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伊伐布雷定研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
If通道阻滞剂伊伐布雷定已经欧盟批准上市,用于治疗正常窦性心律、对β受体阻滞剂禁忌或不能耐受的慢性稳定型心绞痛患者,对心衰、急性冠脉综合征等的研究目前也取得了一定成果。  相似文献   

【】目的:观察盐酸伊伐布雷定对慢性稳定性心绞痛(SAP)的疗效及安全性。方法:前瞻性入选门诊就诊(2013年4月-2014年1月)的24例SAP患者,随机、双盲分为盐酸伊伐布雷定组和阿替洛尔组。每组各12例。观察治疗前后两组静息及最大运动量时心率水平、心绞痛发作次数、运动耐量的变化。结果:1.盐酸伊伐布雷定组的静息心率治疗前后分别为75.4±2.5次/分和63.7±3.3次/分(P<0.05),最大运动量心率由治疗前122.8±4.6次/分降低至105.4±5.1次/分(P<0.05);阿替洛尔组治疗前后的静息心率由74.8±3.6次/分降低至64.5±4.1次/分(P<0.05),最大运动量心率由127.5±5.3次/分降低至114.8±6.4次/分(P<0.05)。静息心率两组间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),而盐酸伊伐布雷定降低最大运动量时心率优于阿替洛尔组(P<0.05)。2.盐酸伊伐布雷定组治疗前后心绞痛发作次数由3.45±1.24次/周减少至1.87±1.31次/周(P<0.05),心绞痛持续时间由7.55±3.88min缩短为2.13±4.11min(P<0.05);阿替洛尔组治疗前后心绞痛发作次数由 3.61±1.41次/周减少至2.11±1.53次/周(P<0.05),心绞痛持续时间由8.01±3.24min缩短为2.75±3.37min(P<0.05)。两组间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。3.运动耐量方面,盐酸伊伐布雷定组从服药前的368.65±122.32s增加至服药12周后的501.39±131.63s(P<0.05);阿替洛尔组从服药前的371.35±113.45s增加至服药12周后的467.49±142.54s(P<0.05),两组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:伊伐布雷定同阿替洛尔一样可显著降低SAP患者心率、减少心绞痛发作,增加运动耐量,且具有良好的安全性及耐受性。  相似文献   

正伊伐布雷定(Ivabradine)是全球第一个选择性If通道抑制剂,早在1992年就已获得化合物专利。2005年10月欧洲药品监管局批准伊伐布雷定上市及临床用于治疗伴有窦性心动过速,但对β受体阻滞剂不能耐受或存在禁忌的稳定型心绞痛患者;2009年欧洲药品监管局又批准了伊伐布雷定应用的新适应证,可用于已进行了β受体阻滞剂最佳剂量的治疗,但病情尚未充分控制,心率仍高于60bpm的慢性稳定  相似文献   

伊伐布雷定为首个特异性心脏起搏电流抑制剂,具有特异性降低心率的作用,相关的动物实验及大规模临床研究也日益增多。现对伊伐布雷定在心血管疾病中的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

伊伐布雷定是一种新型减慢心率药物,对快速性心律失常有潜在的治疗作用。伊伐布雷定特异性地抑制起搏电流(If),降低窦房结节律,对不适当窦性心动过速及体位性心动过速综合征的治疗有一定的作用。伊伐布雷定能降低心肌细胞自发动作电位的频率,减慢房室结的传导速度,可能减少心房颤动的发生并且控制心室率,其临床疗效观察存在不一致性,其疗效有待观察。伊伐布雷定通过抑制超极化激活环核苷酸门控通道(HCN)通道介导的If增加,其可能减少室性心律失常的发生率,降低心室颤动阈值,其临床疗效有待验证。  相似文献   

伊伐布雷定是目前唯一的特异性If电流通道阻滞剂,通过抑制窦房结P细胞动作电位4期If电流而达到减慢心率的作用.伊伐布雷定在减慢心率的同时不影响左心室收缩功能;治疗剂量范围内不影响PR间期、QRS间期及QTc;也不影响支气管平滑肌、糖脂代谢、血压.多项研究表明伊伐布雷定能明确改善冠心病、慢性心力衰竭等心血管疾病患者的临床症状及预后,且对窦性心动过速亦有疗效.  相似文献   

<正>近几年来,心率在心血管疾病(尤其心力衰竭)中的管理已成为心血管医生关注的重点,也是研究的热点,尤其对处在心力衰竭易损期的患者心率管理更为关键,它是关系心力衰竭患者全因死亡、再入院及远期预后十分重要的客观指标;心率是评价心力衰竭死亡率和再住院率的危险指标之一,心率管理达标将有益于改善心力衰竭患者远期生存及生活质量[1]。近30年来β受体阻滞剂作为慢性心力衰竭治疗药物的基石,奠定了心力衰竭治疗的里程碑。但β受体阻滞剂因其负性肌力、降低血压等  相似文献   

伊伐布雷定是临床用于心绞痛及心力衰竭患者稳定心率的药物,可减少患者心源性死亡的风险,并改善长期预后、提高生活质量。对合并哮喘、慢性阻塞性肺病以及其他β受体阻滞剂禁忌证的患者,可考虑使用伊伐布雷定。伊伐布雷定耐受性良好、不良反应少,但对快心室率异位心律无效。  相似文献   

伊伐布雷定为特异性的 I f通道阻滞剂,通过调节窦房结的起搏,发挥特有电生理学作用,可减慢心率但不影响心肌收缩力、心内传导、心室复极等,因其不良反应少,安全性高,目前不仅被广泛应用于慢性稳定性心衰、冠心病等疾病,而且最新临床及动物试验证实,伊伐布雷定药物的应用在不断的拓展,一些临床不良反应也得到进一步证实,该文就其近年来在心血管疾病中的新的应用进展予以综述。  相似文献   

伊伐布雷定是临床用于心绞痛及心力衰竭患者稳定心率的药物,可减少患者心源性死亡的风险,并改善长期预后、提高生活质量。对合并哮喘、慢性阻塞性肺病以及其他β受体阻滞剂禁忌证的患者,可考虑使用伊伐布雷定。伊伐布雷定耐受性良好、不良反应少,但对快心室率异位心律无效。  相似文献   

The stable coronary artery disease (SCAD) population is a heterogeneous group of patients both for clinical presentations and for different underlying mechanisms. The recent European Society of Cardiology guidelines extensively review SCAD from its definition to patients’ diagnostic and therapeutic management. In this review, we deal with five topics that, in our opinion, represent the most intriguing, novel and/or clinically relevant aspects of this complex coronary condition. Firstly, we deal with a peculiar SCAD population: patients with angina and ‘normal’ coronary arteries. Secondly, we reinforce the clinical importance of a diagnostic approach based on the pretest probability of disease. Thirdly, we review and critically discuss the novel pharmacological therapies for SCAD patients. Finally, we analyse the results of the most recent clinical trials comparing revascularization versus optimal medical therapy in SCAD patients and review the currently recommended use of intracoronary functional evaluation of stenosis.  相似文献   

Stable angina pectoris affects 2–4 % of the population in Western countries and entails an annual risk of death and nonfatal myocardial infarction of 1–2 % and 3 %, respectively. Heart rate (HR) is linearly related to myocardial oxygen consumption and coronary blood flow, both at rest and during stress. HR reduction is a key target for the prevention of ischemia/angina and is an important mechanism of action of drugs which are recommended as first line therapy for the treatment of angina in clinical guidelines. However, many patients are often unable to tolerate the doses of beta blocker or non-dihydropyridine calcium antagonists required to achieve the desired symptom control. The selective pacemaker current inhibitor ivabradine was developed as a drug for the management of patients with angina pectoris, through its ability to reduce HR specifically. The available data suggest that ivabradine is a well-tolerated and effective anti-anginal agent and it is recommended as a second-line agent for relief of angina in guidelines. However, recent clinical trials of ivabradine have failed to show prognostic benefit and have raised potential concerns about safety. This article will review the available evidence base for the current role of ivabradine in the management of patients with symptomatic angina pectoris in the context of stable coronary artery disease.  相似文献   

Medical treatment is the main clinical strategy for controlling patients with chronic stable angina and improving their quality of life (QoL). Ivabradine treatment on top of metoprolol decreases angina symptoms and improves QoL in patients with stable angina and coronary artery disease (CAD). This is a post hoc analysis (636 CAD patients given ivabradine/metoprolol free combination) of a prospective, noninterventional study that included 2403 patients with CAD and stable angina. Data were recorded at baseline at 1 and 4 months after inclusion. Patient QoL was assessed using the EQ‐5D questionnaire. From baseline to study completion; ivabradine administration on top of metoprolol decreased heart rate (HR) from 80.8 ± 9.6 to 64.2 ± 6.2 bpm (P < 0.001). Mean number of angina attacks decreased from 2.0 ± 2.0/wk to 0.2 ± 0.6/wk (P < 0.001), whereas nitroglycerin consumption decreased from 1.4 ± 1.9 times/wk to 0.1 ± 0.4 times/wk (P < 0.001). The percentage of patients in Canadian Cardiovascular Society angina class III to IV decreased from 15.4% to 1.9% (P < 0.001). The improvement of symptoms and angina class led to a significant 14.7‐point increase in EQ‐5D questionnaire score (P < 0.001). Patients with increased HR showed greater improvement (P = 0.001). Adherence to treatment during the entire trial was high (98%). Ivabradine combined with metoprolol significantly decreased angina symptoms and use of nitroglycerin in patients with stable angina and CAD, leading to improved QoL. The benefits observed with this combination explain the high rate of adherence to treatment.  相似文献   

目的观察养心安神药改善冠心病稳定型心绞痛患者心肌缺血的临床疗效,进一步探讨养心安神药改善心肌缺血的机制。方法将符合病例入选标准的60例冠心病稳定型心绞痛患者随机分成两组,对照纽口服单硝酸异山梨酯缓释片(依姆多)治疗,治疗组在对照组治疗基础上加服加味酸枣仁汤。治疗14dN,观察两组患者心绞痛症状、中医症状、心电图及疾病疗效。结果与对照组比较,治疗组心绞痛症状积分与中医症状积分显著改善(P〈0.01),治疗组心绞痛疗效、中医疗效、心电图疗效与疾病疗效总有效率均优于对照组(P〈0.01)。结论养心安神药对冠心病稳定型心绞痛患者的缺血心肌具有保护作用。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Therapeutic decisions in patients with angina pectoris are traditionally based on the history reported by the patient, since objective evidence of myocardial ischaemia during daily life is often not available. In this study, ambulatory ST segment monitoring was performed in 60 patients with a history of chronic stable angina pectoris, positive exercise test and/or positive coronary angiography, and a correlation was made between the episodes of chest pain and ST segment change. The patients were grouped according to the results of exercise testing and coronary arteriography, and one group was studied with and without antianginal medication. Overall, 195 episodes of angina were noted, only 94 of which (48%) were accompanied by ST segment depression. Pain and ST segment changes were best correlated in patients with a positive exercise test, positive angiography and who were not receiving antianginal medication. In 101 episodes of chest pain, ST segment change could not be identified; in 18 (18%) there was sinus tachycardia, in 12 (12%) ventricular premature beats, and in 71 (70%) sinus rhythm solely. Thus, anginal pain appears not to be the reliable indicator of transient myocardial ischaemia as was previously thought, a finding which supports the use of objective methods in identifying episodes of transient myocardial ischaemia in daily life.  相似文献   

目的 采用彩色多普勒超声评估不同剂量阿托伐他汀对伴有高脂血症的稳定型心绞痛患者颈动脉斑块的影响。方法 连续入选伴有高脂血症和颈动脉斑块的稳定型心绞痛患者123例,根据阿托伐他汀不同剂量分为两组:阿托伐他汀10 mg/d组和阿托伐他汀40 mg/d组。治疗6个月后,对两组患者临床资料、治疗前后颈动脉内膜中膜厚度(CIMT)、颈动脉搏动指数(CAPI)和颈动脉阻力指数(CARI)进行比较。结果 治疗6个月后,两组患者CIMT明显减小、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDLC)明显升高(P<0.05);阿托伐他汀10 mg/d组CAPI和CARI明显增加(P<0.05),阿托伐他汀40 mg/d组CAPI、CARI、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDLC)、高敏C反应蛋白(hs-CRP)明显降低(P<0.01)。结论 阿托伐他汀40 mg/d治疗不但能能延缓颈动脉斑块的进展,甚至有逆转颈动脉斑块的可能。  相似文献   

初发型及稳定型心绞痛和急性心梗患者冠脉病变的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了初发型心绞痛(NAP)、无并发症的稳定型心绞痛(SAP)患者和以急性心肌梗塞(AMI)为冠心病首发症状患者的冠脉病变的严重性和范围,以探讨急性冠脉综合症与血管病变的关系。结果表明:无并发症的SAP组冠脉病变明显重于AMI与NAP组,无论是病变血管数、狭窄数、闭塞数还是病变范围,前者均重于后两组。SAP组81.3%为2支和3支血管病变,而AMI和NAP组大多数为单支血管病变(两组分别为88.2%和60.0%),各组冠心病危险因素相似。结论:急性冠脉综合症患者的冠脉病变的严重性无法预测能否发生急性冠脉综合症。  相似文献   

益气活血方治疗冠心病稳定型心绞痛疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 观察益气活血方治疗冠心病稳定型心绞痛的临床疗效.方法 选择住院患者60例,随机分为对照组与治疗组,各30例.两组患者均予西医常规治疗.治疗组在对照组治疗基础上加用自拟益气活血方,2次/日,30 d为1个疗程.于治疗前后观察血脂改变,心电图改善情况及心绞痛发作情况.结果 治疗组治疗后在中医证候疗效及心电图改善率、心绞痛发生率方面均优于对照组(P<0.05).治疗组治疗后高密度脂蛋白胆固醇明显上升(P<0.05),总胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇下降水平与对照组比较有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 益气活血方联合西药治疗冠心病稳定型心绞痛更能改善心绞痛症状,疗效显著.  相似文献   

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