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Summary Bilateral EEG recording is a common practice when brain laterality needs to be assessed in cognitive neurophysiology and psychiatry research. Its precision and validity remain uncertain. With structural brain imaging methods, it is possible to examine EEG electrode placements according to the 10–20 system and the validity of inferences made on derived data. Frequent sources of placement errors are examined along with important factors that contribute to EEG imbalance. Examples are mentioned where asymmetries of EEG/ERP caused by cranial and parenchymal brain asymmetries may be mistaken for cognition-related laterality changes. Because external skull landmarks are not reliable predictors of cranial and parenchymal brain asymmetries, laterality assessment cannot be guaranteed by the 10–20 system. Consequently, a return, on a case-to-case basis, to nonstandard montages, assisted by structural brain imaging is seen as an acceptable alternative.Acknowledgements: Supported in part by the Ford Foundation grant to MSM. Ms H. von Pragh assisted in running the VEP study; Dr. J. Glicksohn assisted with statistical processing of the data.  相似文献   

Introduction. Previous research has found associations between creativity (or semantic association), schizotypy, and laterality when each of the three pairings has been studied individually, leading to three relatively distinct bodies of literature. Methods. This study attempted to integrate previous research by providing measures of all three constructs in a within subjects correlational design. Participants were 30 undergraduate students who completed four measures of creativity, three schizotypy scales, and a lateralised lexical decision task. Signal detection theory (SDT) was used to analyse the laterality data. Results. Normal individuals with relatively lower SDT response criteria for stimuli presented to the left visual field/right hemisphere had higher schizotypy scores and higher performance on a verbal creativity test. Conclusions. These results extend previous findings by using SDT analyses to show for the first time that individuals scoring higher on certain schizotypy and creativity tests exhibited differences in response criteria to more readily accept right hemisphere responses, rather than exhibiting hemispheric differences in sensitivity (ability). The findings accord with theories proposing that higher schizotypy and creativity may partly arise from a lowering of criteria for evidence and/or from a shift to reliance on processing strategies that are more dependent on the right cerebral hemisphere.  相似文献   

Field size dependence of wedge factors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The radiation output in the presence of wedge filters is characterized by the wedge transmission factor and open beam field size factors. Conventionally, the wedge factor for high-energy photons is measured in a water phantom at depth of maximum dose for a reference field size. Experimental measurements on different wedges indicate that the wedge factors are a function of field size. An analysis of these data show that this is primarily caused by the change in scattered radiation from the treatment head in the presence of wedge filters. The change in phantom scatter and radiation backscattered to the monitor chamber are minimal. For 4- or 6-MV x rays with a 60 degrees wedge, the use of a single wedge factor measured for 10 cm X 10 cm field introduces errors of up to 3.5%, for a 16-cm-wide field. For a 20-cm-wide field with this wedge, the error is 7%. Thinner wedges exhibit less differences.  相似文献   

目的研究酒精依赖对个体脑电信号的影响,以期了解酒精依赖对个体健康的影响。方法基于亨利(纽约州立大学)实验所得的102例脑电数据,对数据进行预处理,去除伪迹,提取脑电特征波并计算包含功率谱、R值和重心频率在内的脑电参数,进行统计学分析,以讨论分析酒精依赖患者与健康人的脑电差异。结果相对于健康人,酒精依赖患者的脑电中α波相对功率减小,其中以顶区和枕区最为显著。θ波功率减小,在颞叶的变化较为明显。β波相对功率在各个脑区均大幅提高。全脑区R值均减小,重心频率均增大。结论相对于健康人群,酒精依赖患者的脑电信号普遍向高频迁移,表明酒精依赖可以使大脑皮质的兴奋度增强,脑活动更为复杂。  相似文献   

The present study investigated the influence of attention and word-emotion congruency on auditory asymmetries with stimuli that include verbal and emotional components. Words were presented dichotically to 80 participants and were pronounced in either congruent or incongruent emotional tones. Participants were asked to identify the presence of a target word or emotion under 1 of 2 conditions. The blocked condition required detection of a word or emotional target in separate blocks. In the randomized condition, the target was changed across trials by means of a postcue. A right-ear advantage (REA) and a left-ear advantage (LEA) were found for word and emotion targets, respectively. However, the finding of a Condition x Stimulus Type x Ear x Congruency interaction indicated that in the randomized condition, a REA was obtained for words when the stimuli were congruent and a LEA was observed for emotions when the stimuli were incongruent. The findings suggest that randomizing the target reduced the influence of the attentional set established by blocking the target. It is likely that this promoted the detection of hemispheric interference in the randomized condition.  相似文献   

The cerebral hemispheres differ in their capabilities and response to verbal versus nonverbal visual material. A priori, it might thus be expected that the right hemisphere would be best activated during a mnemonic task with fMRI when using nonverbalizable images, and the left hemisphere with verbal material. However, previous psychological tests had shown a high degree of similarity in measures of memory for these disparate items. It was thus hypothesized that extensive commonality in the areas activated would prevail when this previously tested material was employed with fMRI. Six subjects underwent fMRI with four types of trials in blocks: fixating; passively viewing 12 words and 12 nonverbalizable images; endeavoring to remember (encoding) another set of 12 words and images; endeavoring to recognize (retrieve) previously viewed words or images. Passive viewing produced small islands of activation in left versus right frontal cortex for words and images, respectively. Endeavoring to remember enlarged the areas of activation and produced some bilaterality. Retrieval greatly augmented activation as well as bilaterality, and some 20% of the activated frontal volume was shared by words and images. Thus, on the one hand, the distribution of activation upon retrieval differed substantially for words versus images, but on the other, as predicted, there was considerable commonality. Predominant laterality of activation in some areas shifted between encoding and retrieval (HERA), importantly involving different regions for words versus images. Of course, processes other than memory per se are undoubtedly involved in these distributions of fMRI activation in frontal cortex, yet the nature of the to-be-remembered items is clearly a major factor, in accord with the asymmetric lateralization in their basic representation.  相似文献   

The hippocampus and associated structures are responsible for episodic memory in humans. In rodents, the most prominent behavioral correlate of hippocampal neural activity is place coding, which is thought to underlie spatial navigation. While episodic memory is considered to be unique to humans in a restricted context, it has been proposed that the same neural circuitry and algorithms that enable spatial coding and navigation also support episodic memory. Here we review the recent progress in neural circuit mechanisms of hippocampal activity by introducing several topics: (1) cooperation and specialization of the bilateral hippocampi, (2) the role of synaptic plasticity in gamma phase-locking of spikes and place cell formation, (3) impaired goal-related activity and oscillations in a mouse model of mental disorders, and (4) a prefrontal-thalamo-hippocampal circuit for goal-directed spatial navigation.  相似文献   

Disturbances of the normal asymmetric placement of organs, such as polysplenia or situs inversus, have been defined traditionally as laterality defects. However, there is compelling evidence from vertebrate models and human birth defects to hypothesize that defects of the midline, isolated congenital heart defects, and laterality defects are etiologically related. We present the clinical characteristics of three families that exhibit a variety of midline defects and isolated heart defects in addition to laterality defects. These observations suggest that the phenotypic consequences of mutations causing laterality defects include defects of the midline as well as isolated heart defects. To further explore the relationship between midline, heart, and laterality defects, it is imperative that detailed phenotyping of individuals and families with laterality defects be done and a classification system created to facilitate identification of genes causing human laterality disorders.  相似文献   

We investigate the joint use of the tangential electric field (EF) and the surface Laplacian (SL) derivation as a method to improve the classification of EEG signals. We considered five classification tasks to test the validity of such approach. In all five tasks, the joint use of the components of the EF and the SL outperformed the scalar potential. The smallest effect occurred in the classification of a mental task, wherein the average classification rate was improved by 0.5 standard deviations. The largest effect was obtained in the classification of visual stimuli and corresponded to an improvement of 2.1 standard deviations.  相似文献   

Spinocerebellar axons have been studied extensively in placental mammals, but there have been no full reports on their origin, laterality, or spinal course in any marsupial. We have used the North American opossum (Didelphis virginiana) to obtain such information and to ask whether any spinocerebellar neurons innervate both the anterior and posterior lobes of the cerebellum through axonal collaterals. To identify spinal neurons that project to the cerebellum, we employed the retrograde transport of Fluoro-Gold (FG) from the anterior lobe, the main target of spinocerebellar axons. In some cases, cerebellar injections of FG were combined with hemisections of the rostral cervical or midthoracic spinal cord, so that laterality of spinocerebellar connections could be established. To determine whether single neurons project to both the anterior lobe and the posterior lobe, injections of Fast Blue (FB) into the anterior lobe were combined with injections of Diamidino yellow (DY) or rhodamine B dextran (RBD) into the posterior lobe, or vice versa. Following injections of FG into the anterior lobe, neurons were labeled throughout the length of the spinal cord, which differed in laminar distribution and laterality of their projections. Among other areas, neurons were labeled in the central cervical nucleus, the nucleus centrobasalis, Clarke's nucleus, the dorsal horn dorsal spinocerebellar tract area, the spinal border region, and Stilling's nucleus. When anterior lobe injections of FB were combined with injections of RBD or DY into the posterior lobe, or vice versa, some double-labeled neurons were present in all major spinocerebellar groups. Cerebellar injections of FG also retrogradely labeled spinocerebellar axons, allowing us to document their locations in the gray matter as well as within the periphery of the lateral and ventral funiculi at all spinal levels. A few spinocerebellar axons also were found in the dorsal funiculus (a dorsal column-spinocerebellar tract), which appeared to originate from neurons in the dorsal part of Clarke's nucleus from the ninth thoracic segment to the first lumbar segment. Our results indicate that spinocerebellar axons in the marsupial opossum are generally comparable in origin, course, and laterality to the same axons in the placental mammals studied to date. Anat. Rec. 251:528–547, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Turning biases have been reported in some mammalian species, but less is known about such biases in nonmammalians. This study investigated turning biases in domestic chicks, bobwhite and Japanese quail, leopard geckos, and snapping turtles. Domestic chicks (white leghorn and bantam) and bobwhite quail demonstrate strong group laterality. Japanese quail chicks, snapping turtles, and leopard geckos demonstrate no significant group bias. Results are discussed with regard to differences in embryonic experience, hatching behavior, and postnatal environment.  相似文献   

A first aim of the present study was to estimate the short- and long-term stability of individual response patterns in bilateral electrodermal activity (EDA). A second aim was to examine the relationship of individual brain laterality to both peak amplitude and peak time based electrodermal asymmetry. Additionally, subjects were presented with verbal and spatial tasks to estimate the balance of left/right asymmetry in cerebral activation at time of testing. Finally, the influence of smoking, coffee consumption and subjective circadian phase (morningness/eveningness, subjects' rise time) on bilateral asymmetry and EDA lability was examined. Results indicated moderate to high short-term reliabilities of EDA laterality coefficients, but insufficient long-term stability. Handedness and conjugate lateral eye movements (CLEMs) were not related to asymmetry of EDA, but a significant interaction between CLEM tendency and smoking/nonsmoking on laterality of both EDA parameters was observed. Amount of coffee consumption was also significantly related to electrodermal asymmetry. Analysis of performance data demonstrated that intraindividual shifts of EDA laterality from one recording session to a following one were associated with corresponding shifts in accuracy of verbal/spatial performance. Degree of subjects' electrodermal lability differentiated significantly between speed and accuracy of performance in both verbal and spatial tasks, and was substantially related to subjects' rise time.  相似文献   

Progress in functional neuroimaging of the brain increasingly relies on the integration of data from complementary imaging modalities in order to improve spatiotemporal resolution and interpretability. However, the usefulness of merely statistical combinations is limited, since neural signal sources differ between modalities and are related non-trivially. We demonstrate here that a mean field model of brain activity can simultaneously predict EEG and fMRI BOLD with proper signal generation and expression. Simulations are shown using a realistic head model based on structural MRI, which includes both dense short-range background connectivity and long-range specific connectivity between brain regions. The distribution of modeled neural masses is comparable to the spatial resolution of fMRI BOLD, and the temporal resolution of the modeled dynamics, importantly including activity conduction, matches the fastest known EEG phenomena. The creation of a cortical mean field model with anatomically sound geometry, extensive connectivity, and proper signal expression is an important first step towards the model-based integration of multimodal neuroimages.  相似文献   

Discussed evidence and assumptions that concern hemispheric laterality and asymmetrical functional representation. It is hypothesized that the asymmetrical linguistic-motor vs. sensory-spatial-affective representation of function may be a result of differential rates of cortical, subcortical and spinal motor-sensory maturation. Evidence with regard to embryological and early postnatal neurological development is reviewed. It is argued that motor areas mature before sensory and that the left hemisphere develops prior to the right, such that the left hemisphere gains a competitive advantage in the acquisition of motor representation, whereas the later maturing right has an advantage in the establishment of sensory-affective synaptic representation, including that of limbic mediation. The influences of these differing maturational events on cognitive and psychic functioning are examined, particularly with regard to limbic influences on the development of language, thought, and mental imagery, and the effects of early emotional experience on later behavior. Thinking is viewed in part as a left hemisphere internalization of egocentric language, the internalization of which corresponds to the increasing maturation of intra-cortical and subcortical structures and fiber pathways, and the myelination of the callosal connections that subserve information transfer between the hemispheres. It is argued that thought is a means of organizing, interpreting, and explaining impulses that arise in the non-linguistic portions of the nervous system so that the language dependent regions may achieve understanding. In addition, the neurodynamics and mechanisms involved in the mislabeling, misinterpretation, and inhibition of impulses, desires, and emotional expression are discussed in relation to disturbances in psychic functioning.  相似文献   

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