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This study evaluated the effectiveness of Resilient Peer Treatment (RPT). This is a peer-mediated, classroom-based intervention for socially withdrawn, maltreated preschool children. It examined whether the RPT impact generalized from the treatment setting to larger classroom context. Eighty-two maltreated and nonmaltreated, socially withdrawn Head Start children were randomly assigned to either RPT or attention-control (AC) conditions. Data were collected by teachers and independent observers blind to both maltreatment status and treatment condition. Treatment resulted in higher levels of collaborative peer play interactions in the treatment setting posttreatment for both the maltreated and nonmaltreated children. Results documented generalization of the treatment impact to classroom free-play sessions. These findings were supported by teacher ratings of interactive peer play and social skills.  相似文献   

护士生活质量及影响因素研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
近十余年来 ,随着对生活质量的日益重视 ,有关生活质量的研究也越来越多。为了使不同人群 (疾病患者和正常人群 )、不同文化群体之间的生活质量具有可比性 ,WHO在 1993年制定了世界卫生组织生活质量评定量表 (WorldHealthOrganizationQualityofLifewith 10 0Questions ,WHOQOL - 10 0 ) ,并在全球18个国家和地区开展调查。方积乾等于 1999年完成了WHOQOL - 10 0中文版的制定[1,2 ] 。本研究应用WHOQOL - 10 0量表对综合医院 110 3名护士的生活质量进行评定 ,为了解…  相似文献   

Factors related to the adoption of exercise among older women   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The role of exercise in promoting health is well documented; however, older women have the lowest rates of aerobic exercise of any community group. This paper examines psychological variables relevant to women's initial adoption of exercise. While the evidence is limited, it appears that middle-aged and older women have positive attitudes to exercise but seem unable or unwilling to take action. The influence of practical barriers and of broader social attitudes is considered. It is concluded that social psychological variables have had limited success in explaining sex differences in physical activity. An understanding of practical and societal constraints on behavior choice in a broader social context may provide direction for the development of strategies to improve the exercise levels of this community group.This project was supported by a grant from the National Heart Foundation of Australia.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between peer communication skills and social behavioral characteristics of preschool children. Data for 42 preschool children, five to nine years old, were analyzed in the study. Teachers were asked to rate the children on a number of social behavior measures, and classify them into competent, aggressive and withdrawn groups. It was shown that children of the withdrawn group accepted more requests from others than those of the other groups. Generally, in terms of feedback they gave, the withdrawn were not much different from the competent, but forms of feedback were more often nonverbal. As for the aggressive, feedback was more verbal than the withdrawn when another directly spoke to them, but tended to be equally nonverbal when it was not clear whom other were speaking to.  相似文献   

Surgical material from 24 children aged 2-6.5 years was investigated for studying morphological features and morphogenesis of bronchiectatic disease (BED) associated with lung immaturity. Leading role in the development of BED belongs to the deficiency of the lung defense at the time of the disease onset and premorbid background. Purulent-destructive alterations of the lung are the basis of grave persistent recurring BED.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In pediatric intractable asthma, there is occasionally an association with GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). It is not clear in which cases GERD should be suspected or how effective the GERD therapy is in treating the asthma. METHODS: Twenty-seven preschool children (<6 years of age) suffering from recurrent asthma attack in spite of asthma therapy underwent 24-hour esophageal pH monitoring. We examined retrospectively the incidence of GERD and the effectiveness of famotidine in GERD positive patients. RESULTS: 18 of the 27 patients (66.7%) had positive results (GERD positive group). In 12 of the 15 patients (80%) who underwent GERD therapy (famotidine), respiratory symptoms were decreased. In the GERD positive group, the incidence of acid reflux during waking hours was more frequent than during sleeping hours. In 8 of 12 patients (66.7%) in whom famotidine was effective, cough and wheeze often occurred during the daytime and corresponded with the time when acid reflux must commonly occurred. CONCLUSION: We conclude that children suffering from recurrent asthma attack in spite of asthma therapy must be examined for the presence of GERD.  相似文献   

The prevalence of refractive errors in urban preschool children in Xuzhou, China remains unknown. Children attending twelve randomly selected kindergartens participated in this study. Visual acuity, ocular alignment, cover-uncover test, cycloplegic refraction, slit-lamp and funduscopy were performed under a standardized testing environment. Cycloplegic streak retinoscopy was performed for all subjects. The mean spherical equivalent (SE) refractive error was the main outcome measure. Emmetropia was defined as refractive status between +1.75 diopters (D) and -0.75D. Myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and anisometropia were defined as SE < -0.50D, SE > +2.0 D, cylindrical error > 1.0 D and SE difference ≥ 1 D between fellow eyes, respectively. Out of 2349 eligible children, 2255 (96%) children completed a refractive examination. Of the 2255 children, the mean SE of right eyes was +1.14 ± 0.95 diopters (D). Mean SE of the right eyes did not decline with age (r = -0.01; P = 0.56). The majority (86.6%) of children were emmetropia. The prevalence of myopia and hyperopia was 0.9% and 14.3%, respectively. The mean astigmatism for the right eyes was 0.87 ± 0.62 D. The prevalence of With-the-rule, against the rule and oblique astigmatism was 93.8%, 4.7% and 1.5%, respectively. The mean anisometropia between two eyes was 0.14 ± 0.38 D. The most common type of refractive error was hyperopia (14.3%), followed by astigmatism (8.8%), anisometropia (3.2%), and myopia (0.9%). The refractive status in this population of urban Xuzhou preschool children was stable and there was no evidence of a myopic refractive shift over this age range in our cross-sectional study.  相似文献   

The health benefits of physical activity are well documented, but mothers of young children experience significant barriers to exercise. A 10-week minimal-intervention exercise program, involving a weekly meeting at which child care was provided, and guidance in establishing independent exercise was developed on the basis of previous research with this population group. Thirty-two women with children under age 5, and in the contemplation or preparation stages of exercise behavior change, were recruited from Australian play groups. Postprogram measures showed small but significant decreases in body mass index, resting heart rate, and diastolic blood pressure. Three months later, 41% of participants were still active. Family-related constraints were highly disruptive to these participants. This study is limited by its small sample size, lack of controls, and potential biases in recruitment and assessment, but it does suggest that hard-to-reach groups, such as mothers of young children, may be mobilized to exercise if programs explicitly address social contexts and the constraints on individual choice.  相似文献   

In order to study the seroprevalence of hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection among preschool children in Taiwan, a community-based survey was carried out in 54 kindergartens in 10 urban areas, 10 rural areas, and 2 aboriginal areas randomly selected through stratified sampling. Serum specimens of 2,538 preschool children were screened for HEV antibodies (anti-HEV) by a commercially available enzyme immunoassay. The odd ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated through multiple logistic regression analysis. A total of 86 children were anti-HEV seropositive, giving a prevalence of 3.4%. The prevalence of anti-HEV was 3.9% (19 of 484) among aboriginal children, a significantly increased seroprevalence compared with that among children who lived in urban areas (OR = 1.68; 95% CI = 1.56-2.95; P < 0.05). Females had a higher anti-HEV seroprevalence than the males (OR = 1.55; 95% CI = 1.14-2.54; P < 0.05). Rates of anti-HEV antibody increased with age in aboriginal areas (chi(2) for trend = 5.59, P = 0.02), but decreased with age in non-aboriginal areas. The poor water supply system, poor sewage disposal, exposure to wild animals, and other environmental conditions in the aboriginal areas might have played a role in their infection with HEV in Taiwan.  相似文献   

It is difficult to distinguish at preschool age whether a wheezing child will or will not have asthma at school age. A prediction rule for asthma in preschool children might help to determine a prognosis and to study improvements in treatment and prevention. This review discusses (1) the development and use of clinical prediction rules, (2) the European Respiratory Society Task Force classification of wheeze at preschool age, (3) published prediction rules developed to identify preschool children who will have asthma at school age, and (4) recommendations to improve asthma prediction. Prediction rules are currently created more frequently, yet their clinical use remains low. The classification of episodic wheeze and multiple-trigger wheeze in preschool children shows conflicting results as to whether episodic wheeze and multiple-trigger wheeze differ in clinical features and has limited value in predicting asthma at school age. Clearly, more studies are needed to confirm this. Currently available prediction rules aiming to identify preschool children having asthma at school age are of modest clinical value. Prediction can be improved by more precise definitions and measures and, ultimately, by more knowledge of pathophysiologic mechanisms. In the future, biomarkers and genomic risk profiles to develop personalized medicine might further improve asthma prediction, treatment, and prevention.  相似文献   

目的:探讨学龄前注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)儿童的视觉-运动整合能力特点,为实施有针对性的早期干预方案提供依据.方法:采用1∶1病例对照的设计,选取符合美国精神障碍诊断与统计手册第4版(DSM-Ⅳ) ADHD诊断标准的4~6岁儿童(混合型37例、注意缺陷为主型28例、多动/冲动为主型14例)及正常对照各79例.采用视觉-运动整合发育测验(VMI)来评定视觉-运动整合情况.结果:ADHD儿童VMI测验异常检出率高于对照组(32.9% vs.7.6%,P<0.01);ADHD各亚型VMI测验异常检出率从高到低依次为混合型、注意缺陷为主型、多动/冲动为主型,各亚型组间差异均有统计学意义(45.9% vs.25.0% vs.14.3%,均P<0.05);ADHD儿童的VMI测验得分低于正常对照组[(90.2±19.4) vs.(100.5±10.7),P<0.05],混合型ADHD儿童的VMI测验得分低于注意缺陷为主型和多动/冲动为主型[(84.5±23.1) vs.(93.7±15.2),(97.9±11.5);均P<0.05].结论:学龄前ADHD儿童可能存在视觉-运动整合能力方面的缺陷,对学龄前ADHD儿童视觉-运动整合能力的评估有助于早期识别和早期预防学习和行为问题.  相似文献   

The purpose was to examine the effects of two types of role-playing experience on prosocial behavior in preschool children. Subjects were 72 6-year-olds. In the Empathy role-playing (E), each pair of children enacted alternately a victim and an eyewitness using a glove puppet, in which the emphasis was only on empathizing with the victim. In the Empathy and Helping role-playing (EH), they enacted alternately a victim and a helper, in which the emphasis was on empathizing and helping a victim. In the Control role-playing (C), they played roles alternately of a customer and a salesman in a grocery store. All children were assessed as for helping and sharing behaviors for a real victim before and after the role playing session. In the comparison between pre- and post-tests for helping behavior. All groups (C, E, EH) increased helping tendency, but only in EH group the proportion of subjects, whose attitude changed from helper to non-helper. As for sharing behavior, all three groups increased the number of sharing significantly in the post-test.  相似文献   

Despite current mammography recommendations, screening rates among African-American women are suboptimal. The purpose of this case-control study was to identify the psychological, demographic, and health care system barriers to screening mammography use among low-income African-American women. A total of 574 women with screening mammogram appointments at an urban hospital were interviewed to determine the predictors of mammogram appointment noncompliance. Predictor variables included: demographics; breast cancer knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and screening practices; and type of health care provider making the referral. Age was inversely related to mammogram appointment noncompliance. Relative to women 40 to 49 years old, women 70 years of age and older were the least likely to miss their appointments (odds ratio [OR], 0.3; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.2, 0.5). Women referred for mammography by a physician's assistant or nurse practitioner were less likely to miss their appointments than women referred by a physician (OR, 0.3; 95% CI, 0.1, 0.8). Embarrassment, lack of breast symptoms, and forgetfulness also contributed to noncompliance. Key demographic, attitudinal, and health care system factors hinder low-income African-American women from obtaining screening mammograms. These findings have significant health education and policy implications for health care delivery to women in this population.  相似文献   

The decrease of social investigations of adult rats during a second encounter session with the same juvenile was used as an index of social recognition or memory. Social recognition was present when the interexposure interval was 15 or 30 min, but not when this interval lasted 60 or 120 min. Animals treated with desglycinamide[Arg8]vasopressin (DGAVP) (6.0 micrograms.kg-1, SC) or [pGlu4,Cyt6]AVP-(4-8) (AVP-(4-8] (1.0 microgram.kg-1, SC), immediately after the first encounter, recognized the same juveniles still after 120 min, suggesting a facilitatory effect of these peptides on social recognition and that this effect of vasopressin is dissociated from the classical endocrine effects of this hormone. The decrease of social investigating behavior, in both placebo- and DGAVP-treated rats, was completely due to a decrease in anogenital exploration, indicating that the social recognition in rats is presumably based on odor cues from the anogenital part of the body.  相似文献   



To investigate whether early weaning constitutes a risk factor for overweight at preschool age and to identify other factors that affect this association.


This was a case-control study of 366 children aged 2 to 6 years (176 boys and 190 girls) from three cities. The case group comprised overweight children, as defined by body mass index (BMI) for age greater than or equal to the 85th percentile. The main exposure analyzed was early weaning (exclusive or predominant breastfeeding for less than four months).


Early weaning was a significant risk factor for overweight in univariate analysis (OR = 1.69; 95% CI: 1.10–2.60; p = 0.02), but not in multivariate analysis (OR = 1.42; 95% CI: 0.86–2.34; p = 0.17). Maternal overweight, birth weight ≥ 3,500 g and sedentarism were the main risk factors for overweight in multivariate analysis.


In our study, the protective effect of breastfeeding against overweight was only shown in univariate analysis; it did not persist after controlling for other variables. It is possible that breastfeeding has only a small protective role against overweight in comparison with other variables of greater importance.


Our results suggest that the potential protective effect of breastfeeding against overweight among preschool children is weaker than genetic and other environmental factors.  相似文献   

Background Occupational allergic respiratory symptoms in coffee workers have been frequently reported, but the ultimate cause of sensilization is still debated, castor bean being considered besides green coffee beans. Atopy and cigarette smoking have been suggested as promoting factors of sensitizalion for several occupational allergens. Objective This study was carried out to assess the prevalence of allergic respiratory symptoms and of sensitization to both green coffee beans and castor bean in the whole workforce of a coffee manufacturing plant. Furthermore we wanted to ascertain both the presence of castor bean antigens in the settled dust of the green coffee beans warehouse and the possible crossreactivity between the two beans. Meanwhile, the effect of smoking and atopy was considered. Method: Two-hundred and eleven workers were examined. A questionnaire on oculorhinitis and asthma was administered and skin-prick tests for green coffee beans, castor bean and 15 common inhalant allergens were carried out. Isoelectric focusing, isoelectric focusing immunoblot and radioallergosorbent assay (RAST) inhibition were performed on samples of settled environmental dust from the green coffee area, as well as on castor bean and green coffee beans. Results Ten per cent of the workers complained of oculorhinitis alone and 16% of asthma (nearly always associated with oculorhinitis). The overall prevalence of skin-sensitization was: 15% for green coffee beans, 22% for castor bean, 22% for common allergens. Evidence of sensitization to occupational allergens was more common in smokers, with a more than twofold increase in relative risk. The strong association between skin positivity to common and occupational allergens suggests that atopy acts as an enhancing host factor towards occupational sensitization. The analysis of the dust confirmed the presence of castor bean antigens. Conclusion Our findings indicate that castor bean is the major cause of occupational sensitization among coffee workers, whereas smoking and atopy act as enhancing factors.  相似文献   

Wheezing in preschool children is a very common symptom. An adequate prediction of asthma in these children is difficult and cannot be reliably assessed with conventional clinical tools. The study of potential predictive biomarkers in various media, ranging from invasive sampling (e.g. bronchoscopy) to non‐invasive sampling (lung function testing and exhaled breath analysis), was comprehensively reviewed. The evolution in biomarker discovery has resulted in an ‘omics’ approach, in which hundreds of biomarkers in the field of genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and ‘breath‐omics’ can be simultaneously studied. First, results on gene expression and exhaled breath profiles in predicting an early asthma diagnosis are promising. However, many hurdles need to be overcome before clinical implementation is possible. To reliably predict asthma in a wheezing child, probably a holistic approach is needed, combining clinical information with blood sampling, lung function tests, and potentially exhaled breath analysis. The further development of predictive, non‐invasive biomarkers may eventually improve an early asthma diagnosis in wheezing preschool children and assist clinicians in early treatment decision‐making.  相似文献   

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