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目的:了解屈光参差性弱视治愈前后双眼视觉状况。方法:对56例103眼屈光参差性弱视儿童,分别在治疗前和基本治愈后检测其立体视锐度及同视机三级视功能。结果:基本治愈前后:同时视功能无明显差异(P>0.05);立体视锐度有显著性差异(P<0.01);融合功能和定性远立体视也有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:屈光参差性弱视不仅影响视力同时也影响双眼视觉发育,随着视力提高其双眼视功能也有明显改善,所以在弱视治疗时应注重双眼视觉的建立与完善。  相似文献   

程子昂  谢祥勇 《国际眼科杂志》2016,16(12):2359-2361
目的:观察视功能训练对屈光参差性弱视治疗后期弱视眼视功能恢复的作用。方法:试验组23例23眼患儿在配镜及定量遮盖的基础上弱视眼进行脱抑制、单眼调节训练、双眼调节集合训练、双眼融像训练、双眼扫视训练、双眼运动融像训练等,对照组20例23眼患儿在配镜及定量遮盖的基础上只进行光刷、红闪、光栅、精目训练等弱视训练。结果:立体视、AMP、AF、NRA、PRA、NPC试验组与对照组组间治疗前对比分析无统计学差异(P>0.05);立体视、AMP、AF、PRA、NPC试验组与对照组组间治疗后对比分析有统计学差异( P<0.05);NRA试验组与对照组组间治疗后对比无统计学差异( P>0.05);立体视、AMP、AF、NRA、PRA、NPC试验组与对照组对比治疗前无统计学差异( P>0.05);立体视、AMP、AF、NRA、PRA、NPC试验组与对照组对比治疗后有统计学差异(P<0.05),通过数据对比可以看出试验组数据明显优于对照组。结论:在弱视治疗后期加入视功能训练与传统弱视治疗对比,加入视功能训练双眼立体视、AMP、AF、PRA、NPC等各项视功能数据明显优于传统弱视治疗, NRA与传统弱视治疗无差异。  相似文献   

于丽  郭美超  王雪梅 《国际眼科杂志》2023,23(12):2104-2107



结果:治疗后3mo,观察组患儿双眼融象功能、双眼立体视、双眼立体视差正常率均明显高于对照组(均P<0.05),观察组患儿治疗总有效率明显高于对照组(94.1% vs 60.8%,P<0.05),且观察组中不同年龄患儿治疗总有效率均高于对照组(P<0.05),其中6~8岁患儿治疗总有效率最高; 观察组中轻中度弱视患儿治疗总有效率高于对照组(94.0% vs 61.2%,P<0.05)。

结论:多媒体视觉生理刺激联合立体系统训练治疗屈光不正性弱视疗效较好,可促进患儿视力恢复,帮助重建双眼立体视觉功能,且对6~8岁及轻中度弱视患儿效果更好。  相似文献   

目的:评估4D数字化弱视斜视矫治系统对远视性屈光不正性及远视性屈光参差性弱视儿童的疗效。方法:招募3~9岁远视性屈光不正性及远视性屈光参差性弱视患者48例(其中远视性屈光不正性弱视18例36眼,远视性屈光参差性弱视30例30眼),所有患者排除其他眼病,在屈光矫正、合理遮盖的基础上接受4D数字化弱视斜视矫治系统的训练。初期训练以提高视力为主,视力达0.6以上者加上脱抑制训练及双眼视功能训练。比较训练前、后的视力及双眼立体视变化情况。结果:远视性屈光不正性弱视患者共18例36眼,其中轻度弱视组13眼,中度弱视组19眼,重度弱视组4眼。远视性屈光参差性弱视患者共30例30眼,根据弱视程度分为轻度弱视组5眼,中度弱视组13眼,重度弱视组12眼。治疗60次后视力均有明显提高。治疗60次后立体视有明显提高,且与屈光度无关(P>0.05),与初始视力及治疗后视力均呈正相关(P<0.05),与屈光参差量呈正相关(P<0.05)。结论:4D数字化弱视斜视矫治系统联合传统的弱视治疗方法能有效提高3~9岁远视性屈光不正性弱视和远视性屈光参差性弱视儿童的视力并改善其双眼视功能。  相似文献   

赵冰莹  陶黎明 《国际眼科杂志》2012,12(12):2302-2305

方法:在我院门诊确诊的弱视儿童41例68眼,其中男17例29眼,女24 例39眼,年龄4~16(平均8.29±3.05)岁,按照弱视类型分为斜视性弱视组4例7眼,屈光参差性弱视组11例11眼,屈光不正性弱视组26例50眼。弱视治疗内容包括激光治疗、CAM训练、红光闪烁、立体视训练、电脑中频脉冲治疗。治疗前后分别对患者进行裸眼视力、最佳矫正视力、图形视觉诱发电位(pattern visual evoked potential, P-VEP)、同时视、融合视及立体视检测。


结论:弱视患儿经积极的弱视治疗后,患儿的视力及立体视觉均可得到提高,P100波潜伏期缩短。  相似文献   


目的: 评价使用立体3D技术作为一种视觉功能训练方法对弱视患儿的治疗效果。

方法: 纳入30名儿童,年龄4~16y, 其中18例是屈光不正性弱视(ametropic amblyopia,AMA),12例是屈光参差性弱视(anisometropic amblyopia,ANA)。双眼使用立体3D技术进行视觉功能训练,每次训练时间1h,每例患者训练约33次(平均: 32±8)。在每次训练前后检查患者每眼的最佳矫正视力,使用同视机检查融合范围和远距离立体视,并使用颜氏随机点立体视图谱检查近距离立体视。


结论:立体3D视觉训练系统可以有效地恢复弱视儿童双眼立体视功能。  相似文献   

目的:观察压抑膜与传统遮盖对轻中度屈光不正性弱视双眼视功能恢复的作用.方法:选取2016-05-01/08-30在我院视光中心确诊并配合治疗的6~8岁30例双眼屈光不正性轻中度屈光性弱视患儿,试验组患儿15例30眼采用Bangerter压抑膜压抑患儿相对好眼,使好眼视力压抑后比差眼视力差半行至一行,对照组患儿15例30眼的相对好眼定量遮盖.两组均每周2次来我院视光中心进行系统视功能康复训练,持续3 mo.结果:试验组与对照组治疗前立体视、弱视眼的调节幅度(amplitude of accommodation,AMP)、 调节灵敏度(accommodating facility,AF)、负相对调节(negative relative accommodation,NRA)、 正相对调节(positive relative accommodation,PRA)、双眼集合近点(convergence near points,NPC)对比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),两组治疗后立体视、AMP、AF、PRA、NPC差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),NRA差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论:轻中度屈光不正性弱视患儿使用压抑膜与传统遮盖治疗在双眼视功能的对比中,Bangerter压抑膜组双眼立体视、AMP、AF、PRA、NPC等各项视功能数据明显优于传统遮盖组,NRA与传统遮盖治疗无差异.  相似文献   

目的:比较基于双眼推拉模型的视觉训练和传统综合训练对9~16岁大龄屈光参差性弱视儿童的临床疗效。方法:前瞻性随机对照研究。收集2017年6月至2018年3月在南宁市爱尔眼科医院门诊确诊的9~16岁屈光参差性弱视儿童64例(64眼)。随机分为推拉模型训练组(32例)和传统综合训练组(32例),2组均在屈光矫正的基础上联合视觉训练治疗12个月。推拉模型训练组全天无需遮盖,通过双眼分视以视频刺激的方式进行训练。具体训练方案由医师根据患者初始视力、知觉眼位、抑制度、视功能缺损的严重程度以及每阶段训练后的进步情况等信息来制定。传统综合训练组是在遮盖优势眼的基础上予以精细训练、红光闪烁训练。比较2组患者治疗前后的最佳矫正视力、0阶立体视、1阶立体视、2阶立体视及屈光度数的变化。2组疗效(等级资料)、阶度立体视的比较采用秩和检验,对屈光度数的变化的分析采用独立样本 t检验。 结果:治疗12个月后,2组各失访1例。经过治疗,推拉模型训练组基本治愈7眼(23%),进步24眼(77%),无效0眼(0%);传统综合训练组基本治愈2眼(6%),进步25眼(81%),无效4眼(13%),2组疗效比较差异有统计学意义( Z=-2.490, P=0.013)。推拉模型训练组31眼logMAR视力总共提高146行,传统综合训练组总共提高89行。推拉模型训练组视力提升效率高于传统综合训练组。推拉模型训练组的0阶立体视、1阶立体视、2阶立体视改善程度均较传统综合训练组明显( Z=-4.861, P<0.001;Z=-3.706, P<0.001;Z=-5.819, P<0.001)。治疗前后2组患者的球镜度数、柱镜度数、等效球镜度数差异均无统计学意义。 结论:基于双眼推拉模型的视觉训练在改善大龄屈光参差性弱视儿童弱视眼的视力及立体视方面均优于传统综合训练。  相似文献   

目的:分析比较屈光参差性与斜视性弱视的治疗效果。方法:前瞻性研究。2018-07/2020-01在我院门诊确诊的并首次接受治疗的单眼弱视患者46例,平均年龄9±3岁,其中男26例,女20例,按照临床诊断分为斜视性弱视组(无屈光不正),共23例,平均年龄9±3岁,其中男12例,女11例。以及屈光参差性弱视组,共23例,平均年龄9±3岁,其中男14例,女9例。对两组患者采用遮盖及精细训练治疗弱视,于治疗前及治疗后采用国际标准视力表检测视力、用Titmus图谱行立体视锐度的检测。比较两组患者经弱视治疗前后最佳矫正视力及立体视恢复的差异。结果:治疗前两组患者弱视眼的最佳矫正视力无差异(t=-0.475,P>0.05),但斜视性弱视患者的立体视功能明显低于屈光参差性弱视患者(t=-3.919,P<0.001);通过2mo的治疗,两组患者最佳矫正视力提高值有明显差异(t=-2.946,P<0.01),而两组患者立体视提高值无差异(t=1.305,P>0.05);通过6mo的治疗,两组患者最佳矫正视力提高差值有明显差异(t=-2.353,P<0.05),两组患者立体视提高差值也有明显差异(t=2.218,P<0.05);但在6mo时斜视性弱视患者的立体视水平仍低于屈光参差性弱视患者(t=-2.760,P<0.01)。结论:治疗前视力相同的斜视性弱视与屈光参差性弱视,斜视性弱视患者的立体视功能损伤更重。通过治疗,屈光参差性弱视患者的视力恢复较快,而斜视性弱视患者的立体视功能恢复较快,但其立体视功能水平仍低于屈光参差性弱视患者。  相似文献   

目的分析经高透氧硬性角膜接触镜(rigid gas permeable contact lens,RGP)联合常规弱视治疗并随访3年的屈光参差性弱视眼的最佳矫正视力、立体视功能变化,评价RGP联合常规弱视治疗对屈光参差性弱视治愈后立体视功能的影响。方法将2003年1月-2004年12月在我科门诊诊断为屈光参差性弱视患儿43例,随机分为两组:A组22例.配戴高透氧硬性角膜接触镜;B组21例.配戴框架眼镜.戴镜后两组同时进行正规弱视综合治疗,总共随访3年。当弱视矫正后行远立体视、近立体视检查,对所得数据进行统计学分析。结果A、B组治愈率分别为90.91%(20/22)和61.91%(13/21),A组明显高于B组,两组差异有统计学意义(Х^2=4.18,P〈0.05)。A组立体视出现平均时间为治疗后(7.00±0.45)个月,B组立体视出现时间为治疗后(13.00±0.53)个月.A组早于B组。经秩和检验,A组具有的远立体视功能和近立体视功能均优于B组(P〈0.01)。结论RGP矫正屈光参差性弱视安全、有效,有利于弱视矫正后双眼立体视功能的建立,为屈光参差性弱视的临床治疗提供有力工具。  相似文献   

D. Regan 《Vision research》1978,18(4):439-443
The spatial-frequency selectivity of pattern evoked potentials depends on the stimulus repetition rate: responses to low spatial frequencies are emphasized by stimulating at 16–20 Hz, while responses to high spatial frequencies are emphasized at 5–8 Hz. These findings are consistent with the suggestion that pattern EP's are a mixture of pattern responses and responses to local flicker. To a first approximation the “local flicker” responses resemble EP's produced by flickering a light similar to the patterned stimulis in all respects except for absence of pattern. Any developmental changes in the temporal tuning of pattern responses and/or local flicker responses might distort the results of studies in which pattern EP's have been used as an index of either (a) the development of visual acuity or (b) acuity changes due to visual deprivation. Methods of minimizing this problem are suggested.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The maintenance of a good level of vision is desirable for developmental and social reasons; it is also a requirement that should not be overlooked in the clinical research environment. This study set out to quantify and analyse any difference between 'habitual' (pre-sight test) and 'optimal' (post-refraction) distance visual acuity in an optometric population. It is intended that the outcome of this work will inform not only clinicians but also those undertaking vision research. METHODS: Binocular logMAR visual acuity was determined at 6 m before and after optometric intervention in patients attending optometric practice for a routine sight test. Cases were recorded seriatim but restricted to the 'core' refraction range representative of typical optometric practice; three further exemption criteria included subject illiteracy, the necessity for a non-standard test distance and contact lens wear. Over a 12-month period, two-thirds of patients examined satisfied the study inclusion criteria; it is the clinical data of these 1288 individuals that are described and analysed here. RESULTS: These data provide a quantitative demonstration that an optometric intervention will most likely improve the habitual distance visual acuity of subjects, irrespective of gender, age group, time interval since last test, refractive status and whether or not the subject is a habitual spectacle wearer. The improvement found was typically within one logMAR chart line (<5 letters), being greatest in spectacle-wearing teenagers and in individuals beyond retirement age (increasing to eight letters in elderly habitual non-spectacle wearers); also in non-wearers who left an interval of 2 years or more between sight tests. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical and laboratory-based investigators are advised that a current and optimal refractive correction should be worn by subjects of all ages enrolled in vision-related studies. Refractive defocus may introduce or exaggerate test outcome variability.  相似文献   

弱视眼的激光干涉条纹视力测定与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定了42名(61眼)斜视性/屈光参差性/屈光不正性弱视少儿的激光干涉条纹视力(Laserinter-ferencefringsvisualacuityIVA)并与其E字母视力表视力(EVA)作了比较和分析,弱视眼的IVA多数高于EVA(59.26~86.36%),相当一部分弱视眼(13.64~22.22%)的IVA低于EVA,0.00~18.52%的弱视眼IVA等于EVA。作者从视觉通道的角度讨  相似文献   

: Some strategies for rapid investigation of the visual fields are reviewed. Those aspects considered are the testing of central and peripheral fields, the pattern and density of sampling the visual field with static stimuli and the most suitable stimulus intensity at which to begin the screening of each subject. Some of the design features of 10 visual field screeners and 3 automated perimeters are tabulated to indicate the importance of control of perimetric variables and how strategies for screening have developed from earlier to later designs.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate visual function and perception in cerebral palsied (CP) children. METHODS: A total of 105 congenitally CP children (aged 6-15 years), without severe mental retardation, were classified into three groups: those with spastic quadriplegia, spastic diplegia and spastic hemiplegia. Data collected included patient history, IQ, refraction, far and near visual acuity, position of the eyes and eye movements, visual fields, colour perception, stereoacuity, slit lamp and fundoscopic examinations, and evaluation of visual perception. The results were compared with a control group from the general paediatric population. RESULTS: The IQ of the CP children ranged between 70 and 100. A total of 59% of them had best corrected distance visual acuity <6/6, with 25.5% <6/9. Near visual acuity was also reduced (70.1% scored <6/6 and 38.4% scored <6/9). Incidence of refractive errors was higher than in the control group (hypermetropia in 43.8% of the eyes, myopia 16.19% and astigmatism 40.9%) as was the incidence of strabismus (26.7% esotropic and 27.6% exotropic). In visual field testing, 80.95% of CP children were normal. A total of 94.28% had normal colour perception and 89.52% were free of ocular pathology. Stereopsis was abnormal or absent in 85.71% of the cases. Visual perception was markedly reduced: in 57.14% of the cases it was less than or equal to that of 6-year-old children; in 26.66% equal to that of 6- to 7.5-year-old children, and in 16.2% of the cases greater than or equal to that of 7.5-year-old children. CONCLUSIONS: In the absence of severe mental retardation, CP children have deficient visual skills. It is suggested that the poor visual skills of CP children are a separate, identifiable factor compounding the adverse effects of mental retardation.  相似文献   

扫描翻转图像视觉诱发电位视力与对数视力表视力的比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱捷  李海生 《眼科研究》2001,19(3):246-249
目的 对扫描图像视觉诱发电位视力(SPVER视力)与对数视力表视力进行比较。方法比较50例受试者的视力表和SPVER视力。在SPVER视力的测定中用了8个不同空间频率的光栅条纹连续扫描,所得数据经离散傅立叶分析后,获得振幅一空间频率曲线,并由外推法估计其视力。结果SPVER视力与视力表视力的总体相关系数r=0.699,在视力表视力大于0.5时,SPVER视力有低估现象,而在视力表视力小于0.5时SPVER视力有高估现象。结论SPVER视力与视力表视力有良好的相关性。由于视力表视力和SPVER视力所用于评估视力的指标不同,使两者结果不完全相同。  相似文献   

原发性青光眼早期诊断方法的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 比较图形视网膜电图(P-ERG),图形视觉诱发电位(P-VEP),中央视野视网膜光敏感度和眼部动脉血流速度在早期原发性青光眼诊断中诊断价值的大小。方法 对128例230只眼早期原发性开角型和慢性闭角型青光眼以及48例96只眼正常对照组进行上述4种诊断。方法 的检测,计算各方法的敏感度特异度和诊断指数,并对其进行相应的统计学检验.结果 各方法诊断指数间差异均有显著性(P<0.01),并得出这4种检测方法在原发性青光眼早期诊断中的价值为P-ERG>P-VEP>中央视野视网膜光敏感度>眼部动脉血流速度测量。结论 P-ERG,P-VEP和中央视野视网膜光敏感度较眼部动脉血流速度检测在早期原发性青光眼诊断上更有价值  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS—Visual functions of neurologically impaired children with permanent cerebral visual impairment (CVI) can be difficult to determine. This study investigated the behavioural profile of CVI children by means of ethological observations in order to gain a better understanding of their visual functions.
METHODS—Video registrations of nine subjects who were unable to undergo more orthodox methods of visual function testing were observed and analysed by an ethologist.
RESULTS—A series of behaviours (direct signs) and supportive or confirming behavioural elements (indirect signs) indicating some visual perception in the children were found.
CONCLUSION—Detailed ethological observations of visual behaviour were shown to be useful for analysing visual functions of children with permanent CVI.

Keywords: cerebral visual impairment; visual function; visual behaviour; ethological analysis  相似文献   

A 54-year-old female complained of vertical diplopia on downward gaze with a slight headache lasting two days. When she gazed in a nasal lower direction, right hypertropia became obvious and the Bielschowsky head-tilt test was positive. A trochlear nerve palsy of right eye was diagnosed. Several examinations were performed, including blood chemical and serological examinations, plain CT examination, and cerebrospinal fluid examination. Three days after appearance of the trochlear nerve palsy, oculomotor nerve palsy of right eye occurred with severe ocular and head pain, and a four-vessel study disclosed a large aneurysm at the IC-PC portion and two more aneurysms at the distal portion of the middle cerebral artery. This is a very rare case of trochlear nerve palsy as the initial sign of IC-PC aneurysm and the pathogenesis of trochlear nerve palsy was discussed.  相似文献   

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