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This research aimed at understanding the meaning of undergraduate research for supervisors of Nursing scholarship students in a university in the South of Brazil. The methodological reference used was the Grounded Theory, by the means of interviews with seven undergraduate research scholarship advisors forming two sample groups. The phenomenon "glimpsing undergraduate research activities of research groups coordinated by nursing advisors, the basis of competency formation in research of the scholarships" emerged form the interrelation of six categories. To be a advisor and researcher of human resources in research form undergraduation requires pedagogical, instrumental, and managerial competencies associated to research policies of nursing and health.  相似文献   

Despite the tremendous impact that tobacco use and tobacco smoke exposure have on morbidity, mortality, and health disparities, few schools of public health in the U.S. offer courses of study on tobacco control or make it a priority in their curricula. An academic concentration in tobacco studies and a master's-level scholarship program were developed at the University of Washington School of Public Health and Community Medicine to support and encourage students to pursue tobacco-related coursework, seminars, internships, and thesis work. This article discusses the goals, strategies, and accomplishments of the programs, emphasizing a collaborative approach between the university and state and local health departments, nongovernmental agencies, and research organizations as instrumental to the program's success and ultimate continuation.  相似文献   

目的:探讨在目前医疗行业飞速发展的时代背景下,医学影像专业研究生培养的新方法和思路。方法:在临床能力培养、科研能力培养、演讲技巧及教学能力培养等方面进行深入探讨。结果:结合医学专业的一般规律,提出了如何通过全面发展的培养方法对研究生进行综合能力的培养。结论:综合的、国际化的培养和训练是提高医学影像专业研究生能力的必要途径。  相似文献   

Abstract: As newcomers on college campuses, family policy courses have the potential to benefit policymaking, fill a void in undergraduate and graduate education, strengthen families, and prepare students for lifelong political engagement during a pivotal period in their development. Yet, family policy has proven a challenging course to teach. Family policy is an esoteric concept, which makes courses difficult to distinguish from other policy courses. The content of a family policy course is fluid and inherently value laden. This paper proposes course content and teaching techniques to transform these challenges into learning opportunities. The author discusses similarities and differences in teaching undergraduate and graduate courses and recommends cross‐university dialogue and resource exchange to improve the teaching of family policy in college classrooms.  相似文献   

To explore whether nurses in academic institutions are being adequately educated to care for patients' nutritional needs, we conducted a survey of National League for Nursing accredited baccalaureate programs in the United States and their associated graduate programs. Data indicate that nutrition content is an integral part of baccalaureate nursing programs. Less emphasis is reported on nutrition content at the graduate level. Recommendations include revision of the substantive nutritive content and increased clinical experience in nutrition in both undergraduate and graduate nursing education.  相似文献   

Scholars of color have been instrumental in advancing nursing knowledge development but find limited spaces where one can authentically share their philosophical perspective. Although there is a call for antiracism in nursing and making way for more diverse and inclusive theories and philosophies, our voices remain at the margins of nursing theory and philosophy. In nursing philosophy, there continues to be a lack of racial diversity in those who are given the platform to share their scholarship. Five nurse scholars of color attended the International Nursing Philosophy Conference in August 2022. We established a collective system of support by sharing our experiences as researchers, scholars, and educators with each other. The theory of emancipatory nursing praxis informed this process. In this dialogue, we reflected on what it is like to present at and attend predominantly white nursing conferences. We shared our experiences of how we exist as nurse scholars, our philosophical views, and our thoughts on how we create spaces where scholars of color can feel welcomed and acknowledged for their contributions to advancing nursing knowledge.  相似文献   

The authors analyse teaching at the graduate nursing program from Unicamp (SP), starting from the introduction of a new curriculum in 1997, in accordance to the curricular standards taken from Federal Law concerning education. In theory, the changes implemented subvert the established order. It has been a hard task to operate curricular reform in a public university that is experiencing a financial and management crisis--reflections of a neoliberal ideology in public education policies, which increasingly values scientific production to the detriment of initiatives toward quality teaching. The difficulties found demanded some considerations and the proposition of seven fundamental thesis in order to subsidize problem analysis and guide necessary interventions. Among them, the theme Policies and Practice in nursing teaching is focused in this text.  相似文献   

This paper examines the concept of empowerment and how it relates to nursing. It notes that empowerment is a concept used to describe most human activities. The fact that empowerment applies to almost any activity denotes its ambiguity rather than its parsimony. To clarify the concept a definition is offered together with some suggestions for its origin. Some examples of empowerment programmes are given, including the Freirian empowerment philosophy that has had a profound effect in Brazil. The paper then focuses on nursing and discusses whether or not nursing can empower patients. It is argued that nursing cannot empower patients, at least at the present time. Two specific problems are identified as the main reasons why nursing cannot empower patients. It is argued that the first problem or reason is a philosophical one explored using the philosophy of existentialism. The second problem is the nurse–patient interaction and the psychological dynamics involved within such interaction. For example, the continued use of the term ‘patient’ by nurses and other healthcare professionals is seen as militating against empowerment. This is because of the traditional conception of a patient, which invariably assumes not only the patient's sick role but also the passivity associated with being a patient. Furthermore, the hierarchical nature of the profession makes it difficult to empower others. The paper examines some research studies related to patient empowerment. The findings suggest there are problems and some of them stem from the hierarchical and authoritarian nature of nursing. The paper concludes by suggesting ways by which the ideals of patient empowerment may be turned into reality.  相似文献   

This bibliographic research aimed to characterize scientific production on air patient transport in indexed databases. Eighty-three references were found, 76 in Medline, between 1997 and 2009, and four in Lilacs, between 1999 and 2007. More publications were found in 2001 and qualitative studies were the most prevalent. The most evident thematic tendency in Lilacs was education and research, against air transport nursing in Medline. The lack of regulation on nurse's tasks on board is highlighted, as well as the importance of including contents on aerospace nursing in undergraduate and graduate courses. Many gaps remain in knowledge production about the theme. Research analyzing this interface qualifies aerospace nursing care.  相似文献   

Retiring age is no longer fixed at 39 years of working service by Italian law, so nurses with more than 40 years of service continue to work in the wards, creating a distinct older generation. Moreover, with the closure of nursing colleges and the introduction of university degree courses for nurses, nursing education has changed significantly. This article reports on a study which explored the experiences of chief nurses in the daily management of nursing teams composed of multigenerational nurses who differed in age and qualifications. Husserls' phenomenologic approach was used, interviewing at length a purposeful sample of 10 chief nurses. Five main areas of concern emerged: (a) The generation gaps between peers and team leaders; (b) nomadism versus being settled; (c) conflicting methods of working which result in nothing being accomplished: managing the "flat paradox"; (d) different nursing values, ideals, and visions; and (e) existing generation gaps with the younger staff. The number of younger nurses will increase with time and, as a consequence, the relevance of intergenerational differences must be seriously debated, not only difficulties with age differences but also those relating to nursing education.  相似文献   

Although the tobacco industry helped fund the attack on "junk science," it has created its own dubious scientific scholarship for its expert witnesses. We suggest that plaintiffs' counsel should be proactive in using Daubert hearings to exclude the tobacco industry defendants' scientific expert witnesses by introducing documentation, such as we have found through researching previously privileged internal industry documents, to prove that much of their proposed testimony was developed by and for their lawyers.  相似文献   

Sophisticated information technology systems have made distance education both possible and highly desirable. Distance graduate research degrees have contributed to the globalization of occupational therapy research. An exploratory study using qualitative methodology was conducted to further understand the perspectives of four distance students and three supervisors. All students perceived many personal and professional advantages in undertaking graduate study by distance; however, they acknowledged a number of challenges, such as social isolation and lack of access to resources. Supervisors and students identified issues relating to the university bureaucracy, infrastructure, time and isolation. A number of supports that promote successful graduate education were identified, including associate supervisors, on-campus residency and informal social networks. Students and supervisors needed excellent time management and communication skills, and a commitment to maintaining contact. Students needed to balance multiple demands and supervisors needed to be student advocates. The small sample size in this study limits generalizability of the findings. Further research into methods of optimizing the use of information technology is required. An awareness of the issues and challenges is essential if graduate distance education is to be a mutually beneficial experience for supervisors and students. Copyright © 2000 Whurr Publishers Ltd.  相似文献   

In this article, we address foundational and innovative aspects of preparing educators who teach about families, including theoretical, methodological, and practical considerations. We approach our task by defining and utilizing a human development and family science (HDFS) worldview, which, like the related foci on translational family science and family life education, integrates both the need for comprehensive academic grounding and professional preparation in the service of improving individual and family lives. We integrate the HDFS worldview with critical pedagogy and feminist praxis in family science that explicitly calls attention to inequality, oppression, and the need to empower individuals, families, communities, and societies. One of the hallmarks of HDFS scholarship and pedagogy on families is the intentional approach of teaching students to work in fields where they are seeking to name and redress individual and family vulnerability. In addition, we provide a comprehensive case study of collegiate education for training graduate students who are preparing to teach undergraduate students in the interdisciplinary field of HDFS. Finally, we provide directions for future research and implications for practice in HDFS pedagogy and teacher training in academic and community settings.  相似文献   

In order to help improve the effectiveness of birth control education programs, a film "It Couldn't Happen to Me" was produced focusing on the psychological motives involved in the non-use of birth control among teenagers. Preliminary evaluation of the film took place with five sample groups: high school students, university students, nursing students, health educators, and Planned Parenthood workers. Survey results indicate that the film is relevant for each of these groups. Pre and posttest measures of the attitudes of the university and nursing samples indicate that the film makes viewers more aware of the psychological factors involved in the non-use of birth control.  相似文献   

Abstract The ethics of care, adopted in much of the nursing literature, is usually framed in opposition to the Kantian ethics of principle. Irrespective of whether the ethics of care is grounded in gender, as with Gilligan and Noddings, or inscribed on Heidegger's ontology, as with Benner, Kant remains the philosophical adversary, honouring reason rather than emotion, universality rather than context, and individual autonomy rather than interdependence. During the past decade, however, a great deal of Kantian scholarship – including feminist scholarship – has rendered this series of oppositions questionable, challenging the view that an ethics of care and Kant's moral law are irreconcilable. This paper therefore re‐examines Kant's writings, drawing on recent scholarship, and argues both that they provide the care ethicists with everything they require, and that they offer something beyond an ethics of care, something that repairs the deficits in philosophies of caring. It concludes by suggesting that a Kantian ethics of care has significant implications for the construction of nursing knowledge.  相似文献   

生物医药产业发展迅猛,竞争日趋激烈,对高等军事院校培养创新型人才提出了更高的要求。本文立足于第二军医大学药学院生化药学教研室培养新药创新人才的实践,就近年来教研室立足课堂、积极探索利用研究生教育资源培养本科学员新药创新能力等方面取得的经验进行总结,力求不断提高创新型军事人才培养水平。  相似文献   

Because of the need for additional researchers in the interdisciplinary field of behavioral health services research, the Florida Mental Health Institute at the University of South Florida developed and pilot tested a summer research institute for undergraduate students. Participants completed a 6-week program in which they developed a research project with a mentor and participated in a research seminar. The long-term objectives of the program were to attract promising students to the field and encourage them to pursue careers in behavioral health services research; short-term goals of the program were to strengthen participants’ research skills and knowledge, provide an intensive and enjoyable learning experience, and positively impact participants’ intentions to pursue graduate education in behavioral health. These goals were evaluated using a pre–post design with 6-month follow-up. Findings suggested that short-term goals were met. Suggestions for future improvements and implementation at other research settings are discussed.  相似文献   

Throughout their history, symbolic interactionism and critical perspective have been viewed as divergent theoretical perspectives with different philosophical underpinnings. A review of their historical and philosophical origins reveals both points of divergence and areas of convergence. Their underlying philosophies of science and views of human freedom are different as is their level of focus with symbolic interactionism having a micro perspective and critical perspective using a macro perspective. This micro/macro difference is reflected in the divergence of their major concepts, goals and basic tenets. While their underlying philosophies are different, however, they are not necessarily contradictory and areas of convergence may include the concepts of reference groups and looking glass self within symbolic interactionism and ideological hegemony within critical perspective. By using a pragmatic approach and combining symbolic interactionism and critical perspectives, both micro and macro levels come into focus and strategies for change across individual and societal levels can be developed and applied. Application of both symbolic interactionism and critical perspective to nursing research and scholarship offers exciting new opportunities for theory development and research methodologies. In nursing education, these two perspectives can give students added insight into patients' and families' problems at the micro level while, at the same time, giving them a lens to see and tools to apply to problems at the macro level in health care. In nursing practice, a combined symbolic interactionism/critical perspective approach assists nurses to give high‐quality care at the individual level while also working at the macro level to address the manufacturers of illness. New research questions emerge from this combination of perspectives with new possibilities for theory development, a transformation in nursing education, and the potential for new practice strategies that can address individual client and larger system problems through empowerment of clients and nurses.  相似文献   

为建立完善军人医师毕业后医学教育体系,本校主动跟进医改进程和医学教育改革动态,在市卫生局的大力支持下,成功将军人医师纳入地方市住院医师规范化培训体系,为军队医院开展住院医师规范化培训做出探索。  相似文献   

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