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Blood pressure and cognitive performance. The Framingham Study   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In 1976-1978, a battery of eight neuropsychologic tests were administered to 2,123 participants in the Framingham Study who were aged 55-89 years. Performance on each test was examined in relation to concurrently measured systolic and diastolic blood pressure while controlling for age, sex, education, antihypertensive medication, alcohol consumption, and smoking. Those with a diagnosis of stroke were excluded from the analysis. In the remaining sample of 2,032, neither blood pressure nor antihypertensive treatment was significantly associated with cognitive performance. Even after excluding persons on antihypertensive medication, blood pressure was still unrelated to cognitive performance. In contrast to other studies, the authors found no consistent relation between blood pressure and cognitive performance.  相似文献   

Recent studies have indicated that moderate alcohol intake may be beneficial to cognitive functioning in women, although not necessarily in men. Data from the Framingham Heart Study, a large, prospective study of cardiovascular disease in Framingham, Massachusetts, were used to examine the relation between alcohol consumption and cognitive ability. The major research question was whether a different alcohol-cognition relation would be found for male and female drinkers. Men (n = 733) and women (n = 1,053), aged 55-88 years, were queried as to their weekly intake of alcohol, and these data were used to construct groups of abstainers, very light, light, moderate, and heavy drinkers. Data from earlier reports of alcohol consumption were also examined. Participants were administered eight tests which reflect performance in the domains of verbal memory, learning, visual organization and memory, attention, abstract reasoning, and concept formation. Multivariate linear regression analyses were used with statistical adjustment for age, education, occupation, cardiovascular disease, and associated risk factors. Women who drank moderately (2-4 drinks/day) showed superior performance in many cognitive domains relative to abstainers. For men, superior performance was found within the range of 4-8 drinks/day, although fewer significant relations were observed. These results were confirmed by prospective analyses of 24-year drinking history.  相似文献   

To investigate whether diuretic medication use increases risk of renal cell carcinoma (RCC), the authors conducted a case-control study of health maintenance organization members in western Washington State. Cases (n = 238) diagnosed between January 1980 and June 1995 were compared with controls (n = 616) selected from health maintenance organization membership files. The computerized health maintenance organization pharmacy database provided information on medications prescribed after March 1977. Additional exposure information was collected from medical records. For women, use of diuretics was associated with increased risk of RCC (odds ratio (OR) = 1.8, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.0-3.1), but the association was not independent of a diagnosis of hypertension (adjusted for hypertension, OR = 1.1, 95% CI 0.5-2.1). Similarly, nondiuretic antihypertensive use was associated with increased risk, but only when unadjusted for hypertension. For men, neither diuretic nor nondiuretic antihypertensive use was associated with risk of RCC. A diagnosis of hypertension was clearly associated with RCC risk for women (OR = 2.5, 95% CI 1.2-5.1), but not men (OR = 1.3, 95% CI 0.7-2.5). High systolic and diastolic blood pressures were associated with increased risk in both sexes. These results do not support the hypothesis that use of diuretic medication increases RCC risk; they are more consistent with an association between RCC and high blood pressure.  相似文献   

Plasma total homocysteine (tHcy) concentrations are associated with deficits in cognitive performance in persons free from dementia. The extent to which age modifies these associations is in need of further investigation in large, community-based, prospective studies combining the following elements: 1) multiple cognitive tests; 2) statistical adjustment for the role of the vitamin cofactors folate, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12; and 3) adjustment for the presence of risk factors for cardiovascular disease and stroke. Using data collected between 1991 and 2002, the authors investigated the associations between tHcy and multiple measures of cognitive performance in 2,096 dementia- and stroke-free participants of the Framingham Offspring Study, who were stratified into three age groups (40-49 years, 50-59 years, 60-82 years), after findings of statistically significant tHcy-by-age interactions for multiple cognitive measures. Regardless of statistical adjustment for age, sex, gender, the vitamin cofactors, and cardiovascular risk factors, statistically significant inverse associations between tHcy and multiple cognitive domains were observed for individuals aged 60 or more years; no such associations were observed for participants aged less than 60 years. Early preventive interventions may be important, because the inverse association between tHcy and cognitive performance is observed beyond middle age.  相似文献   



Education is inversely associated with cardiovascular disease incidence in developed countries. Blood pressure may be an explanatory biological mechanism. However few studies have investigated educational gradients in longitudinal blood pressure trajectories, particularly over substantial proportions of the life course. Study objectives were to determine whether low education was associated with increased blood pressure from multiple longitudinal assessments over 30 years. Furthermore, we aimed to separate antecedent effects of education, and other related factors, that might have caused baseline differences in blood pressure, from potential long-term effects of education on post-baseline blood pressure changes.  相似文献   



Knowledge of rational, evidence based health care in the hundred-year-old is still poor. The aim of the study was to evaluate health and functional state in hundred-year-old inhabitants of Upper Silesia, Poland, with a focus on the heart and vascular function.  相似文献   

We explored the relationship between beliefs and social normative influences and self-reported hypertension medication compliance using questionnaire items based on the belief intention model of Ajzen and Fishbein. Persons for whom antihypertensive medication had been prescribed were asked to agree or disagree with statements about taking their medicine. Respondents were a subset of participants in a 1980 survey of risk factors for heart disease in two Pennsylvania counties. Highly significant differences between compliant and noncompliant individuals were observed for all items except one referring to cost. A stepwise multiple logistic regression analysis was performed with age, sex, and the belief and social normative items as independent variables, and reported compliance as the dependent variable. Three variables, age, "taking my blood pressure medicine as the doctor told me would not be necessary when my blood pressure is normal," and "your family wants you to take your blood pressure medicine as the doctor told you," entering into the equation in that order, significantly improved discrimination between compliant and noncompliant persons. The questionnaire's success may have resulted from moving beyond assessing participant's knowledge or beliefs about hypertension in the abstract to ascertaining the direct relevance of these beliefs to their taking their medicine.  相似文献   

Using the age-sex-specific data collected in the Framingham Heart Study 1948--1964 together with ophthalmic diagnoses made in the Framingham Eye Study in 1973--1975, the following variables were found to be associated with senile cataract: education, casual blood sugar, systemic blood pressure, height, vital capacity, serum phospholipid and hand strength; with senile macular degeneration: systemic blood pressure, height, vital capacity, left ventricular hypertrophy, hand strength and history of lung infection; with diabetic retinopathy: casual blood sugar, urine sugar and other specific elements of diabetes; with ocular hypertension: systemic blood pressure, height, casual blood sugar and pulse rate. No variables were identified as associated with open-angle glaucoma. The paper stresses the need for corroboration of these findings, which may be a mix of real and chance associations, and the need for additional analyses before any of these associations are considered evidence of factors related to risk of ophthalmic disease.  相似文献   

A study with a placebo was conducted. Healthy university students were given a placebo and were told to make one pill every day for a week. Participants were informed that the medicine improved mood. The extent to which they conformed to this instruction was treated as an index of compliance. Our results show that for women, but not for men, positive mood and cognitive structuring or negative mood and lack of cognitive structuring significantly predicted participants' compliance. A new model of medication adherence, based on the role of the patient's mood and cognitive structuring processes in decision making is presented in the paper.  相似文献   

Uncontrolled blood pressure remains a major public health issue. Medication adherence is a key factor in blood pressure management; however, adherence behavior is not clearly understood and the most significant factors contributing to poor medication adherence and blood pressure control are unknown. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of self-monitoring of blood pressure, medication adherence, self-efficacy, stage of change, and blood pressure control among municipal workers with access to health insurance. Stage of change was a significant independent predictor of self-monitoring of blood pressure, but not blood pressure control. A strong relationship was found between medication adherence and medication adherence self-efficacy (r = .549, p < .05).  相似文献   

Despite the availability of effective medications, hypertension remains inadequately managed in the United States. It has been established that medication adherence is a major strategy for controlling blood pressure. Combined interventions to promote adherence are promising, but further research is needed to understand which behaviors to target. The frequency of self-monitoring of blood pressure among municipal workers is unknown, and the literature is limited regarding assessing individuals' readiness and confidence to engage in medication adherence. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of medication adherence, readiness, self-efficacy, self-monitoring of blood pressure, and blood pressure control among hypertensive municipal workers. The study population was enrolled in a wellness program established more than 20 years ago to promote health and safety for a work force in a large southeastern U.S. city. The majority of the study participants (75.7%) demonstrated controlled blood pressure, reported adherence to antihypertensive medication (70%), and self-monitored blood pressure (70%).  相似文献   

A number of studies have suggested a small to moderate positive relation between blood pressure and blood lead concentration in males (2-4 mmHg/In(microgram/dl]. However, this 1986 study of San Francisco bus drivers suggests larger relations in black males (n = 132) for both systolic pressure (7.5 mmHg/In(microgram/dl] and diastolic pressure (4.7 mmHg/In(microgram/dl] at very low blood lead concentrations (2-21 micrograms/dl). This increase appears to result from negative confounding, particularly after taking into account tobacco use. Relations are even larger in blacks who infrequently use caffeine (16.7 and 10.4 mmHg/In(microgram/dl) for systolic and diastolic pressure, respectively). In contrast, a negative relation between systolic pressure and blood lead concentration (-5.7 mmHg/In(microgram/dl] is suggested in nonblack males (n = 117). These findings indicate that race, lead accumulation, and physiologic effects related to caffeine use (e.g., catecholamine effects) may interact to produce marked differences in effect on blood pressure.  相似文献   

Potassium, calcium, alcohol intake and blood pressure: the Zutphen Study   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In 1960, 1965, and 1970 information about the usual intake of foods and beverages was collected by the cross-check dietary history method, among middle-aged men in the town of Zutphen, the Netherlands. Blood pressures were also taken in these years. Potassium intake was significantly inversely related to systolic blood pressure in 1970. A significant inverse relation between calcium intake and blood pressure was found in 1965 and 1970. Changes in potassium and calcium intake during 5 and 10 years of follow-up were not related to changes in blood pressure. In univariate analyses, alcohol intake was significantly positively related to systolic and diastolic blood pressure in all three years. After multivariate analyses this relation persisted for systolic blood pressure in 1960 and for systolic and diastolic blood pressure in 1965. Changes in alcohol intake during 5 years of follow-up were positively related to changes in systolic blood pressure.  相似文献   

Migration, blood pressure pattern, and hypertension: the Yi Migrant Study.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Rural-urban migration provides an ideal opportunity to examine the effects of environment and genes on blood pressure. The effect of migration on the Yi people of China was studied. The Yi people live in a remote mountain area in southwestern China. In 1989, blood pressure was measured in 14,505 persons (8,241 Yi farmers, 2,575 urban Yi migrants, and 3,689 Han urban residents) aged 15-89 years. Different patterns were seen for men and women. Among the men, Yi farmers had the lowest mean blood pressure, the least rise in blood pressure with age (systolic blood pressure, 0.13 mmHg/year; diastolic blood pressure, 0.23 mmHg/year), and the lowest prevalence of hypertension (0.66%). In contrast, both Yi migrant men and Han men had higher levels of mean blood pressure, rise in blood pressure with age (Yi migrants: systolic pressure, 0.33 mmHg/year; diastolic pressure, 0.33 mmHg/year; Han: systolic pressure, 0.36 mmHg/year; diastolic pressure, 0.23 mmHg/year), and prevalence of hypertension (Yi migrants, 4.25%; Han, 4.91%). Among the women, however, mean systolic pressure was higher in Yi farmers than in Yi migrants or in Han. Diastolic pressure was similar among the three groups. However, the Yi farmer women's age-related rise in blood pressure (systolic pressure, 0.06 mmHg/year; diastolic pressure, 0.14 mmHg/year) and their prevalence of hypertension (0.33%) were lower than those in the other two groups. Yi migrant women had an intermediate rise in blood pressure with age (systolic pressure, 0.37 mmHg/year; diastolic pressure, 0.23 mmHg/year) and prevalence of hypertension (2.40%). Han women had the greatest rise in blood pressure with age (systolic pressure, 0.56 mmHg/year; diastolic pressure, 0.36 mmHg/year) and the highest prevalence of hypertension (4.76%). For both men and women, the above differences were only partially explained by age, body mass index, heart rate, smoking, and alcohol use. This study, using standardized methods, demonstrates an important effect of migration on rise in blood pressure with age and on the prevalence of hypertension.  相似文献   

A validation study evaluated the accuracy of self-reported use of commonly used medications among older women. Within a case-control study of breast cancer, drug information was ascertained by interview. Pharmacy records from 1990 to 1999 were obtained from a Washington State health maintenance organization (66% of subjects) and retail pharmacies (34% of subjects) on a sample of subjects (212 cases, 191 controls) and used as the "gold standard." Recall accuracy was assessed for 6-month, 2-year, and 8-year time windows. Sensitivity of antihypertensive use was 92% (95% confidence interval (CI): 85, 96) for cases and controls in the 6-month period and slightly lower for the 2-year (90% (95% CI: 82, 94) and 87% (95% CI: 78, 92)) and 8-year (80% (95% CI: 69, 88) and 79% (95% CI: 68, 88)) periods. For statins, sensitivity was 83% (95% CI: 64, 93) for cases and 93% (95% CI: 69, 99) for controls in the 6-month period, 75% (95% CI: 55, 88) and 86% (95% CI: 60, 96) in the 2-year period, and 67% (95% CI: 42, 85) and 75% (95% CI: 41, 93) in the 8-year period. For self-report of antidepressants, sensitivities ranged from 66% (95% CI: 47, 80) in the 6-month period to 44% (95% CI: 30, 60) in the 8-year period. Specificity was high among all drug classes, ranging from 91% to 100%. Recall did not differ by case-control status. Trivial changes in estimates were observed when health maintenance organization records alone were used as the gold standard. Self-reported use of antihypertensives and statins appears to be relatively accurate among older women.  相似文献   

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