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慢性化脓性中耳炎对儿童语言影响的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨慢性化脓性中耳炎对儿童语言能力的影响。方法,对1998-1999年某地338例慢性中耳炎患儿临床资料进行分析,并对听力,语言能力进行调查。结果 耳源性并发症发生率为9.5%。语言障碍的程度取决于听力损失的程度(P<0.005),结论 慢性中耳炎所导致的听力损失可影响儿童语言能力。鼓室成形术等可达到提高听力的目的。  相似文献   

护士怎样走进病人的心理?运用怎样语言与病人交谈?是我们当代护理工作的重要性和必要性。通过和病人的接触,我认为柔、勤、亲是护士语言修养的基础。  相似文献   


One-step separation and recovery of sodium, aluminum and iron in high-iron red mud in a high-calcium alkaline hydrothermal system is realized by a high-pressure hydrothermal reduction process. The transformation behavior of the aluminasilica phase in high-iron red mud is mainly investigated. The results show that under the optimized conditions, a temperature of 290℃, a Na2O concentration of 240 g/L, a calcium to silicon ratio of 3.5, and a liquid–solid ratio of 5, the Na2O content in the transition slag is reduced to 0.12%, the dealkalization rate can reach 98%, and the alumina dissolution rate is 73%. When the starch-free reductant is added, the transition slag mainly consists of hematite and hydroandradite, and when the starch reductant is added (the addition amount is 1/4 that of ω(Fe2O3) in the red mud), all Fe2O3 in the transition slag is completely reduced to Fe3O4, and the main phases are magnetite and hydrogrossular.


Maternal and Child Health Journal - To measure the association between dental and medical insurance with the receipt of dental cleaning during pregnancy. We analyzed Pregnancy Risk Assessment...  相似文献   

The ecotoxicity of hydrocarbon-contaminated soil originating from a brownfield site was evaluated during a 17-month biodegradation pilot test. The initial concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) in the soil was 6380 μg/g dry weight. An amount of 200 kg soil was inoculated with 1.5 L of the bacterial preparation GEM-100 containing Pseudomonas sp. and Acinetobacter sp. strains (5.3 × 1010 CFU.mL−1) adapted to diesel fuel. The concentration of TPHs in the soil decreased by 65.5% after bioremediation. Different organisms such as the bacterium Vibrio fischeri, terrestrial plants Sinapis alba, Lactuca sativa, and Hordeum vulgare, the water plant Lemna minor, the earthworm Eisenia fetida, and the crustacean Heterocypris incongruens were used for ecotoxicity evaluation. The highest toxicity was detected in the first period of bioremediation. However, certain toxic effects were detectable during the whole bioremediation process. The contact tests with plants, earthworms, and crustaceans were the most sensitive of all of the bioassays. Therefore, the contact tests performed directly on soil samples were shown to be a better tool for ecotoxicity evaluation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soil than the tests performed on soil elutriates. The ecotoxicity measured by the responses of the tests did not always correlate with the decrease in TPH concentrations in the soil during bioremediation.  相似文献   


This study examined the relationships between children's language ability and the play environments. Sixty homecare and 59 daycare children ages 1 to 3 were measured with respect to language abilities such as vocabulary (PPVT-R), interaction patterns, MLU, complexities of language, and emergent literacy development. Home and daycare play environments were evaluated through observations and interviews in terms of the quality of verbal care and physical environments. Multiple regression analyses revealed that the mother-child interaction pattern was the best predictor of children's language abilities. Home environments such as teaching methods of writing, number of books and writing materials, extent of teaching and writing, mother education were also found to be significant predictors. ECERS was the best predictor among daycare environments, and teacher education and teacher child interaction pattern were also found to be significant. ANCOVAs showed that teachers and daycare mothers engaged in better quality of interaction than homecare mothers.  相似文献   

We examined the relation between maternal smoking and adverse infant outcomes [low birth weight (LBW), and preterm birth (PTB)] during 2007–2008 in San Bernardino County, California—the largest county in the contiguous United States which has one of the highest rates of infant mortality in California. Using birth certificate data, we identified 1,430 mothers in 2007 and 1,355 in 2008 who smoked during pregnancy. We assessed the effect of never smoking and smoking cessation during pregnancy relative to smoking during pregnancy for the 1,843/1,798 LBW, and 3,480/3,238 PTB’s recorded for 2007/2008, respectively. To describe the effect of quitting smoking during pregnancy, we calculated the exposure impact number for smoking during pregnancy. Major findings are: (1) relative to smoking during pregnancy, significantly lower risk of LBW among never smoking mothers [OR, year: 0.56, 2007; 0.54, 2008] and for smoking cessation during pregnancy [0.57, 2007; 0.72, 2008]; (2) relative to smoking during pregnancy, significantly lower risk of PTB was found for never smoking mothers [0.68, 2007; 0.68, 2008] and for smoking cessation during pregnancy [0.69, 2007; 0.69, 2008]; (3) an exposure impact assessment indicating each LBW or PTB outcome in the county could have been prevented either by at least 35 mothers quitting smoking during pregnancy or by 25 mothers being never smokers during pre-pregnancy. Our findings identify an important burden of adverse infant outcomes due to maternal smoking in San Bernardino County that can be effectively decreased by maternal smoking cessation.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of patients' participation on physicians' information provision during a primary care medical interview. When communicating with high-participation patients, physicians provided significantly more information overall, more information in response to patients' questions, and volunteered more information than when interacting with low-participation patients. The most significant differences with respect to volunteered information involved communication about treatment and tests or procedures. These results were interpreted to suggest that high-participation patients' communication style promotes better alignment of patients' and physicians' goals and agendas.

Overall, the results suggest that patients' style of participation during a medical interview significantly influenced the extent and type of information physicians provided. Given that patients' biggest complaint about physicians often is a lack of desired information, this study has important implications for physician–patient communication.  相似文献   

目的:探讨发展中国家经济发展对全民健康及医疗保障制度的影响。方法:对10个发展中国家2003—2011年的经济、健康官方数据进行回顾性统计描述,并用Spearman秩相关分析经济和健康及医疗保障制度各重要指标相关性。结果:2003—2007、2008—2011年间,人均GDP和期望寿命的相关系数分别0.845(P=0.004)、0.728(P=0.026),基尼指数和医疗卫生总支出占GDP百分比的相关系数分别为0.936(P0.001)、0.817(P=0.007),贫富差距比和医疗卫生总支出占GDP百分比的相关系数分别为0.948(P0.001)、0.733(P=0.025)。结论:发展中国家人民健康水平和医疗保障制度的分配主要还是与经济发展指标(GDP)存在一定联系,而与经济不平等性关联较弱。发展中国家要提高人民健康水平和医疗保健制度完善性,一定时期内还要靠经济拉动。同时注重社会财富再分配,缩小贫富差距,提高医疗卫生服务公平性。  相似文献   

目的探讨心理干预对咽部手术患儿的配合程度及麻醉苏醒期躁动的影响。方法 80例全麻下择期扁桃体和腺样体联合切除的小儿随机分为2组,干预组在手术期进行全方位的护理干预,对照组只进行常规的护理,观察两组患儿在手术的配合程度和麻醉苏醒期躁动的情况。结果干预组在手术的配合程度和躁动评分上均低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论通过心理护理干预,提高了小儿对手术的配合程度,降低了苏醒期躁动的发生。  相似文献   

公立医院发展面临的问题及其解决途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从讨论医院内、外管理环境入手,对所面临的问题和挑战进行了分析和思考,并就公立医院进一步改革和发展提出建议。  相似文献   

目的探讨高校贫困大学生心理健康与自卑感之间的关系,为贫困大学生心理健康教育提供理论依据。方法以衡水学院130名贫困生和150名非贫困生为对象,采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)和自卑感量表(FIS)进行测试。结果贫困生在人际关系敏感、焦虑、偏执、社交自信、学习能力自信和外貌自信6个因子及2个量表总分上均高于非贫困生(P0.05或P0.01);社交自信、学习自信和自我价值感3因素对贫困大学生心理健康有显著影响,进入心理健康总分与自卑感各因子的多元回归方程;贫困生中心理健康水平测试为阳性的检出率和自卑感阳性率均高于非贫困生(P0.05)。结论贫困生心理健康水平较差,自卑感较强;社交自信、学习自信和自我价值感对其心理健康有显著影响。  相似文献   

目的分析人性化护理管理对恢复期精神分裂症患者的影响。方法择取2017年2月-2018年3月期间于该院收治的68例处于恢复期精神分裂症患者作为研究对象,将其随机划分为两组后采取不同的护理管理模式。实验组患者使用人性化护理管理模式,常规组患者采取普通护理管理模式,比较两组患者护理效果。结果经护理后实验组患者精神病评定量表得分(41.2±4.7)分低于常规组患者(t=9.753,P<0.05);实验组患者社会功能缺陷筛选量表评分低于常规组患者(P<0.05)。结论人性化护理管理模式应用于恢复期精神分裂症患者中可促使患者精神状况得到有效改善,具有现实借鉴意义。  相似文献   

美洛培南在烧伤休克期的药代动力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
颜洪  林彩  黄跃生 《中国医师杂志》2003,5(11):1477-1478
研究美洛培南用于严重烧伤患者早期的药代动力学。方法  11名烧伤休克期患者 (S组 )给药后 ,利用高效液相色谱分析技术测定其血浆、水疱液、尿液中美洛培南浓度 ,计算药代动力学参数 ;另选 6名健康志愿者为对照组 (C组 )。结果与C组相比。S组的药代动力学参数发生明显改变。表现为消除半衰期延长 :S组 ( 2 2 9± 0 5 4)h、C组 ( 1 3 4± 0 16)h ;肾清除滤降低 :S组( 11 3 4± 3 8)L·h-1 、C组 ( 18 76± 4 60 )L·h-1 。药浓 -时间曲线下面积增大 :S组 ( 4 7 85± 16 15 ) μg·h·ml-1 、C组 ( 2 7 5 4± 10 76)μg·h·ml-1 。静脉给予美洛培南后 6h的血药浓度为 ( 0 96± 0 5 3 μg/ml) ,已超过多数烧伤临床分离菌的MIC50 (≤ 0 2 5 μg/ml)。 结论 多数常见致病菌感染时用 5 0 0mg ,每 8h重复一次 ,就能达到有效的血液及创面浓度 ,不必加大剂量。若要给予大剂量美洛培南 ,应考虑因Vc的增大和T1/ 2 β延长可能导致的药物中毒 ,注意延长给药间隔时间 ,减少毒副反应  相似文献   

在临床工作中,困扰胃肠内营养的主要问题之一是患者腹泻,ICU患者多数长期卧床,抗生素用量大,用期长,更容易发生腹泻.目前对腹泻的治疗主要是禁食和使用止泻药等,对患者的胃肠功能有不良影响,研究匀浆膳干预对预防腹泻具有实际意义.  相似文献   

目的 观察来自母亲及胎儿的多种因素对新生婴儿智力发育的影响. 方法征集2007年5月-2008年6月期间在北京妇产医院产科进行全程产科检查并分娩的母亲及其止常新生婴儿346例作为调查研究对象.由儿科门诊医生对母亲进行回顾性问卷调查,内容包括:母亲妊娠年龄、职业、文化程度、分娩方式、孕期合并症、胎儿合并症等.同时由专门的医生对婴儿进行智力测评.用卡方检验、t榆验、相关分析对婴儿智力测评的结果与影响因素进行统计分析. 结果在所有346名健康婴儿中,5个方面智力测评的不及格率分别为:大运动39.9%、精细运动19.9%、适应能力21.4%、语言能力8.4%、社会行为能力4.0%.剖宫产的婴儿与自然分娩儿相比,语言能力有显著降低(P<0.01).母亲患有孕期合并症会显著降低婴儿的适应能力评分(P<0.01),胎儿孕期合并症会显著降低婴儿的大运动评分(P<0.01)和精细运动评分(P<0.05).母亲文化程度及分娩年龄对婴儿智力测评结果没有显著影响. 结论本次调查研究表明,剖宫产、孕母和胎儿的合并症是影响新生婴儿智力发育的主要因素.  相似文献   

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