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Zusammenfassung Herzinsuffiziente Patienten, die trotz optimaler chronischer Medikation eine stabile linksventrikuläre Ejektionsfraktion 35% aufweisen und in NYHA-Klasse III oder IV verbleiben, profitieren bezüglich Morbidität und Mortalität von einer kardialen Resynchronisationstherapie (CRT), wenn der linke Ventrikel vor Implantation Zeichen der Asynchronität zeigt. Bisher konnte nur eine einzelne Studie eindeutig eine Verbesserung der Mortalität zeigen, es ist aber von einer absoluten jährlichen Verringerung von 4% in den ersten beiden Jahren auszugehen. Die durch die Implantation verursachte Mortalität ist mit unter 1% anzunehmen. Durch eine Verbesserung der Herzinsuffizienz um im Mittel eine NYHA-Klasse werden ca. 10–20% weniger Patienten in den ersten beiden Jahren mit CRT wegen einer zunehmenden Herzinsuffizienz hospitalisiert. Hospitalisierte Patienten weisen relativ kurze stationäre Aufenthalte von im Mittel unter 5 Tagen auf. Revisionsoperationen auf Grund von Infektionen, Dislokationen und Reizschwellenansteigen der linksventrikulären Sonde sind derzeit bei mindestens 10% der Patienten zu erwarten. Ob die eingesparten Kosten durch die verminderte Inanspruchnahme der stationären Therapie die Kosten der CRT abdecken ist derzeit unklar.  相似文献   

The suicide risk in Germany increases with age. The suicide rates follow the so called "Hungarian" pattern. Especially the percentage of older females among all suicides has increased unproportionally in recent years in relation to their percentage in the population. Every second suicide of a female is today a suicide of a female older than 60 years. The main suicide method among older persons is hanging. Suicide attempts are rare among older persons; however, the rates are increasing among the oldest age groups. The suicide attempts of older persons are committed with a higher lethality and show rarely appellative components. Suicide attempt methods are often poisoning with pharmaceuticals. In total the suicide and suicide attempt rates among elderly are underestimated due to indirect methods (passive reactions, e.g. noneating). Reasons for suicides and suicide attempts among older persons are often psychic illnesses (mostly depression), motives often include loss of partners, loss of the social network, fear of the consequences of somatic illnesses and loss of freedom of action. Thus, often the social situation of older persons with suicide attempts changed before suicide was attempted.  相似文献   

Bramkamp M  Szucs TD 《Herz》2008,33(1):60-70
Clopidogrel, a thienopyridine antiplatelet agent, is an adenosine diphosphate (ADP) receptor antagonist. Clopidogrel inhibits ADP binding to its platelet receptor and subsequent ADP-mediated activation of the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa complex, thus inhibiting platelet aggregation. Clopidogrel irreversibly modifies the ADP receptor so platelets are affected for the remainder of their life span.The treatment of acute coronary syndromes consists of an inpatient diagnosis and inpatient treatment usually done in an emergency room and intensive care unit and a long-term secondary prophylaxis of the underlying condition, coronary artery disease. Therefore, efficacy of different treatments and their implication on costs have to be examined over a long time period. The cost perspective (hospital, society, country) is another important point. In each country different charges for drugs, medical procedures and hospitalization are existing; varying drug costs may result in a more or less cost-effective ratio of a treatment. Furthermore, not only direct medical costs, but also implications on indirect costs should be taken into account when measuring cost-effectiveness of treatments.Worldwide, cardiovascular diseases account for a significant burden of hospital and societal costs. In particular for colleagues running their own private practice, cost-consciousness has become important in recent times. On the other hand, there has to be carried the duty to accord patients the best possible treatment. This - against the background of ethical responsibility, physicians can come into a conflict - continues to require cost-effectiveness studies in the future. By means of the set-forth results configurations can be seen in which clopidogrel has both, a benefit on the medical and on the economic side of view. From most of the quoted analyses application of clopidogrel was warrantable and the scope of costs within the amount of established cardiovascular therapies.  相似文献   

Wiegand UK  Bonnemeier H 《Herz》2001,26(1):49-54
BACKGROUND: The occurrence of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation is related to changes in autonomic tone. Vagally mediated atrial fibrillation predominantly occurs at night in young male patients without history of structural heart disease. In contrast, sympathetically mediated atrial fibrillation is typically triggered by stress. ANALYSIS OF HEART RATE VARIABILITY: Heart rate variability usually measured by Holter monitoring can determine changes in autonomic tone immediately preceding the onset of atrial fibrillation. Studies on this topic found divergent results on the incidence of atrial fibrillation mediated by changes in autonomic tone. Dependent on the results of different studies, night-time episodes of idiopathic atrial fibrillation either are vagally or sympathetically mediated. A sympathetic predominance is found in patients after coronary bypass surgery, concordantly. The inconsistency of these findings points to the fact that not only one mechanism, but more complex changes in autonomic tone are responsible for the occurrence of atrial fibrillation in many cases. In modern pacemakers and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators, PP or RR intervals can be stored automatically before the onset of an arrhythmia. By use of these stored intervals, time-domain parameters of heart rate variability can be calculated. We determined changes in short-term heart rate variability (10-second intervals) by analyzing 26 episodes of PP intervals sampled over the last 2 minutes before onset of atrial fibrillation by a modern dual chamber pacemaker. We observed a significant increase of the standard deviation of PP intervals (SDNN10s) as well as of the mean square route of the squared PP intervals (rMSSD10s) within the last 10-second interval before onset of atrial fibrillation (p < 0.05). This finding points to changes in autonomic tone-immediately preceding the onset of atrial fibrillation. CONCLUSION: The preliminarity of these findings and the use of yet not validated short intervals for determination of heart rate variability does not allow to draw pathogenetic or even therapeutic conclusions from these findings.  相似文献   



In various contexts, the identification of insurants with geriatric conditions (GC) can offer new approaches for specific medical services. GC can be determined from diagnoses data of insurants retrieved from different care sectors, and supplemented with other relevant claims data, e.g., long-term care levels and pharmaceutical data.


Part 3 of this study is based on a systematic sample of 957,447 AOK insurants (age ≥?60 years). Prevalence of 15 GC was investigated using anonymous claims data of diagnoses from physicians in the ambulant care setting and diagnoses from hospital settings in 2008. In addition the potential relationships of GC with mortality, nursing home admission, need for long-term care and hospital utilization in the following year were examined. All results were standardized by gender and age based on the general population aged ≥?60 years in Germany.


Pain and impairment of vision or hearing was the most common GC (>?25%) followed by high risk of complications, fall risk/dizziness, and cognitive deficit (8–14%). Delayed convalescence, frailty, medication problems, immobility and malnutrition occurred in <?1% of the insurants. Almost all GC occurred more often with increasing age. Only 37% insurants in the sample showed no GC, while for 31% exactly one, for 17% two, and for 15% three or more GC were observed. With the exception of pain and impairment of vision or hearing all of the GC had a significant positive association with mortality, nursing home admission, increasing need of care, and hospital utilization in the following year.


The applied operational approach proved to be generally practicable and successful with few adaptations. The GC pain and impairment of vision or hearing, however, do not contribute sufficiently to the identification of geriatric multimorbidity based on claims data. These GC should be therefore disregarded from such identification processes. To enhance the reliability of an identified geriatric multimorbidity, the requirements on the specificity and number of individual GC (two, three, or more) can be adapted.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Häufigkeit mehrfacher primärer Carcinome schwankt nach den großen Statistiken der Literatur zwischen etwa 1 und 5%, was offenbar durch die nicht unanfechtbar sicheren Kriterien des Primären und die demgemäß verschiedene Bewertung durch den Untersucher zu erklären ist. Aufschlußreicher als Allgemeinstatistiken erscheinen solche auf bestimmte Organsysteme bezogene, wobei der Darmtrakt einen bevorzugten Sitz multipler Primärcarcinome darstellt. In einem eigenen Fall mit 4 metachron innerhalb eine Zeitraumes von 23 Jahren aufgetretenen, so gut wie sicher primären Dickdarmkrebsen bei einem im 62. Lebensjahr an Pneumonie verstorbenen Patienten war eine starke familiäre Belastung mit Krebs des Verdauungstraktes nachweisbar. Eine Evidenzhaltung der Darmkrebsoperierten zur frühzeitigen Erfassung eines zweiten Primärtumors erscheint empfehlenswert.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die verschiedentlich aufgeworfene und zum Teil positiv beantwortete Frage nach der Entstehung eines Lungenkrebses durch inhaliertes Eisenoxyd wurde durch Versuche mit dem Peritonealtest an Mäusen überprüft.Versuche bis zu 5 Monaten Dauer erwiesen, daß technisch angefallenes Eisenoxyd in speicherungsbefähigten Zellen phagocytiert oder in größeren selbständigen Depots extracellulär abgelagert wird. Die Depots können von feinen kollagenen Faserzügen durchzogen und von einer schmalen bindegewebigen Schale umgrenzt werden. Phagocytose- und Depotbereich zeigen — im Gegensatz zu aktiven Staubarten wie Quarz, Chromaten oder Asbest — keine Gewebsreizung und keine über den Begrenzungsvorgang hinausgehende Gewebsneubildung. Hinsichtlich der Entstehungsmöglichkeit eines Reizkrebses fehlen morphologisch somit zum mindesten die Voraussetzungen eines Realisationsfaktors.Klinisch-kasuistische (Dreyfus) und experimentelle (Campbell) Angaben über Cancerogenität von Eisenoxyd besitzen keine überzeugende Beweiskraft oder lassen eine andere Deutung zu.Unberührt bleibt von unseren Feststellungen die Frage der syncancerogenen Wirkung von Eisenstaub in Verbindung mit anderen cancerogenen Stoffen oder bei latenter Tumorbereitschaft.Mit 3 Textabbildungen  相似文献   

Masuch  A.  Petersmann  A.  Friedrich  N.  Nauck  M. 《Der Diabetologe》2019,15(1):13-18
Die Diabetologie - Cholesterin als essenzieller Bestandteil von Biomembranen und Vorläufer der Steroidsynthese wird ubiquitär im Körper benötigt. Aufgrund seiner...  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe der Zellelektrophorese konnte bestätigt werden, daß die Erythrozyten von menschlichen Neugeborenen an ihrer Membranaußenfläche Strukturelemente besitzen, die den Erythrozyten erwachsener Menschen fehlen.
Summary It was confirmed by cell electrophoresis that the erythrocytes of newly born humans possess structural elements on their membrane surface, which are not present on the erythrocytes of adults.

Zusammenfassung Es werden Untersuchungsergebnisse über Beziehungen zwischen dem Ausfall von Hämagglutinationsreaktionen im Serum und der Höhe der Serumlipide mitgeteilt. Es hat sich dabei gezeigt, daß keine Abhängigkeiten zwischen der Heterohämagglutination, der Agglutionation tannierter Erythrozyten und der Hämagglutinationsreaktion nachWaaler-Rose und den Serumlipidfraktionen im Reaktionsausfall bestehen. Lediglich bei der Schleppe, also bei den Neutralfetten, war eine negative Regression zum Ausfall der Heterohämagglutination zu sichern. Die Bedeutung der Befunde für klinische Belange wird diskutiert.Jetzt: Beirut (Libanon).  相似文献   

H. Bloch 《Lung》1959,121(1):103-111

A number of risk factors for pressure sores are well known. However, their causal relationship with the development of pressure sores is ambiguous. In fact, there is varying awareness of the problems in nursing staff and physicians caused by its' complexity and sometimes unclear evidence-even in standards and guidelines. In the present investigation, 256 members of a nursing staff and 245 physicians were asked by questionnaire about risk factors for pressure sores and problems with quality of care. The results revealed different views of the pathophysiology of pressure sores and also problems in the quality of care. There was agreement about the urgent need of consideration of these topics in education and postgraduate training.  相似文献   

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