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用科学发展观指导医院人才队伍建设   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
面对日趋激烈的医疗市场竞争,医院在科学发展观的指导下,通过加强人才队伍建设,不断提高医院的核心竞争力。主要做法有:坚持用事业留人;坚持用条件拴人;坚持用真情感人;坚持用机制励人,逐步完善人才管理体制。  相似文献   

目的:通过对医院人才队伍建设的回顾性总结和分析,提出进一步加强人才队伍建设的建议。方法:总结医院在人才队伍建设工作中的主要做法,阐述医院在人才引进、选拔、培养、管理方面的具体举措。结果:医院在人才队伍建设工作中取得了一些成效,但是在做好人才队伍顶层设计、加强优势学科团队建设、重视复合型人才培养、搭建医院学术交流平台、推行目标管理动态考核、建立后备人才信息库等方面还需要进一步加强。结论:人才是核心竞争力,医院人才队伍建设任重而道远,要解放思想、对标找差,推进医院人才队伍建设工作高质量发展。  相似文献   

<正>党的二十大报告把人才问题放在国家发展的战略高度,表现出对人才工作一如既往的重视。国家卫生健康委、国家中医药管理局印发的《公立医院高质量发展促进行动(2021—2025年)》指出,加快公立医院高质量人才队伍建设,建成支持公立医院高质量发展的专业技术和医院管理人才队伍。人才是医院高质量发展的基石,高层次人才是医院可持续发展的核心力量,人才队伍建设是当前公立医院高质量发展面临的一项重要课题。  相似文献   

在学习实践科学发展观活动中,部队小型医院面对军队和国家医疗卫生体制改革,面对激烈的市场竞争,如何提高医院核心竞争能力,紧紧围绕人才队伍建设这一发展核心,坚持解放思想、更新观念、统筹兼顾、以人为本,坚定走融合式、开放式人才队伍建设路子,较好地解决了人才短缺这一制约发展的核心问题,摸索出一条部队小型医院人才队伍建设的新思路。  相似文献   

介绍苏北人民医院在加强人才队伍建设,提升专科建设水平,完善医疗技术建设的保障体系,不断提高医院核心竞争力的经验和做法,并总结了取得的成效和体会.旨在阐述人才、学科、技术是医院核心竞争力的重要内容,是医院可持续发展的动力,是解决疑难问题的关键,也是公立医院内部运行机制改革取得成就的充分体现.  相似文献   

人才是医院可持续发展的重要保证,是医院的核心竞争力。我院是一所集学院、医院、研究所三位一体的三级甲等口腔专科医院,不仅要普及和提高口腔疾病的预防和治疗水平,开展口腔医学科学研究,更要培养口腔卫生人才,加强人才队伍建设。现将我院在人才队伍建设方面的理念和实践进行总结分析,为国内口腔专科医院的人才队伍建设提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

医院始终牢牢把握"第一资源"这个核心战略,本着高质量、高标准、高要求构筑人才建设高地,通过锻造高层次专业技术人才、建设高素质学科带头人队伍、优化人才队伍结构等举措,着力夯实国家临床重点专科建设。同时,在实践过程中,为使人才队伍建设更好地促进国家临床重点专科建设,应重点把握好三个问题:人才建设需具备前瞻性和规划性;人才建设要注重效果评价;学科带头人后备人选培养等。  相似文献   

随着信息时代的来临,信息化已成为评价医院发展现代化程度的重要指标。在此背景下,医院后勤队伍与后勤人才建设如何紧贴医院信息化发展实际,不断提高人才建设水平,有效解决掣肘后勤服务发展上的人才短板问题,一直是各家医院努力的方向。笔者从信息化对医院后勤人才建设的影响,后勤人才队伍与人才建设存在的问题以及解决思路等方面进行了阐述分析,提出了具体的实施路径与方法,以期为医院后勤人才队伍建设与培养提供有益参考。  相似文献   

医院人才队伍建设的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人才是构成医院核心竞争力的基础,是医院建设与发展的源动力。近几年,我院大力加强人才队伍建设,取得了显着成效。我院的做法与体会是:  相似文献   

当前,医疗领域竞争日益加剧,医疗条件较差的县医院面临着”适者生存”的严峻挑战。医院竞争的核心是人才,而县医院人才匾乏、素质偏低现象更趋恶化。如何抓好人才建设,已成为县医院存亡、发展之关键,成为医院的头等大事。目前,县医院人才队伍存在的主要问题是成才意识淡化、人才队伍不稳、竞争机制乏力、人才管理不善。对此,县医院必须正视困难,抓住事物的内在动因做工作,优化成才环境,抓好人才队伍建设的关键,多形式、多途径、多层次地造就人才。一是制定人才建设全面规划。人才成长是一个循序渐近的漫长过程.管理干部要把人才…  相似文献   

在市场经济环境中,医院的发展和进步主要依靠高水平的业务技术人才.然而,由于弱化的竞争、薄弱的医院文化、弱化的培训体制等多方面的原因,医院的业务技术人才出现了退化的问题.要解决这个问题,就需要建立释能型的用人机制,调动职工潜能,使职工在工作中得到升华,进而有力地推动医院的发展.  相似文献   

当前医院档案管理工作分析   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
陆艳  蔡栋 《中国医院管理》2000,20(10):55-56
当前医院档案管理仍有不尽人意之处,要搞好医院档案管理工作,在提高管理人员素质和全员档案意识的同时,要健全档案管理制度,建立档案管理的新模式,最重要的是改变重管轻用的现状,多途径地开发利用档案信息资源。此外,要强调管理现代化,不仅是设备配置现代化,还包括管理标准的规范化管理技术及管理思想的现代化。  相似文献   

加强三级学科建设 促进学科的专业化发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析并回顾了国内外临床医学学科建设的发展历程,提出我国现阶段临床医学的发展方向应走专业化道路,强化三级学科的建设,尤其是耳鼻咽喉科的发展更应走专业化的道路。对三级学科发展尚不成熟的耳鼻咽喉科与其它发展完善学科的专业技术人员业务能力进行比较,并对国内16所省级肿瘤医院及作者单位专科医师单病种年治疗量进行分析后,提出只有发展三级学科,走专业化道路,专科医师的操作技能才有可能快速提高,专科的业务水平才能蓬勃发展,专业人才才能脱颖而出。还简要介绍了当前国内外医学教育改革的动向。  相似文献   

The current anthropological study focuses on the assessment by patients/citizens concerning the conduct of health professionals in a public general hospital in Fortaleza, Ceará State, Brazil. From January to July 2005 we tracked 13 key informants during hospitalization and analyzed their narratives of the experience. According to our observations, patients develop definite opinions of the caregivers' gestures and expressions during the entire process. In the health professionals, patients appreciate the human ability to express affect, to talk, and to include them in clinical decisions, above and beyond the professionals' technical skills. Patients criticize aloof, cold, and rude attitudes by health professionals, whom patients compare metaphorically to "human quadrupeds". They recommend an affective, empathetic, and ethical approach and clinical communications backed by straight talk, friendly conversation, and respect for daily customs related to life in Northeast Brazil. We contend that this legitimate and critical voice of the patient/citizen provides valuable clues for transforming professional conduct, rehabilitating patients' morale, and building a humane hospital within a context of social inequalities.  相似文献   

对清远,泰安两所医院改革经验的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对广东省清远市人民医院和山东省泰安市中心医院的调查研究,总结了两所医院改革和发展过程中共有的特点,从领导体制、发展资金、经济管理、质量管理五个方面概括了两所医院深化改革的主要做法,阐述了两所医院院长的经营观、效益观和价值观。指出:医院深化改革的关键,是实行并完善院长负责制,进一步扩大经营管理自主权。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To prevent health care professionals from acquiring blood-borne diseases (AIDS, hepatitis B and C), it is recommended that needles should not be recapped. However, these professionals frequently do not comply with this recommendation. The main purpose of this study was to assess this problem by using the Health Belief Model (HBM) to correlate the compliance with the recommendation of not recapping needles with: (1) these professionals' perceptions regarding one's susceptibility and severity to blood-borne infections; (2) their perceptions regarding the benefits and barriers to comply with this recommendation; and (3) the cues received to comply with this recommendation. METHODS: Nursing staff at a hospital were asked: (1) how frequently they have recapped needles in the previous month; and (2) their HBM beliefs. To quantify and measure these beliefs, Likert scales were created and went through a validation regarding their content (referees) and construct (exploratory factorial analysis) and their reliability analysis (correlation of two halves and Cronbach's alpha coefficients). The relationship of beliefs and compliance with the recommendation of not recapping needles was obtained through regression analysis. RESULTS: A nursing staff sample was obtained through voluntary cooperation (n=319). In this group, 75% admitted recapping needles at least once. Nursing professionals who most frequently follow the recommendation of not recapping needles have less than two years of professional experience and they are the group who perceive less barriers and more benefits to follow the recommendation. These results initiated a discussion on restructuring the professional training provided by the hospital.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the subject of citizenship and people's participation in the health area through an analysis of ideas pertaining to a specific group: health care professionals working in Basic Health Care Clinics in the 3.1 Programmatic Area of the City of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). The article analyzes their views on the subject and presents them in light of health-related legislation in the Brazilian constitution. It also analyzes the professionals' role vis-à-vis users in raising community awareness that health care is one of their basic rights. Field data from qualitative social research methodology showed a significant heterogeneity in the professionals' conceptions, dividing them into two groups: those belonging to teaching institutions and those working in institutions providing health care. This analysis shows the strategic role that day-to-day relationships between professionals and the community can play in the social change process and the establishment of social rights. It also discusses the viability of this process in view of the discovery of the subjective involvement of the health professionals who promote this process.  相似文献   

This study examines a therapeutic activity group that was developed over a period of 4 years by occupational therapists, and includes components of psychosocial treatment. The study was designed to identify the benefits of the group activity for members and to identify whether members' expectations of attending the group are the same as (or different to) the health professionals' expectations of the benefits for group members. The Model of Occupational Spin-off is applied as the theoretical basis for the study. Group members completed a specialised questionnaire and two standard assessments. Health professionals completed a separate, but similar, questionnaire. The results were analysed by using statistical tests and confirmed that the expectations of group members and health professionals are not significantly different.  相似文献   

Objective:  To determine the prevalence of malnutrition in a population of elderly hospitalised patients and to explore health professionals' perceptions and awareness of signs and risks of malnutrition and treatment options available.
Subjects and design:  One hundred elderly patients and 57 health professionals from medical wards of a tertiary teaching hospital. Quantitative and qualitative study design using a validated malnutrition assessment tool (Mini Nutritional Assessment) and researcher-designed questionnaire to assess health professionals' knowledge of nutrition risk factors.
Main outcome measures:  Mini Nutritional Assessment score, nutrition risk category and themes in health professionals' knowledge and awareness of malnutrition and its risk factors.
Results:  Thirty per cent of patients were identified as malnourished while 61% were at risk of malnutrition. Documentation by health professionals of two major risk factors for malnutrition—recent loss of weight and appetite—were poor with only 19% and 53% of patients with actual loss of weight or appetite, respectively, identified by staff and only 7% and 9% of these patients, respectively, referred for dietetic assessment. While health professionals' knowledge of important medical risk factors for malnutrition was good, their knowledge of malnutrition risk factors such as recent loss of weight and loss of appetite was poor. Medical staff focused on biochemical factors when assessing nutrition status, while nursing staff focused on skin integrity and turgor.
Conclusion:  Malnutrition in elderly hospitalised patients remains a significant problem with low rates of recognition and referral by medical and nursing staff. Considerable scope exists to develop training and education tools and to implement an appropriate nutrition screening policy to improve referral rates to dietitians.  相似文献   

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