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Unmarried men aged 25–35 were recruited through newspaper and radio advertisements for a family studyof sexual orientation.Fifty predominantly homosexual and 50 predominantly heterosexual men comprised the index subjects. The test, questionnaire, and interview battery is described. Subjects were asked about the sexual orientations of their relatives. The homosexual index men report a significant excess of homosexual brothers and more distant male relatives but not of homosexual sisters or female relatives. Moreover, the percentage of homosexual brothers increases with the Kinsey rating of the index subjects. Overall, about 25% of brothers of homosexual men are reported also to be homosexual. Supported by NIMH Grant MH 32170.  相似文献   

  目的  了解大学生性取向变化特点及其影响因素。  方法  选取某大学学生2 291人,采用自编人口社会学问卷与儿童期创伤问卷(CTQ-SF),分别于2014年11月与2016年11月进行前测与后测调查。  结果  同性恋、双性恋与性取向不确定者前测总人数为96人(4.19 %),后测总人数为177人(7.73 %);性取向发生变化者占总人数的7.94 %,其中双性恋者较多发生性取向变化(χ2 = 680.14,P < 0.001);女性性取向变化多于男性(χ2 = 5.74,P < 0.05),独生子女性取向变化多于非独生子女(χ2 = 15.59,P < 0.001),家居大城市者性取向变化多于居住于其他地方者(χ2 = 17.72,P < 0.001),无留守经历的个体性取向变化多于有留守经历者(χ2 = 6.26,P < 0.05),父亲、母亲文化程度越高者性取向变化越多(χ2 = 12.71、χ2 = 14.53,均P < 0.01);性取向变化者儿童期性虐待、情感虐待、情感忽视得分显著高于性取向稳定者(均P < 0.05);logistic回归分析显示,性别(OR = 0.679)、是否为独生子女(OR = 0.611)、家庭居住地(OR = 1.198)和儿童期情感虐待(OR = 1.174)等是性取向变化的主要影响因素。  结论  双性恋、女性、独生子女、家居大城市、无留守经历、父母亲文化程度高的个体性取向更加不稳定,且性别、是否为独生子女、家庭居住地和儿童期情感虐待是性取向变化的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

Numerous studies indicate that homosexual men have, on average, more older brothers than do heterosexual men. One explanation of the older brother effect comes from D. J. Bem (1996), who argued that an increased number of older brothers in homosexual men can result if older brothers enhance a feminine boy's sense of being different from (and hence his attraction to) other males. Thus, he argued that an interaction between older brothers and sex-typing will occur, such that when a boy is high in femininity, number of older brothers may strongly predict a homosexual orientation; and when a boy is low in femininity, number of older brothers may not or may only weakly predict a homosexual orientation. In this study, the relations among sibling characteristics (e.g., older brothers), childhood sex-typing, and sexual orientation were examined using a database of a large sample of homosexual and heterosexual men (N > 1,000) archived at the Kinsey Institute (A. P. Bell, M. S. Weinberg, & S. K. Hammersmith, 1981a). No significant Older Brother × Sex-Typing interaction effect was observed. These results join other recent evidence that postnatal (e.g., learning/environmental) mechanisms probably do not underlie the older brother effect in men.  相似文献   

The second to fourth finger digit ratio (2D:4D ratio) is a sex-dimorphic characteristic in humans that may reflect relative levels of first trimester prenatal sex hormones. Low interdigital ratio has been associated with high levels of androgens. It has been reported in unrelated women that low 2D:4D ratio is associated with lesbian sexual orientation, but because of the nature of those samples, it was not possible to conclude whether lower ratio (and hypothetically, higher androgen levels) in lesbians are due to differences in genetics as opposed to differences in environment. To test the hypothesis that low 2D:4D in lesbians is due to differences in environment, interdigital ratio data were analyzed in a sample of female monozygotic (MZ) twins discordant for sexual orientation (1 twin was lesbian, the other was heterosexual; n = 7 pairs). A control group of female MZ twins concordant for sexual orientation (both twins were lesbian) was used as a comparison (n = 5 pairs). In the twins discordant for sexual orientation, the lesbian twins had significantly lower 2D:4D ratios on both the right and left hands than their heterosexual cotwins. There were no significant differences for either hand in the twins concordant for sexual orientation. Because MZ twins share virtually the same genes, differences in 2D:4D ratio suggest that low 2D:4D ratio is a result of differences in prenatal environment.  相似文献   

Subjects whose sexual orientation and identification is with homosexual persons of the opposite biological sex were studied. "Transhomosexual" has been coined to describe such persons. Forms of transhomosexual expression vary with different emphases found in regard to orientation to, idealization of, and wish to participate in activities of homosexuals of the opposite biological sex. Where identification is strong or overriding, such persons become "transsexual." However, there are important differences between these and conventionally diagnosed transsexuals. Sexual orientation then is not defined entirely or always by the sex of the sexual object choice, but sometimes additionally by references to preferred heterosexual or homosexual styles of relationship.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We evaluated the influence of age on the association between sexual orientation and disordered eating attitudes and behaviors in women. METHOD: Heterosexual (n=47) and homosexual (n=45) women recruited from the community completed self-report questionnaires including the Body Esteem Scale, the Eating Disorders Inventory-2, the Reasons for Exercise Inventory, and the Self Esteem Scale. RESULTS: A multivariate analysis of variance of eating disorder variables revealed a main effect for sexual orientation on drive for thinness and exercise to control weight and a main effect for age on body mass index (BMI) and body dissatisfaction, but it did not reveal a significant interaction between sexual orientation and age. DISCUSSION: Sexual orientation may influence certain types of disordered eating attitudes and behaviors in women such as endorsing an extreme ideal of thinness. However, homosexual and heterosexual women reported more similarities than differences.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the moderating effects of sexual orientation and exercise status on measures of body image and eating disturbance in a sample of men. METHOD: One hundred and thirty-four men completed measures designed to index a range of body image facets (ideals, actual, partner's preference, overall dissatisfaction), eating disturbance (restrictive and bulimic levels), and overall self-esteem. RESULTS: There were few significant effects as a function of exercise status or sexual orientation. Bodybuilders were more satisfied on a global measure of body image and had a higher ideal and actual upper torso size rating. Gay men had a smaller actual upper torso rating than heterosexual men, but ideal size upper torso did not differ as a function of sexual orientation. DISCUSSION: Findings are discussed in terms of methodological limits of previous work and future examinations of moderating factors for body image and eating disturbance in men.  相似文献   

This study assessed large numbers of heterosexual and homosexual men and women on handedness and gender-related personality traits. Initial analyses employed a dichotomous measure of handedness (right-handed vs. non–right-handed). For men and women combined, homosexual participants had 50% greater odds of being non–right-handed than heterosexual participants, a statistically significant difference. Homosexual men had 82% greater odds of being non–right-handed than heterosexual men, a statistically significant difference, whereas homosexual women had 22% greater odds of being non–right-handed than heterosexual women, a nonsignificant difference. When participants were classified into five graduated categories of handedness, both men and women showed significant homosexual–heterosexual differences in handedness distributions. Within groups, handedness showed a number of weak but statistically significant associations with sex-typed occupational preferences, self-ascribed masculinity, and self-ascribed femininity, but not with instrumentality or expressiveness. Rates of non–right-handedness were virtually identical for heterosexual men and women, suggesting that sex differences in handedness may result from higher rates of homosexuality in men.  相似文献   

目的 建立男同性恋性取向成因影响因素评价指标体系,并确定各指标权重。方法 选择19名专家进行两轮Delphi专家咨询,对7个一级指标、56个二级指标进行函询;根据指标重要性赋值得分和变异系数以及专家讨论结果确定所需指标。结果 共有16名专家完成了2轮咨询,2轮咨询的一致性系数分别为0.214和0.327,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01),专家权威程度为0.86;一级指标中权重最大的为性心理发育和性取向情感体验与自我认同,均为0.21,二级指标中有11个指标不符合入选标准,但专家讨论后予以保留,有5个指标符合入选标准,但专家讨论后予以删除;最后,共选出了一级指标7项,二级指标37项。结论 专家本次咨询选出的指标对于调查男同性恋性取向成因影响因素具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Sexual orientation was measured as a continuous variable based upon reported percentage of sexual fantasies and percentage of sexual experiences involving members of the same sex. In the present sample (which probably somewhat overrepresented the homosexual end of the continuum) about one-third of both males and females reported at least occasionally fantasizing about sexually interacting with members of the same sex. The survey indicated about one-third of males also reported having had at least one intimate sexual experience with the same sex, whereas only 10% of females did so. Also, virtually all females who sexually fantasized about the same sex only did so occasionally, whereas most of the males who fantasized about the same sex did so much more exclusively. Although these results cannot be considered representative of the distribution of sexual orientation in any natural population, they suggest that there are advantages in measuring sexual orientation as a continuous variable instead of as one with only a few discrete categories. The results also support other studies that have concluded that when deviations from exclusive heterosexuality are present, they are likely to be much more extreme among males than among females.  相似文献   

Transsexualism and homosexuality have been theorized to originate in the male from insufficient androgenization of the brain. For verification of this hypothesis clinical science must rely on subjects with an abnormal prenatal/perinatal endocrine history. A case of a 33-year-old 46,XY subject with an incomplete form of androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is presented. In adulthood the only genital sign of masculinization is a clitoris of 4 cm; the vagina is normal size. The diagnosis AIS was verified by androgen receptor studies. At birth there was confusion as to the sex of the newborn. Originally, the subject was assigned to the male sex, but this decision was reversed 5 days after birth and the subject was reared as a girl. At age 30 the subject applied for gender reassignment treatment to the male sex. Upon psychological evaluation the gender identity was unambiguously male and the sexual orientation was exclusively towards women. The estrogen feedback effect on LH, regarded by some as a marker of the sexual differentiation of the neuroendocrinium was negative before orchiectomy but positive after orchiectomy. Our observation demonstrates that in 46,XY subjects a male gender identity and a sexual orientation towards women can develop with a strikingly lower-than-normal level of biological action of androgens.  相似文献   

Previous investigators have demonstrated that gender differences exist in the use of sexual language in various interpersonal contexts. However, sexual orientation has not been addressed in any study regarding sexual language usage. This investigation examined the use of sexual language for female and male in different interpersonal contexts based upon sexual orientation. Respondents were 440 university students: 202 heterosexual female, 30 lesbian, 173 heterosexual male, and 35 gay male. Findings indicate that differences in sexual language usage in interpersonal contexts is significant for gender as well as for sexual orientation. Conjecture is made for the implications this may have on intimate relationships.  相似文献   

Purpose  The purpose of this study was to test the reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the CQOLC in Turkey. Methods  The 35-item English version of the CQOLC was translated into Turkish following the standard translation methodology. The questionnaire was administered to 237 caregivers of patients with cancer. Confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses (CFA and EFA) were carried out using principal component analysis with varimax rotation and Kaiser Normalization to test its construct validity. We used Cronbach’s alpha to examine the CQOLC’s reliability (internal consistency). Results  The CFA did not confirm the original factor model. The EFA yielded a 25-item measure with a four-factor solution with different labels for three of the four original scales (shown in parentheses): Psychological Distress (Burden), Disruption in Daily Life (Disruptiveness), Caregiving Responsibility (Positive Adaptation), and Financial Concerns (Financial Concerns). Cronbach’s alpha for the total scale was 0.88 and subscale alpha coefficients ranged from 0.73 to 0.83. Conclusions  The results indicate some differences in the factor structures of the CQOLC scale between Turkish and American samples but provided preliminary support for the Turkish version of the CQOLC as a reliable and valid measure of the quality of life of Turkish cancer caregivers.  相似文献   

目的 分析重庆地域社会文化因素对男男性接触人群(men who have sex with men, MSM)性取向认同和性角色的影响,进而探讨性角色与MSM人群HIV高感染风险的关联。 方法 在2020年采用定性访谈的方法,依托当地从事MSM干预的社会组织招募符合要求的30名MSM人群进行个人深入访谈。 结果 访谈发现,重庆MSM人群对其性取向有较好自我认同感,告知他人性取向时最顾虑家人感受,性角色为被插入方或兼有者相对更可能告知父母。大部分访谈对象认为重庆MSM性角色被插入方的比例较高,可能跟重庆人体型小皮肤好、女性地位高、接受多元文化等有关,也使得性角色被插入方的自我认同度增高。重庆公众对同性恋现象的包容度较强,城市的包容开放受移民文化、经济发展等因素影响,但也受一定传统文化的制约。MSM的社区亚文化,如追求性自由的享乐、道德规范较弱、新型毒品的使用使得不同性角色都面临感染HIV的高风险。 结论 重庆社会文化因素对MSM性角色的选择有一定影响,充分考虑社会文化因素无疑会有效推进艾滋病防控工作。  相似文献   

Twin pairs in which at least one twin is homosexual were solicited through announcements in the gay press and personal referrals from 1980 to the present. An 18-page questionnaire on the sexuality of twins was filled out by one or both twins. Thirty-eight pairs of monozygotic twins (34 male pairs and 4 female pairs) were found to have a concordance rate of 65.8% for homosexual orientation. Twenty-three pairs of dizygotic twins were found to have a concordance rate of 30.4% for homosexual orientation. In addition, three sets of triplets were obtained. Two sets contained a pair of monozygotic twins concordant for sexual orientation with the third triplet dizygotic and discordant for homosexual orientation. A third triplet set was monozygotic with all three concordant for homosexual orientation. These findings are interpreted as supporting the argument for a biological basis in sexual orientation.  相似文献   

Genital and subjective sexual arousal in response to sexual imagery was studied. In a previous study subjects who were encouraged to process information on sexual stimuli and sexual responses were more sexually aroused than subjects encouraged to process information on sexual stimuli only. In the present study, the reverse effect was found in subjects who had received further verbal training to differentially process information on sexual stimuli or responses. This suggests two different kinds of processing information on sexual responses. They may result from simple encouragement or verbal training to process sexual information.This research was supported by a grant from PSYCHON/Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (ZWO 56-205). This study was carried out at the Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. The views contained in this article are those of the authors and should not be construed as reflecting the views of any of the institutions mentioned above.  相似文献   

Males complaining of erectile and ejaculatory dysfunctions were treated in a structured therapy program. Twenty-one males of heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual orientation were divided into five groups, with two male therapists for each group. Patients were those usually considered difficult to treat in that 16 had a primary sexual dysfunction with an average duration of 6 years. Extensive evaluations were made before therapy, at the completion of therapy, and at 2-months follow-up. Pre-therapeutic, post-therapeutic, and follow-up measurements indicated that the program was highly successful.  相似文献   

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