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在研究生教育的研究与实践中,将能力教育引入基础医学硕士研究生课程体系,以此拓宽基础医学研究生的视野,强化专业知识掌握的深度,提高研究生的创新科研素质。在对基础医学硕士研究生基础知识平台的构建和课程内容作深入探讨后,提出硕士研究生基于核心能力培养的基础医学硕士研究生课程改革思路和措施。  相似文献   

1 《生物医学工程学杂志》是由四川省科学技术协会主管 ,华西医科大学附属第一医院、四川省生物医学工程学会、四川大学联合主办的综合性学术刊物 ,以及时全面地反映我国生物医学工程学领域 (生物工程、医学工程、人工器官、生物材料、生物力学、计算机在生物工程中应用等方面 )的最新科研成果和科技动态 ,报道科研、教学和医疗技术的创新与改进 ,开展国内外学术交流为办刊宗旨。2 主要栏目有 :论著、综述、新技术与新方法、科研简讯。3 该刊适合多学科性科研、教学、生产及科技管理人员、相关专业研究生、本科生、医院与广大对生物医学…  相似文献   

运用科学的方法提高医院科研档案管理质量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
医院科研档案是医学研究过程和产出的载体,蕴藏着大量的科研成果、科技专利、高新技术、学科建设、科研思想等科研信息,能为临床科研提供重要的参考.本文运用科学的方法从多个方面论述了加强医院科研档案管理的具体做法.  相似文献   

医学研究生科研创新素质的提高,应根据研究生教育不同阶段的特点,注重培养医学研究生在理论学习和临床实践中阅读文献能力,撰写综述能力,团队协作能力和学术表达能力,增强其课题的创新性和可行性,努力造就具有创新意识的优秀人才。  相似文献   

目的评价医院护理人员科技工作绩效。方法以清华同方《中国知识资源总库(CNKI)》数据库为依据,运用文献计量法对某院1989—2006年全院护理人员在国内医学期刊发表的论文进行分析。结果护理队伍发表论文的数量不多;产出高质量学术论文的高产核心作者群尚未形成,科研实力尚不足。结论应加强护理科研人员梯队建设和重点科研骨干的培养,将发表论文作为护理人员服务能力考核以及专业职称聘任的重要指标,促进护理专业技术人员的科技产出。  相似文献   

研究生学位论文的质量即是研究生学术水平的反映,也是研究生教育的反映。目前地方医学院校研究生普遍存在只重视专业能力的学习,忽视科研能力的培养,导致学位论文质量不高。因此通过研究调查分析,指出影响地方医学院校研究生学位论文质量的因素,为构建有效可行的研究生学位论文质量保障体系提供理论支持。  相似文献   

学术科技论文是科研成果和学术研究的载体,是反映科研能力及学术水平的重要标志。发表学术论文的数量与质量,可以反映出一个单位科研能力的强弱,也是衡量投入与产出和重要指标之一[1]。为此,对我院收录在中国生物医学文献光盘数据库(CB M disc)的论文情况进行统计分析,以期从这一方面探讨我院的科研水平和综合实力,为促进医院的科技进步提供参考。1材料和方法1.1材料来源采用中国生物医学文献光盘数据库(CBM disc),它是由中国医学科学院医学信息研究所开发研制的综合性医学文献数据库。该数据库收录了1978年以来1600多种中国生物医学期刊…  相似文献   

冯小湖 《医学信息》2006,19(6):1008-1010
研究生是高校教学与科研中一支不可缺少的生力军,对其进行教学和科研等方面的教育和管理,是研究生培养的一个重要环节。开展研究生兼职管理工作是我校研究生管理的新举措,我们探讨了开展研究生兼职管理工作的作用、意义和基本途径。  相似文献   

1办刊宗旨:《生物医学工程学杂志》是由四川省科学技术协会主管,四川大学华西医院、四川省生物医学工程学会联合主办的综合性学术刊物,以及时全面地反映我国生物医学工程学领域(生物工程、医学工程、人工器官、生物材料、生物力学、计算机在生物工程中应用等方面)的最新科研成果和科技动态,报道科研、教学和医疗技术的创新与改进,开展国内外学术交流为办刊宗旨。2主要栏目:论著、新技术与新方法、综述。3适合范围:该刊适合多学科性科研、教学、生产及科技管理人员、相关专业研究生、本科生、医院与广大对生物医学工程学科的爱好者。  相似文献   

1办刊宗旨:《生物医学工程学杂志》是由四川省科学技术协会主管,四川大学华西医院、四川省生物医学工程学会联合主办的综合性学术刊物,以及时全面地反映我国生物医学工程学领域(生物工程、医学工程、人工器官、生物材料、生物力学、计算机在生物工程中应用等方面)的最新科研成果和科技动态,报道科研、教学和医疗技术的创新与改进,开展国内外学术交流为办刊宗旨。2主要栏目:论著、新技术与新方法、综述。3适合范围:该刊适合多学科性科研、教学、生产及科技管理人员、相关专业研究生、本科生、医院与广大对生物医学工  相似文献   

目的 介绍我院临床药师培训招生的现状,并分析原因和提出改进建议。方法 收集2014年9月~2019年3月申请到我院参加临床药师岗位培训的所有学员信息,统计分析学员的性别、年龄、学历、职称、工作单位、临床实践、科研能力、培训专业需求指标。结果 通科和专科分别应招收58人、16人,收到申请表99份、22份,实际录取51人、12人,未被录取的主要原因是学员工作年限和学历不符合要求。录取的学员来自5个不同省市,女性占65.08%,男性占34.92%,平均年龄(30.27±4.42)岁,38人未曾从事过临床药学相关工作;学历平均得分为平均(39.37±13.43)分,其中药学本科最多(60.32%);科研平均得分为(4.80±9.65)分,其中41人未曾发表过科研论文或申请科研项目;所在医院平均得分(35.24±12.42)分,49.21%的学员来自普通城市三级医院。结论 普通城市临床药师培训基地存在生源差的问题,应不断提升带教能力、加强宣传,提高生源数量和质量。  相似文献   



In medical training, statistics is considered a very difficult course to learn and teach. Current studies have found that students’ attitudes toward statistics can influence their learning process. Measuring, evaluating and monitoring the changes of students’ attitudes toward statistics are important. Few studies have focused on the attitudes of postgraduates, especially medical postgraduates. Our purpose was to understand current attitudes regarding statistics held by medical postgraduates and explore their effects on students’ achievement. We also wanted to explore the influencing factors and the sources of these attitudes and monitor their changes after a systematic statistics course.


A total of 539 medical postgraduates enrolled in a systematic statistics course completed the pre-form of the Survey of Attitudes Toward Statistics ?28 scale, and 83 postgraduates were selected randomly from among them to complete the post-form scale after the course.


Most medical postgraduates held positive attitudes toward statistics, but they thought statistics was a very difficult subject. The attitudes mainly came from experiences in a former statistical or mathematical class. Age, level of statistical education, research experience, specialty and mathematics basis may influence postgraduate attitudes toward statistics. There were significant positive correlations between course achievement and attitudes toward statistics. In general, student attitudes showed negative changes after completing a statistics course.


The importance of student attitudes toward statistics must be recognized in medical postgraduate training. To make sure all students have a positive learning environment, statistics teachers should measure their students’ attitudes and monitor their change of status during a course. Some necessary assistance should be offered for those students who develop negative attitudes.

医学科技论文影响力相关因素分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的探讨医学科技论文影响力的相关因素方法采用回归分析方法,研究安医大附院1996-2003年间1146篇科技论文影响力与作者背景、论文来源等因素之间的关系。结果影响因子、是否为基金或成果论文,以及作者是否入选人才培养对象、是否承担课题等9个因素与论文影响力有明显的相关性,其中影响因子、是否为基金或成果论文、论文发表年限和作者学历,不仅与论文是否被引用有关,而且影响着论文被引频次和自引他引倾向。结论论文影响力的提高,不仅需要科研管理部门引导科技人员在高影响因子期刊发表科技论文,更需要从人才培养、学位教育、项目和成果管理等诸方面去努力,只有建立起一支具有良好素质和有所作为的科技队伍作支撑,才能从根本上保证论文水平和论文影响力的稳步提高。  相似文献   

In 1899 the British Medical Journal enthusiastically announced that a new postgraduate teaching college was to open in London. The aim of the Medical Graduates’ College and Polyclinic (MGC) was to provide continuing education to general practitioners. It drew upon emerging specialisms and in so doing built upon the generalist training received at an undergraduate level. Courses were intended to refresh knowledge and to introduce general practitioners to new knowledge claims and clinical practices. The establishment of postgraduate institutions such as the MGC marked an important stage in the development of medical education in England. Yet these institutions, and the emergence of postgraduate medical education more broadly, have been largely overlooked by historians. Moreover the history of venereological training among medical undergraduates and postgraduates alike has been overlooked. The study of such special subjects characterised postgraduate study. This article examines the dissemination of venereological knowledge among subscribers to MGC as an important case study for the development of institutionalised postgraduate medical education in England at the turn of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

Many physicians believe that the tasks of postgraduate medical education and faculty development are best carried out by senior physicians trained in the appropriate specialty. However, many also will admit that, as physicians, they have received too little training for such an educational role, and that the practical demands of medical practice, scientific research, and administration make it difficult if not impossible to allocate time to continuing medical education program development, curriculum design for residency training, teacher training, and other key aspects of postgraduate medical education. Many medical disciplines have attempted to alleviate this problem by using nonphysician health-care educational consultants in their training programs. However, little attention has been paid to the possibilities of using such consultants in anesthesiology residency education and faculty development. Such consultants in postgraduate medical education and training programs in anesthesiology could perform a wide variety of functions and roles because they possess skills and technical expertise in teaching, training, curriculum design, evaluation, program planning, and interpersonal communications that faculty members often lack. The successful use of a nonphysician consultant in the Department of Anesthesiology at Hahnemann University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is described.  相似文献   

Biomedical Engineering education requires a multidisciplinary approach. To achieve satisfactory results from biomedical undergraduate courses, the development of longer programmes incorporating the life sciences and formal hospital or scientific and medical industry-based clinical experience programmes is needed. The B.Sc./B.E. five-year, combined-degree satisfies these requirements. Undergraduate programmes should be supported by parallel postgraduate programmes. A postgraduate engineering master's programme, by coursework and minor thesis, formulated in collaboration with professional groups and designed to be presented within a hospital or scientific medical industry environment, is required by industry. These education programmes need to be supported by a research (Ph.D and engineering master's with major thesis), hospital and industry infrastructure, which may take the form of a "Centre for Biomedical Engineering."  相似文献   

A survey was conducted of the first authors of half of the research papers published in 18 leading peer-reviewed medical journals over a six-month period in 1986. The first authors of every other article (that is, alternate articles) published during this period were sent a questionnaire that assessed their previous research training and their recommendations for training of clinical research faculty members. Of the 772 physicians sent the questionnaire, 482 responded. Of these, 57% had had some research training in medical school, 52% had received such training during residency, and 87% had received it during their fellowships. Fifty-six percent had taken a formal statistics course, 31.4% had taken some computer training, and 87% had received research supervision in a nonstructured format (that is, no formal course work). Introductory biostatistics was the only formal course in any of the seven subject areas listed in the questionnaire that more than one-third of the respondents had taken, yet at least two-thirds recommended that researchers take formal courses in all of the seven areas listed. The investigators recommend for medical students and postgraduate trainees a graduated experience of research training and exposure that includes formal courses.  相似文献   

医学院硕士研究生新生心理健康状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的调查某医学院硕士研究生新生心理健康状况,为做好研究生心理健康教育提供理论依据。方法采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)对163名硕士研究生进行测试调查,使用Ep iD ata 3.0软件建立数据库,应用SPSS16.0进行数据处理和统计分析。结果与我国成人常模比较,该医学院硕士研究生新生只有附加因子得分高于常模(P=0.002),其它9个因子得分均显著低于常模(P<0.01);不同性别的硕士研究生附加因子得分有统计学差异(P=0.025);20~25岁与26~30岁的研究生在躯体化(P=0.012)、强迫症状(P=0.003)、人际关系敏感(P=0.021)、恐怖(P=0.016)、偏执(P=0.003)、精神病性(P=0.023)6个因子得分有统计学意义。结论硕士研究生新生整体心理健康状况良好,男硕士研究生心理健康状况优于女硕士研究生,26~30岁的研究生比20~25岁的研究生心理健康状况好。  相似文献   

目的:调查研究生对创新能力及其影响因素的认识。方法:以某军医大学为例,使用尤金创造力测试量表和自制问卷,调查研究生对创新能力界定方式、内涵、影响因素等的看法。结果:多数研究生创造力水平中等(59.5%),认为应当按照科学研究的一般规律界定创新能力(63.1%);创新能力的内涵主要是创新意识(77.7%)、创新实践能力(60.4%)和科学研究能力(57.3%);区分不同类别研究生的创新能力没有必要(47.4%)(χ~2=399.117,P=0.000);创新能力培养的影响因素中最重要的是自身因素和创新实践(F=46.125,P=0.000);创造力很强的研究生对于创新实践的重要性打分最高(达到了满分5分)(F=2.680,P=0.046)。结论:研究生对创新能力的界定方式及内涵有一定认识,区分不同类别研究生的创新能力意义不大,今后要进一步加强研究生创新实践。  相似文献   

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