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Summary The outflow of noradrenaline, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycol (DOPEG) and 3,4-dihydroxymandelic acid (DOMA) from guinea-pig isolated atria was studied by chromatography on alumina followed by high pressure liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. In the absence of drugs, the outflow of endogenous noradrenaline over a period of 3 h averaged 1.6 pmol×g–1×min–1 and the outflow of DOPEG 17 pmol×g–1×min–1. The outflow of DOMA was below the detection limit (<0.31 pmol×g–1×min–1). Tyramine greatly increased the outflow of noradrenaline and DOPEG, and the reserpine-like compound Ro 4-1284 selectively increased the outflow of DOPEG; DOMA remained below the detection limit. When atria were exposed to (–)-noradrenaline 1.7 or 17 M, the subsequent outflow of noradrenaline and DOPEG was enhanced. Moreover, substantial amounts of DOMA were now found. This outflow of DOMA was prevented when atria were exposed to (–)-noradrenaline in the presence of cocaine or after an initial incubation with amezinium. Exposure to (–)-noradrenaline 1.7 M mainly enhanced the formation of DOPGE, while exposure to (+)-noradrenaline 1.7 M mainly enhanced the formation of DOMA.Our experiments confirm some and qualify other conclusions drawn from studies in which exogenous 3H-noradrenaline had been used to examine the metabolism of noradrenaline in guinea-pig atria. In agreement with the isotope studies, DOPEG is a major metabolite of endogenous noradrenaline. In contrast to what the isotope studies had suggested, however, endogenous DOMA is a very minor product, at least as long as the neurones are at rest. DOMA is only formed when the tissue is exposed to high concentrations of exogenous noradrenaline. In further contrast to previous conclusions, DOMA is then formed intra- and not extraneuronally.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of ACTH on the release of noradrenaline and the increase of heart rate produced by sympathetic nerve stimulation (1 Hz) were studied in isolated perfused rabbit hearts. ACTH-(1–24) 0.1–100 nmol/l increased the stimulation-evoked overflow of noradrenaline concentration-dependently, reversibly and up to two-fold. The basal outflow of noradrenaline, the basal heart rate and the stimulation-evoked increase in heart rate were not changed. Human ACTH-(1–39) also increased the evoked overflow of noradrenaline. The effect of ACTH-(1–24) 0.3 nmol/l persisted after blockade of -adrenoceptors with propranolol and blockade of neuronal catecholamine uptake by cocaine. ACTH-(1–24) 3 nmol/l did not change the removal of noradrenaline from the perfusion fluid, when hearts were perfused with medium containing 59 nmol/l noradrenaline. The results show that ACTH increases the action potential-evoked release of noradrenaline from cardiac postganglionic sympathetic neurones, probably by activating specific presynaptic ACTH receptors. The high potency of ACTH suggests that these presynaptic receptors may be activated in vivo by circulating ACTH under certain pathophysiological conditions.Send offprint requests to B. Szabo at the above address  相似文献   

Summary The experiments were undertaken in order to study the effect of inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis on the muscarinic inhibition of noradrenaline release evoked by sympathetic nerve stimulation. The right sympathetic nerves of the perfused rabbit heart were stimulated electrically. The noradrenaline output was enhanced after perfusion of the hearts with indometacin 3×10–5 M indicating blockade of the prostaglandin-mediated negative feedback control. Both in the presence and in the absence of indometacin methacholine 4×10–5 M decreased the noradrenaline output by a similar percentage. It is concluded that the muscarinic inhibition of noradrenaline release does not require the functional integrity of the prostaglandin-mediated feedback system.  相似文献   

Summary Isolated rat hearts were perfused according to the Langendorff technique and both extraneuronal uptake of noradrenaline and COMT were inhibited. The noradrenergic neurones were first prelabelled with 3H-(–)-noradrenaline (13 nmol/1). Thereafter the hearts were submitted to global ischemia (perfusion rate reduced from 5 up to 0.5 ml/min) for 60 min and subsequently reperfused for 5 min. The coronary effluent was continuously collected and analyzed for the appearance of 3H-noradrenaline and its metabolites. 1. Global ischemia was associated with an early release of 3H-noradrenaline. At reperfusion a brisk increase in the FRL of 3H-noradrenaline was observed which may indicate that, on severe restriction in coronary flow, perfusion of the tissue became heterogenous and thus partially masked the amount of 3H-noradrenaline released from the noradrenergic nerve terminals. Gradual reduction in coronary flow also progressively reduced (but did not abolish) the total formation of 3H-DOPEG. 2. The maximal efflux of 3H-noradrenaline was observed during the 1st min of reperfusion whereafter the efflux declined rapidly, indicating a wash-out of transmitter trapped in the extracellular space. The efflux of the lipophilic metabolite 3H-DOPEG, on the other hand, continuously increased during the reperfusion. This was due to both new formation and wash-out of 3H-DOPEG retained and/or distributed into the tissue during the period of restricted flow. 3. Neither a reduction of the extracellular calcium concentration (from 2.6 mmol/l to 0.1 mmol/1) nor the presence of the calcium entry blocker verapamil (250 nmol/l) reduced the efflux of 3H-noradrenaline seen during ischemia and reperfusion. 4. Desipramine (100 nmol/l) markedly reduced the ischemia-induced release of 3H-noradrenaline and simultaneously attenuated the formation of 3H-DOPEG. 5. A moderate reduction in the ischemia-induced mobilization of 3H-noradrenaline was seen in hearts perfused with 1ol/l reserpine, whereas the formation of 3H-DOPEG from such hearts was markedly higher than in corresponding controls. Only minor deviations from this pattern was observed when desipramine was present in addition to reserpine. It is concluded that a severe restriction in myocardial perfusion rate is associated with an enhanced net leakage of vesicular noradrenaline. This results in a rise of the free axoplasmic noradrenaline concentration which, in combination with an altered transmembrane sodium gradient, induces an increased local release of noradrenaline partly mediated by a calcium-independent, carrier-mediated outward transport. Desipramine, which inhibits this transport mechanism, may have, in addition to its effect on the membrane carrier, an additional effect in reducing the net leakage of transmitter from storage vesicles. Furthermore, despite severe restriction in coronary flow, and thus oxygen delivery, DOPEG is still formed, possibly as a consequence of the elevated axoplasmic noradrenaline concentration which may in part compensate for a reduced monoamineoxidase activity.Abbreviations DOPEG dihydroxyphenylglycol - DOMA dihydroxymandelic acid - MAO monoamineoxidase - COMT catechol-O-methyltransferase - OMI 3-O-methoxy-(±)-isoprenaline - FRL fractional rate of loss This study was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Gr 490/5-1) and AB Hässle, Mölndal, Sweden  相似文献   

This study aimed firstly to compare the in vivo cardiovascular effects of exogenously administered and of endogenously released noradrenaline; secondly to characterize the adrenoceptors mediating these responses; thirdly to assess the influence of parasympathetic tone on the cardiovascular effects of noradrenaline. In two randomised placebo-controlled studies, healthy, young, male volunteers received intravenous (i.v.) infusions of noradrenaline at six incremental doses of 10–160 ng/kg/min and – in order to release endogenous noradrenaline – tyramine at four incremental doses of 5–20 μg/kg/min. Noradrenaline and tyramine were administered in the absence and presence of α1-adrenoceptor blockade with doxazosin (2 mg p.o.), α2-adrenoceptor blockade with yohimbine (15 mg p.o.), selective β1-adrenoceptor blockade with bisoprolol (15 mg p.o.) and muscarinic receptor blockade with atropine (15 μg/kg i.v. loading dose followed by 0.15 μg/kg/min by i.v. infusion). Vasoconstrictor effects were assessed by measurement of diastolic blood pressure (Pdiast) and myocardial effects by measurement of systolic time intervals, namely the duration of electromechanical systole corrected for heart rate (QS2c). I.v. noradrenaline increased Pdiast (Δmax 17 mmHg) and this was nearly completely suppressed by doxazosin but only slightly blunted by yohimbine. Noradrenaline also slightly shortened QS2c (Δmax –22 ms), and this was potentiated by both doxazosin and yohimbine and completely blocked by bisoprolol. I.v. tyramine reduced Pdiast (Δmax –7 mmHg), which was not affected by α1-adrenoceptor blockade, and profoundly shortened QS2c (Δmax -104 ms) which was significantly correlated with a marked increase in systolic blood pressure (Psyst) (Δmax 57 mmHg). The shortening of QS2c and the rise in Psyst were not influenced by α-adrenoceptor blockade but were antagonized by bisoprolol. Atropine potentiated the blood pressure rise and the shortening of QS2c induced by i.v. noradrenaline and converted the fall in Pdiast induced by i.v. tyramine into an increase. Thus the cardiovascular effects of exogenous noradrenaline are mainly characterized by α1-adrenoceptor-mediated vasoconstriction and the actions of endogenous noradrenaline (released by i.v. tyramine) by β1-adrenoceptor-mediated positive inotropic effects. The rise in Psyst with i.v. tyramine most likely reflects positive inotropism and not a vascular ‘pressor’ response. Received: 27 June 1996 / Accepted: 25 October 1996  相似文献   

Summary The overflow of neuropeptide Y (NPY; radioimmunoassay), noradrenaline and dihydroxyphenylethylenglycol (DOPEG; high pressure liquid chromatography) from guinea-pig perfused hearts was investigated in relationship to exocytotic and nonexocytotic release mechanisms. Exocytotic release: Electrical stimulation of the left stellate ganglion (12 Hz; 1 min) evoked a calcium-dependent overflow of noradrenaline and NPY, that was accompanied by a minor and prolonged increase in DOPEG overflow. This increase in DOPEG overflow was attenuated by blockade of neuronal amine re-uptake. In the presence of calcium, a closely related co-release of noradrenaline and NPY was also observed during administration of veratridine (10 M); it was completely prevented by tetrodotoxin (1 M). Nonexocytotic release: In the absence of extracellular calcium, veratridine (30 M) induced noradrenaline overflow only when combined with the reserpine-like agent Ro 4-1284 (10 M). This overflow was accompanied by efflux of DOPEG, but not of NPY. Similarily, tyramine (1–100 M) induced a calcium-independent concomitant overflow of both noradrenaline and DOPEG, but not of NPY. During anoxic and glucose-free perfusion a predominantly calcium-independent overflow of noradrenaline was observed; only in the presence of extracellular calcium was this overflow accompanied by a minor overflow of NPY. Noradrenaline overflow, induced by veratridine plus Ro 4-1284 (in the absence of calcium), by tyramine, or by anoxia, was suppressed by blockade of neuronal amine re-uptake, and was, therefore, mediated by reversed transmembrane amine transport by the neuronal uptake1 carrier.The results indicate that NPY is co-released with noradrenaline only during calcium-dependent exocytosis. On the other hand, whenever, noradrenaline is released by non-exocytotic (calcium-independent and carrier-mediated) release mechanisms, no substantial NPY overflow is observed. The simultaneous determination of noradrenaline and NPY overflow, therefore, allows a differentiation between exocytotic and nonexocytotic noradrenaline release, and NPY may be utilized as a marker of exocytotic noradrenaline release.This work was supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 320 — Herzfunktion und ihre Regulation)Presented in part at the 62nd Scintific Sessions of the American Heart Association, New Orleans/USA, November 1989  相似文献   

The influence of oxymetazoline and phentolamine on the overflow of noradrenaline evoked by potassium, tyramine and dimethylphenylpiperazinium (DMPP) was investigated in isolated perfused rabbit hearts.Oxymetazoline decreased, and phentolamine increased, the outflow of noradrenaline evoked by potassium. In hearts previously perfused with (?)-3H-noradrenaline, oxymetazoline reduced, and phentolamine enhanced, potassium-induced overflow of both 3H-noradrenaline and total tritium. These actions closely resemble previously described effects on noradrenaline overflow evoked by electrical stimulation of sympathetic nerves. At concentrations which modified the response to potassium, oxymetazoline and phentolamine did not influence the overflow evoked by tyramine. Both drugs diminished DMPP-induced overflow.It is concluded that oxymetazoline depresse noradrenaline release evoked by potassium or orthodromic action potentials through activation of neuronal α-adrenoceptors, followed by inhibition of electro-secretory coupling. Phentolamine blocks the analogous inhibitory effect of liberated noradrenaline and thus enhances release. The action of tyramine does not involve electro-secretory coupling and therefore is not changed. The influence of oxymetazoline and phentolamine on noradrenaline release by DMPP is not related to α-adrenoceptors.  相似文献   

Summary Incisor pulp from the rabbit metabolises exogenous noradrenaline in concentrations between 0.12 and 1.2 mol/l mainly to NMN.Effects of chronic sympathetic denervation indicated that in incisor pulp the NMN is extraneuronal in origin, and that DOPEG and DOMA formation, as well as a major part of the noradrenaline which accumulates in the tissue, are associated with the sympathetic nerves.NMN formation was unaffected by hydrocortisone 210 mol/l, but was strongly inhibited by cocaine 30 mol/l. These effects contrasted with those in the rabbit ear artery, where NMN formation was increased by cocaine 30 mol/l and decreased by hydrocortisone 210 mol/l.In COMT-inhibited denervated pulp, cocaine inhibited the accumulation of noradrenaline.Monoamine fluorescence histochemistry of pulp exposed to noradrenaline 50 mol/l indicated that cocaine-sensitive uptake occurred in fibroblasts.It is concluded that O-methylation of noradrenaline in dental pulp involves prior uptake of the amine by a process resembling uptake, but which is distinguished from uptake1 by its extraneuronal location.Abbreviations DOMA 3,4-dihydroxy mandelic acid - DOPEG 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethyleneglycol - NMN normetanephrine - OMDA O-methyl deaminated metabolite fraction, comprising vanillyl-mandelic acid (VMA) plus the 3-methoxy derivative of DOPEG (MOPEG) - MAO monoamine oxidase - COMT catecholO-methyl transferase Send offprint requests to I. S. de la Lande at the above address  相似文献   

Chronic administration of nicotine (0.5 mg/kg, subcutaneously, 3 to 5 times a day for 6 weeks) accelerated the rate of disappearance of intraventricularly administered 3H-noradrenaline from rat brain. This was associated with normal levels of 3H-normetanephrine suggesting an increase in intraneuronal deamination.The rate constant of amine decline (k) in animals chronically treated with nicotine was significantly greater than that of controls, while the steady state level of brain noradrenaline was about equal in both groups of rats. Amphetamine, reserpine, acetylcholine, histamine, pheniprazine, pargyline, and nicotine affected the catecholamine levels in the rat brain treated with nicotine to the same degree as they did in the controls. It is concluded that chronic administration of nicotine may increase noradrenaline turnover in the brain and possibly increase the deamination of this amine.  相似文献   

Summary Isotonic contractions of the rabbit jejunal artery were evoked by perivascular nerve stimulation with trains of 10 or 100 stimuli at 2 Hz or 10 Hz. Short trains of stimuli elicited contractions that were totally resistant to -adrenoceptor blockade (0.1 mol/l prazosin) but blocked by ,-methylene ATP (1 mol/l). A substantial noradrenergic component of contraction comprising about 50% of the total could be evoked by adjusting the stimulation parameters (increasing the frequency and/or number of stimuli in a train). The noradrenergic and the purinergic components are derived from sympathetic nerves as both were blocked by TTX and the adrenergic neurone blocker guanethidine (3 mol/l). It is concluded that the contraction of the rabbit jejunal artery to short trains of stimuli is predominantly purinergic, a nor-adrenergic component only being revealed at higher frequencies of stimulation or during longer trains of stimuli. The purinergic component of contraction is derived from sympathetic nerves and not from a separate population of purinergic nerves. Send offprint requests to T. C. Cunnane at the above address  相似文献   

Summary The present study examined the involvement of Ca+ mobilization in the amplifying effect of serotonin on steady-state responses of rabbit isolated perfused ear artery to exogenous noradrenaline (NA; 0.001–3 ol/l). In contrast to its marked amplifying effect on responses to NA, serotonin in the subconstrictor concentration of 100 nmol/l had no effect on responses to KCl. The Ca+-entry blocking drug diltiazem (10 gmol/1) decreased responses to NA; in addition, the amplifying effect of serotonin on responses to NA was reduced by diltiazem. Lowering the concentration of Ca+ in the Krebs-Henseleit perfusion solution from 2.5 to 0.25 mmol/l also reduced both responses to NA and the amplifying effect of serotonin. Using the method of Manzini et al. (1982), separate intra- and extracellular Ca+-dependent responses to NA were obtained. Serotonin had no effect on intracellular Ca+-dependent responses to NA but enhanced extracellular Ca2+-dependent NA responses. These results suggest that the amplifying effect of serotonin on responses of rabbit ear artery to exogenous NA involves a selective enhancement of the component of the NA response which is dependent on extracellular Ca+; serotonin may increase NA-evoked entry of Ca2+ into the vascular smooth muscle cells through receptor-operated Ca+ channels. Send offprint requests to A. G. Meehan at the above address  相似文献   

Summary The output of noradrenaline from isolated rabbit hearts during sympathetic nerve stimulation is increased by angiotensin (1.3 ng/ml) to 176% of the preceding control stimulation period. During inhibition of noradrenaline re-uptake by cocaine (5 or 15 g/ml), the augmentation caused by the peptide is unchanged (181 and 171%, respectively). The result favours the assumption that angiotensin enhances the output of noradrenaline by an increase of the amount of transmitter liberated from the nerve terminals rather than by interfering with transmitter inactivation.  相似文献   

Summary To clarify the effects of hypoxia on stimulus-evoked noradrenaline release and on neuronal reuptake of the released noradrenaline, we examined the effects of hypoxia on contraction responses of rabbit thoracic aortic strips to transmural electrical stimulation and on the stimulation-evoked overflow of total [3H] and [3H]noradrenaline from the strips prelabelled with [3H]noradrenaline. This was done in the presence or absence of an inhibitor of neuronal uptake (cocaine). In a medium equilibrated with a gas mixture of 95% O2/5% CO2 (control), cocaine doubled the stimulation-evoked overflow of total [3H] and [3H]noradrenaline; there was a concomitant increase (130%) in contractions to electrical stimulation. At 0% O2 (95% N2/5% CO2, hypoxia), cocaine had no significant effects on either the stimulation-evoked overflow of total [3H] and [3H]noradrenaline or contractions. In the absence of the drug, hypoxia decreased the stimulation-evoked overflow of total [3H] and [3H]noradrenaline to 47% and 43%, respectively, of the control values, whereas these values were 31% and 28%, respectively, after exposure to cocaine. The inhibition by hypoxia of contraction responses to electrical stimulation was greater in the presence of cocaine than in its absence. These results show that hypoxia inhibits both noradrenaline release evoked by a given stimulus and neuronal uptake.This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for New Drug Development from the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan and by a Grant from Smoking Research Foundation, Japan Send offprint requests to S. Miwa at the above address  相似文献   

Summary On addition to dog blood or plasma about 40% of exogenous nor-adrenaline escaped detection by photofluorimetric methods, when noradrenaline was present in concentrations ranging from 10 to 1000 ng/ml. As shown by bioassay the missing noradrenaline was not inactivated, but rather bound to plasma proteins; this was shown by experiments using labelled noradrenaline and precipitation of proteins, or Sephadex gel filtration. Cellulose acetate electrophoresis demonstrated binding by all protein fractions, alpha 1 and 2 globulins showing the greatest avidity for noradrenaline. Drugs known to be highly bound by proteins did not affect the binding capacity for noradrenaline. It is concluded that plasma noradrenaline values found after injection or infusion of noradrenaline may be only about half of the real values.Supported by Instituto de Alta Cultura (Research Project PMC-2).  相似文献   

Summary The positive inotropic effect of noradrenaline on the guinea-pig papillary muscle is potentiated in the presence of 1×10–5 M tyramine, the concentration of noradrenaline that is necessary to produce a half maximal increase in force of contraction being reduced to about one third. There is no alteration of the maximal inotropic effect since the concentration-effect curve of noradrenaline is simply shifted to the left.In the presence of 3×10–3 M tyramine, which by itself increases contractility by a dual mechanism (an indirect sympathomimetic and a direct postsynaptic one which is not induced by stimulation of adrenergic -receptors), noradrenaline (1×10–5 M) produces an additional inotropic effect leading to a force of contraction which surmounts the maximum of the normal concentration-effect curve of noradrenaline by about 30%.The supramaximal isometric contraction curve of the papillary muscle produced by the combined effects of 3×10–3 M tyramine and 1×10–5 M noradrenaline differs from the contraction curve in the presence of 1×10–5 M noradrenaline alone in having a steeper ascending slope and a slower relaxation phase. The mean velocity of force development (S 1) exceeds the maximum value of the normal concentration-effect curve of noradrenaline by about 50%. There is no increase in the maximum of the mean velocity of relaxation (S 2).The relaxation time of the supramaximal contraction curve as well as the duration of its action potential are the result of the opposing influences of the two substances, noradrenaline shortening and tyramine prolonging both action potential and relaxation time.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to characterize putative muscarine receptors on sympathetic nerve terminals in the rabbit trachea. Release of endogenous noradrenaline from in vitro incubated rabbit tracheae was evoked by electrical field stimulation (3 Hz, 540 pulses) and quantified by high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection.The muscarine receptor agonist oxotremorine inhibited the evoked release of noradrenaline completely at 1 ol/l (EC50: 64 nmol/l). The concentration response curve was very steep (Hill coefficient of 2.3). Scopolamine shifted the concentration response curve of oxotremorine to the right (–log KB 8.48) demonstrating specific, inhibitory muscarine receptors. Several subtype-preferring muscarine receptor antagonists also shifted the concentration response curve of oxotremorine to the right. The rank order of potency was (–log KB or pA* 2): scopolamine (8.48) > AF DX 384 (7.88*; slope of Schild plot 1.1) > (R)-trihexyphenidyl (7.87) > 4-DAMP (7.85) > AQ-RA 741 (7.77) methoctramine 6.18 > pirenzepine (6.0) >p-fluoro-hexahydrosiladifenidol (p-FHHSiD, 5.68). When these affinity constants were plotted against reported –log Ki values determined in binding studies on human cloned muscarine receptor subtypes (m1-m5), the best correlation was obtained for m2. Indomethacin (3 mol/l), which on its own increased the evoked noradrenaline release by about 45%, affected neither the inhibitory effect of oxotremorine nor the antagonistic potency of methoctramine or p-FHHSiD. After preincubation for 48 min with 300 mol/l phenoxybenzamine, which has been shown to inactivate muscarine receptors irreversibly, the concentration response curve of oxotremorine was shifted 5.2 fold to the right and the maximal inhibition was reduced by 50%, whereas the slope remained steep (Hill coefficient 2.6). These experiments indicated that a fraction of about 22% of the muscarine receptors has to be occupied by oxotremorine to produce half-maximum inhibition of noradrenaline release; the dissociation constant of oxotremorine at the prejunctional muscarine receptors was 0.33 mol/l.In conclusion, the sympathetic nerve terminals in the rabbit trachea are endowed with inhibitory M2-like muscarine receptors for which methoctramine displayed a low affinity. Since a large receptor reserve could be excluded, the steep concentration response curve of oxotremorine suggests that activation of muscarine receptors has to reach a threshold level before the onset of an inhibitory effect. Correspondence to: K. Racké at the above address  相似文献   

14C-nicotine was incubated with a 10000 × g supernatant fraction of liver homogenate from mice pretreated with nicotine for 3, 10 and 17 days respectively. The rate of metabolism was measured by the determination of the oxidative nicotine metabolite cotinine. After intraperitoneal injections of 5 mg/kg of nicotine three times daily for three days a 50% significant decrease in metabolism was observed. A 71% significant decrease in hepatic glycogen was also seen. Giving nicotine 27.8 and 24.5 mg/kg/24 hours in drinking water for 10 and 17 days respectively did not significantly change the metabolism or the hepatic glycogen levels.  相似文献   

目的研究氟哌啶醇(Hal)对离体兔心脏电生理参数的影响.方法使用Langendorff离体灌注兔心脏模型,观察用含Hal的K-H灌注液灌注兔心脏时,对离体兔心脏电生理参数的影响.结果和对照组相比较,Hal 0.75 μmol组和1.50 μmol组在用药后,HR显著减慢(P<0.01),ADT、VDT均显著提高(P<0.01),ARRP、AERP、VRRP、VERP均显著延长(P<0.05,P<0.01);和Hal 0.75μmol组相比较,Hal 1.50 μmol组在用药后,HR显著减慢(P<0.01),ADT、VDT无显著变化,ARRP、AERP、VRRP、VERP均显著延长(P<0.05,P<0.01).结论Hal能直接作用于心脏,具有降低心房和心室舒张期阈值,呈剂量依赖性减慢心率,延长兔心房、心室不应期的作用.  相似文献   

Effect of phentolamine on noradrenaline uptake and release   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Summary The influence of phentolamine on the uptake of exogenous noradrenaline infused into the aortic cannula and on the overflow of endogenous noradrenaline caused by sympathetic nerve stimulation was investigated in the isolated perfused rabbit heart. 10–6 M phentolamine doubled the overflow of endogenous noradrenaline, but did not change noradrenaline uptake. 10–5 M phentolamine increased the stimulation-induced overflow of noradrenaline 4-fold and inhibited amine uptake by about 50%. 10–4 M phentolamine elevated the overflow of noradrenaline less than 10–5 and 3×10–5 M did. The augmentation of transmitter overflow was only partly reversed by 13 min perfusion with drug-free medium.Pretreatment of hearts with 1.5×10–5 M cocaine or with 10–7 or 10–6 M desipramine did not change the effect of phentolamine on the overflow of noradrenaline evoked by nerve impulses. Pretreatment of hearts with 10–5 M, but not with 10–6 M, phentolamine prevented the increase of transmitter overflow by cocaine.It is concluded that low concentrations of phentolamine potentiate the overflow of noradrenaline during nerve stimulation by a mechanism different from that of cocaine, i.e. different from inhibition of neuronal re-uptake. The nature of this mechanism is discussed.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forsehungsgemeinschaft. We have the pleasure to thank Mrs. Ch. Arts, Miss B. Piel and Mr. E. Hagelskamp for skilful technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of cocaine, iproniazid and tropolone on the inactivation of exogenous noradrenaline was studied in cat spleen strips. The results show that, in this preparation, neuronal uptake represents the most important pathway of inactivation, oxidative deamination and O-methylation being of lesser importance. The influence of cocaine on the sensitivity to noradrenaline and on the inactivation of noradrenaline in this preparation correlates well with that observed in other preparations, showing that there is a causal relationship between rate of inactivation and supersensitivity, though the additional influence of other factors cannot be excluded.Supported in part by a grant from the Instituto de Alta Cultura (PMC-2).  相似文献   

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