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The aim of the present work was to investigate cytochrome-450 (CYP) 2C9 (CYP2C9) gene polymorphism in patients with tuberculosis (TB) and its meaning for the development, course, and outcome of TB and for pharmacokinetics of antituberculosis antibiotic rifampicin on the basis of the southern region of Ukraine. Among TB patients, there were 24.9% fewer carriers of the genotype *1/*1 than in healthy donors; at the same time, there are 25.0% more carriers of the genotype *1/*2, *1/*3. In TB patients with the genotype *2/*3, *3/*3 the level of rifampicin in blood was the highest. At the beginning of treatment in carriers of the genotype *1/*1, pulmonary destruction was observed 2.5 times more often than in the *1/*2, *1/*3 genotype. According to the cultural method, carriers of *1/*1 more frequently became smear-negative than those of the *1/*2, *1/*3 genotype.  相似文献   

The effect of laughter therapy on the plasma levels of renin, angiotensinogen, and prorenin was investigated in patients with type 2 diabetes. In the diabetic patients, the mean plasma renin concentrations were 24.6+/-12.1 ng/ml/h in the first observation (at the beginning of laughter therapy), 8.2+/-3.4 ng/ml/h in the second observation (three months after the beginning of laughter therapy) and 7.7+/-1.7 ng/ml/h in the third observation (six months after the beginning of laughter therapy). The mean plasma angiotensinogen concentrations in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd observations were 0.19+/-0.08, 0.47+/-0.12, 0.42+/-0.14 microg/ml, respectively. The mean plasma prorenin concentrations in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd observations during the laughter therapy were 195.1+/-66.2, 193.4+/-88.2 and 170.7+/-52.5 pg/ml, respectively. Plasma renin concentrations were significantly decreased (p<0.05) by the therapy. Subnormal concentrations of plasma angiotensinogen were found in the 1st observation and increased significantly (p<0.05) to the normal range after the therapy. Plasma prorenin concentration only slightly changed during the laughter therapy. Other biochemical parameters remained unchanged during the laughter therapy. These results indicated that a long-term laughter therapy changed the plasma components of renin-angiotensin system in patients with diabetes. Thus, laughter therapy can be used as non-pharmacological treatment for the prevention of diabetic microvascular complications.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis remains an important public health problem in Koreans. However, very few studies have reported on the genetic factors associated with TB susceptibility in Koreans. The aim of this study was to elucidate the genetic factors associated with susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB). We investigated the transporter associated with antigen processing –1 (TAP1) and TAP2 gene polymorphisms in 160 Korean PTB patients (categorized according to extent of lesion and TB medication history) and 210 controls. TAP2*C/E frequency was significantly increased in the PTB (pc = 0.004, OR = 2.28). TAP2*Bky2/C/E were enriched in the retreated, far‐advanced and total PTB compared with the controls (pc = 0.015, OR = 3.27; pc = 0.019, OR = 2.56; pc = 2.8 × 10?4, OR = 2.42, respectively). In the comparison of TAP2 gene with the DRB1*08:03, which is associated with TAP2*Bky2 and PTB in Koreans, we demonstrated the hierarchy of these association factors. TAP2*C/E is independent factors as strong as DRB1*08:03, and TAP2*C/E interacts with DRB1*08:03, resulting in a striking combined association. Our results suggest that TAP2 gene has an association with PTB susceptibility, the extent of the lesion or recurrence. These associations are independent from and additive with DRB1*08:03.  相似文献   

Cyclooxygenase-2 and the renal renin-angiotensin system   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In the kidney, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is expressed in the macula densa/cTALH and medullary interstitial cells. The macula densa is involved in regulating afferent arteriolar tone and renin release by sensing alterations in luminal chloride via changes in the rate of Na(+)/K(+)/2Cl(-) cotransport, and administration of non-specific cyclooxygenase inhibitors will blunt increases in renin release mediated by macula densa sensing of decreases in luminal NaCl. High renin states [salt deficiency, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers, diuretic administration or experimental renovascular hypertension] are associated with increased macula densa/cTALH COX-2 expression. Furthermore, there is evidence that angiotensin II and/or aldosterone may inhibit COX-2 expression. In AT1 receptor knockout mice, COX-2 expression is increased similar to increases with ACE inhibitors or AT1 receptor blockers. Direct administration of angiotensin II inhibits macula densa COX-2 expression. Previous studies demonstrated that alterations in intraluminal chloride concentration are the signal for macula densa regulation of tubuloglomerular feedback and renin secretion, with high chloride stimulating tubuloglomerular feedback and low chloride stimulating renin release. When cultured cTALH or macula densa cells were incubated in media with selective substitution of chloride ions, COX-2 expression and prostaglandin production were significantly increased. A variety of studies have indicated a role for COX-2 in the macula densa mediation of renin release. In isolated perfused glomerular preparations, renin release induced by macula densa perfusion with a low chloride solution was inhibited by a COX-2 inhibitor but not a COX-1 inhibitor. In vivo studies in rats indicated that increased renin release in response to low-salt diet, ACE inhibitor, loop diuretics or aortic coarctation could be inhibited by administration of COX-2-selective inhibitors. In mice with genetic deletion of COX-2, ACE inhibitors or low-salt diet failed to increase renal renin expression, although renin significantly increased in wild type mice. In contrast, in COX-1 null mice there were no significant differences in either the basal or ACE inhibitor-stimulated level of renal renin activity from plasma or renal tissue compared with wild type mice. In summary, there is increasing evidence that COX-2 expression in the macula densa and surrounding cortical thick ascending limb cells is regulated by angiotensin II and is a modulator of renal renin production. These interactions of COX-2 derived prostaglandins and the renin-angiotensin system may underlie physiological and pathophysiological regulation of renal function.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis remains a major health problem in India, with 2 million new cases and 421,000 deaths each year. In this paper, we describe the spoligotyping results of 216 Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture isolates from patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in Mumbai, India. As spoligotyping data from India have rarely been described until now, and as there is limited information on the major circulating clades of M. tuberculosis, the data obtained were also compared to an international spoligotype database (SpolDB4) that contained patterns from 22,546 isolates from more than 100 countries. Eighty-four (39%) of the isolates were definitively marked as orphan strains, indicating the paucity of such data from India. The remaining 132 isolates clustered among 59 shared types; among these, 42 shared types were already present in the database, 17 were newly created, and 5 of them were specifically reported from Mumbai. A total of 9 major types in this study clustered 32% of the isolates. At the phylogenetic level, 30% of the isolates belonged to the Central Asian families CAS1 and CAS2, of the major genetic group (MGG) 1, 29% to MGG 2 and 3 families (spacers 33-36 missing) and 17% to the ancestral East African Indian (EAI) family. Finally, nearly 10% of the isolates belonged to the W-Beijing family in a broad sense, also in the MGG 1 group. In conclusion, historic clones of the MGG 1 group of M. tuberculosis are responsible for roughly 60% of all tuberculosis cases in Mumbai. Together with the fact that organisms presumably of European descent (such as the Haarlem family) were only rarely found, our observations suggest that tuberculosis in Mumbai, India is essentially caused by historical clones of tubercle bacilli undergoing active circulation due to uncontrolled demography, high prevalence of the disease, and a paucity of resources.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to carry out analysis of pulmonary tuberculosis occurrence in multimember families in which at least one person was suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis bacteriologically confirmed (BK+). The study was based on clinical examination, chest-X-rays analysis and outpatients clinic files. The initial number of patients suffering from tuberculosis BK(+) was 70, therefore 268 people from 70 families were included in the study. In 48 (70%) of families there was only one case of pulmonary tuberculosis BK+ throughout 5 years of observation. In the remaining 22 (30%) of families at least one more case of pulmonary tuberculosis was recorded. 60% of those cases concerned a spouse. In 10% of families where one person had relapses of tuberculosis BK+, within one year an another case of pulmonary tuberculosis bacteriologically positive or negative was confirmed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Few and inconclusive results have been presented regarding the influence of human T-lymphotropic virus 1 (HTLV-1) infection on the risk of acquiring tuberculosis (TB). METHODS: In 1994-1997, we performed a prospective study on hospitalized adult patients with pulmonary TB in Guinea-Bissau and compared the clinical outcome in HIV-2 and HIV-negative patients. We determined the prevalence of HTLV-1 in all patients screened and diagnosed with TB in that study and compared the infection rate with a serosurvey of HTLV-1 in a population sample from a community-based study conducted at the same time and in the same city. RESULTS: In the TB group, a total of 32 (11.4%) of 280 patients were positive for HTLV-1. This was significantly higher compared with the population-based group in which 74 (3.5%) of 2117 were HTLV-1 positive [crude odds ratio (OR) = 3.6; 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.2 to 5.6, P < 0.001]. However, in a logistic regression analysis controlling for age, gender, and HIV result, the difference was no longer significant (OR = 1.61; 95% CI 0.95 to 2.70, P = 0.074). In HIV-negative patients, no association was found between HTLV-1 and TB (OR = 1.18; 95% CI 0.48 to 2.89, P = 0.71), whereas a significant association was found in HIV-positive patients (OR = 2.41; 95% CI 1.26 to 4.61, P = 0.008). CONCLUSIONS: The immunosuppressive effect of HTLV-1 alone was not enough to increase the risk of TB in a highly endemic country, but HTLV-1 increased the risk of TB among HIV-infected individuals.  相似文献   

TB is a worldwide pandemic. India has the highest burden of TB, with WHO statistics for 2013 giving an estimated incidence figure of 2.1 million cases for India out of a global incidence of 9 million. Microbiota have been shown to be associated with many disease conditions; however, only few studies have been reported for microbiota associated with TB infection. For the first time, we characterized the composition of microbiota of TB patients of India, using high-throughput 16S rRNA gene sequencing and compared it with healthy controls. Phylum-level analysis showed that the relative abundance of Firmicutes and Actinobacteria was significantly higher in TB samples and Neisseria and Veillonella were two dominant genera after Streptococcus. In our study, significantly different core genera in TB and normal population were found as compared with the reported studies. Also, the presence of diverse opportunistic pathogenic microbiota in TB patients increases the complexity and diversity of sputum microbiota. Characterization of the sputum microbiome is likely to provide important pathogenic insights into pulmonary tuberculosis.  相似文献   

The angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene DD homozygote has been suggested to be a significant risk factor for the progression of diabetic nephropathy. We analyzed clinical parameters and ACE genotype distribution between type 2 diabetic patients at the extremes of renal risk, i.e. an end-stage renal failure (ESRF) group (n = 103, group 1) who were on dialysis therapy due to progression of diabetic nephropathy, and a no progression group (n = 88, group 2) who had maintained normal renal function and normoalbuminuria for more than 15 years. There were no significant differences in age, sex, body mass index, HbA1c level, or lipid profiles between the two groups (p > 0.05). Group 1 had a significantly higher prevalence of hypertension [group 1: 82.5% (85/103) vs. group 2: 50.0% (44/88), p < 0.05] and diabetic retinopathy [group 1: 103/103 (100%) vs. group 2: 28/88 (31.8%), p < 0.05] than group 2. Daily urinary albumin excretion was also higher in group 1 than in group 2 [group 1: 2873 +/- 2176 mg/day vs. 12 +/- 7 g/day, p < 0.05]. The frequencies of the DD, ID, and II genotypes of the ACE gene in group 1 and group 2 were 26.2%, 47.6%, and 26.2%, and 7.9%, 57.9%, and 34.2%, respectively. The ACE genotype frequencies between the two groups were significantly different according to a chi-square test with Bonferroni's correction (p = 0.004). The presence of the DD genotype increased the risk of ESRF 4.286-fold compared to the II genotype [odds ratio 4.286, 95% CI 1.60- 11.42, p = 0.005]. The frequency of the D-allele was higher in both male and female patients in group 1 compared to group 2, but reached statistical significance only in males [male, group 1: 50.8% vs. group 2: 35.0%, p = 0.018, female, group 1: 48.8% vs. group 2: 39.5%, p = 0.231]. This study, although limited by sample size, showed that type 2 diabetic ESRF patients more frequently expressed the DD genotype. These findings may substantiate the previously noted relationship between the ACE DD genotype and the progression of diabetic nephropathy in Korean type 2 diabetic patients.  相似文献   

P2X(7) is a channel receptor gated by adenosine triphosphate (ATP) that is involved in the killing of intracellular mycobacteria. To explore further the role of P2X(7) in immunity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, we studied its expression and function in 19 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) and 19 healthy contacts. Flow cytometry analysis showed a similar and variable expression of P2X(7) in TB patients and healthy subjects. In contrast, P2X(7) mARN levels were significantly higher in TB patients. When the function of the P2X(7) receptor in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) was assessed by the effect of exogenous ATP on apoptosis, the uptake of the fluorescent marker Lucifer yellow or extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) phosphorylation, no significant differences were detected in patients and controls. However, mRNA macroarray analysis showed that upon stimulation with ATP, the PBMC from TB patients showed a significant induction of a higher number of cytokine genes (27 of 96), and a lower number of apoptosis genes (20 of 96) compared to healthy controls (17 and 76 genes, respectively). These results suggest that although the PBMC from TB patients do not show apparent abnormalities in the expression of P2X(7), and the intracellular signals generated through it, the pattern of gene expression induced by ATP in these cells is different from that found in healthy contacts. This phenomenon suggests a defective function of P2X(7) in the immune cells from TB patients, a condition that may contribute to the inability of these patients to eliminate the mycobacteria.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes have been investigated because of their crucial role in the defense against pathogens and their high degree of polymorphism. We performed a case-control study to assess a genetic association of MHC genes with susceptibility to tuberculosis (TB). The allelic lineages HLA-A*02 and B*18 were significantly less frequent in TB patients (n = 112, 44.6% women) than in controls (n = 224, 51.5% women): 18.8% vs 26.5%; odds ratio (OR) = 0.64; P = 0.037 and 2.7% vs 6.9%; OR = 0.37; P = 0.041. The negative association with haplotype HLA-B*18-MICA*018 (2.3% patients vs 6.4% controls; OR = 0.34; P = 0.035) was significant as a consequence of strong linkage disequilibrium (D' = 0.827 for patients and 0.923 for controls). These findings suggest a trend toward protection of the HLA-A*02 and HLA-B*18 alleles.  相似文献   

Circulating microRNAs in patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fu Y  Yi Z  Wu X  Li J  Xu F 《Journal of clinical microbiology》2011,49(12):4246-4251
Emerging evidence shows that microRNAs (miRNAs) play an important role in pathogen-host interactions. Circulating miRNAs have been repeatedly and stably detected in blood and hold promise to serve as molecular markers for diverse physiological and pathological conditions. To date, the relationship between circulating miRNAs and active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) has not been reported. Using microarray-based expression profiling followed by real-time quantitative PCR validation, the levels of circulating miRNAs were compared between patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis and matched healthy controls. The receiver operating characteristic curve was used to evaluate the diagnostic effect of selected miRNA. Bioinformatic analysis was used to explore the potential roles of these circulating miRNAs in active pulmonary tuberculosis infection. Among 92 miRNAs significantly detected, 59 miRNAs were downregulated and 33 miRNAs were upregulated in the TB serum compared to their levels in the control serum. Interestingly, only two differentially expressed miRNAs were increased not only in the serum but also in the sputum of patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis compared to the levels for the healthy controls. Upregulated miR-29a could discriminate TB patients from healthy controls with reasonable sensitivity and specificity. A number of significantly enriched pathways regulated by these circulating miRNAs were predicted, and most of them were involved in acute-phase response, inflammatory response, and the regulation of the cytoskeleton. In all, for the first time our results revealed that a number of miRNAs were differentially expressed during active pulmonary tuberculosis infection, and circulating miR-29a has great potential to serve as a marker for the detection of active pulmonary tuberculosis infection.  相似文献   

Laboratory of Clinical Immunology, Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Ministry of Health of the USSR, Moscow. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR A. G. Khomenko.) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 112, No. 7, pp. 76–78, July, 1991.  相似文献   

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