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The gene encoding heterogeneous ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) G recently has been mapped to the X chromosome. All mammals have a Y chromosome-encoded homologue of HNRNP G called RBMY, which is implicated with a role in male fertility and is a candidate for the azoospermia factor gene. We have identified a new member of this gene family, HNRNP G-T, and have mapped it as a single-copy gene on chromosome 11. This gene contains an uninterrupted open reading frame and no introns, consistent with derivation from a retroposon. However, unlike many retroposon-derived genes, HNRNP G-T is not a pseudogene. An antiserum raised to the conceptual reading frame of HNRNP G-T showed that it encodes a protein that is highly expressed in germ cells and in particular in the nuclei of meiotic spermatocytes. Surprisingly, although this antiserum was raised against human hnRNP G-T protein, it can also detect a similar protein in the testis of several mammals. This suggests that the protein is highly conserved and that the retrotransposition event generating the HNRNP G-T gene pre-dated at least the common ancestor of mouse and man. The existence of an additional testis-specific hnRNP G family member provides evidence for the importance of these proteins in normal germ cell development.  相似文献   

Activation of NF-kappaB as a consequence of signaling through the Toll and IL-1 receptors is a major element of innate immune responses. We report the identification and characterization of a novel intermediate in these signaling pathways that bridges TRAF6 to MEKK-1. This adapter protein, which we have named ECSIT (evolutionarily conserved signaling intermediate in Toll pathways), is specific for the Toll/IL-1 pathways and is a regulator of MEKK-1 processing. Expression of wild-type ECSIT accelerates processing of MEKK-1, whereas a dominant-negative fragment of ECSIT blocks MEKK-1 processing and activation of NF-kappaB. These results indicate an important role for ECSIT in signaling to NF-kappaB and suggest that processing of MEKK-1 is required for its function in the Toll/IL-1 pathway.  相似文献   

The link between platelet activation and vascular injury in Systemic Sclerosis (SSc) is poorly characterized. Here we report that platelet activation results in i) the translocation from the cytoplasm to the surface of HMGB1, a prototypical DAMP signal associated with tissue regeneration and ii) the release of platelet derived microparticles (PDμP) expressing HMGB1. Decreased HMGB1 content (334.6 ± 21.2 vs 587.1 ± 11.1 AUF, P < 0.001) and HMGB1 translocation to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane (17.8 ± 3.5 vs 4.5 ± 0.5%, P < 0.001) characterize circulating platelets of SSc patients (n = 29) when compared with age-matched healthy controls (HC, n = 20). Conversely, a significantly higher fraction of PDμP in the blood of SSc patients, but not of HC, consistently expose (HMGB1 (MFI 62.8 ± 3.95 vs 4.3 ± 0.7). Platelet HMGB1 depletion is significantly associated in SSc patients with degranulation and with expression of P-selectin and of tissue factor as well as with fibrinogen binding to their plasma membrane. These findings indicate that platelets represent a source of HMGB1, an ancestral signal of necrosis, in the vasculature of SSc patients, possible contributing to persistent microvascular injury and endothelial cell activation.  相似文献   

In a previous work, we characterized a Crassostrea gigas cDNA (Cg-timp) encoding a protein which presents all the features of vertebrate tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP). The expression pattern of this gene led us to propose that Cg-timp is an important factor in oyster wound healing and defense mechanisms. Here we describe the analysis of Cg-timp expression in oysters challenged by live or dead bacteria as well as by bacterial secretory/excretory products and metalloproteinase. Surprisingly, bacterial secretory/excretory products activate Cg-timp gene expression whereas heat-inactivated ones do not. To address the question of the signal transduction pathway involved in Cg-timp gene activation, we isolated and sequenced Cg-timp promoter and upstream region. A 1-kb genomic DNA fragment flanking the 5'-end of the gene contains several regulatory elements and notably three NF-kappaB binding sites. The potential involvement of these motifs in Cg-timp gene regulation is discussed.  相似文献   

CTX, a cortical thymocyte marker in Xenopus, is an immunoglobulin superfamily (Igsf) member comprising one variable and one constant C2-type Igsf domain, a transmembrane segment and a cytoplasmic tail. Although resembling that of the TCR and immunoglobulins, the variable domain is not encoded by somatic rearrangement of the gene but by splicing of two half-domain exons. The C2 domain, also encoded by two exons, has an extra pair of cysteines. The transmembrane segment is free of charged residues, and the cytoplasmic tail (70 amino acids) contains one tyrosine and many glutamic acid residues. ChT1, a chicken homologue of CTX, has the same structural and genetic features, and both molecules are expressed on the thymocyte surface. We cloned new mouse (CTM) and human (CTH) cDNA and genes which are highly homologous to CTX/ChT1 but not lymphocyte specific. Similarity with recently described human cell surface molecules, A33 antigen and CAR (coxsackie and adenovirus 5 receptor), and a number of expressed sequence tags leads us to propose that CTX defines a novel subset of the Igsf, conserved throughout vertebrates and extending beyond the immune system. Strong homologies within vertebrate sequences suggest that the V and C2 CTX domains are scions of a very ancient lineage.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis is an ancient cellular process that plays an important role in host defense. In Drosophila melanogaster phagocytic, macrophage-like hemocytes recognize and ingest microbes. We performed an RNAi-based in vitro screen in the Drosophila hemocyte cell line S2 and identified Abi, cpa, cofilin regulator 14-3-3ζ, tlk, CG2765, and CG15609 as mediators of bacterial phagocytosis. Of these identified genes, 14-3-3ζ had an evolutionarily conserved role in phagocytosis: bacterial phagocytosis was compromised when 14-3-3ζ was targeted with RNAi in primary Drosophila hemocytes and when the orthologous genes Ywhab and Ywhaz were silenced in zebrafish and mouse RAW 264.7 cells, respectively. In Drosophila and zebrafish infection models, 14-3-3ζ was required for resistance against Staphylococcus aureus. We conclude that 14-3-3ζ is essential for phagocytosis and microbial resistance in insects and vertebrates.  相似文献   

The DNA-based techniques used to detect bacteria in clinical samples are unable to discriminate between live bacteria, dead bacteria, and extracellular DNA. This failure to limit analysis to viable bacterial cells represents a significant problem, leading to false-positive results, as well as a failure to resolve the impact of antimicrobial therapy. The use of propidium monoazide treatment significantly reduces the contribution of dead cells and extracellular DNA to such culture-independent analyses. Here, the increased ability to resolve the impact of antibiotic therapy on Pseudomonas aeruginosa load in cystic fibrosis respiratory samples reveals statistically significant changes that would otherwise go undetected.  相似文献   

Human herpesvirus entry mediator C (HveC) is an alphaherpesvirus receptor which binds to virion glycoprotein D (gD). We identified porcine HveC and studied its interaction with pseudorabies virus (PrV) and herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) gD. Porcine and human HveC have 96% amino acid identity and HveC from African green monkey, mouse, hamster, and cow are similarly conserved. Porcine HveC mediates entry of HSV-1, HSV-2, PrV, and bovine herpesvirus type 1. Truncated soluble forms of HSV-1 and PrV gD bind competitively to porcine HveC. Biosensor analysis shows that PrV gD binds with a 10-fold higher affinity than HSV-1 gD. Monoclonal antibodies against human HveC recognize the porcine homologue and can block gD binding and entry of HSV-1 and PrV. Porcine HveC is functionally indistinguishable from human HveC. Our results are consistent with the suggestion that HveC is a pan-alphaherpesvirus receptor that interacts with a conserved structural domain of gD.  相似文献   

One hallmark of innate immunity apparently conserved from primitive life forms through to humans is the ability of the host to recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). Since macrophage pattern recognition receptors are not well defined in Drosophila, we set out to identify such receptors. Our findings reveal that Drosophila macrophages express multiple pattern recognition receptors and that the Drosophila scavenger receptor, dSR-CI, is one such receptor capable of recognizing both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, but not yeast. Our data indicate that scavenger receptor bacterial recognition is conserved from insects to humans and may represent one of the most primitive forms of microbial recognition.  相似文献   

Recent studies from this laboratory reported the mapping of the full profile of T-cell allorecognition regions of HLA-DR2 beta subunit. The results indicated the presence of an allodeterminant within DR2 beta regions 141-156. In another study, we have shown that this allodeterminant is one of five regions of structural homology between the DR2 beta molecule and the HIV-envelope protein gp120 region 254-268. The fact that gp120 peptide 254-268 is homologous to the allodeterminant within the DR2 beta region 141-156 prompted us to investigate whether synthetic gp120 peptide 254-272 is recognized by human DR2-specific alloreactive T-cell lines. Five human alloreactive T-cell lines were prepared that were specific for the DR2 molecule and did not recognize DR1. These lines mounted in vitro proliferative responses to the allodeterminant peptide DR141-156 and also responded to the DR-similar peptide gp254-272. Removal of the residues 262-272 from the gp120 peptide (i.e., peptide 254-263) resulted in essentially complete loss of its proliferative activity. The effect of deletion of three residues of homology (Val-Val-Ser) at the N terminal (i.e., peptides DR145-156 and gp257-272) was examined. Peptide DR2 beta 145-156 exhibited very low stimulating activity, whereas peptide gp 257-272 did not cause T-cell proliferative responses in any of the alloreactive T-cell lines. The T-cell lines did not respond to unrelated peptide controls, thus further confirming the specificity of these responses. These findings indicate that the virus is recognized as an alloantigen by human alloreactive DR2-specific T cells.  相似文献   

Despite the lack of an exon junction complex (EJC), Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains Fal1p, a DEAD-box helicase highly homologous to eIF4AIII. We show that yeast Fal1p is functionally orthologous to human eIF4AIII, since expression of human eIF4AIII complements both the lethal phenotype and the 18S rRNA biogenesis defect of fal1Δ(null) yeast. We further show that yeast Fal1p interacts genetically with an eIF4G-like protein, Sgd1p: One allele of sgd1 acts as a dominant extragenic suppressor of a mutation in a predicted RNA-binding residue of Fal1p, whereas another synthetically exacerbates the growth defect of this fal1 mutation. Both sgd1 mutations map to a single, short, evolutionarily conserved patch that matches key eIF4A-interacting residues of eIF4G when superimposed on the X-ray structure of the eIF4A/eIF4G complex. We demonstrate direct physical interactions between yeast Sgd1p and Fal1p, and between their human orthologs (NOM1 and eIF4AIII) in vitro and in vivo, identifying human NOM1 as a missing eIF4G-like interacting partner of eIF4AIII. Knockdown of eIF4AIII and NOM1 in human cells demonstrates that this novel conserved eIF4A/eIF4G-like complex acts in pre-rRNA processing, adding to the established functions of eIF4A/eIF4G in translation initiation and of eIF4AIII as the core component of the EJC.  相似文献   

The sialyl Lewis-x determinant is a ligand for ELAM-1, a major adhesion molecule for HL60 cells and neutrophils. ELAM-1 expression can selectively be induced on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) by tumor necrosis factor, interleukin 1 and lipopolysaccharide. The determinant sialyl Lewis-x is found on both glycolipids as well as on glycoproteins. Using specific inhibitors of the biosynthesis of N-linked glycosylated glycoproteins, we investigated whether N-linked glycans or their modifications are involved in ELAM-1-dependent adhesion of HL60 cells to activated HUVEC. The inhibitors of glycoprotein processing N-methyl-deoxynojirimycin, 1-deoxymannojirimycin and swainsonine did not affect ELAM-1-dependent adhesion. Complex-type N-linked glycans are not required for ELAM-1 mediated adhesion, and therefore the ligand for ELAM-1 is most likely a glycolipid, or a glycoprotein carrying O-linked oligosaccharides.  相似文献   

Certain human anti-nucleosome autoantibodies cross-reacted specifically with an antigen on the surface of human vascular endothelial cells. This was shown by two different techniques. First, antibodies eluted from the surface of cultured endothelial cells bound to cell nuclei; this binding was inhibited by soluble mononucleosomes. Second, X-ANA, specifically isolated by their affinity to polynucleosomes, stained the plasma membranes of single cell suspensions of endothelial cells in the indirect immunofluorescence test. Several lines of evidence excluded Fc receptor-mediated binding of Ig to the cells. Thus, plasma membranes of vascular endothelial cells and chromatin bear an antigen that is serologically related.  相似文献   

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