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The current study sought to examine the extent to which empirically supported psychological and pharmacological treatments were used by individuals with panic disorder (n = 41), social phobia (n = 34), or obsessive compulsive disorder (n = 21). Participants were recruited from an anxiety disorders clinic and completed a questionnaire about previous treatment and contact with a variety of professionals. Results indicated that the types of pharmacological treatment received by patients were more often consistent with findings from the empirical literature than were the psychological treatments received by patients. Cognitive and behavioral treatments had been tried by fewer than half of participants (between 19 and 44% of participants). Results were fairly consistent across the anxiety disorders. Possible explanations for the discrepancy between the types of psychological treatments that have received empirical support and those that are typically provided to patients are provided. 相似文献
Objectives: Despite evidence of disproportionate underutilization of mental health services by older adults and by individuals with anxiety disorders, little is known specifically about service use by older adults with anxiety. This study examines the prevalence of mental health service use among older adults with anxiety disorders and clinically significant anxiety symptoms, as well as factors associated with service use. Method: The authors used data from the Canadian Community Health Survey–Mental Health and Well-Being, a nationally representative survey of community-dwelling Canadians. This study examined past-year use of mental health services in both the specialty mental health and general medical sectors by adults aged 55+ (N = 12,792). Logistic regression analyses examined predictors of service use among those with anxiety disorders (N = 279) and clinically significant anxiety symptoms (N = 880). Results: Only 20.8% of older adults with an anxiety disorder and no mood disorder used services in the past year, compared to 43.1% of those with a mood disorder and 72.7% of those with comorbid disorders. In the final logistic regression models, only need variables were significant predictors of service use among older adults with anxiety disorders and among those with significant anxiety symptoms. Conclusion: Findings indicate that anxious older adults are less likely to use mental health services than those who are depressed. While predisposing and enabling factors do not appear to impede service use, the need for help does. Anxious older adults and those they interact with may not be interpreting their anxiety symptoms as warranting services. 相似文献
As the second century of partnership begins, child psychiatry and juvenile justice face continuing challenges in meeting the mental health needs of delinquents. The modern juvenile justice system is marked by a significantly higher volume of cases, with increasingly complicated multiproblem youths and families with comorbid medical, psychiatric, substance abuse disorders, multiple family and psychosocial adversities, and shrinking community resources and alternatives to confinement. The family court is faced with shrinking financial resources to support court-ordered placement and treatment programs in efforts to treat and rehabilitate youths. The recognition of high rates of mental disorders for incarcerated youth has prompted several recommendations for improvement and calls for reform [56,57]. In their 2000 annual report, the Coalition for Juvenile Justice advocated increased access to mental health services that provide a continuum of care tailored to the specific problems of incarcerated youth [58]. The specific recommendations of the report for mental health providers include the need for wraparound services, improved planning and coordination between agencies, and further research. The Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention has set three priorities in dealing with the mental health needs of delinquents: further research on the prevalence of mental illness among juvenile offenders, development of mental health screening assessment protocols, and improved mental health services [59]. Other programs have called for earlier detection and diversion of troubled youth from juvenile justice to mental health systems [31,56]. Most recently, many juvenile and family courts have developed innovative programs to address specific problems such as truancy or substance use and diversionary or alternative sentencing programs to deal with first-time or nonviolent delinquents. All youths who come in contact with the juvenile justice system should be screened and, when necessary, assessed for mental health and substance abuse disorders. The screening should occur at the youth's earliest point of contact with the juvenile justice system and should be available at all stages of juvenile justice processing. Whenever possible, youth with serious mental health disorders should be diverted from the juvenile justice system [58]. If delinquent youths do not receive the necessary evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation, they face the real prospect of further incarceration in adult correctional facilities. Improved screening and treatment require better interagency collaboration, established standards of care, and continuing research on the mental health needs of youth in the juvenile justice system. Better mental health care for youth in the juvenile justice system supports the goal of rehabilitation. Mental health professionals should support these efforts as the appropriate response to meet the challenges of the new century. 相似文献
ObjectiveThis study examined rates of specific anxiety diagnoses (posttraumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder, and specific phobia) and anxiety disorder not otherwise specified (anxiety NOS) in a national sample of Veterans and assessed their mental health service utilization. MethodThis study used administrative data extracted from Veteran Health Administration outpatient records to identify patients with a new anxiety diagnosis in fiscal year 2010 (N = 292,244). Logistic regression analyses examined associations among diagnostic specificity, diagnostic location, and mental health service utilization. ResultsAnxiety NOS was diagnosed in 38% of the sample. Patients in specialty mental health were less likely to receive an anxiety NOS diagnosis than patients in primary care (odds ratio [OR] = 0.36). Patients with a specific anxiety diagnosis were more likely to receive mental health services than those with anxiety NOS (OR = 1.65), as were patients diagnosed in specialty mental health compared with those diagnosed in primary care (OR = 16.29). ConclusionVeterans diagnosed with anxiety NOS are less likely to access mental health services than those with a specific anxiety diagnosis, suggesting the need for enhanced diagnostic and referral practices, particularly in primary care settings. 相似文献
The main aim of this study was to examine the frequency and patterns of mental health services utilization among 12- to 17-year-old adolescents with anxiety and depressive disorders. Another aim was to examine the factors associated with the use of mental health services. The study population comprised 1,035 adolescents randomly recruited from 36 schools. Anxiety and depressive disorders were coded based on DSM-IV criteria using the computerized Munich version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Only 18.2% of the adolescents who met DSM-IV criteria for anxiety disorders, and 23% of those with depressive disorders, used mental health services. Among adolescents with anxiety disorders, mental health services utilization was associated with past suicide attempt, older age, the presence of comorbid disorders, as well as parental anxiety and depression. The only factor that predicts the use of mental health service among adolescents with depressive disorder was a history of suicide attempt. The implication of the results in terms of tailoring services for children and adolescents with anxiety and depressive disorders are discussed. 相似文献
OBJECTIVES: This study investigated patterns of use of mental health care and substance abuse treatment for a nationally representative sample of adults with co-occurring mental health problems and a substance use disorder and compared these patterns with those of persons with either a mental health problem or a substance use disorder. METHODS: Data were from the 2001 and 2002 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health. The study examined rates of substance use disorders and mental health problems among adults aged 18 years and older, rates of substance use disorders among adults with mental health problems, and rates of mental health problems among adults with substance use disorders. Next, rates of substance abuse treatment and mental health care use were calculated among five groups that were formed on the basis of the presence of a substance use disorder, mental health problems, or both in the past year. RESULTS: A total of 2,851 respondents had a substance use disorder only, 1,633 had a substance use disorder with one or more mental health symptoms and without serious mental illness, 1,872 had a substance use disorder with serious mental illness, 13,759 had one or more mental health symptoms only, and 7,530 had a serious mental illness only. A substantial proportion of adults with comorbid mental health problems and a substance use disorder did not receive any treatment (46 percent of those with serious mental illness and 65 percent of those with one or more mental health symptoms). Co-occurring substance use disorder was not associated with increased use of mental health care. The likelihood of receiving any substance abuse treatment increased with the presence and severity of mental health problems. Across all five groups, use of mental health care was more common than use of substance abuse treatment. Less than one-third of patients with comorbid mental health problems and a substance use disorder who used mental health care also received substance abuse treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The large proportion of untreated individuals with mental and substance use disorders reinforces existing concerns about barriers to beneficial treatment. Low rates of use of substance abuse treatment among patients who have comorbid mental health problems and a substance use disorder and use mental health care suggest that recommendations that substance use disorders be treated before, or concurrently with, mental disorders have not been widely adopted. 相似文献
OBJECTIVES: To compare the prevalence of anxiety and affective disorders among employed and unemployed patients and to compare the type of treatment received between the two groups for these disorders. METHOD: A secondary analysis of the 1997 National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing of Adults cross-sectional study was undertaken. RESULTS: Unemployed adults were more likely to have symptoms of anxiety (OR = 3.09, 95% CI = 2.80-3.41) or an affective disorder (OR = 2.11, 95% CI = 1.95-2.27) or anxiety and/or affective disorders (OR = 2.53, 95% CI = 2.37-2.69). Unemployed participants with symptoms were less likely to have seen a general practitioner for treatment but when they did they received similar care to employed participants. CONCLUSIONS: These results confirm studies reported elsewhere that the prevalence of symptoms of anxiety and/or affective disorders is higher for unemployed people. The data provide further evidence that people with an anxiety and/or affective disorder who are unemployed are not seeking medical treatment. However, unlike previous research undertaken by our group, these results indicate that symptomatic adults who seek help receive comparable treatment in general practice irrespective of their employment status. 相似文献
Abstract The aim of the study was to investigate the extent of social anxiety in different mental disorders. A total of 341 patients
aged 7–18 years participated in the study. To measure social anxiety, the German version (SPAIK) of the Social Phobia and
Anxiety Inventory for Children (SPAI-C) was used. Subgroups were built dependent on mental disorders. A total score above
20, which was assumed to indicate social anxiety, was observed in children with selective mutism (n=9; M=22.68; SD=11.29)
and in children with Asperger’s Syndrome (n=7; M=20.77; SD=13.77). Patients who had the following mental disorders also showed
a higher total score of social anxiety: obsessive-compulsive disorder, anorexia nervosa, schizophrenia, depression and conduct
disorder. In none of these disorders, however, did the mean total score exceed the cut-off of 20. 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the outcome of adolescents with anxiety-based school attendance problems enrolled in a specialist adolescent educational and mental health program that provides educational assistance and social skills development, and to suggest key elements that may account for its apparent effectiveness. Young people attending the Sulman Program in Sydney, Australia, between March 2003 and December 2004 were identified. Baseline information was gathered from the medical records, pre and postintervention personal development questionnaires were given to students, and pre and postratings of function were made. Those attending the program showed improvement in their general level of functioning indicated by completion of a year-long course of study (17 of 24), preparation for employment (17), increased independent travel (5), and self-rated improvement in social skills, stress tolerance and emotional literacy. Pre and poststaff ratings on the Health of the Nation Outcomes Scales Child and Adolescent (HoNOSCA), Children's Global Assessment Scale (CGAS) and Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) indicated improvement in personal and social functioning. Parental satisfaction was rated as high. The findings confirm the effectiveness of, and need for, flexible programs to support adolescents with social anxiety disorder and other longer-term mental health problems to offset the adverse consequences of early withdrawal from educational and social environments. Several elements may help to explain the program's effectiveness and provide guidance for similar programs elsewhere. 相似文献
Background : Individuals with Williams syndrome (WS) are reported to experience a range of physical and mental health problems. However, much of this information is derived from children and young adults. Little is known about these issues in older adults. The aims of this study were to (1) examine these issues in adults with WS of a wide age range and (2) examine the long term pattern of these problems. Method : Two groups of adults with WS and their parents/carers were interviewed to examine physical and mental health problems. Study 1 comprised 92 adults with WS (19 years 11 month–55 years 4 months). Study 2 consisted of 47 adults with WS (25 years 7 months–49 years 7 months) who had taken part in a previous study of adults with WS 10 years previously. Results : The studies indicated that high numbers of adults with WS (75%–81%) had physical health problems that impacted upon their everyday life. These included heart, bowel and blood pressure problems (18%–33%). Eating, sleeping and toileting problems were reported in 7%–16% of the sample. Mental health problems were common (25%–33%). There were increases over time in the number of individuals with health problems relating to the heart, bowel and blood pressure and a small decrease in the numbers with joint problems, hernias and dental problems. Overall, there was a decrease in the number of participants with emotional/behavioural problems. Specifically, rates of problems such as anxiety and compulsions decreased, but rates of depression and overactivity increased. Conclusions : Adults with WS have a range of physical and mental problems. While the overall number of individuals with physical health problems remained high over time, the rates of different types of problems changed. Emotional/behavioural problems generally decreased with age. 相似文献
The purpose of this article is to assess the satisfaction of patients who received primary or specialized mental health care, and to identify variables associated with each level of care. This cross-sectional study included 325 patients with mental disorders (MDs). We used a conceptual framework based on Andersen’s behavioral model, comprising predisposing factors, enabling factors, and needs; socio-demographic, clinical, needs-related, service-use, and quality-of-life variables were integrated into the model. We performed adjusted multiple linear regression models. The mean score on patient satisfaction for primary and specialized care was approximately 4 (range: 3.67–5.0). Regarding enabling factors, better continuity of care and having a case manager were associated with patient satisfaction for both types of care; help received from services and relatives was positively associated with patient satisfaction in primary care, whereas patients on welfare were more likely to be dissatisfied with specialized care. Number of needs was negatively associated with patient satisfaction in primary care and, marginally so, in specialized care. Suicidal ideation was marginally associated with patient dissatisfaction for specialized care only. Results revealed a high level of patient satisfaction with each type of care, with significant variables related to continuity of care, case management, and needs. The study suggests the critical importance of addressing patient needs comprehensively, and of establishing long-term, individual recovery plans that promote patient satisfaction. Collaboration between relatives of patients and professionals in patient treatment is closely related to satisfaction with primary care. Accounting for the presence of suicidal ideation and patient vulnerability is fundamental to increasing patient satisfaction with specialized care. Increased patient follow-up in the community, work integration, provision of supported housing, and rapid crisis intervention may help improve patient satisfaction with mental health service (MHS) while supporting recovery. 相似文献