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河北省农田土壤重金属污染及健康风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 分析河北省农田土壤重金属污染现状及健康风险。方法 应用分层随机抽样法,于2014年在全省范围采集2 700份农田土壤样本,检测其中铅、镉、铬含量,运用美国环保局(USEPA)推荐的模型进行健康风险评价。结果 铅、镉、铬平均含量依次为18.52、0.4、39.63 mg/kg;13.74%的样本镉含量超出国家二级标准,铅、铬含量均未超标;重金属通过皮肤接触产生的非致癌风险为1.7×10-6~8.25×10-4,大小依次为铬>铅>镉,均低于非致癌风险阈值1;镉、铬致癌风险为4.40×10-9~4.34×10-5,在可接受水平内(10-6~10-4);镉造成的成人预期寿命损失为0.03~1.17 min,铬为29.22~269.77 min。结论 河北省部分农田土壤已受到镉污染,重金属经皮肤接触产生的非致癌风险和致癌风险均不会对人体造成健康危害。  相似文献   

了解雾霾对校园环境空气中微生物分布的影响,为校园环境卫生治理、疾病防控及个人防护提供实验数据.方法 抽取河北大学医学部室外(医苑广场、医苑路、操场)和室内(食堂、教室、学生宿舍)等6个人员主要活动场所,在无雾霾、轻度雾霾、中度雾霾及重度雾霾天气状况下按自然沉降法分别采样,测定空气中细菌和霉菌菌落总数.结果 中度和重度雾霾天气时室外空气中细菌、霉菌菌落总数均高于室内(P值均<0.05). 室外各采样点细菌、霉菌总数均随雾霾程度加重而升高,其中医苑路升高最为显著(P值均<0.05);室内各采样点除学生宿舍内细菌、霉菌浓度在重度雾霾天高于其他天气状况外,食堂、教室随天气变化不明显(P值均>0.05).结论 雾霾程度加重时校园室外空气中细菌、霉菌菌落总数均随之升高,而室内空气微生物浓度与雾霾程度关联较小.  相似文献   

黔东南州农田土壤重金属污染的评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解土壤质量现状,为土壤现况分析提供参考。方法:采用国家土壤环境质量二级标准为重金属限值,并利用单因子污染指数法和内梅罗综合污染指数对土壤重金属的污染程度进行评价。结果:除了铅和总铬之外,各县农田土壤均有不同程度的重金属超标情况。单因子指数中总汞Pi=1.13,表明土壤受到轻度污染。内梅罗综合污染指数表明部分地区土壤已处于警戒或轻度污染状态。结论:农田土壤存在部分重金属污染,空间分布不均,主要为总汞污染,以丹寨县为最重,已处于轻度污染水平。  相似文献   

Research studies analysing heavy metal or trace elements in Turkish wines is scarce. This study was designed to fill this gap, analysing 43 wines produced in 4 different regions in Turkey. A total of 37 red and 6 white wines produced from various grapes from 2006 to 2008 in Marmara, Aegean, Central Anatolia and Eastern Anatolia regions were studied. Wines were analyzed for Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb using atomic absorption spectrometer equipped (AAS) with electrothermal atomization unit (ET). Average results for red and white wines, respectively, were: Cr, 38.6 and 29.4 μg/L; Mn, 697 and 101 μg/L; Fe, 1.7 and 0.7 mg/L; Co, 6.3 and 0.5 μg/L; Ni, 134 and 573 μg/L; Cu, 131 and 158 μg/L; Zn, 389 and 2099 μg/L; Cd, 2.8 (red wine; white wine results were under limit of detection); Pb, 6.3 (red wine; white wine results were under limit of detection). These results were interpreted for grape types and regions. Accuracy was tested with standard addition method. Recoveries ranged from 96% to 107% after standard addition. Cr, Fe and Mn in red wines were higher in comparison to white wines, whereas white wines were higher in Ni and Zn. Non-essential Cd and Pb concentrations were very low in both red and white wines. Comparison with literature shows all heavy metal concentrations in the analyzed Turkish wines to be below the limits designated by World Health Organization.  相似文献   

Summary Exposure of foundry workers to mixtures of different heavy metals is a very important toxicological problem. In this paper the estimation of the effects of lead, zinc, and copper on erythrocyte metabolism is presented. Concentrations of copper and zinc at work posts of the group examined did not exceed TLV, while lead concentration was 1.5 to 4 times higher than TLV. Erythrocyte metabolism was measured through activities of such glycolytic pathway enzymes as PFK, PGI, PK, aldolase and G6-PD from the hexose monophosphate pathway. Additionally the free erythrocyte protoporphyrin (FEP) level, D-ALA activity, serum GSH level, 2,3 DPG level in erythrocytes and lactic acid production during a 2-h incubation of red blood cells (RBC) was estimated. The blood-lead level, FEP level, copper concentration in erythrocytes in exposed group were significantly higher than in control group while the zinc level in erythrocytes was significantly lower. Measuring erythrocyte metabolism we showed that the activity of PGI, PFK, aldolase, lactic production and 2,3 DPG levels was significantly higher in the exposed group, probably as a result of anaerobic glycolysis activation.  相似文献   

The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is a representative of the canid family with wide distribution in the Northern Hemisphere and Australia. The increasing utilization of urbanized habitats by red foxes prompted us to test whether this species may be used to monitor the presence of anthropogenic pollutants in cities or suburbs. For that purpose, we compared the concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn) in foxes from urban, suburban, and rural areas within the municipality of Zürich (Switzerland). The kidney and liver of suburban and rural foxes contained the highest Cd concentrations, whereas urban foxes contained the highest Pb levels. In the kidney of suburban foxes, Cd concentrations increased from a median value of 0.73 mg/kg in juvenile animals to 1.82 mg/kg in adults. Similarly, the liver of suburban foxes contained increasing Cd levels from a median of 0.21 mg/kg in juvenile animals to 0.94 mg/kg in adults. An age-dependent storage of Cd was also found in foxes from the rural surroundings, but no such accumulation occurred in urban foxes from the city center, where even adult animals contained very low Cd levels. Conversely, foxes from the urban center were characterized by elevated Pb concentrations during the first 2 years of life, but this transient Pb accumulation was absent in suburban or rural animals. The liver of juvenile foxes contained a median Pb concentration of 0.99 mg/kg in the city compared to only 0.47 and 0.37 mg/kg in the suburban and rural area, respectively. Thus, we found that animals from separate environmental compartments contain different patterns of tissue residues, implying that red foxes may serve as a bioindicator species to detect certain toxic hazards in urbanized habitats. Received: 25 July 2000/Accepted: 14 November 2000  相似文献   

Uptake and accumulation of Cd, Cu, Fe, and Zn by sawfly larvae, Dolerus sp, were studied. Larvae were reared under controlled conditions, allowing their uptake of ingested metals to be calculated after exposure to two different doses of metals. After 10 days of exposure, the concentration of Cd was higher than at the start of exposure, whereas concentration of Cu was higher only in the high dose group. In contrast, the Fe concentration decreased during exposure. Concentrations of Zn in the larvae were the same irrespective of the Zn concentrations in the food. Uptake of the metals, quantified in percent of ingested amounts, was 11% for Cd in both low and high dose groups. The uptake of Zn was 26% at the low dose and 12% at the high dose, while that of Cu was 12% and 19%, respectively. There was a loss in both low and high doses of Fe. The amount of a metal taken up by the larvae was correlated with their growth increment. In conclusion, the concentrations of Cd and Cu in plants influence the concentrations of these metals in plant-eating insects more than the Fe and Zn concentrations.  相似文献   

摘要:目的 了解苏南农村地区土壤、大米等重金属污染情况。方法 采用分层整群抽样方法,在苏南农村东、南、西、北、中5个方位及市区采集环境及食物样品,用ICP-MS检测其中重金属含量。结果 18份土壤样品重金属Cd、As、Pb平均含量为(1.150±0.860)mg/kg,(46.232±40.313)mg/kg,(55.855±32.690)mg/kg,超标率分别达77.78%、38.89%和27.78%,Cr、Hg含量均低于限值;内梅罗污染指数评价显示,苏南农村土壤整体达轻度污染,其中2、5号点土壤达重污染,1号点达中污染,其余各点土壤重金属污染已处警戒范围。井水、大米中重金属低于GB5749-2006和GB2715-2005标准限量。结论 苏南农村地区井水、大米尚未受Cd、As、Pb、Cr、Hg 5种重金属污染,但土壤已不同程度受到Cd、As、Pb污染,Cd>As>Pb,应引起重视。  相似文献   

目的 通过检测兰坪矿区土壤中铅、锌、镉、铜和锰5种重金属元素含量,了解矿产的开发对环境造成的污染状况.方法 按照相应的采样要求在矿区周围3 km内采集有代表性的土壤样品,采用酸消解法对样品进行消化处理,再用原子吸收分光光度法测定样品中的Pb、Zn、Cd、Cu、Mn元素的含量.分析土壤中重金属含量的超标状况.结果 土壤中铅、锌、镉、铜和锰5种元素的超标率分别为23.08%、14.81%、89.74%、0%和43.59%;平均污染指数分别为1.07、0.82、18.51、0.03和0.84.结论 土壤中普遍存在严重的镉污染,部分矿区有铅、锌和锰污染,Cu含量正常.  相似文献   

兰坪矿区土壤中重金属污染状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的通过检测兰坪矿区土壤中铅、锌、镉、铜和锰5种重金属元素含量,了解矿产的开发对环境造成的污染状况。方法按照相应的采样要求在矿区周围3km内采集有代表性的土壤样品,采用酸消解法对样品进行消化处理,再用原子吸收分光光度法测定样品中的Pb、Zn、Cd、Cu、Mn元素的含量。分析土壤中重金属含量的超标状况。嬉果土壤中铅、锌、镉、铜和锰5种元素的超标率分别为23.08%、14.8l%、89.74%、0%和43.59%;平均污染指数分别为1.07、0.82、18.51、0.03和0.84。结论土壤中普遍存在严重的镉污染,部分矿区有铅、锌和锰污染,Cu含量正常。  相似文献   

Summary Soil lead levels were found to decrease significantly in all traffic areas as distance from the highway increased. Areas of higher traffic volume had greater soil lead levels. Strong trends were shown in vegetation with areas of greater traffic density having greater lead levels than areas of lower traffic density. A decrease in lead levels was also noted in vegetation as distance from highway increased.  相似文献   

目的:监测余姚市内所售淡水贝类生物样品中№、As、Pb、Cd、Cr、Cu、Zn、Fe、Mn等重金属含量,调查研究其生态环境中受重金属污染状况。方法:于2006年4月至2007年4月对12个农贸市场的4种淡水贝类螺蛳、黄蚬、田螺、河蚌等样品中的重金属Hg、As、Pb、Cd、Cr、Cu、Zn、Fe、Mn采用冷原子吸收光谱法、原子荧光光度法、火焰及无火焰原子吸收分光光度法进行了分析测定。结果:淡水贝类生物样品中的重金属平均含量,Hg:0.037mg/kg、As:0.339mg/kg、Pb:0.428mg/kg、Cd:0.076mg/kg、Cr:0.663mg/kg、Cu:28.2mg/kg、Zn:57.3mg/kg、Fe:70.8mg/kg、Mn:8.85mg/kg,结果表明:螺蛳中含cr、cu、zn最高,黄蚬中含Pb、cd最高,田螺中含Fe最高,河蚌中含Hg、As、Mn最高。结论:对照GB18406.4—2001《无公害水产品安全要求》,余姚市淡水贝类生物体内的Hg、Pb、Cd、Cr、Cu等都有不同程度的超标现象(总砷、锌、铁、锰等指标国家目前尚无规定限值),但大多数都低于标准要求,从食用方面考虑,基本对人体健康是安全的。贝类的尾部重金属含量明显高于头部,建议尽量少食贝类尾部。  相似文献   


The total concentrations of 13 detected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in different traffic soil samples of Dhanbad heavy mining area, India, were between 8.256 and 12.562 µg/g and were dominated by four ring PAHs (44%). Diagnostic ratio study revealed that fossil fuel burning and vehicular pollution are the most prominent sources of the PAHs in roadside soil even at a heavy coal mining area. The 90th percentiles cancer risks determined by probabilistic health risk assessment (Monte Carlo simulations) for both the age groups (children and adults) were above tolerable limit (>1.00E-06) according to USEPA. The simulated mean cancer risk was 1.854E-05 for children and 1.823E-05 for adults. For different exposure pathways, dermal contact was observed to be the major pathway with an exposure load of 74% for children and 85% for adults. Sensitivity analysis demonstrated relative skin adherence factor for soil (AF) is the most influential parameter of the simulation, followed by exposure duration (ED).  相似文献   

The dissolved (dialysis in situ), colloidal (filtered minus dissolved), and total concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Al were determined and compared with pH, Ca concentrations, and alkalinities through seasonal variations in water levels in two streams, Rugla and Naustebekken, in the R?ros area of central Norway. The main objective was to monitor the dissolved fraction of the metals during the seasons and to establish the extent to which chemical parameters influencing metal toxicity were unfavorable during episodes of high total metal concentrations. The average dissolved fractions of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Al were lower in Rugla (55, 69, 64, and 17%, respectively) compared with Naustebekken (59, 82, 82, and 30%, respectively). This is probably due to sedimentation of metal particles in a small lake located in the path of Naustebekken. Alkalinity and Ca concentrations were generally low during the flood episodes, when the highest metal concentrations occurred. This is unfavorable since these parameters are assumed to counteract toxic effects of metals. On the other hand, the results indicate that toxic stress during metal concentration peaks was moderated by adsorption of dissolved metal species on colloids and/or particles.  相似文献   

Since the reduction of the arsenic standard from 50 to 10 μg L−1 by the US Environmental Protection Agency in 2006 many small town and rural water municipalities were left with the task of preventing or mitigating arsenic contamination of drinking water supplies. In this study macrophytes and sediments were used to determine the concentration and distribution of heavy metals (As, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn) within the primary source of drinking water (Gallinas River watershed) to the residents of Las Vegas, New Mexico. Sampling was done in the spring and fall at four sites, two above the city and two below, and samples were analyzed using ICP-MS. Results showed significantly higher (p<.05) metal concentrations in plant roots than shoots for most metals. Spearman’s correlation showed positive correlations (r>.3) between plant and sediment concentrations of Cd, Pb, Zn, As, and a negative correlation for Cu. The site above waste water treatment plant (AWWTP) had the highest plant tissue concentrations of Cd, Pb, Zn, and As. All of these concentrations attained critical toxicity levels exceeding sediment quality guidelines. High concentration factor values and levels of metals detected in macrophyte tissues indicate that heavy metals within sediments in the Gallinas River occur in bioavailable forms. Correlations between plant and sediment metal concentrations indicate that metal concentrations in macrophyte tissues are a good reflection of metal concentrations within the sediment in the Gallinas River.  相似文献   

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