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目的:实证分析非典防控中扑杀果子狸措施的社会心理成效。方法:通过收集网易新闻论坛上网上公众自由发表的3816条关于广东第二次非典防控的评论作为社会心理样本,反映这一期间扑杀果子狸措施公布前后公众心理反应的变化,通过统计分组的层层剥离,最后过滤出直接的有效信息。结果:反映非典防控社会心理反应的四个主要统计标志”乐观或理智“、”忧虑“、”埋怨管理层“和”埋怨科学家“均出现大幅度前后相对改善。结论:该措施在增强公众抗击非典的信心、消除恐惧心理、提高公众对管理层的信任和强化公众对科学的信念都产生了积极的正面作用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨大学生在“非典”时期的心理状况。方法 采用非典时期大学生心理状况调查问卷,对衡水师专一~三年级共201名学生进行测评。结果大学生面对非典这一突发事件,出现了心理恐惧,而且年级越低恐惧心理越严重,年级越高恐惧心理相对较轻,一三年级差异显著。但性别差异不明显,从各维度上看,大学生对非典的恐惧心理和非典前相比差异显著。结论 面对“非典”,大学生存在恐惧心理。  相似文献   

浅述中医药在抗"非典"中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙淑卿  林万莲 《医学信息》2003,16(12):684-685
自 2 0 0 2 .11月开始 ,传染性非典型性肺炎 (国际卫生组织将其命名为重型急性呼吸道综合征“SARS”)在中国及世界各国陆续发生 ,并在一定范围内导致了不同程度的流行 ,使人民生命财产和世界经济发展遭受严重损失。面对这样一种前所未有 ,尚无针对性疗法的疾病 ,中、西医工作者正在共同努力 ,以翼早日攻克这一难题。多年来 ,中医药在防治各种传染病的实践中发挥了重要作用 ,尤其在病毒疾病的防治中取得了不少成就。目前 ,临床运用中医中药防治“非典”所产生的良好作用 ,已在各方面引起广泛的关注。1 浅述中医药在抗击“非典”中的作用1.…  相似文献   

非典型肺炎是一场突如其来的重大灾害 ,在我国一些地区蔓延 ,严重威胁着人民群众的身体健康和生命安全。党中央、国务院高度重视 ,同时做出重大决策 ,动员全党、全国人民万众一心 ,众志成城 ,坚决打赢防治“非典”的人民战争。中国科协及时部署 ,要求所属团体迅速行动起来与全国人民一道同舟共济 ,共渡难关 ,充分发挥科学的力量奋力战胜“非典”,配合全国上下打赢“非典”疫情这场攻坚战。在这场没有硝烟的战场上 ,中国心理卫生协会的理事 ,尤其是医务工作者 ,心理卫生工作者迅速行动、积极投入到抗击“非典”斗争中 ,在各自的岗位上利用各…  相似文献   

"非典"心理援助热线来电初步分析报告   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:通过对2003年4月底至6月中旬北京非典心理援助热线来电的数据和内容分析,总结出非典流行期间群体心理的变化特点。方法:将非典心理援助热线所接来电进行分类,采用量化统计与质性分析方法进行分析。结果:非典流行期间人群的心理变化为三个时期:恐慌期、烦闷期和恢复期,非典心理援助热线所接电话内容的变化反映了不同时期人们心态的变化。结论:本报告为建立健全国家灾难及危机心理干预系统的建议提供了依据。  相似文献   

SARS是一场蔓延全球的灾难性传染疫病 ,SARS的出现一度引起了人类的恐慌。其实这大可不必 ,因为人类发展的历史本身就是一部和疾病不断斗争的历史 ,自人类诞生以来 ,各种疾病就一直困扰我们。科学的发展使许多新的顽症得以治愈 ,但同时又会出现许多新的疾病。每个时代的人都要承受一些考验 ,关键是我们如何对待SARS带来的挑战。“非典”是对中华民族凝聚力的一次考验 ,是对人性和道德的一次考验。中国人民在党中央的领导下 ,已经形成了“众志成城 ,万众一心”的抗非典态势。打“非典”攻坚战 ,既要有坚定的信心 ,又要有科学的态度 ,我…  相似文献   

目的 了解“非典”流行期间大学生的心理状态。方法 采用 SCL-90 ,SAS和 SDS对 1 0 4名大学生在非典流行期间被隔离时的心理状态进行评定 ,并与非典流行 3个月后的心理状态进行自身前后比较。结果 大学生在非典期间 SCL-90躯体化、偏执、焦虑、抑郁、恐怖、敌对、精神病性因子分和阳性项目数高于非典流行后 ,差异具有显著性意义 ( P<0 .0 1 ) ;焦虑和抑郁情绪在非典流行被隔离时非常明显 ,差异具有显著性意义 ( P<0 .0 1 )。结论 大学生在“非典”流行期间被隔离时存在明显的心理问题和情绪障碍  相似文献   

在日常生活中,人们愈来愈多地发现癌症存在着自愈倾向。许多人对此感到莫明奇妙。有关心理学家指出,只要让癌症病人做好自我心理康复疗法,便会增强机体免疫力,缓解症状,甚至可能使肿瘤自然消退。 坚定战胜癌症的信心 现代医学对疾病的认识已由单纯的生物医学模式转变为“生  相似文献   

这是一个已被“非典”病毒感染的生命个体 ,明知自己患病且已住院 ,却擅自上街的“非典”患者 ,用妨害传染病防治和以危险方法危害公共安全的犯罪行为 ,制造了一起住院非典患者涉嫌犯罪而被逮捕的重大新闻。该新闻由新华社 5月 8日向全国发了通电。新闻人物叫李松。这是一个时年 40岁 ,在北京某医院进修期间感染“非典”的医务工作者。李松就职于内蒙古巴彦淖尔盟临河市铁路医院 ,因为得了“非典”,他在北京治疗几天后于 3月 2 7日返回故乡临河市 ,是巴盟地区首例输入性非典患者。李松回临河后在其父诊所医治 3天无效 ,才于3月 3 0日入住巴…  相似文献   

目的 了解“非典”对大学生心理造成的影响,寻求长时间应激状态下平稳过渡的正确教育教学方法。方法 采用自拟的问卷调查表,调查了衡水师专生物系246名18~22岁的大学生。结果 “非典”对大学生的上课注意力、情绪稳定性、卫生习惯、班级的凝聚力等都有极显著影响,对学生间的密切接触程度、作息规律无显著影响。结论 针对“非典”在诸多方面对大学生产生的心理影响,而导致学生因长时间处于应激状态产生的焦虑,学校、家庭、教育部门需共同合作研究出一套行之有效的教育教学方法,加强对学生的心理疏导,帮助学生尽快摆脱焦虑,使其纳入正常的生活轨道。  相似文献   

How to cite this article: Ansari AS. Therapeutic Options for the Treatment of Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae Infections: Hope in the Times of Hype and Despair. Indian J Crit Care Med 2021;25(7):752–753.

“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears”—Nelson Mandela  相似文献   

Trainees all too often learn more about how not to conduct supervision than how to conduct supervision effectively. The purpose of this article is to present a conceptualization of the theoretical, empirical, and practical elements of supervisor failures. Specifically, the article attends to the following behaviors that may lead to supervisor failure: (a) denigrate the supervisory relationship; (b) demonstrate multicultural incompetence; (c) become an unethical supermodel; (d) use evaluation instruments that could not pass for an undergraduate thesis; (e) teach your trainee how to diagnose narcissism by example; (f) apply psychotherapy models in supervision as if there is a theoretical or empirical basis; (g) infantalize your trainee; (h) collude with your trainee; (i) make your trainee your surrogate psychotherapist; and (j) go on a date with your trainee. Recommendations for increasing supervisor success and limiting supervisor failure are provided.  相似文献   

In patients with chronic diseases, expectations of care are associated with clinical outcomes. Using open-ended interviews, we elicited the expectations of treatment in 93 hypertensive African-American patients. During routine clinic visits, patients were asked, "What are your expectations of the treatment your doctor prescribed for your high blood pressure?" Their responses were explored with the probes: Do you expect to take your blood pressure medications for the rest of your life? Do you expect to take your medications daily regardless of symptoms? Do you expect a cure for your high blood pressure? Using standard qualitative techniques, patients'' responses were grouped into a taxonomy of three categories of expectations reflecting patients'' role, physicians'' role, and medication effects. They expected to take active role in their treatment, especially as it relates to adoption of healthy behaviors. They expected their physicians to educate them about blood pressure treatment, and they expected medications to lower their blood pressure and prevent heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure. Despite such appropriate expectations, a considerable proportion of patients had nonbiomedical expectations of their treatment-38% expected a cure, 38% did not expect to take their medications for life and 23% take medications only with symptoms. The taxonomy of patient expectations outlined in this study may serve as a useful framework for patient education and counseling about hypertension and its management in this patient population.  相似文献   

Multiproblem low‐income families face multiple long‐term problems in contexts deprived of economic resources, and they use various forms of formal and informal support to overcome these problems. This study examines how families coordinate the diverse strategies. A sample of 150 multiproblem, low‐income families was surveyed by means of an interview that comprised three open questions: Which problems do you feel exist in your family? What strategies does your family use to cope with each of these problems? How does your family bring together the different types of support? Main findings suggest that a member of the family (the family manager) coordinates and links informal and formal types of support. Families do not adopt a passive attitude toward problem solving because they activate and manage multiple formal and informal strategies. It is suggested that professionals could promote the coordination between formal and informal strategies without taking away autonomy from the families. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Leadership and management have become topics of recent interest in athletic training. These skills are distinct from each other and are vital to a successful and efficient athletic training room. Leadership is an influence relationship, while management is an authority relationship. Leadership is concerned with knowing yourself, your staff, your profession, and how to apply people skills. Management is concerned with organization, communication, and the development of your athletic training facility's mission. By applying good management and leadership skills, you can implement your mission statement, evaluate your results, and improve the performance of your athletic training facility.  相似文献   

With the cost of genome sequencing decreasing every day, DNA information has the potential of affecting the lives of everyone. Surprisingly, an individual has little knowledge about his own DNA information, can rarely access it, and has hardly any control over its use. This may result in preventable, life‐threatening situations, and also significantly inhibits scientific progress. What we urgently need is a “DNA bank,” a resource providing a secure personal account where, similar to a financial institution, you can store your DNA sequence. Using this private and secure DNA bank account, you govern your sequence‐related business. For any genetic study performed, the data generated must be transferred (paid) to your DNA account. Using your account, you regulate access, knowing for what purpose (informed consent) and only for the genetic data you are willing to share. The DNA account ensures you are in the driver's seat, know what is known, and control what is happening with it.  相似文献   

Adherence to antiretroviral medications has proven to be a challenge for individuals diagnosed with HIV infection. Nonadherence can lead to treatment failure, HIV resistance, and poor health outcomes. Many published studies have described factors associated with poor adherence, yet few have presented validated scales that could practically be applied in treatment settings to identify individuals at higher risk of nonadherence. This article explores the relationship between a revised version of the Perceived Stress Scale and nonadherence to antiretroviral therapy. The scale consists of the following items: How often in the past month have you felt that you were unable to control the important things in your life; confident in your ability to handle your personal problems; that things were going your way; and difficulties were piling up so high you could not handle them? Response options were "never or rarely," "sometimes," "often," and "mostly or always." In multivariate analysis, clients who scored in the highest quartile of perceived stress were more than twice as likely to be nonadherent at baseline and follow-up 1 and more than 5 times as likely to be nonadherent at follow-up 2 than clients in the lowest quartile of perceived stress scores.  相似文献   

Genetics & your health. A guide for the 21st century family. By Raye L. Alford, Plexus Publishing, Inc., Medford, NJ, 1999, $19.95.  相似文献   

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after acute medical events is associated with medication nonadherence. The mechanisms of PTSD-related nonadherence are poorly understood. We tested whether patients with elevated PTSD symptoms induced by suspected acute coronary syndrome (ACS) were more likely to have aversive cognitions towards cardiovascular medications. We enrolled a consecutive cohort of patients who presented to the emergency department with suspected ACS. One month after discharge, ACS-induced PTSD symptoms were assessed using the PTSD Checklist (PCL-S), and patients were asked “how often did” (1) “you miss your heart medication because you did not want to be reminded about your heart problem”; (2) “thinking about your heart medication make you feel nervous or anxious”; and (3) “thinking about your heart medication make you think about your risk for future heart problems.” Logistic regression was used to determine the association between elevated PTSD symptoms and each aversive cognition, adjusting for age, sex, race, ethnicity, education, depression, and ACS status. Of 424 patients included, 15.8% had elevated PTSD symptoms (PCL-S ≥ 34). In adjusted analyses, higher PCL-S scores were associated with missing medications to avoid reminders of heart disease (OR 1.22 per 5-point PCL-S increase, 95%CI 1.07–1.40), as well as anxiety (OR 1.34, 95%CI 1.19–1.51) and thoughts of future risk (OR 1.19, 95%CI 1.08–1.32) when thinking about cardiovascular medications. We concluded that patients with elevated PTSD symptoms following suspected ACS were more likely to report aversive cognitions about their cardiovascular medications, suggesting that medications can act as traumatic reminders of the cardiac event and ongoing risk in this group.  相似文献   

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