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目的 观察显性玻璃膜疣合并高度远视一家系的临床表现.方法 回顾分析来自同一家系的3例显性玻璃膜疣合并高度远视患者的临床资料.采用复方托品酰胺充分散大瞳孔后,在验光中心采用电脑验光和检影的方法确定患者的屈光状态.采用Zeiss公司FF450 plus眼底照相机行眼底彩色照相及荧光素眼底血管造影(FFA)检查.同时行视网膜电图(ERG)检查,观察患者的ERG表现特征.结果 散瞳验光结果显示,3例患者均存在不同程度的远视性屈光不正.除先证者母亲左眼矫正视力可达正常视力外,其余患眼均存在屈光不正性弱视.眼底彩色照相检查显示,3例患者均有不同程度的玻璃膜疣存在.先证者弟弟病变程度最轻;先证者母亲病变最为明显,除黄斑区外,周边部也存在大量散在的玻璃膜疣.FFA检查显示,相应于彩色眼底像中的玻璃膜疣处,均表现为透见荧光.ERG检查显示,先证者弟弟明视ERG振幅下降,暗视ERG正常.先证者及其母亲明视、暗视ERG均正常.结论显性玻璃膜疣合并高度远视患者可伴有屈光不正性弱视.相应于玻璃膜疣处,FFA表现为透见荧光.ERG表现除明视振幅可发生下降外,其余表现均正常.  相似文献   

目的 探讨屈光性调节性内斜视患者配戴完全远视矫正眼镜对正视化的影响.方法 临床病例对照研究.收集1990~1997年期间在中山大学眼科中心66例屈光性调节性内斜视和95例远视不伴有内斜的患儿进行回顾性调查研究.共计161例,322只眼,全部患者用1%Atropine睫状肌麻痹剂散瞳验光,将远视性屈光不正完全矫正的屈光性调节性内斜患者66例(132只眼)归为足矫组,远视性屈光不正部分矫正的普通远视患者95例(190只眼)归为欠矫组,采用重复测量资料分析方法比较两组患者3、5、7、9岁时远视性屈光不正的变化趋势.结果 足矫组患者,3岁屈光度(+5.45±2.22)D,5岁屈光度(+5.64±1.99)D,7岁屈光度(+5.48±2.05)D,9岁屈光度(+5.30±1.93)D.欠矫组患者,3岁屈光度(+3.98±2.14)D,5岁(+4.26±2.48)D,7岁(+3.97±2.43)D,9岁(+3.44±2.48)D.3~5岁,足矫组的远视屈光度增加+0.19 D,欠矫组增加+0.28 D(P <0.05);5~7岁,足矫组的远视屈光度下降+0.16 D,而欠矫组下降+0.29 D(P <0.05);7~9岁,足矫组的远视屈光度下降+0.18 D,欠矫组下降+0.53 D(P<0.05).将两组患儿的研究始末的屈光度改变作比较,足矫组从3~9岁远视屈光度平均减少了+0.15 D,欠矫组则平均减小了+0.54 D.结论 配戴足度远视镜的3~9岁屈光性调节性内斜视儿童的正视化过程比远视欠矫的远视性屈光不正儿童慢.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We report the postoperative results of the Artisan Hyperopia phakic intraocular lens (IOL; model 203W; Ophtec, Groningen, The Netherlands). DESIGN: Prospective, nonrandomized trial. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-six eyes of 13 self-selected patients with refractive error ranging from +3.00 to +11.00 diopters (D). INTERVENTION: Patients with hypermetropia were implanted with the Artisan Hyperopia phakic IOL. Mean follow-up was 22.4 months (range, 3-36 months). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Predictability, stability, efficacy, loss of best spectacle-corrected visual acuity, and complications. RESULTS: At six months, 90.9% (20 of 22 eyes) were +/-1.00 D of intended correction and 81.8% (18 eyes) were +/-1.00 D of emmetropia. The mean spherical equivalent was stable within 0.25 D during the entire 3-year follow-up period. Twenty-four eyes (92.3%) had a postoperative best spectacle-corrected visual acuity of 0.50 or better at all of their individual follow-up examinations. No patient lost 2 or more lines after the procedure. There was a significant negative correlation between anterior chamber depth and endothelial cell loss. Two patients experienced posterior synechiae with pigment deposits in both eyes. One of these patients had convex irides and underwent implant removal within 2 years with a consequent clear lens extraction and posterior chamber lens implantation. CONCLUSIONS: Implantation of the Artisan Hyperopic lens leads to accurate and stable refractive results with no significant loss of vision. More attention should be paid to convex irides and shallow anterior chambers during the preoperative screening to avoid unnecessary complications.  相似文献   

Accommodative spasm is a rare condition occurring in children, adolescents, and young adults. A familial tendency for this binocular vision disorder has not been reported. I describe accommodative spasm occurring in a brother and sister. Both children presented on the same day with complaints of headaches and blurred vision. Treatment included cycloplegia drops and bifocals. Siblings of patients having accommodative spasm should receive a detailed eye exam with emphasis on recognition of accommodative spasm.  相似文献   

Loops of non-absorbable sutures were used to extend the recession of the horizontal recti in 27 patients. All patients had horizontal squints and were considered unsuitable for conventional recession/resection procedures. The technique is described and the results are evaluated.  相似文献   

目的:探讨儿童远视眼与发生近视的相关性。方法:经常规扩瞳验光后诊断+0.75~+4.00D的远视眼儿童122例244眼,分戴镜治疗组和非戴镜对照组;每3mo复查常瞳的裸眼、戴镜视力和显性屈光状态1次,每年常规扩瞳验光1次;应用复方托吡咔胺滴眼液作睫状肌麻痹剂,滴眼共6次,滴最后1次40min后检影验光;连续3a观察屈光状态的演变。结果:戴镜组7,8,9岁的平均远视度分别是+1.66D,+1.71D和+1.65D,非戴镜组7,8,9岁的平均远视度分别是+1.28D,+1.08D和+1.10D;观察满3a时,戴镜组年均下降远视度分别是+0.26D,+0.26D和+0.31D,发生近视分别有2眼(4.8%),1眼(2.5%)和4眼(10.0%);非戴镜组年均下降远视度分别是+0.58D,+0.59D和+0.66D,发生近视分别有18眼(42.9%),24眼(60.0%)和33眼(82.5%)。两组相比,有非常显著性的差异(P<0.01)。结论:戴镜矫治远视眼儿童的远视屈光度比不戴镜矫治的下降慢,近视的发生率比不戴镜矫治的明显低。  相似文献   

This cohort study included children with esotropia and hypermetropia of ≥ +2.0 diopters (D). The deviation was measured at presentation, under atropine cycloplegia and 3 months after full refractive correction. Of 44 children with a mean age of 5.2 ± 2.4 years, 25 were males. Eighteen (41%) had fully refractive accommodative esotropia (RAE), 10 (23%) had partial accommodative esotropia (PAE), and 5 (11%) had nonaccommodative esotropia (NAE). Eleven (25%) had convergence excess (CE). Under cycloplegia, all with RAE and RAE with CE had orthotropia. There was no significant change in the deviation in the patients with NAE. The deviation under cycloplegia and that with full refractive correction in PAE and PAE with CE (with +3.0 D addition) were not different. The intraclass correlation coefficient for deviation under cycloplegia and after full refractive correction (+3.0 D addition for CE) was 0.89. It was concluded that ocular deviation under cycloplegia can help to predict the accommodative component in esotropia with hypermetropia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare motor and sensory 1-year surgical outcomes in patients with hypermetropic esotropia, managed with either augmented surgery based on the average of the near deviation with and without correction or preoperative prism adaptation. METHODS: Forty-three patients with hypermetropic esotropia without distance-near disparity entered a randomized prospective evaluation of augmented surgery (group A, 27 patients) versus prism adaptation (group P, 16 patients). The formula for augmenting the amount of the rectus muscle recession was based on the average of the near deviation with and without correction in group A and the prism-adapted angle of deviation in group P. During prism adaptation, 9 of 16 patients in group P responded to prism. Motor and sensory outcomes of the Worth 4-dot test at 6 and 0.33 m and the Titmus stereotest were evaluated 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after surgery. RESULTS: Postoperative deviations of 8 PD or less at distance were achieved in 24 of 27 patients (89%) of group A and in 7 of the remaining 8 patients (88%) of prism responders and in all 7 prism nonresponders (100%) in group P. No significant difference existed between groups A and P, as well as between the prism responders and prism nonresponders in group P in terms of near and distance deviation 1 year after surgery. The sensory outcomes improved over time in group A and prism responders. CONCLUSION: There were no significant differences in the surgical outcomes between each group. However, the small sample size may limit the power to detect any statistically significant differences.  相似文献   

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