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Borderline personality disorder (BPD) has been associated with maladaptive cognitive processes including dysfunctional attitudes and a negative attribution style. Comorbid insomnia affects the course of multiple psychiatric disorders, and has been associated with the absence of recovery from BPD. Because dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes are common among patients with insomnia, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between maladaptive sleep-related cognitions and recovery status (symptomatic remission plus good concurrent psychosocial functioning) in patients with BPD. Two hundred and twenty three BPD patients participating in the McLean Study of Adult Development (MSAD) were administered the Dysfunctional Beliefs and Attitudes about Sleep questionnaire (DBAS-16) as part of the 16-year follow-up wave. Maladaptive sleep cognitions were compared between recovered (n=105) and non-recovered (n=118) BPD participants, in analyses that adjusted for age, sex, depression, anxiety, and primary sleep disorders. Results demonstrated that non-recovered BPD patients had significantly more severe maladaptive sleep-related cognitions as measured by the overall DBAS-16 score. These results demonstrate an association between dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes about sleep and recovery status among BPD patients. Further research is warranted to evaluate treatments targeted towards maladaptive sleep-related cognitions, and their subsequent effects on the course of BPD.  相似文献   

本文目的是梳理阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(OSA)对记忆巩固影响的相关研究进展,推测其所涉机制,为探索可逆转OSA记忆巩固障碍的治疗措施提供参考。目前研究认为,轻度OSA可致不同类型记忆巩固效应损伤,且发现这些损伤与多导睡眠监测多个指标(如睡眠微结构、呼吸暂停低通气指数、觉醒指数等)密切相关,推测睡眠结构的破坏及间歇性缺氧所致的睡眠依赖性记忆巩固相关脑区和神经通路损伤可能引发记忆巩固效应的衰退。长期持续正压通气治疗可缓解OSA的记忆巩固损伤,但其他干预方法的效果还未可知。  相似文献   

背景 双相情感障碍与边缘型人格障碍(BPD)共病率高,共病患者认知功能受损更严重。目的 探讨是否共病BPD的双相情感障碍患者认知功能的差异,为临床诊疗提供参考。方法 采用简单随机抽样,选取2021年4月-2022年4月在河北医科大学第一医院治疗的共病BPD的双相情感障碍患者60例(共病组),其中双相抑郁患者33例,双相躁狂患者27例。同时选取双相情感障碍患者60例(未共病组),其中双相抑郁35例,双相躁狂25例。采用中文版神经心理状态测验(RBANS)和Stroop色词测验评估患者的认知功能。结果 共病组RBANS中的即刻记忆、视觉广度、言语功能和总评分均低于未共病组,差异均有统计学意义(t=-2.356、-2.138、-3.306、-2.729,P<0.05或0.01),Stroop色词测验中的单字时间、单色时间、双字时间和双色时间均长于未共病组,差异均有统计学意义(t=4.808、3.341、5.249、5.167,P均<0.01)。共病BPD的双相抑郁患者RBANS中的即刻记忆、视觉广度、言语功能和总评分均低于未共病BPD的双相抑郁患者(t=-2.446、-2.407、-2.231、-2.078,P均<0.05),Stroop色词测验中的单字时间、单色时间、双字时间和双色时间均长于未共病组(t=3.652、3.035、4.406、5.016,P均<0.01)。共病组双相躁狂患者RBANS中的言语功能和总评分均高于未共病组(t=-2.777、-2.347,P<0.05或0.01),Stroop色词测验中的单字时间、单色时间、双字时间和双色时间均长于未共病组(t=3.600、2.658、2.943、4.337,P<0.05或0.01)。结论 相较于未共病BPD的双相情感障碍患者,共病BPD的双相情感障碍患者认知功能受损更严重。  相似文献   

According to cognitive models of borderline personality disorder (BPD), an important cause for the instability of patients with BPD is dichotomous thinking (DT). Object-relation theories assume that the similar phenomenon of splitting is central in BPD. Previous studies focusing on interpersonal situations found support for DT being prominent in BPD. The aim of this study was to investigate whether patients with BPD also make use of dichotomous and schema-specific evaluations in noninterpersonal situations. An experiment was designed in which a frustrating and rewarding situation was induced by computer games that subjects had to play. Participants evaluated both themselves and the games. Patients with BPD (n=24) were characterized by somewhat more extreme game evaluations in the emotionally negative situations than normal controls (n=25), participants with a cluster C (n=10) or an anti-social personality disorder (ASPD) (n=16). Patients with BPD appeared to be characterized best by a general negative evaluative style, more than by DT or splitting. ASPD participants showed a positivity bias in both conditions.  相似文献   

Neuroimaging has become one of the most important methods in the investigation of the neurobiological underpinnings of borderline personality disorder. Structural and functional imaging studies have revealed dysfunction in different brain regions which seem to contribute to borderline symptomatology. This review presents relevant studies using different methodologies: volumetry of limbic and prefrontal regions, investigations of brain metabolism under resting conditions, studies of serotonergic neurotransmission, and challenge studies using emotional, stressful, and sensory stimuli. Dysfunction in a frontolimbic network is suggested to mediate much, if not all of the borderline symptomatology.  相似文献   

This study aims at investigating attention and impulsivity differences between borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder, as both diseases may share neuropsychological deficits. Differential cognitive outcomes on the Continuous Performance Test-II were observed between disorders, and also when compared to healthy controls.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Early traumatization and additional posttraumatic stress disorder are frequent in patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD). The purpose of this study was to investigate neural correlates of traumatic memory in BPD with and without posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). METHODS: We studied 12 traumatized female patients BPD, 6 of them with and 6 without PTSD. According to an autobiographical interview key words (cues) were defined for traumatic and for negative but nontraumatic episodes. In a block-designed fMRI task patients recalled these episodes. Contrasts between trauma condition and nontrauma condition were analyzed. RESULTS: Analyses for all subjects revealed activation of orbitofrontal cortex areas in both hemispheres, anterior temporal lobes, and occipital areas. In the subgroup without PTSD, activation of orbitofrontal cortex on both sides and Broca's area predominated. In the subgroup with additional PTSD, we observed right more than left activation of anterior temporal lobes, mesiotemporal areas, amygdala, posterior cingulate gyrus, occipital areas, and cerebellum. CONCLUSIONS: Dependent on absence or presence of additional PTSD different neural networks seem to be involved in the traumatic memory of patients with BPD.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previous studies have shown depression-like sleep abnormalities in borderline personality disorder (BPD). However, findings in BPD are not unequivocal for REM dysregulation, as well as for a decrement of slow wave sleep and sleep continuity disturbances. Earlier findings in sleep EEG abnormalities in BPD may have been confounded by concomitant depressive symptoms. METHODS: Twenty unmedicated female BPD patients without current comorbid major depression and 20 sex- and age-matched control subjects entered the study. Conventional polysomnographic parameters and for the first time sleep EEG spectral power analysis was performed on two sleep laboratory nights. Subjective sleep parameters were collected by sleep questionnaires in order to assess the relationship between objective and subjective sleep measurements. RESULTS: BPD patients showed a tendency for shortened REM latency and significantly decreased NonREM sleep (stage 2). Spectral EEG analysis showed increased delta power in total NREM sleep as well as in REM sleep in BPD patients. Subjective ratings documented drastically impaired sleep quality in BPD patients for the two weeks before the study and during the two laboratory nights. CONCLUSION: Not-depressed BPD patients only showed tendencies for depression-like REM sleep abnormalities. Surprisingly, BPD patients displayed higher levels of delta power in the sleep EEG in NREM sleep than healthy control subjects. There was a marked discrepancy between objective and subjective sleep measurements, which indicates an altered perception of sleep in BPD. The underlying psychological and neurobiological mechanisms of these alterations are still unclear and need to be clarified in future studies including interventions on a pharmacological and cognitive-behavioral level.  相似文献   

咨客,女性,25岁,经常感觉眼睛变小,反复为此纠结。个人情绪不稳定、易激动,在人际关系方面存在问题。在本次咨询中患者被诊断为躯体变形障碍合并边缘型人格障碍,建议采用生物-心理-社会的综合干预模式治疗。鼓励咨客规律运动,服用选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂(SSRIs)和第二代抗精神病药物联合治疗;采用辩证行为治疗(DBT)调整咨客认知、稳定情绪、改善人际技能;工作上建议选择人际压力小的工作环境,如影像学类临床辅助科室。  相似文献   



Self-mutilation is a common and serious problem in patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD). The purpose of this study was to determine the most clinically relevant baseline and time-varying predictors of self-mutilation over 10 years of prospective follow-up among patients with BPD.


Four semistructured interviews assessing axis I disorders, childhood adversity, adult experiences of abuse, and experiences of self-mutilation were administered at baseline to 290 patients meeting DIB-R and DSM-III-R criteria for BPD. Three of these interviews (all except for the childhood adversity interview) and two self-report measures pertaining to dysphoric affects and cognitions were administered at each of five contiguous two-year follow-up periods.


Eleven variables were found to be significant bivariate predictors of self-mutilation over the five follow-up periods. Six of these predictors remained significant in multivariate analyses: female gender, severity of dysphoric cognitions (mostly overvalued ideas), severity of dissociative symptoms, major depression, history of childhood sexual abuse, and sexual assaults as an adult.


Taken together, the results of this study suggest that factors pertaining to traumatic experiences throughout the lifespan are significant risk factors for self-mutilation over time. These results also suggest that major depressive episodes and cognitive symptoms, particularly overvalued ideas and dissociation, significantly heighten the risk of self-injurious behaviors tracked for a decade.  相似文献   

本文目的是通过报道病例诊疗过程,呈现边缘型人格障碍伴转换症状的临床诊疗思路及治疗方案的制定。咨客为一名46岁的女性,因长期无法与人建立亲密关系,常感到空虚、孤独,遇事容易出现多汗、头晕、心慌、胸闷、呼吸困难等症状。经本次咨询,被诊断为边缘型人格障碍伴转换症状。建议采用生物-心理-社会综合干预方法,鼓励咨客进行规律运动,并使用β受体阻滞剂普萘洛尔改善转换症状;心理治疗推荐辩证行为治疗(DBT);社会资源方面,鼓励咨客先助己后助人,且工作方向定位在大众一般心理保健。  相似文献   

TOPIC. This paper reviews the current literature on the nursing care of inpatients with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Information is included about the background and various features of BPD, and recent conceptualizations and predicted outcomes for BPD patients are provided. The effect of caring for patients with BPD on the nursing staff is discussed. CONCLUSIONS. With proper education, support, and clinical supervision, the difficulties of caring for patients with BPD for the nursing staff can be reduced, and beneficial outcomes can be achieved for the staff and patients. NURSING IMPLICATIONS. Patients with BPD can impact the entire multidisciplinary team. Understanding the dynamics of patients with BPD helps the staff to develop strategies to avoid splitting, acting-out behaviors, and negative impact on other patients and staff.  相似文献   



Deficits in social cognition and interpersonal difficulties are key features in borderline personality disorder. Social cognition refers to the function of perceiving and adequately dealing with social signals, leading to the establishment and maintenance of healthy and positive social relationships. Evidence suggests that oxytocin (OT) may improve social cognition and human social behavior. Recently, several studies have highlighted the beneficial effects of oxytocin in several psychiatric conditions involving social cognition deficits such as schizophrenia, autism or social phobia. However, despite growing interest, the effects of oxytocin in patients with borderline personality disorder are far from being clearly demonstrated.


The objective of this work was to review and discuss studies investigating the interest of oxytocin in alleviating social cognition deficits in patients with borderline personality disorder (recognition of emotion, trust and cooperation, affective and cognitive empathy, emotional expression and social problem-solving).


A systematic review of the literature was conducted up to September 31, 2016 on the Pubmed, Science direct, Medline and Scopus databases using “borderline personality disorder” and “oxytocin” as keywords. To be included, studies were to include patients with borderline personality disorder; to investigate social cognition and to investigate the effect of oxytocin on social cognition in patients with TPB.


The initial search yielded 52 articles. Among them, 11 studies were selected according to the PRISMA criteria. The effect of oxytocin on social cognition in patients with borderline personality disorder was mainly investigated in relation to recognition of emotions and trust and cooperation. We did not find any studies investigating the effect of oxytocin on affective and cognitive empathy, emotional expression or social problem-solving abilities. In patients with borderline personality disorder, oxytocin had a beneficial impact on recognition and discrimination of emotions and on hypervigilance towards social threats. However, oxytocin could hinder trust and cooperation.


These data lead us to consider oxytocin as a treatment for emotion recognition deficit and hypervigilance towards social threats in borderline personality disorder. A beneficial effect of oxytocin of this nature may be obtained only in patients without deficits in trust and cooperation because of a risk of aggravating relational instability. There was no current evidence for the interest of oxytocin in enhancing affective and cognitive empathy in borderline personality disorder. Further studies are needed to evaluate the clinical interest of combining oxytocin with psychotherapeutic approaches such as dialectical behavioral therapy or mentalisation-based treatment.  相似文献   

Different domains of executive function such as working memory and response inhibition were investigated together with elementary cognitive processes in borderline personality disorder (BPD). Patients with BPD (N=28) were compared to nonpatient controls (NP, N=28) on eight tasks (e.g. n-back, Go/NoGo, CPT-AX). In order to separate impairments in different cognitive domains and to assess the influence of more elementary cognitive processes on executive functioning, tasks were embedded in a reaction-time-decomposition approach. BPD patients solved tasks with accuracies comparable to those of nonpatients. The only exception was the n-back task, for which working memory is required: here, error rates were higher and increased more prominently in BPD patients depending on working memory load. In most tasks, movement times were shorter for BPD patients than for nonpatients, while the quality of task-solving was comparable. The faster processing in the BPD group was observable starting with the simplest task, i.e. a simple reaction-time task. These findings suggest that domains of executive functioning are differentially affected in BPD. In contrast to load-dependent deficits in working memory, response inhibition processes were unimpaired. Faster action-related processes could be observed in BPD patients in a variety of tasks; however, these did not influence executive functioning.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of schema therapy for patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) developed by Young was investigated using a single case series trial of six patients who all had primarily a DSM-IV BPD diagnosis. The treatment approach comprised the core elements of schema therapy with an emphasis on schema mode work and limited re-parenting. An A-B direct replication series with follow-up assessments at 12 months was implemented. From baseline to follow-up improvement was large, as indicated by large effect sizes, and improvement was clinically meaningful for five of the six patients included. Three of the six patients did not any longer fulfill the criteria for BPD by the end of the treatment.  相似文献   


Atypical antipsychotics appear to be effective and well tolerated in the treatment of borderline personality disorder. One such agent, quetiapine (“Seroquel”), has a favourable side-effect profile and may be of value in acute and chronic treatment of this disorder.


In this case series, 12 outpatients with psychotic disorders meeting ICD-10, DSM-IV and DIB-R criteria for borderline personality disorder were treated with quetiapine monotherapy 300–750 mg/day. The CGI-S and the GAS assessed changes in symptom severity and global functioning, whereas the BIS, the HAM-D and the SCL-90-IX scales assessed change of psychotic symptoms and/or borderline personality disorder core symptomatology over time. Patients were evaluated at baseline and at 4 and 12 weeks after treatment. Statistical analyses included Page's trend test and Wilcoxon tests.


All patients completed the 12-week study. The mean quetiapine dose was 537.5±18.9 mg/day. For all efficacy measures (with the exception of HAM-D), significant improvements were observed as early as Week 4 (P<0.01) and at endpoint (P<0.05).


Quetiapine relieved symptoms of psychosis, reduced impulsivity or depressed mood and improved global functioning in patients with borderline personality disorder and psychosis. Quetiapine was well tolerated.  相似文献   

Background. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is associated with structural and functional brain changes. Recent models and findings refer to alterations of glutamate and total N-acetylaspartate (tNAA) in this condition. Methods. Absolute quantities of tNAA, creatine, glutamate, glutamine, myoinositol and total choline were measured using 3 Tesla magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the left anterior cingulate cortex and the left cerebellum in 14 unmedicated women with BPD and comorbid attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and 18 healthy women. Both groups were matched with respect to age, education and premorbid intelligence. Results. In the anterior cingulate, we found significantly higher tNAA and glutamate concentrations and a trend for lower glutamine levels in women with BPD and comorbid ADHD as compared to healthy women. There were no significant group differences in cerebellar metabolite concentrations. Conclusions. Glutamatergic changes in the anterior cingulate may be associated with BPD and comorbid ADHD. Increased anterior cingulate tNAA may indicate disturbed energy metabolism or impaired frontal maturation.  相似文献   

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is characterized by marked problems in interpersonal relationships and emotion regulation. The assumption of emotional hyper-reactivity in BPD is tested regarding the facial expression of emotions, an aspect highly relevant for communication processes and a central feature of emotion regulation. Facial expressions of emotions are examined in a group of 30 female inpatients with BPD, 27 women with major depression and 30 non-patient female controls. Participants were videotaped while watching two short movie sequences, inducing either positive or negative emotions. Frequency of emotional facial expressions and intensity of happiness expressions were examined, using the Emotional Facial Action Coding System (EMFACS-7, Friesen & Ekman, EMFACS-7: Emotional Facial Action Coding System, Version 7. Unpublished manual, 1984). Group differences were analyzed for the negative and the positive mood-induction procedure separately. Results indicate that BPD patients reacted similar to depressed patients with reduced facial expressiveness to both films. The highest emotional facial activity to both films and most intense happiness expressions were displayed by the non-clinical control group. Current findings contradict the assumption of a general hyper-reactivity to emotional stimuli in patients with BPD.  相似文献   

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