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OBJECTIVE: According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, borderline personality disorder (BPD) is an Axis II phenomenon that is characterized by impulsivity, including sexual impulsivity. However, little empirical research has been undertaken to confirm and/or define the nature of sexual impulsivity in patients with BPD, which is the focus of the present study. METHOD: Using a cross-sectional approach and sample of convenience, we surveyed 76 women who were being seen as outpatients in an internal medicine clinic regarding: a) borderline personality symptoms using two measures (i.e., the borderline personality scale of the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-4, McLean Screening Inventory for Borderline Personality Disorder); and b) their sexual histories. RESULTS: We found two statistically significant differences--those with borderline personality symptomatology were more likely to have an earlier onset of sexual intercourse as well as to report date rape. CONCLUSIONS: Individuals with borderline personality symptomatology report earlier sexual exposure as well as date rape, but not other aspects of sexual impulsivity such a greater number of sexual partners, more frequent treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, etc.  相似文献   

Fronto-limbic neural dysfunction has been implicated in the emotional dysregulation and impulsivity seen in borderline personality disorder (BPD). However, it remains unclear whether affected individuals exhibit morphologic changes of the insular cortex, a fronto-limbic integration cortex engaged in emotional regulation and impulse control. This magnetic resonance imaging study examined the insular cortex volume and its relationship to clinical characteristics in a first-presentation teenage BPD sample. No significant difference was found in the insular volume between 20 BPD participants (5 males) and 20 healthy control participants (5 males). There was no association between the insular volume and parasuicidal episodes, trauma exposure, or comorbid Axis I disorders, but the BPD participants with violent episodes during the previous 6 months had a smaller insular volume bilaterally compared with those without such episodes. Furthermore, right anterior insular volume in the BPD participants was negatively correlated with impulsivity score. These preliminary findings suggest that insular cortex volume does not significantly differ in early BPD, but that there might be a relationship with violent and impulsive behavior that is often seen in the disorder. Further studies are needed to clarify whether the potential relationship between the insular cortex volume and impulsivity is specific to BPD.  相似文献   

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is often viewed in negative terms by mental health practitioners and the public. The disorder may have a stigma associated with it that goes beyond those associated with other mental illnesses. The stigma associated with BPD may affect how practitioners tolerate the actions, thoughts, and emotional reactions of these individuals. It may also lead to minimizing symptoms and overlooking strengths. In society, people tend to distance themselves from stigmatized populations, and there is evidence that some clinicians may emotionally distance themselves from individuals with BPD. This distancing may be especially problematic in treating patients with BPD; in addition to being unusually sensitive to rejection and abandonment, they may react negatively (e.g., by harming themselves or withdrawing from treatment) if they perceive such distancing and rejection. Clinicians' reactivity may be self-protective in response to actual behavior associated with the pathology. As a consequence, however, the very behaviors that make it difficult to work with these individuals contribute to the stigma of BPD. In a dialectical relationship, that stigma can influence the clinician's reactivity, thereby exacerbating those same negative behaviors. The result is a self-fulfilling prophecy and a cycle of stigmatization to which both patient and therapist contribute. The extent to which therapist distancing is influenced by stigma is an important question that highlights the possibility that the stigma associated with BPD can have an independent contribution to poor outcome with this population. A final issue concerns the available means for identifying and limiting the impact of stigmatization on the treatment of individuals with BPD.  相似文献   

Recent reports suggest bipolar disorder is not only under-diagnosed but may at times be over-diagnosed. Little is known about factors that increase the odds of such mistakes. The present work explores whether symptoms of borderline personality disorder increase the odds of a bipolar misdiagnosis. Psychiatric outpatients (= 610) presenting for treatment were administered the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID) and the Structured Interview for DSM-IV Personality for DSM-IV axis II disorders (SIDP-IV), as well as a questionnaire asking if they had ever been diagnosed with bipolar disorder by a mental health care professional. Eighty-two patients who reported having been previously diagnosed with bipolar disorder but who did not have it according to the SCID were compared to 528 patients who had never been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Patients with borderline personality disorder had significantly greater odds of a previous bipolar misdiagnosis, but no specific borderline criterion was unique in predicting this outcome. Patients with borderline personality disorder, regardless of how they meet criteria, may be at increased risk of being misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder.  相似文献   



Starting from the semiological heterogeneousness of borderline patients, we try to understand the everyday life of such subjects, and to determine the psychopathological structure of Borderline Personality Disorder.


This article's principal focus is lived time. We explore diverse meanings of the notions of immediacy and instantaneity, considered as key components of borderline patients’ lived time. We also consider other existential concepts from phenomenological psychopathology, such as space, emotion, identity, and the body.


The fragmented self hypothesis (Fuchs, 2007) clarifies the way in which borderline patients relate to the main psychic functions, and reveals a being-in-the-world in excess of the spatio-temporal situation. In addition, Kimura's notion of the intra festum (1992), closely correlated to the notions of instantaneity and immediacy, is put into a fruitful dialogue with the notions of the fragmented self and of the exceeding of the spatio-temporal situation.


The growing prevalence of BPD, along with the quality of the experiences narrated by borderline patients, allow us to suggest a link between a borderline being-in-the-world and our society's incessant technological advances, which contain the possibility of modifying the coordinates of space and time.


The different concepts explored in this article ultimately appear to link back up with the notions of instantaneity and immediacy. These two terms, closely related but calling upon different points of view, are closely connected with a certain hypo-reflexivity, whose expression differs according to whether one situates it in the “normal” or the in the pathological. Hypo-reflexivity appears in the context of a social world characterized by the constant need for hyper-flexibility (which notion brings us back to immediacy and instantaneity). Thus, the borderline experience overlaps with our postmodern lifestyle, which in turn reveals the potentially adaptive dimensions of this personality disorder.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence have raised the question of whether Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is an independent disease entity or it might be better conceptualized as belonging to the spectrum of mood disorders. This study explores a wide array of lifetime mood features (mood, cognitions, energy, and rhythmicity and vegetative functions) in patients with BP and mood disorders. The sample consisted of 25 BPD patients who did not meet the criteria for bipolar disorders, 16 bipolar disorders patients who did not meet the criteria for BPD, 19 unipolar patients who did not meet the criteria for BPD, and 30 non-clinical subjects. Clinical diagnoses were determined by administering the structured clinical interviews for DSM-IV disorders. The Mood Spectrum Self-Report (MOODS-SR) was used for measuring lifetime mood phenomenology. Clinical subjects displayed higher mean scores than normal subjects in all domains of the MOODS-SR, and BPD patients displayed higher scores than unipolar patients in the Mood and Cognition depressive subdomains. Differences between patients with BP and bipolar disorders on MOODS psychopathology did not attain statistical significance for any (sub)domain considered. The results of this study are consistent with previous findings suggesting the importance of mood dysregulations in patients with BPD.  相似文献   

The central characteristics of borderline personality disorder (BPD) are bound to be associated with the development and maintenance of couple dysfunction. Although seven of the nine diagnostic criteria of BPD in the DSM-IV-TR refer directly to interpersonal functioning, very few empiric studies have addressed the exact nature of the relationship between BPD and couple functioning. This article examines recent studies describing couple outcomes—union formation and durability, partner choice, relationship satisfaction, intimate violence, attachment security, and sexual functioning—associated with BPD. The relationship between couple dynamics (including partner personality characteristics) and BPD symptomatology is probably bidirectional or reciprocal. The review concludes with an exploration of diagnostic and treatment implications.  相似文献   

Records of eight elderly patients identified as BPD by a geriatric team were analyzed for compliance with DIB-R and DSM-III-R criteria. A nonborderline control group was randomly selected and matched for age, gender and residence. Clinicians experienced in geriatric mental health performed retrospective chart reviews and found that not one clinically diagnosed BPD patient was identified by either instrument. Although there appear to be a number of constant features of BPD throughout life, this study delineated two major areas of change in BPD in late life.  相似文献   

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