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Immunoblotting techniques for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of FXII, PK, and HMWK in whole plasma are presented. Sensitive, specific, and quantitative immunodetection of FXII and PK can be achieved by developing the blots with polyclonal antiserum followed by radiolabeled FXII or PK, respectively. This approach is based on the assumption that bivalent antibodies bind monovalently to the NC-bound antigen and have available binding sites to bind radiolabeled antigen derived from the fluid phase. This radiolabeled antigen overlay principle may be generally useful for immunodetection of any trace protein in complex mixtures, provided that the radiolabeled purified antigen is available. Immunoblotting may also be helpful for the partial characterization of the structural or functional abnormalities of CRM-positive variant molecules. For example, earlier studies of a FXII-variant molecule that had been purified and characterized were supported by immunoblotting studies of the CRM-positive deficient plasma. Quantitative measurement of HMWK is possible using a monoclonal antibody directed against the light chain of HMWK followed by radiolabeled secondary antibody. Quantitation of cleaved and single-chain HMWK is possible using dilutions of dextran sulfate-activated NHP on unreduced SDS-PAGE and dilutions of unactivated NHP with reduced SDS-PAGE as standards. These assays allow assessment of the degree of in vivo activation of the contact system in various disease states.  相似文献   

N Egberg  K Bergstr?m 《Haemostasis》1978,7(2-3):85-91
Chromogenic substrates were used to assay prekallikrein, prothrombin and factor X. Plasma prekallikrein was contact activated and allowed the splitting of HD-Pro-Phe-Arg-PNA which has affinity for plasma kallikrein. Prothrombin was assayed in various ways (immunologically, after activation with Ecarin or in a less specific way). Determination of factor X is considered as a possible specific method in the monitoring of coumarol therapy.  相似文献   

Prekallikrein and high-molecular-weight kininogen were found associated in normal human plasma at a molecular weight of 285,000 as assessed by gel filtration on Sephadex G-200. The molecular weight of prekallikrein in plasma that is deficient in high-molecular-weight kininogen was 115,000. This prekallikrein could be isolated at a molecular weight of 285,000 after plasma deficient in high-molecular-weight kininogen was combined with plasma that is congenitally deficient in prekallikrein. Addition of purified 125I-labeled prekallikrein and high-molecular-weight kininogen to the respective deficient plasma yielded a shift in the molecular weight of prekallikrein, and complex formation could be demonstrated by incubating prekallikrein with high-molecular weight kininogen. This study demonstrates that prekallikrein and high-molecular-weight kininogen are physically associated in plasma as a noncovalently linked complex and may therefore be adsorbed together during surface activation of Hageman factor. The complex is disrupted when these proteins are isolated by ion exchange chromatography.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that the plasma contact system plays an important role in thrombosis, despite being dispensable for hemostasis. For example, mice deficient in coagulation factor XII (fXII) are protected from arterial thrombosis and cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. We demonstrate that selective reduction of prekallikrein (PKK), another member of the contact system, using antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) technology results in an antithrombotic phenotype in mice. The effects of PKK deficiency were compared with those of fXII deficiency produced by specific ASO-mediated reduction of fXII. Mice with reduced PKK had ~ 3-fold higher plasma levels of fXII, and reduced levels of fXIIa-serpin complexes, consistent with fXII being a substrate for activated PKK in vivo. PKK or fXII deficiency reduced thrombus formation in both arterial and venous thrombosis models, without an apparent effect on hemostasis. The amount of reduction of PKK and fXII required to produce an antithrombotic effect differed between venous and arterial models, suggesting that these factors may regulate thrombus formation by distinct mechanisms. Our results support the concept that fXII and PKK play important and perhaps nonredundant roles in pathogenic thrombus propagation, and highlight a novel, specific and safe pharmaceutical approach to target these contact system proteases.  相似文献   

. A patient without a history of bleeding or thromboembolism presented with an activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) of 55.1 s (normal 24-38 s). Incubation of the patient plasma with an equal volume of normal plasma failed to correct the aPTT. suggesting the presence of an inhibitor. The MRVVT (modified Russell Viper venom time) was normal, and the anti-cardiolipin antibody titres were not elevated, indicating that the presence of a lupus anticoagulant was unlikely. Plasma prekallikrein (PK) measured by a coagulant assay (2 U/dl) was very low, but PK was in the low normal range (65%) when measured by an enzymatic assay (amidolytic) or by an antigenic assay (ELISA). The purified patient IgG reacted with purified PK. the heavy chain, and the 28 kD fragment of the heavy chain, indicating that it contained an autoantibody to PK. The purified IgG did not directly inhibit the amidolytic activity of kallikrein, but it did inhibit the activation of PK to kallikrein by activated factor XII. Activation of the contact system by dextran sulphate, as reflected by the cleavage of HK on a Western blot, was inhibited when the patient IgG was added to pooled normal plasma. The antibody appears to be oligoclonal with IgG1 being most abundant. followed by IgG4. This report appears to be the first of a spontaneously occurring antibody to prekallikrein.  相似文献   

New chromogenic tripeptide substrates have been used for the determination of kallikreins and urokinase. The conditions have been optimized. It is possible to determine prekallikrein in plasma after activation with Cephotest. No significant loss in activity caused by plasma kallikrein inhibitors is observed at the dilutions used.  相似文献   

Large molecular weight (oligomeric) forms of human growth hormone (hGH) are present in both pituitary extracts and plasma, but the origin of the plasma forms is not known. We used a monoclonal anti-hGH antibody (No. NA-71), previously employed to characterize hGH oligomers in pituitary extracts, to examine circulating hGH oligomers. This monoclonal antibody discriminated between monomeric and polymeric hGH forms in the pituitary. Plasma from normal subjects and acromegalic patients was fractionated by Sephadex G-100 chromatography and fractions were assayed by a monoclonal radioimmunoassay (RIA) using antibody NA-71 and by a polyclonal RIA. The oligomeric plasma hGH fraction showed decreased immunoreactivity in the monoclonal RIA, similar to that observed with pituitary oligomers. The immunopotency ratios of the various plasma hGH size isomers, as determined in the two RIAs, were virtually identical to those of pituitary hGH size isomers. We conclude that circulating hGH oligomers are immunochemically indistinguishable from pituitary hGH oligomers, and thus are most likely derived from pituitary stores.  相似文献   

To investigate the earliest steps of the intrinsic clotting pathway, Hageman factor (Factor XII) was exposed to Sephadex gels to which ellagic acid had been adsorbed; Hageman factor was then separated from the gels and studied in the fluid phase. Sephadex-ellagic acid-exposed Hageman factor, whether purified or in plasma, activated plasma thromboplastin antecedent, but only when high molecular weight kininogen was presnet. In the absence of plasma prekallikrein, maximal activation of plasma thromboplastin antecedent was slightly delayed in plasma, a delay not observed with similarly treated purified Hageman factor. Thus, high molecular weight kininogen was needed for expression of Hageman factor's clot-promoting properties and plasma prekallikrein played a minor role in the interaction of ellagic acid-treated Hageman factor and plasma thromboplastin antecedent.  相似文献   

Thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) antigen levels exhibit a large interindividual variability in which genetic control seems to play a major role. However, recent reports have questioned the association between TAFI concentration and genotype, suggesting that variable antibody reactivity towards TAFI isoforms, particularly the Thr325Ile polymorphism (1040C/T), may lead to artefacts in TAFI antigen levels. In order to compare assay outcome we determined plasma TAFI levels in 92 healthy individuals, using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (commercial antibodies), an electroimmunoassay (in-house antibodies) and a commercial chromogenic assay (Actichrome TAFI). Each individual was genotyped for the -438A/G and 1040C/T polymorphisms in the TAFI gene. TAFI levels were significantly associated with genotype in both antigen and chromogenic assays. All assays displayed significant correlations with each other. Linear regression and Bland-Altman agreement analysis in the genotype subgroups showed that neither the genotype nor the concentration affected the relationship between the Actichrome TAFI and the electroimmunoassay. In contrast, the ELISA/Actichrome TAFI and the ELISA/electroimmunoassay relationships were concentration- and genotype-dependent. Our results demonstrate that artefacts may arise when measuring TAFI antigen levels by ELISA. Nevertheless, the electroimmunoassay and the Actichrome TAFI assay support a genotype-related variation of TAFI concentration.  相似文献   

In the contact phase of activation of the kinin-forming, intrinsic clotting, and fibrinolytic systems, high-molecular-weight kininogen acts as a cofactor for the activation of Factor XI, prekallikrein, and Hageman factor. One mechanism by which high-molecular-weight kininogen acts as a cofactor has been studied by using 125I-labeled Factor XI and prekallikrein in kaolin-activated normal human plasma and plasmas deficient in high-molecular-weight kininogen and Hageman factor. High-molecular-weight kininogen was found to be essential for normal binding and cleavage of both Factor XI and prekallikrein on the kaolin surface. Hageman factor was essential for cleavage but not for binding of Factor XI and prekallikrein to kaolin. In normal plasma 80% of the activated Factor XI remained surface-bound, whereas 80% of the kallikrein was not surface-bound. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that, in the initial phase of contact activation, high-molecular-weight kininogen links both Factor XI and prekallikrein to the exposed surface where they are activated by surface-bound activated Hageman factor. Once activated, the Factor XI molecules remain localized at the site of activation, in contrast to the kallikrein molecules which are found largely in the surrounding plasma.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of synthetic peptide substrates for thrombin, many amidolytic methods for the determination of AT III, heparin cofactor II, prothrombin, thrombin, platelet factor 4, and absolute levels of heparin have been proposed. All of these methods utilize thrombin that has been standardized in coagulant assays using either fibrinogen (human or bovine) or citrated plasma substrates. These thrombin preparations may contain noncoagulant forms of thrombin, prothrombin fragments, and other serine protease enzymes. Impurities other than variant forms of thrombin in commercial preparations may interact with antithrombin and other reagents altering the results of an assay. Similarly, the noncoagulant forms of thrombin contribute to amidolytic but not coagulant activity. If these parameters are not properly controlled, the assays based on amidolysis are seriously affected. Our studies on the amidolytic and coagulant properties of commercial thrombins suggest that, although these preparations are assigned their potency in NIH units, they vary greatly and do not truly exhibit the same potency as designated in the coagulant assays. In addition, these thrombin preparations show wide variations in their amidolytic actions toward synthetic chromogenic and fluorogenic peptide substrates. We propose that thrombin preparations for chromogenic and fluorogenic peptide assays should be standardized in terms of their amidolytic activity under defined conditions. In addition, further studies should be conducted to prove their efficacy in providing reliable diagnostic information in clinical laboratory assays.  相似文献   



Copper poisoning is associated with severe multiorgan injury and potentially death if chelation therapy is not administered. Of interest, while important gastrointestinal and urinary tract hemorrhage is associated with copper poisoning, very little is known concerning the nature of copper induced coagulopathy.


Using thrombelastography, we assessed changes in coagulation kinetics in human plasma following exposure to copper concentrations encountered during poisoning.


While time to commence coagulation was not compromised, both velocity of thrombus growth and final strength were diminished. This result was duplicated with one concentration of copper in factor XIII deficient plasma. This pattern of coagulation kinetic response was interpreted as copper mediated fibrinogen dysfunction, perhaps via oxidation of key fibrinogen disulfide bridges. Lastly, experiments wherein glutathione was added implicated copper generated radical oxygen species as one of the mechanisms responsible for compromised coagulation kinetics.


While chelation therapy is the key to survival following copper poisoning, perhaps this and future investigations of how copper affects coagulation may provide insight into effective supportive therapy for patients with active bleeding.

Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis - Emicizumab is a bi-specific humanized monoclonal antibody mimicking the factor (F) VIII cofactor activity in mediating the activation of FX by FIXa. Recent...  相似文献   

Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis - The contact system activation can play a role in microthrombus formation of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). This study investigated whether...  相似文献   

Fibrinolysis dysfunctions cause bleeding or predisposition to thrombosis. Platelets contain several factors of the fibrinolytic system, which could up or down regulate this process. However, the temporal relationship and relative contributions of plasma and platelet components in clot lysis are mostly unknown. We developed a clot lysis time (CLT) assay in platelet-rich plasma (PRP-CLT, with and without stimulation) and compared it to a similar one in platelet-free plasma (PFP) and to another previously reported test in platelet-poor plasma (PPP). We also studied the differential effects of a single dose of tranexamic acid (TXA) on these tests in healthy subjects. PFP- and PPP-CLT were significantly shorter than PRP-CLT, and the three assays were highly correlated (p?相似文献   

Whether Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus cell wall fractions can trigger the activation of prekallikrein was investigated in a mixture of purified human factor XII, prekallikrein, and high-relative-molecular-weight (Mr) kininogen. After exposure for 30 min to bacterial preparations (0.02-5 mg/ml) at 0 C, lallikrein amidolytic activity was expressed as a percentage of the optimal activation of prekallikrein induced by dextran sulfate. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) fractions of five E coli strains and lipid A of E coli O111B4 induced 50%-90% optimal activity. However, the polysaccharide fraction induced less than 5% activity. Peptidoglycan and teichoic acid of S aureus induced 70%-100% optimal activity at 5 mg/ml, but protein A did not generate activity. No activation of prekallikrein occurred in the absence of factor XII. Thus, LPS and lipid A of E coli and peptidoglycan and teichoic acid of S aureus can generate kallikrein amidolytic activity in a mixture of purified factor XII, prekallikrein, and high-Mr kininogen.  相似文献   

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