS is associated with depression of the ill and healthy parent. Ill parents, especially ill mothers, as well as depressed ill, or depressed healthy parents evaluate their children’s mental health problems with a higher prevalence within the internalizing spectrum. Healthy parents report normal psychological adjustment of their children. If two parents present a depressive state, the prevalence of relevant psychological internalizing symptoms is twice or three times as high as the age norms. Conclusion Children in families with a parent affected by MS and associated depression of the parental couple are at high risk of mental health problems, especially internalizing disorders. In focusing on the mental health of children one must also be aware of the potential opportunities to address the parents’ own psychological needs.  相似文献   

Background: The Western Pacific Region of the World Health Organization (WHO) contains 27% of the world population and 29% of the world population of elderly people: it is the oldest among the six WHO regions. The demographic transition (from high child mortality and low life expectancy to a low child mortality and high life expectancy) is happening at high speed and this proportion of the world's elderly population is expected to increase significantly in the coming years. Consequently, there is a high risk that the number of older persons with mental disorders will significantly increase. To better understand the organization of care for older persons, data is being collected to reduce the imbalance between ‘disease information’ and ‘resource information’—information that addresses older persons' needs in terms of mental health care. This article presents some results for this region. Method: Data were essentially collected from the World Health Report 2005. The data concerning NGOs was obtained at the websites of the World Psychiatric Association, the World Federation of Neurology, the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics and Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI). Results: Because the mental health problems of older adults is still not a public health priority, the careful examination of individual countries nevertheless reveals certain specificities, such as divergent life expectancy or different values regarding aging. The authors present some recommendations for the development of care for elderly persons with mental disorders in the region based on the general recommendations made by WHO in the World Health Report 2001 (WHR 2001) and by WHO and the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) in some consensus statements on Psychiatry of the Elderly. Conclusion: The Western Pacific WHO region has a high proportion of older persons in its population (11.2% of total population), with important differences between the countries in life expectancy at birth. Strong cultural forces and migration may affect the growing and aging processes. Local poverty, with all the consequences it may have for health, may also be an important factor negatively influencing quality of life and life expectancy at birth. Mental health for all ages should become a priority issue in the public agenda in the region. National governments should make efforts to promote mental health and provide care for elderly persons with mental disorders, depending on local resources and cultures. As mental disorders in old age can represent a severe limitation on quality of life for older persons and their families good care should be extended to all concerned. The challenge of finding solutions for better living conditions for older people with mental health problems lies in the hands of researchers, policy makers and the population. Funding and creativity are two factors necessary to find such solutions.  相似文献   

We investigated the mental health of 47 subjects (30 men, mean age 63.8+/-7.7; 17 women, mean age 68.9+/-8.7) with the 60-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). All the subjects lived at home in a Japanese rural community and were examined from 2 to 3 years after suffering a stroke. Among the subjects, 18 (38.3%) had GHQ scores of 17 or more, which indicated a mental health problem (MHP). The following variables were included in multiple logistic regression analysis: age, sex (men/women), grade of motor paralysis (no/slight/moderate/severe), side of motor paralysis (no/left side/right side/both sides: in analysis, we used dummy variables), paresthesia (no/yes), rehabilitation (need no rehabilitation or participate in rehabilitation/fail to participate in rehabilitation), social support (not needed or sufficient/insufficient) and overall physical recovery (1/2/3: 1 = 67-100, 2 = 34-66, and 3 = 0-33 on a visual analog scale 100 mm long, 100 meaning full recovery). In univariate analysis all variables except age and sex showed statistically significant associations with MHP. In multivariate analysis, only one variable, overall physical recovery', had a statistically independent association with the status of MHP (Odds ratio 4.39, 95% confidence interval 1.46-13.19). The results of logistic regression analysis indicate that the presence of an MHP is more strongly dependent upon subjective assessment about overall physical recovery after stroke than upon physical impairments and the other psychosocial variables. Therefore, in the community setting, the visual analog scale of overall physical recovery is considered to be a simple, valid method for assessing MHP following stroke.  相似文献   

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