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健康相关行为   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
常春 《中国健康教育》2005,21(9):662-665
健康教育与健康促进的核心是改变人们的健康相关行为。从各国疾病控制的历史看,大致都经历了三个阶段:第一阶段为控制传染病传播,方法是消灭病原体,切断传播途径,改善环境卫生;第二阶段是个人卫生阶段,通过预防接种、定期体检、生长发育监测等,实现疾病的三级预防;第三阶段为行为生活方式阶段,主要靠改变人们不利于健康的行为和生活方式,来促进和保护身心健康,预防慢性非传染性疾病的发生。世界卫生组织1992年的一份报告指出,全球大约有60%的死亡与不良的行为和生活方式有关,我国与行为生活方式相关的死亡占47%。  相似文献   

社区是居民特别是老年人重要的生活和活动场所,为寻求适合社区糖尿病病人的不良健康行为的干预方式,更好地普及糖尿病的防治知识,提高糖尿病病人的生活质量,笔者拟在深圳市盐田区社区居委会成立糖尿病病友联谊会,对糖尿病病人实施以健康教育为主的综合干预模式的尝试[1]。1组建糖尿病病友联谊会1.1宗旨以糖尿病不良健康行为因素为出发点,通过普及糖尿病防治知识,提高社区糖尿病病人从医行为、改变不良的行为生活方式,从而降低社区居民糖尿病的发病率,延缓糖尿病病人慢性并发症的发生和发展。1.2联谊会会员从深圳市盐田区16个社区中随机抽取4…  相似文献   

健康教育和健康促进工作是从整体上对居民的健康行为和生活方式进行干预,是提高全民健康素质的根本途径[1].2007年,青岛市建立了5个市级公立医院为基础的市民健康教育基地和30个社区卫生服务中心为基础的社区居民健康教育室.通过政府投入、社会动员的方式,以基地为固定阵地,实现健康教育工作由以宣传为主向行为干预、健康促进模式的转变.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,随着我国人民生活水平的不断提高、生活方式的改变、气候环境及食物污染等因素对人们健康的影响,我国患病人群的几率大大提高。人们的生活方式发生了很大改变,从以前靠粮票、肉票购买生活必需品,到现在只要在超市就能买到生活必需品,物质生活的普遍提高,使人们的生活状态和心理状态都发生了很大的改变。而心脑血管疾病作为高发  相似文献   

目的:提高自我保健意识,树立正确的健康观念和正确的生活方式。方法:开展健康咨询,设计饮食运动方案,开展健康知识讲座等多元化教育方式。结果:使体检者针对自身健康状况,改变不良生活方式,提高自我保健能力。结论:以健康促进为目标,以健康教育、健康检测、健康评估与干预为手段,达到自我管理能力。  相似文献   

试论健康促进理论在疾病预防控制中的应用与思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
孙碧英 《中国健康教育》2001,17(11):663-665
随着卫生改革的不断深入 ,从省、市到区、县 ,疾病预防控制中心 (以下简称疾控中心 )相继建立。疾控中心的工作目标从防治疾病到维护健康 ,其职能也从原来卫生防疫站的以预防急性传染病为主 ,拓展到急性传染病与慢性非传染性疾病并重 ,控制影响健康的相关因素 ,并充分发挥其社区卫生服务功能 ,使社区居民人人享有预防保健服务。因此 ,工作模式必须随着目标、职能的改变而改变。健康促进是疾病控制的首选对策随着经济发展 ,科技进步和生活水平的提高 ,导致心理行为、环境生态和生活方式改变使疾病的发生不仅取决于病原体 ,还取决于遗传、营养…  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,生活方式发生了根本的改变,特别是企业高级管理人员,由于工作压力及不规律的饮食习惯,不健康的生活方式,使他们的健康受到了严重威胁。本研究通过自设问卷方式对在本体检中心接受健康管理服务的40名企业高管就检后的服务项目、服务内容及服务方式等方面进行调查,为进一步完善该服务模式提供依据。健康管理服务是通过收集个人健康信息、健康风险评估、健康干预来实现的。  相似文献   

健康教育在新世纪卫生保健方面的作用和地位   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
在新世纪到来之际,探讨健康教育在迎接未来挑战中的作用和地位,将使我们认识到肩负的历史使命和努力的方向。健康教育在新世纪中的作用在新世纪健康教育将在以下几个方面发挥作用。1.控制慢病要依靠健康教育 近20年来的改革开放和经济起飞,使人民的生活水平有了明显的提高,同时也带来了生活方式的急剧改变。在城市,吸烟、超量饮酒、高糖高脂高胆固醇饮食、缺少运动、食物过细、生活节奏过快等不健康的生活方式很普遍。超体重和肥胖在大城市里已经成为比较普遍的问题。在农村,农民的生活方式也发生了许多的改变,如食物由多粗粮改变为多细粮;…  相似文献   

目的 通过对居民与医疗机构工作人员进行调查,研究影响中医药健康技术改变居民生活方式的机制,为改善村民的生活方式提出建议。方法 随机选取2020年2—3月平顶山市某村居民200名及该村周围医疗机构的30名工作人员进行问卷调查,基于利益相关者理论,中医药健康技术影响居民生活方式的机制可以从政府、社会和居民三个方面着手,研究三者之间的机制,并对各因素与中医健康技术促进居民健康生活之间关系进行相关性分析。结果 共发放居民调查问卷200份,有效回收194份(97.0%),工作人员调查问卷30份,有效回收问卷28份(93.3%)。Pearson相关系数分析显示,中医健康技术宣传力度、中医互联网应用、医院医生的服务态度和生活建议、中医医保报销政策使经济负担减轻、在双向转诊政策实施后人们的接受程度与中医药健康技术改变居民生活方式呈明显正相关。结论 中医健康技术影响居民生活方式的机制是政府通过制定政策指导医院去间接改变人们的生活方式,医院医生是改善就医者生活方式的建议者,并与社区共同对人们的生活方式改变做宣传教育,互联网中医是方便人们生活的设计者、执行者。  相似文献   

高血压病是严重危害人类健康的常见病。目前我国和许多西方国家高血压病发病率均在逐年增加,主要与人们过多摄人动物脂肪及胆固醇、高盐饮食、工作紧张、运动量减少、嗜烟酒等不健康生活方式增加密切相关。不健康生活方式是高血压病的危险因素,因此对高血压病病人进行健康教育,改变其不良生活方式,建立健康生活方式是非常重要的。2004年我科通过对高血压病病人进行以促进健康生活方式为主要内容的健康教育,提高了病人对健康生活方式重要性的认识,增加了战胜疾病的主观能动性,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

本文介绍了医疗信息技术是如何实现区域协同医疗、发展远程医疗平台以及构建数字化医院,由此帮助解决医疗资源分布与利用不合理的问题。随后本文指出,只有在政府主导以及医院领导的带领下,真正转变医疗服务模式,医疗信息技术才能发挥其作用。最后本文介绍了"九五健康"理念,指出信息化的发展促使健康管理模式从过去的疾病治疗向疾病预防方向转变。  相似文献   


How can we translate the findings from public health research into practice? We are not doing this job very well and we need to rethink our approach so that we can do a better job. The major problem is that we public health professionals have messages to give people, but people have lives to lead, and we have not done well in closing this gap. To deal with this problem, we will need to learn how to better involve the community as an empowered partner in our work. To do that, we will have to fundamentally change our public health model: We will have to change the way we classify disease; we will have to change the way we organize and finance public health education; and we will have to deal with our arrogance. This plenary talk at the Eighth Annual Midwest Rural Agricultural Safety and Health Forum (MRASH), November 2009, described the importance of looking at health promotion and disease prevention not only at the level of the individual but also at the community and environmental level.  相似文献   

The aim of this qualitative study is to explore the way people using modern health care perceive its consequences in Ouraman-e-Takht region of Iranian Kurdistan. Ouraman-e-Takht is a rural, highly mountainous and dry region located in the southwest Kurdistan province of Iran. Recently, modern health practices have been introduced to the region. The purpose of this study was to investigate, from the Ouramains'' point of view, the impact that modern health services and practices have had on the Ouraman traditional way of life. Interview data from respondents were analyzed by using grounded theory. Promoting survival was the core category that explained the impact that modern health practices have had on the Ouraman region. The people of Ouraman interpreted modern health practices as increasing their quality of life and promoting their survival. Results are organized around this core category in a paradigm model consisting of conditions, interactions, and consequences. This model can be used to understand the impact of change from the introduction of modern health on a traditional society.  相似文献   

健康教育是医学模式转变和现代医学发展的必然趋势.随着新医改的进一步深化,基本公共卫生服务逐步均等化工作已经在城乡逐渐铺开.社区已经成为推行健康教育与健康促进的重要场所.社区健康教育是利用社区资源针对不同人群开展的健康教育活动与过程.对社区居民、患者及其家属开展健康教育与健康促进,通过健康教育和环境支持改变人们的行为、生活方式和社会的影响,提高人民群众健康意识和自我保健能力、防治疾病能力.养成积极向上的健康行为,消除患者及其家属的不良心理反应,帮助他们树立战胜疾病的信心,实现对患者的心理保健,促使人们采纳有益于健康行为的生活方式.社区健康教育对于提高居民的健康水平和文明素质具有重要的作用.  相似文献   

糜跃萍  林玲  徐红 《现代预防医学》2022,(17):3096-3100
目的 探索Elandt-Johnson模型法推算完全寿命表的效果。方法 以南通市2020年1月1日至12月31日年龄别死亡率为实例构建简略寿命表和实际完全寿命表,采用Elandt-Johnson模型将简略寿命表推算成完全寿命表,将推算的完全寿命表死亡率、尚存人数等指标与实际完全寿命表进行拟合,并比较推算完全寿命表和实际完全寿命表的期望寿命。 结果 采用Elandt-Johnson模型推算的年龄别死亡率、尚存人数与实际年龄别死亡率、尚存人数拟合度较好,决定系数分别为0.9328、0.9050,由推算的尚存人数计算的期望寿命(83.03岁)与实际期望寿命(83.23岁)非常接近。结论 Elandt-Johnson模型可以将简略寿命表推算出较准确的完全寿命表,可用于南通市完全寿命表的推算。  相似文献   

ObjectivesRecently, a new interpretation problem of trends in period life expectancy has been discussed in the demographic literature. The so-called tempo effects arise if large numbers of deaths are suddenly postponed. In such conditions, the life table inflates longevity gains in the population because it weights avoided deaths with the full remaining life expectancy. This article explains how such effects occur and indicates their relevance using an illustrative example.Study Design and SettingData of East and West Germany from the Human Mortality Database for the years 1990–2009 were used. We simulated a scenario that contrasts the observed life expectancy in West and East Germany with an alternative one based on the assumption of short-term postponements of deaths.ResultsOur example demonstrates that if tempo effects have distorted changes in life expectancy, the pace of improvement in underlying mortality conditions could be over- and underestimated.ConclusionWe recommend that the assumptions of the life table, in this case about the remaining life expectancy of avoided deaths, are carefully evaluated in all applications. Interdisciplinary efforts to develop models to detect and quantify tempo effects from life expectancy calculations should be put on the research agenda.  相似文献   

目的 采用New ton-Raphson 法拟合对数线性模型时,如果列联表的维数太高(≥5),使得设计矩阵复杂,以及迭代精度等原因,出现病态的信息矩阵,而无法收敛,导致算法失败。本文从应用角度探讨了IPF算法的有效性。方法 采用IPF算法对一个五维表进行了分析。结果 IPF算法能够很好地拟合高维表的模型,并得出了合理的结果。结论 IPF算法简便、稳健,在New ton-Raphson 法失效时,不失为处理高维表的解决办法  相似文献   

目的通过对某干休所近5年来离休干部体检结果分析,了解该人群健康的变化,明确严重威胁离休干部健康的主要疾病,为有针对性地制订有效的医学干预措施提供依据。方法针对5年的体检结果,进行各疾病患病率分析,并纵向比较各项主要体检指标的变化,分析其变化趋势。结果 90以上的离休干部同时患有2种及2种以上的疾病,患病率较高的疾病主要是高血压、冠心病、前列腺增生、眼底病变和糖尿病等,其中发现肿瘤25例。各项指标均存在一定的异常率,各年度有不同程度的波动。结论与行为生活方式有关的慢性非传染性疾病成为威胁离休干部健康的主要疾病,需要加强治疗,建议通过多种形式的健康教育增强离休干部的自我保健意识,提高其生活质量。  相似文献   

A three-component, competing-risk mortality model, developed for animal survival data, fits human life table data for all ages over a range of mean life spans from 16 to 74 years. The competing risks are a novel exponentially-decreasing hazard, dominant during immaturity; a constant hazard, dominant during adulthood; and an exponentially increasing Gompertzian hazard, dominant during senescence. By fitting the model to a specific life table using non-linear techniques, estimates of the five model parameters and their standard errors obtain; the proportion of deaths expected from each hazard alone may then be calculated. Preliminary analysis of 13 life tables indicates that for human populations under heavy stress, with very short mean life spans of about 20 years, the three hazard components account for roughly equal numbers of deaths; for modern populations, with mean life spans of about 75 years, nearly all deaths are due to the hazard of senescence. Factor analysis of the correlation matrix of parameter values for the 13 populations shows a two-factor structure. One factor involves only the multiplicative constants (initial values) of the three hazards, but not the hazard rates of change; the second factor involves only the parameter of the immaturity hazard and the rate of acceleration of the senescence hazard, but not the constant hazard nor the multiplicative constant (initial value) of the senescence hazard.  相似文献   

Objectives:Standard expected years of life lost (SEYLL) is a component of the disability adjusted life year (DALY) measure of disease burden. SEYLL is calculated from the expected remaining years, as specified by a normative survivorship that is derived from a model life table. Because every death has non‐zero remaining years, years of life lost are never zero, even in a population that achieves the ideal life expectancy of the model life table itself. As zero is unattainable, what is an acceptable years of life lost? The study calculates norms and examines NZ data against them. Method:Using model life tables with expectancy 80 years for men and 82.5 years for women, the years of life lost in cohorts that achieve the model life table expectancy are evaluated. Years of life lost per death and per head of population are considered and the effects of age‐standardising, discounting and age‐weighting are evaluated. Mortality and Census data are used to compute actual years of life lost in New Zealand, which are compared with the norms. Results:Crude years of life lost per death is about 9–10 years in a population that achieves the model life table distribution. New Zealand European years of life lost are about five years in excess of the 9–10 year norm; Maori about 21 years. The effects of age standardising, using the Segi standard population, give a norm of about 21 years; both Maori and European values are about two years in excess of this figure. Conclusions:Crude and age‐standardised YLLs in New Zealand exceed the ideal set by the model life tables norms, especially so in Maori. Age‐standardising has a strong influence on the statistics. Implications:Years of life lost measures need to be considered against the established norms. Unless done so, the measures can appear more adverse than they actually are.  相似文献   

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