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Hypertension represents a major burden in Asia, with a high prevalence rate but poor level of awareness and control reported in many countries in the region. Home blood pressure monitoring has been validated as an accurate and reliable measure of blood pressure that can help guide hypertension treatment as well as identify masked and white‐coat hypertension. Despite its benefits, there has been limited research into home blood pressure monitoring in Asia. The authors reviewed the current evidence on home blood pressure monitoring in Asia, including but not limited to published literature, data presented at congresses, and national hypertension management guidelines to determine the current utilization of home blood pressure monitoring in clinical practice in the region. Public policies to enable greater access to home blood pressure monitoring and its use in clinical care would add considerably to improving hypertension outcomes in Asia.  相似文献   

Hypertension is one of the most powerful modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease. It is usually asymptomatic and therefore essential to measure blood pressure regularly for the detection of hypertension. Home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM) is recognized as a valuable tool to monitor blood pressure and facilitate effective diagnosis of hypertension. It is useful to identify the masked or white‐coat hypertension. There is also increasing evidence that supports the role of HBPM in guiding antihypertensive treatment, and improving treatment compliance and hypertension control. In addition, HBPM has also shown prognostic value in predicting cardiovascular events. Despite these benefits, the use of HBPM in many parts of Asia has been reported to be low. An expert panel comprising 12 leading experts from 10 Asian countries/regions convened to share their perspectives on the realities of HBPM. This article provides an expert summary of the current status of HBPM and the key factors hindering its use. It also describes HBPM‐related initiatives in the respective countries/regions and presents strategies that could be implemented to better support the use of HBPM in the management of hypertension.  相似文献   

Nocturnal home blood pressure (BP) monitoring has been used in clinical practice for ~20 years. The authors recently showed that nocturnal systolic BP (SBP) measured by a home BP monitoring (HBPM) device in a Japanese general practice population was a significant predictor of incident cardiovascular disease (CVD) events, independent of office and morning home SBP levels, and that masked nocturnal hypertension obtained by HBPM (defined as nocturnal home BP ≥ 120/70 mmHg and average morning and evening BP < 135/85 mmHg) was associated with an increased risk of CVD events compared with controlled BP (nocturnal home BP < 120/70 mmHg and average morning and evening BP < 135/85 mmHg). This evidence revealed that (a) it is feasible to use a nocturnal HBPM device for monitoring nocturnal BP levels, and (b) such a device may offer an alternative to ambulatory BP monitoring, which has been the gold standard for the measurement of nocturnal BP. However, many unresolved clinical problems remain, such as the measurement schedule and conditions for the use of nocturnal HBPM. Further investigation of the measurement of nocturnal BP using an HBPM device and assessments of the prognostic value are thus warranted. Asians are at high risk of developing nocturnal hypertension due to high salt sensitivity and salt intake, and the precise management of their nocturnal BP levels is important. Information and communication technology‐based monitoring devices are expected to facilitate the management of nocturnal hypertension in Asian populations.  相似文献   

In China, automated blood pressure monitors have been readily available for home use. Home blood pressure monitoring has been indispensable in the management of hypertension. There is therefore a need to establish guidelines for home blood pressure monitoring on the basis of the 2012 consensus document. In this guidelines document, the committee put forward recommendations on the selection and calibration of blood pressure measuring devices, the frequency (times) and duration (days) of blood pressure measurement, and the diagnostic threshold of home blood pressure.  相似文献   

Hypertension is a global public health problem which affects the physical and mental health of individuals. The management of hypertension is a long-term process that requires the cooperation of both doctors and patients, and the blood pressure variability is closely related to the clinical prognosis. In recent years, the development of telemedicine has promoted better blood pressure monitoring and management for patients, as well as better medical intervention and health education for patients by medical staff. This article provides a review of remote blood pressure monitoring and management.  相似文献   

Approximately 25% of the population in Taiwan has hypertension, and the rate has increased over time. Although age‐standardized cardiovascular mortality has decreased over the last 25 years, the annual stroke incidence has increased, and national health insurance reimbursement for cardiovascular disease (CVD) has grown by 22% over the last 10 years. Automatic oscillometric sphygmomanometer devices are increasingly available and affordable in Taiwan, making this the main method of out‐of‐office blood pressure (BP) measurement. Furthermore, home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM), along with shared informed decision making, could be beneficial in driving changes in health behavior and hypertension management. The 2015 Guidelines of the Taiwan Society of Cardiology and the Taiwan Hypertension Society for the Management of Hypertension recognize that home BP is a stronger predictor of CVD than office BP. Therefore, HBPM is recommended and implementation instructions provided. However, a home BP target that corresponds to the office BP used in the majority of clinical studies has yet to be clearly defined. Care for hypertension in Taiwan takes place more often in the hospital versus primary care setting. Combination therapy, often fixed drug combinations, is needed in 60% of patients to achieve BP control. Calcium channel blockers are the most commonly prescribed agents, followed by angiotensin receptor blockers. Overall, there is still substantial room for improvement in the awareness, treatment, and control rate of hypertension in Taiwan. HBPM has a central diagnostic and prognostic role in the management of hypertension.  相似文献   

Hypertension is an important modifiable cardiovascular risk factor and a leading cause of death throughout Asia. Effective prevention and control of hypertension in the region remain a significant challenge despite the availability of several regional and international guidelines. Out‐of‐office measurement of blood pressure (BP), including home BP monitoring (HBPM), is an important hypertension management tool. Home BP is better than office BP for predicting cardiovascular risk and HBPM should be considered for all patients with office BP ≥ 130/85 mm Hg. It is important that HBPM is undertaken using a validated device and patients are educated about how to perform HBPM correctly. During antihypertensive therapy, monitoring of home BP control and variability is essential, especially in the morning. This is because HBPM can facilitate the choice of individualized optimal therapy. The evidence and practice points in this document are based on the Hypertension Cardiovascular Outcome Prevention and Evidence (HOPE) Asia Network expert panel consensus recommendations for HBPM in Asia.  相似文献   

Home blood pressure (BP) monitoring is endorsed in multiple guidelines as a valuable adjunct to office BP measurements for the diagnosis and management of hypertension. In many countries throughout Asia, physicians are yet to appreciate the significant contribution of BP variability to cardiovascular events. Furthermore, data from Japanese cohort studies have shown that there is a strong association between morning BP surge and cardiovascular events, suggesting that Asians in general may benefit from more effective control of morning BP. We designed the Asia BP@Home study to investigate the distribution of hypertension subtypes, including white‐coat hypertension, masked morning hypertension, and well‐controlled and uncontrolled hypertension. The study will also investigate the determinants of home BP control status evaluated by the same validated home BP monitoring device and the same standardized method of home BP measurement among 1600 or more medicated patients with hypertension from 12 countries/regions across Asia.  相似文献   

In clinical practice, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) tends to be used solely for diagnosing hypertension, especially to identify white‐coat and masked hypertension. However, ABPM can provide additional information to guide the management and drug treatment of hypertension. In this brief review, the general principles governing the use of ABPM in clinical practice, such as the devices and software, recording requirements, the thresholds for the day, night and 24‐hour periods and how often to repeat ABPM are summarized. The use of ABPM for diagnosing, determining the efficacy of treatment, and assessing the long‐term control of hypertension are discussed.  相似文献   

自动的电子血压计正在进入家庭。家庭血压监测已成为血压管理的重要组成部分。近年来,美国、欧洲与日本相继制定了家庭血压监测指南。我国家庭血压监测的研究工作正处起步阶段,尚不能完全根据我国相关研究的结果制定指南。随着高血压患者家庭血压管理意识的迅速提高,许多家庭拥有了自动的电子血压计,同时也在进行家庭血压测量。为了促进家庭血压监测的健康发展,需要对家庭血压监测进行适当的规范。因此,参考国外有关指南并经广泛、深入的讨论,制定本共识文件。就血压计的选择与校准、血压测量的频率(次数)与时间(天数)以及家庭血压的正常值等重要问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

Out‐of‐office blood pressure (BP) monitoring appears to be a very useful approach to hypertension management insofar it allows to obtain multiple measurements in the usual environment of each individual, allows the detection of hypertension phenotypes, such as white‐coat and masked hypertension, and appears to have superior prognostic value than the conventional office BP measurements. Out‐of‐office BP can be obtained through either home or ambulatory monitoring, which provide complementary and not identical information. Home BP monitoring yields BP values self‐measured in subjects' usual living environment; it is an essential method for the evaluation of almost all untreated and treated subjects with suspected or diagnosed hypertension, best if combined with telemonitoring facilities, also allowing long‐term monitoring. There is also increasing evidence that home BP monitoring improves long‐term hypertension control rates by improving patients' adherence to prescribed treatment. In Latin American Countries, it is widely available, being relatively inexpensive, and well accepted by patients. Current US, Canadian, Japanese, and European guidelines recommend out‐of‐office BP monitoring to confirm and refine the diagnosis of hypertension.  相似文献   

One-fourth of death in India is attributed to cardiovascular disease (CVD) and more than 80% is related to ischemic heart disease and stroke. The main risk factor for CVD is hypertension. Every third person in India suffers from hypertension and the prevalence increased drastically in the past 20 years, especially among the youngest age group of 20 and 44 years. Regardless of being under anti-hypertension medication, the blood pressure (BP) control rate in the country is still low ranging between 6% and 28% only. Assessing the “true BP control rate” should be performed using both clinic BP measurement and out-of-office BP measurement as the latter shows better prognosis for patients’ hypertension and CVD outcomes. Home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM) shows superiority over ambulatory BP measurement as multiple measurements can be collected at the patient's convenience. Only limited evidence on HBPM in India is available and it's either lacking in hypertension participants or of a small sample size. This study will investigate the real BP control status among 2000 hypertensive patients from 18 centers in 12 states across Pan-India. The outcome of this study will emphasize the value of establishing BP control management practice guidelines suitable for physicians and help policymakers in building proper strategies for hypertension management to reduce the CVD burden on the health situation in India.  相似文献   

Hypertension is highly prevalent in Japan, affecting up to 60% of males and 45% of females. Stroke is the main adverse cardiovascular event, occurring at a higher rate than acute myocardial infarction. Reducing blood pressure (BP) therefore has an important role to play in decreasing morbidity and mortality. The high use of home BP monitoring (HBPM) in Japan is a positive, and home BP is a better predictor of cardiovascular event occurrence than office BP. New 2019 Japanese Society of Hypertension Guidelines strongly recommend the use of HBPM to facilitate control of hypertension to new lower target BP levels (office BP < 130/80 mm Hg and home BP < 125/75 mm Hg). Lifestyle modifications, especially reducing salt intake, are also an important part of hypertension management strategies in Japan. The most commonly used antihypertensive agents are calcium channel blockers followed by angiotensin receptor blockers, and the combination of agents from these two classes is the most popular combination therapy. These agents are appropriate choices in South East Asian countries given that they have been shown to reduce stroke more effectively than other antihypertensives. Morning hypertension, nocturnal hypertension, and BP variability are important targets for antihypertensive therapy based on their association with target organ damage and cardiovascular events. Use of home and ambulatory BP monitoring techniques is needed to monitor these important hypertension phenotypes. Information and communication technology‐based monitoring platforms and wearable devices are expected to facilitate better management of hypertension in Japan in the future.  相似文献   

In the last 2 decades, several scientific societies have published specific guidelines for blood pressure (BP) measurement, providing detailed recommendations for office, home, and ambulatory BP monitoring. These documents typically provided strong support for using out‐of‐office BP monitoring (ambulatory and home). More recently, several organizations recommended out‐of‐office BP evaluation as a primary method for diagnosing hypertension and for treatment titration, with office BP regarded as a screening method. Efforts should now be directed towards making ambulatory and home BP monitoring readily available in primary care and ensuring that such measurements are obtained by following current guidelines. Moreover, it should be mandatory for all published clinical research papers on hypertension to provide details on the methodology of the BP measurement.  相似文献   


Results of 24-h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) including average blood pressure, variability, and nocturnal dipping are considered the gold standard for diagnosis and the best predictor of the future end organ damage in chronic hypertension. Here we report on the reproducibility of ABPM results for these three measures over a period of months. A total of 35 hypertensive patients (43% female, mean age 64 years), underwent two separate ABPM recordings within 14 weeks, with unchanged medical treatment and lifestyle in the interim. The day and night average blood pressure, dipping status of systolic pressure, and the standard deviation of systolic and diastolic blood pressure as a measure of variability were compared between the two recordings. Individual values for average systolic and diastolic pressures showed only a modest correlation between the two measurements (r?=?0.56, r?=?0.81, p?<?0.01). Standard deviations of 24-h pressure were also positively but weakly correlated (r?=?0.4, p?<?0.001). The occurrence of dipping was reproducible in 71% of the patients. Average blood pressure, pressure variability, and dipping as assessed by ABPM are only moderately reproducible. Clinical decision-making based on single ABPM datasets should be made with caution, and repetition of ABPM seems justified in some cases.  相似文献   

This article is a review of 25 publications on ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) and the importance of its results in everyday clinical practice. These studies, published in 2008-2011, were selected from the Scopus database, but are also available in Pubmed. They were prepared by researchers from around the world, concerned with the problems of proper control of blood pressure (BP), and of abnormalities in the circadian pattern of BP in patients with arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus or renal failure. In the first part of this article, I analyse publications focused on some nuances in the methodology of ABPM and recommend ways to avoid some traps, related not only to the individual patient but also to the device used and the technical staff. The next section is devoted to the advantages of ABPM as a diagnostic tool which enables clinicians to learn about patients’ BP during sleep, and emphasizes the practical implications of this information for so-called chronotherapy. This section also presents some new studies on the prognostic value of ABPM in patients with cardiovascular (CV) risk. Some recent articles on the results of various methods of pharmacological treatment of arterial hypertension in different age groups are then described. The observations presented in this article may be helpful not only for researchers interested in the chronobiology of the CV system, but also for general practitioners using ABPM.  相似文献   

Masked uncontrolled hypertension (MUCH) is an entity described in treated hypertensive subjects, where office blood pressure (BP) is well controlled and out‐of‐office BP is elevated. It has been related to a higher cardiovascular risk. However, the reproducibility of MUCH has been scarcely studied. In this study, we aimed to determine the reproducibility of MUCH detected through home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM). Two sets of measurements were performed in hypertensive adults under stable treatment with a 1‐week interval. Each set of measurements included three office BP readings and a 4‐day HBPM with duplicate readings in the morning, afternoon, and evening (the same validated oscillometric device was employed in both settings). We determined the percentage of agreement regarding the presence of MUCH in the two sets of measurements and quantified such agreement through the Cohen's kappa coefficient (κ), its 95% confidence interval, and P value. We included 105 patients (median age 58.6 [IQR 45.6‐67.2] years old, 53.4% men). MUCH prevalence on at least one occasion was 22.3% (95% CI: 15.2‐31.5). The reproducibility of MUCH was scant: κ = 0.19 (95% CI: 0.0002‐0.38), P = 0.02, due to the poor reproducibility of the office BP component of MUCH in comparison with the home BP component: κ = 0.21 (95% CI: 0.03‐0.39), P = 0.01 vs κ = 0.48 (95% CI 0.29‐0.67), P < 0.001, respectively. In conclusion, the reproducibility of MUCH detected through HBPM is minimal, mainly due to the poor reproducibility of office BP measurements. An HBPM‐based strategy for the management of patients with MUCH may be more adequate in terms of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

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