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Aims. To identify the correlates of injecting drug use within prison. Design. A national cross-sectional study, participation being voluntary and anonymous. Setting. Ten Greek prisons. Participants. A representative sample of 1000 male inmates; 861 questionnaires were completed and analysed. Measurement. A self-report questionnaire for demographics, penal history, drug use and sharing injecting equipment. Findings. Two hundred and ninety inmates (33.7%) reported injecting drugs at some time in their lives, of whom 174 (60%) had injected while imprisoned. Among those who had injected while imprisoned, 145 (83%) had shared equipment while incarcerated. Logistic regression analysis suggested that total time in prison, previous drug conviction, being a convict (as opposed to on remand) and having multiple female sexual partners 1 year before incarceration were significant HIV risk behaviour correlates. For every year of imprisonment, the risk of injection in prison increased by about 17% \[OR = 1.17 (95% CI: 1.07-1.27)]. Inmates with a previous drug-related conviction were about twice as likely to inject within prison \[OR = 1.97 (95% CI: 1.16-3.33)]. Finally, convicted inmates were marginally significantly more prone to inject in prison \[OR = 1.58 (95% CI: 0.92-2.74)]. Conclusions. Variables related to the inmates' prison career influence HIV risk behaviours within prison. There is a need to assist IDUs in reducing the likelihood of high-risk behaviour by considering factors such as frequency of incarceration, length of time incarcerated and availability of detoxification programmes within prison.  相似文献   

HIV risk among women injecting drug users who are in jail   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Female offender populations and females in jail include large proportions of injecting drug users (IDUs), who are at high risk of contracting or transmitting HIV. Women IDUs (n = 165) were recruited and interviewed at New York City's central jail facility for women. The study examined these women's patterns of HIV risk behaviors related to drugs and sex and identified behavioral and attitudinal correlates of HIV serostatus. The women typically used both injectable and non-injectable drugs prior to arrest, primarily heroin, cocaine powder, crack, and illicit methadone. Self-reported HIV seropositivity was 43%. Variables correlated with HIV serostatus in the bivariate analysis were: cocaine injection frequency; lifetime injection risk behavior; providing oral sex during male crack use; Hispanic ethnicity; sharing of needles/syringes; sharing of cookers; sharing injection equipment with friends; heroin smoking (negative); injection risk acceptance; peer norms and behavior; lifetime sexual risk behavior; frequency of sex with men; provision of sex for money or drugs; and knowing people with AIDS. The first four variables listed retained statistical significance in a multiple logistic regression analysis. The paper considers the need to tailor AIDS prevention interventions for woman IDUs in jail, including taking into account risk behaviors that occur within frequently reported same-sex partnerships.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to compare HIV risk behaviors of amphetamine and non-amphetamine injectors at syringe exchange programs (SEP) in the United States and to identify factors associated with injection risk. This analysis is based on data from a random cross-section of participants at 13 SEPs in different parts of the country. All interviews were done using Audio Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing technology. Amphetamine injectors differ from other SEP participants in that they are younger and more likely to be White, to have had a recent same sex partner, and to be homeless. Rates of injection risk behavior are higher among amphetamine injectors than other SEP participants, but rates of condom use are similar. Factors associated with injection risk behavior are amphetamine injection, homelessness, depression, and having a recent same-gender sexual partner (for both men and women). SEPs have been repeatedly demonstrated to reduce injection risk behavior, but some groups of program participants continue to be at elevated risk. SEPs may need to develop new approaches to outreach and education to address the needs of amphetamine injectors and other populations at persistent risk.  相似文献   

Injecting drug users (IDUs) play a prominent role in the transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), particularly in urban areas such as New York City, where they comprise nearly half of all adult acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) cases. Intervention studies have demonstrated that IDUs are responsive to safer sex messages, but sexual behavior appears to be more resistant to change than drug use behavior. This multidisciplinary study (without an intervention component) assesses changes in sexual risk behavior as a function of time, HIV status, and disease progression in a cohort of HIV+ and HIV- male IDUs (N = 144) for 4 years. RESULTS: For HIV+ and HIV- men, there were increases in abstinence and monogamy, with decreases in the frequency of unprotected vaginal/anal sex and sexual risk index scores. With the exception of monogamy, HIV+ men reported lower levels of risk. Although there was also a decline in substance use, this accounted for only some of the decline in sexual risk behavior. Among the HIV+ men, a CD4 level below 200 was associated with more abstinence and monogamy. HIV-related medical symptoms were associated with increased abstinence, less unprotected sex, and lower sexual risk index scores. Lower neuropsychological memory test scores were associated with increased abstinence and lower sexual risk index scores. Neurological impairment and depression were not associated with sexual risk behavior. CONCLUSION: IDU men in New York City have modified their sexual behavior toward safer practices. Lower levels of risk are found among HIV+ men, particularly those with more progressed HIV illness. Nevertheless, a substantial amount of sexual risk behavior remained in this cohort, indicating the continued need for education and intervention.  相似文献   

目的探讨和分析广西注射吸毒人群参与针具交换的影响因素,为吸毒人群综合干预策略与模式的建立提供科学依据。方法选取社区及新进入戒毒所的注射吸毒者为研究对象,采用结构式问卷进行面对面调查,采用单因素及多因素Logistic回归分析评估影响参与针具交换的因素。结果共调查474人。近1年内参加过针具交换的比例为67.3%,但维持时间在10-12个月的调查对象仅占25.7%。害怕被抓和路途遥远,是调查对象报告的其本人及毒友不愿参与针具交换的主要原因。单因素Logistic回归分析结果显示:女性、汉族、已婚/同居、注射吸毒年限较长、对共用注射辅助材料的危害有正确认识及最近30天无高危注射行为,是参与针具交换的促进因素。多因素Logistic回归分析显示:除婚姻状况外,上述单因素分析有意义的变量均是注射吸毒者参与针具交换的影响因素。结论进一步向注射吸毒者宣传共用针具及注射辅助材料的危害,重视对注射吸毒年限较低的人群的干预,根据民俗特点加强少数民族注射吸毒者的干预等,有可能促进更多的注射吸毒者参与针具交换。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To provide global estimates of the prevalence of injecting drug use (IDU) and HIV prevalence among IDU, in particular to provide estimates for developing and transitional countries. METHODS: Collation and review of existing estimates of IDU prevalence and HIV prevalence from published and unpublished documents for the period 1998-2003. The strength of evidence for the information was assessed based on the source and type of study. RESULTS: Estimates of IDU prevalence were available for 130 countries. The number of IDU worldwide was estimated as approximately 13.2 million. Over ten million (78%) live in developing and transitional countries (Eastern Europe and Central Asia, 3.1 million; South and South-east Asia, 3.3 million; East-Asia and Pacific, 2.3 million). Estimates of HIV prevalence were available for 78 countries. HIV prevalence among IDU of over 20% was reported for at least one site in 25 countries and territories: Belarus, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Serbia and Montenegro, Spain, Libya, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Viet Nam, China, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Puerto Rico, USA and Canada. CONCLUSIONS: These findings update previous assessments of the number of countries with IDU and HIV-infected IDU, and the previous quantitative global estimates of the prevalence of IDU. However, gaps remain in the information and the strength of the evidence often was weak.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the incidence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and identify risk factors for seroconversion. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. Participants were recruited through direct approaches, street-based outreach, methadone and sexual health clinics and needle and syringe programmes. SETTING: Urban, regional and rural settings in New South Wales, Australia. PARTICIPANTS: Injecting drug users (IDUs) (n = 584) were screened and tested for exposure to HCV. Between 1999 and 2002 antibody HCV negative IDUs (n = 368) were enrolled and followed-up every 3-6 months until seroconversion or study completion. MEASUREMENTS: Interviewer-administered baseline and follow-up questionnaires consisted of 131 items and included demographics, drug use and risk behaviour. Approximately 10 cc of whole blood was drawn at each visit. Specimens were stored at -70C and serology performed using one or two third-generation enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and polymerase chain reaction testing. FINDINGS: Sixty-eight seroconversions were observed and incidence was 30.8 per 100 person-years, with incidence in IDUs injecting < 1 year, 133 per 100 person-years. Independent predictors of seroconversion were female gender, duration of injecting, injecting cocaine, shared use of filters and recruitment strategy. CONCLUSIONS: Women, new initiates and IDUs recruited via outreach appear to be at increased risk of infection. Results confirm the significance of cocaine injection as a risk factor and provide the first evidence outside North America of the link between shared use of drug preparation equipment and incident HCV infection. Prevention efforts should attempt to raise awareness of the risks associated with drug sharing and, in particular, the role of potentially contaminated syringes in HCV infection.  相似文献   

Needle sharing is a risk factor for contracting blood-borne infections among injecting drug users (IDUs). We explored the relation of socio-financial, physical and mental health factors (ASI) to risk behaviour (Qr23) for contracting blood-borne infections among IDUs (Addiction Severity Index and Questionnaire for risk behaviour). 42 HIV negative IDUs were studied prospectively. The median age was 42.5 (range 18-61) y, 28 of 42 (67%) were males and median duration of injecting was 19.0 (range 0-43) y. HCV and HBV antibodies were found in 37 (88%) and 31 (71%) participants, respectively. Poly drug use was reported by 23 (55%) participants; amphetamine by 10 (24%) and heroin by 9 (21%). From the ASI data we were unable to find any statistically significant factor that was associated with needle sharing (n = 26/42, 61%) or sharing drug mixture/filter (n = 25/42, 59%). 19 (73%) of 26 participants who shared needles also shared drug mixture/filter. Of these 26 IDUs, 7 shared needles with partners, 11 with acquaintances, 3 with strangers and 5 with all categories. In conclusion, the study group showed differentiated risk behaviours for blood-borne infections with regard to various persons and to whom they were exposed. This suggests that IDUs may benefit from individualized counselling regarding risks for infections with HIV, HCV and HBV.  相似文献   

AIMS: Iran faces parallel human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and injection drug use epidemics; more than 62% of known HIV cases occur among injection drug users (IDU). We conducted a formative study of IDU in Tehran to explore risk behavior in the wake of the recent harm reduction efforts. PARTICIPANTS AND DESIGN: Key informant interviews (n = 40), focus group discussions (nine groups of IDU, n = 66) and a review of existing published and unpublished literature were conducted. Participants included IDU, physicians, policy makers, police, IDU advocates and their families. IDU were diverse in gender, education, income and neighborhood of residence. Interviews were transcribed and analyzed using grounded theory. A typology of IDUs in Tehran, categorized according to self-defined networks as well as HIV risks, is presented. This categorization is based on the groups identified by IDUs, compared to those identified by other key informants, and on a secondary data review. FINDINGS: Homeless, female, young IDU and users of a more potent form of heroin were identified as having increased risks for HIV. Participants described shortening transitions from smoked opium to injected opiates. Whereas a majority of participants considered needle sharing less common than previously, sharing continues in locations of group injection, and in states of withdrawal or severe addiction. System-wise barriers to harm reduction were discussed, and include the cost or stigma of purchasing needles from pharmacies, over-burdened clinics, irregular enforcement of laws protecting IDU and lack of efforts to address the sexual risks of IDU. CONCLUSIONS: This research is one of the first to describe a diversity of IDU, including women and higher socio-economic class individuals, in Tehran. While efforts in harm reduction in Iran to date have been notable, ongoing risks point to an urgent need for targeted, culturally acceptable interventions.  相似文献   

While most studies of AIDS risk behavior rely on self-reports, few studies have assessed the reliability of these reports. The present study examines self-reports of drug-related and sexual risk behavior among pairs of injecting drug users (IDUs) recruited from the streets in New York City. Since both members of the pair were interviewed, it was possible to compare their responses in order to assess reliability. Subjects reported on their contacts' demographic data (age, gender, race/ethnicity) and on shared risk behaviors, including syringe sharing. Despite the private and/or illegal nature of AIDS risk behaviors, IDU subjects were generally reliable in their reports of both demographic and AIDS risk behaviors.  相似文献   

In central European states, rates of HIV among injection drug users (IDUs) have been low although Hepatitis C (HCV) infection is widespread. The goal of our study was to assess HIV infection, risk perceptions and injecting equipment sharing among IDUs in Budapest, Hungary. Altogether 150 IDUs were interviewed (121 structured interviews between 1999 and 2000 and 29 ethnographic interviews between 2003 and 2004). The majority of them injected heroin (52% and 79%) and many injected amphetamines (51% and 35%). One person tested positive for HIV. Two thirds (68%) shared injecting equipment (syringes, cookers and filters). Some participants said they shared syringes because they were not carrying them for fear of police harassment and that they reused filters as a backup drug supply. In multivariate analysis, sharing of injecting equipment was associated with higher perceived susceptibility to HIV/AIDS, lower self-efficacy for sterile equipment use, higher motivation to comply with peer pressure to use dirty injecting equipment and with having a criminal record. The high levels of injecting risk-behaviors found in this study are a cause for serious concern. Interventions for HIV-prevention need to address not only sharing syringes but also sharing and reusing of other injecting equipment and drug filters.  相似文献   

This study assessed relationships between residual risk behavior (risk behavior among persons participating in effective HIV prevention programs) and HIV infection. Structured interviews and HIV tests were obtained from participants in six large U.S. syringe exchange programs. Program characteristics were obtained through interviews with the directors. Findings indicated that injection risk behaviors varied significantly across the six programs--from 10% to 27% of the participants at each program reported receptive sharing of needles and syringes in the 30 days prior to the interview. HIV prevalence ranged from 2.5% to 22.2% across the six programs. HIV prevalence among new injectors was strongly related to HIV prevalence among long-term injectors across the programs (r = .869). There was a consistent pattern of negative relationships between injection risk behaviors and HIV infection across the six programs (higher rates of risk behavior at a program associated with lower HIV infection). As a result, appropriate evaluation of HIV prevention programs may require not only information on continuing risk behavior and HIV infection among program participants but also historical information on the epidemiology of HIV in the local community.  相似文献   

International epidemiology of HIV and AIDS among injecting drug users.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
HIV/AIDS and iv drug use (IVDU) are of significant multinational scope and growing. Supporting increased IVDU in many countries are countries' geographical proximity to illicit drug trafficking distribution routes, law enforcement efforts which increase the demand for more efficient drug distribution and consumption, and countries' infrastructural and social modernization. Given the failures of intensified law enforcement efforts to thwart the use and proliferation of illegal drugs, countries with substantial IVDU should look away from preventing use to preventing HIV transmission within drug user populations. With HIV seroprevalence rates rapidly reaching 40-50% in some developing country IVDU groups, a variety of prevention programs is warranted. Such programs should be supported and implemented while prevention remains feasible. This paper examines the variation in HIV seroprevalence among IVD users, rapid HIV spread among users, HIV among IVDUs in Bangkok, emerging issues in HIV transmission among IVDUs, non-AIDS manifestations of HIV infection among IVDUs, prevention programs and effectiveness, and harm reduction.  相似文献   

目的了解注射吸毒人群HIV新发感染研究现状。方法查找收集相关文献并综合归纳分析。结果目前注射吸毒人群HIV新发感染的研究方法主要包括前瞻性队列研究、基于横断面调查的实验室检测法和数学模型3种方法;主要影响因素有共用针头或注射器、无保护性行为和毒品的注射频率等。结论艾滋病疫情不容乐观,不同时间和地点存在差异;各地应针对自身情况制定相应的禁毒防制艾滋病策略和措施。  相似文献   

In 1998, we reported that anti-HCV prevalence among injectors from Glasgow had declined between 1990 and 1995. We set out to ascertain if the anti-HCV prevalence among injectors from Edinburgh had declined similarly during this period and if there had been any trend in prevalence among injectors from both cities since 1995. Residual sera from both cities' injecting drug users who had undergone named HIV testing were identified, linked to age band and gender information and tested anonymously for anti-HCV. Among Edinburgh's injectors, significant (p < 0.0001) decreases in anti-HCV prevalence from 69% (1989/90) to 13% (1997) and from 80% (1989/90) to 54% (1997) were seen in those aged < 25 y and > or = 25 y, respectively. Among Glasgow's injectors, a significant (p < 0.0001) decrease in prevalence from 91% (1990) to 43% (1997) was seen only among those aged < 25 y. Of both cities' 15-19 y olds, sampled during 1995-97, 17% (24/139) were anti-HCV-positive. The findings suggest that the incidence of HCV among young injectors continued to decrease during the 1990s--the era of needle/syringe exchange and other interventions--but is still too high. Further investigative and preventive work is required.  相似文献   

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