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阴茎疣状癌的诊治(附4例报告)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:探讨阴茎疣状癌的诊断和治疗方法。方法:分析4例阴茎疣状癌患者的临床、病理资料。结果:患者年龄42~76(平均52)岁。肿瘤均呈菜花状、外生型生长,最大直径1.4~5.8 cm。2例病变局限于阴茎头,另2例肿瘤侵犯至冠状沟(其中1例合并梅毒感染)。1例肿瘤局限于阴茎头且瘤体较小者(直径1.4 cm)行阴茎头切除术;1例肿瘤局限于阴茎头且瘤体较大者及2例肿瘤侵犯至冠状沟者均行阴茎部分切除术(其中1例合并梅毒感染者经苄星青霉素治疗后再手术)。4例患者肿瘤标本病理显示肿瘤细胞分化好,切缘均呈阴性。标本切片均显示上皮呈乳头瘤状结构并过度角化,肿瘤细胞于基底部呈球茎状推进式生长。周围间质见淋巴细胞浸润。术后随访3~7年,平均4.6年,肿瘤均无复发。合并梅毒感染者术后复查快速血浆反应素试验转为阴性,梅毒螺旋体颗粒凝集试验仍呈阳性。结论:阴茎疣状癌表现为局部侵袭性生长,很少有淋巴结或远处转移者。治疗方法采用阴茎头切除或阴茎部分切除术,患者预后较好。  相似文献   

目的总结甲状腺髓样癌(medullary thyroid carcinoma,MTC)临床特征及治疗方法。方法回顾分析1997年1月~2005年12月经治的35例MTC的临床及病理资料。结果35例均予手术切除原发灶并加行颈淋巴结清扫术,术后放疗5例,化疗7例。所有病例均经病理证实为MTC,淋巴结转移率为51.4%。32例术后随访2~10年,5年生存率为87.5%。结论MTC治疗应以根治性切除为原则,切除范围应比其他类型的甲状腺癌积极,术后可以辅以多种非手术治疗。  相似文献   

包皮环切术后发生阴茎鳞状细胞癌17例报道   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的:分析包皮环切术后发生的阴茎癌的诊治。方法:回顾性分析我院1997年1月~2004年12月行包皮环切术后1个月~16年发生阴茎癌17例患者的临床资料。结果:本组患者中术后1~12个月发现阴茎癌者11例,术后3~16年发现者6例;16例行阴茎部分切除术+腹股沟淋巴结活检术,1例行扩大包皮环切术后复发相继行阴茎部分切除、全切术。复发的1例死亡,其余16例存活至今。结论:成年人行包皮环切术后仍有发生阴茎癌可能,对伴有包皮炎症、溃疡等病变的患者行包皮环切术应常规行病理检查,术后需密切随访,阴茎部分切除术是治疗早期阴茎鳞状细胞癌有效的方法,术中有必要行前哨淋巴结活检。  相似文献   

为总结复杂性肛瘘的手术治疗体会,回顾分析接受手术治疗的64例复杂性肛瘘患者资料。对其中低位复杂性肛瘘采用单纯切开法治疗,外口距肛门较近的高位复杂性肛瘘采用切开挂线法治疗。外口距肛门较远的高位复杂性肛瘘采用开窗加切开挂线法治疗,蹄铁型肛瘘采用皮桥旷置法或切开缝合法治疗,术后给予全面护理。结果显示,1次手术治愈63例(98.4%),2次手术治愈1例。术后随访半年,均无复发.无肛门失禁和肛门畸形等后遗症发生。结果表明,复杂性肛瘘以手术治疗为主,术式选择应根据患者具体病情而定,术后全面护理是于术成功的保障。  相似文献   

目的探讨阴茎异物嵌套的处理方法。方法回顾性分析3例阴茎异物嵌顿患者解除异物的方法。结果 1例患者在阴茎涂抹润滑油后直接取下嵌套物;1例患者行阴茎海绵体放血后,同时远端涂抹润滑油取下嵌套物;1例患者嵌套异物为钢制轴承,在腰麻下将嵌套远端阴茎皮肤脱套至冠状沟处,同时远端挤压后取出。结论处理阴茎异物嵌套应该从简单到复杂的操作开始尝试,对于难以取出的坚硬的异物,可以采用阴茎脱套术进行处理,但需注意保护阴茎皮瓣血运,防止坏死。  相似文献   

Objective: Intestinal complications of typhoid fever are quite common in developing countries. In order to contribute to the improvement of the prognosis of typhoid ileal perforation, the authors report their own surgical experience

Patients and methods: between May 95 and July 98, 64 patients, (31 men and 33 women), with an average age of 34 years (ranging from 5 to 63 years) underwent surgery for typhoid ileal perforation. The surgical techniques used were excision-suture (n = 31) and resection-ileostomy (n = 33). All the patients were operated under similar pre-, per-and postoperative care facilities.

Results: Postoperative complications were observed in 59 patients (88.1%). The mean hospital stay was 30 days (ranging from 8 to 52 days). The overall postoperative mortality was 34% (22/64), mainly due to digestive fistula in 11 cases (8 cases of anastomotic leak after excision-suture, 3 cases of bowel fistula after conservative resection-ileostomy) and to chronic peristomal ulceration in 9 cases, which led to progressive malnutrition, cachexy and death. Conclusion: The mortality and morbidity after surgical treatment of typhoid ileal perforation remains very high in developing countries. However some recommendations could improve the outcome: aggressive resuscitation by intravenous hydratation of 4 to 6 hours, associated with adequate antibiotherapy, the resection of the last 60 centimetres of the ileum, in cases of serious abdominal suppuration, and a large abdominal washout.  相似文献   



To explore the outcomes of surgical treatment of sacral neurogenic tumors


Between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2012, data on 64 patients with sacral neurogenic tumors treated with surgery were retrospectively analyzed. The mean age of the 64 cases (35 males and 29 females) was 37.2 years (range, 21–69 years); 38 had neurilemmomas and 26 neurofibromas. Thirty‐four of the tumors involved S 1 and S 2, 11 S 3 or lower, and 19 were single presacral soft tissue masses. Tumors were removed via anterior, posterior or combined anteroposterior approaches. Patients with unstable sacroiliac joints underwent iliolumbar fixation.


Depending on the extent of tumor involvement, one of three surgical approaches was used: a single anterior approach (19 patients), single posterior approach (25 patients), or a combined anteroposterior approach (20 patients). The mean operation time was 3 h (range, 2–6 h) and the mean blood loss 878 mL (range, 400–3120 mL). The mean duration of follow‐up was 58.2 months (range, 24–93 months). These surgeries had the following complications. Three patients had massive intraoperative hemorrhage and posterior back pain and discomfort postoperatively. One patient had intraoperative ureteral injuries requiring intraoperative ureteral catheterization. In two patients, the tumor involved the S 1 nerve roots bilaterally, necessitating their removal, which resulted in obvious lower limb motion and sphincteric dysfunction. In 13 patients with unilateral tumor involvement of the nerve roots of S 1 and lower spinal levels, only the contralateral nerve roots of the S1 and lower levels were preserved; eight of these patients had impaired bladder and bowel function. Posterior incisions failed to heal in 10 patients, secondary wound healing occurred in nine of them and one required a gluteus maximus myocutaneous flap. Three patients developed postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leaks that were and alleviated by waist belt compression bandaging and placing them in the Trendelenburg position. Eight patients developed tumor recurrences postoperatively; pathological examination of the tissue excised in the second surgeries revealed malignant changes in the three patients with neurilemmomas. There were no intraoperative deaths. Rod fractures occurred in three of the 18 patients requiring iliolumbar reconstruction.


The clinical characteristics of sacral neurogenic tumors make them easy to diagnose. The approach to resection should be determined by the location and size of the tumor. Patients with huge tumors may lose considerable blood intraoperatively and a have higher risk rate of postoperative complications.

Invasive Penile Carcinoma: A Review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Background. Penile carcinoma is an invasive epithelial tumor that may arise from penile skin or mucosa.
Objective. To review the pathogenesis and the clinical and histopathologic features of invasive penile carcinomas, with emphasis on current guidelines for their diagnosis and treatment.
Methods. Information available from the authors' clinical experience, review articles, case reports, clinical trials, and in vitro research studies identified from a computerized literature search on MEDLINE database and from Meetings' Abstract Books, including those from non-English literature, was considered.
Results. Penile cancer may develop de novo or in association with underlying factors. Conditions predisposing to the development of penile cancer are delineated. The diagnosis should be suspected by clinical findings and must be confirmed histologically. Imaging techniques may be useful for staging and planning therapy. Therapeutic options include excisional surgery, laser destruction, cryosurgery, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, and chemotherapy.
Conclusions. Although there are no current guidelines for the treatment of penile carcinoma, surgical ablation probably represents the best option, as conservative treatments still deserve cautious evaluation because of the relatively small number of treated patients and the lack of good-quality comparative data. Regarding indications for lymph nodal dissection in patients showing no inguinal node enlargement, sentinel node mapping with targeted lymph node dissection is recommended for those with deeply invasive, high-grade tumors, whereas a watchful waiting may be advised for those with superficially invasive, low-grade tumors.  相似文献   

The penile prosthesis has become established as a mode of therapy for organic and chronic psychogenic impotence. The Jonas type of penile prosthesis has been implanted into 10 patients and has achieved both functional success and excellent acceptance by the partner. Mechanical and pathological complications have a very low incidence. This penile prosthesis should be made available to carefully selected impotent patients who are deemed psychologically suitable candidates and in whom medical treatment has failed or is not indicated. It represents an important advance in the treatment of the male with erectile impotence.  相似文献   

The clinical records of 64 patients with penile cancer admitted to the urologic services at the Presbyterian and Francis Delafield Hospitals from 1947 through 1969 have been reviewed. The pertinent data are analyzed and included in this report. The relationship between cancer of the penis and phimosis, and age and race are discussed. The treatment of choice was partial or total penectomy followed by external radiotherapy. Radical dissection of the inguinal lymph nodes did not seem to improve results while it contributed to increased morbidity. Survival rates were evaluated according to the types and stages of penile cancer, as well as to the methods of treatment. The over-all five-year survival rate was 49 per cent. Autopsy studies in 9 patients who died of penile cancer revealed the inguinal and pelvic lymph nodes were involved in 8 patients.  相似文献   

距骨骨折脱位临床并不常见,但其产生的各种并发症可导致患足严重功能障碍,其治疗与解剖和力学原理的关系十分密切。我院2000年1月~2007年12月收治18例距骨骨折患者,报道如下。  相似文献   

为总结直肠癌围手术期的护理效果和经验,回顾分析2009年6月至2010年12月于我院住院治疗的42例直肠癌患者资料及护理经过。结果显示,术后肺部感染2例,会阴切口轻度感染1例,未见吻合口漏。经抗感染、加强营养支持、换药等系统精心护理后,患者均痊愈出院。结果表明,围手术期系统、规范护理能帮助直肠癌患者顺利度过危险期,有助于提高治疗效果,改善患者的生存质量。  相似文献   

目的:探讨遗传性非息肉病性大肠癌的临床特点、诊治及预后。方法:对18个家系64例遗传性非息肉病性大肠癌的诊断、治疗、随访、发病部位、病理诊断等进行回顾性分析。结果:18个家系64例大肠癌,平均发病年龄41.8(20~71)岁,共有大肠癌85处,其中85.9%为结肠癌,72.9%位于脾曲近侧结肠,21.9%有多原发大肠癌。结论:遗传性非息肉病性大肠癌是一种常染色体显性遗传病,具有垂直传播特征,发病年龄早,好发近侧结肠,易患多原发癌。及早识别与随访对病人预后有重要意义,MMR基因突变检测具有较好的科学性和使用前景。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹部开放性损伤的诊断及治疗.方法:回顾性分析我院2002年1月至2010年12月收治的68例腹部开放性损伤的临床资料.结果:非手术治疗15例,手术治疗53例,切口感染5例,死亡2例,死亡率2.9%.结论:早期诊断避免漏诊误诊,尽早手术探查,选择合理术式,可明显提高治愈率及病人生活质量.  相似文献   

目的探讨结肠损伤诊治经验。方法对1990~2004年收治的27例结肠损伤的临床资料作回顾性分折。结果闭合性损伤19例,开放性损伤6例,医源性损伤2例。其中多发伤或多脏器伤14例,合并休克3例。手术确诊21例,术前确诊6例。行一期修补或肠切除吻合术22例,结肠造瘘2例,修补外置1例。死亡2例(术中、术后各死亡1例),切口感染2例,肠瘘1例。结论早期诊断、及早手术、仔细探查、选择正确术式是结肠损伤治疗的关键。  相似文献   

Abstract: Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) represents a broad biologic spectrum of disease with a wide range of treatment approaches. A lack of clear and universally accepted treatment criteria has resulted in a diverse range of confusing clinical recommendations, distressing to both patients and clinicians. Data is presented on 543 patients treated at The Breast Center in Van Nuys, California: 228 by mastectomy, 185 by excision plus radiation therapy, and 130 by excision alone. The local recurrence-free survival at 5 years was 98% for mastectomy patients, 87% for those who received excision plus radiation therapy, and 79% for those treated with excision alone. The difference between each of the recurrence-free survival curves was statistically significant. Margin width was an important predictor of which breast preservation patients were most likely to benefit from postexcisional radiation therapy. There was no benefit from the addition of radiation therapy for patients with margin widths of 10 mm in every direction. The benefit was intermediate for patients with margin widths of 1–9 mm. Patients with margin widths less than 1 mm received the most benefit from postoperative radiation therapy. Radiation therapy is not without side effects and it should not be routinely added to every breast preservation patient's therapeutic plan. Careful consideration must be given to its risks versus its potential benefits. Numerous prognostic factors, such as nuclear grade, the presence of comedo-type necrosis, tumor size, and margin width can all be used to aid in the treatment decision-making process.  相似文献   

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