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PURPOSE: To describe the retrolabyrinthine approach for the resection of 9 meningiomas inserted around the lateral sinus between the transverse and sigmoid parts, to discuss the value of this approach compared to the retrosigmoid approach for resection of meningioma in this localization and to review the literature. METHODS: Retrospective study. Between 1988 and 2002, 9 patients (8 female, mean age 50 years) underwent surgery via the retrolabyrinthine approach for resection of meningiomas inserted around the lateral sinus between the transverse and sigmoid parts. RESULTS: Resection was total (8 Simpson I and 1 Simpson II) in all patients. In the early postoperative course, one patient was treated for meningitidis with an LCR leak and one patient present a temporary paresis of the vagus nerve. Mean follow-up was 5 years (6 months-10 years). All patients continued their pre-treatment occupation after surgery. No recurrence was observed. CONCLUSION: Two approaches can be used for resection of meningiomas in this localization. The retrosigmoid approach is a common neurosurgical approach exposure of the cerobellopontine angle. It is practised by most neurosurgeons. Via this approach, the cerebellar lobe must be pushed back so the arteries feeding the tumor are in the operative field at the end of the procedure. For numerous authors the operative field is too narrow. On the other hand, the retrolabyrinthine approach described in 1972 by Hitselberger and Pulec allows exposure of feeding arteries during the first steps of operation, an easier resection of meningioma insertion and better control of the lateral sinus. This approach can be enlarged to the retrosigmoid or the subtemporal anatomic region.  相似文献   

In summary, an interesting case of an accessory parasphenoid sinus mucocele in a 10-year-old girl is reported. By choosing an endoscopic approach, hearing and balance were preserved, and an external sinus or neurosurgical procedure avoided. The surgery was done on an outpatient basis, with minimal postoperative discomfort and no complications. The mucocele was adequately drained and there has been no recurrence over the following 12 months.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We conducted a prospective analysis of 22 patients with small vestibular schwannoma and useful hearing who were operated on via a transmastoid retrolabyrinthine approach between January 1994 and March 1999. Patients and Methods: The average age was 35 years, and there were 14 females and 8 males. All patients had unilateral tumors, with 10 of them occurring in the right ear and 12 occurring in the left ear. The following parameters were included in our protocol: total removal of the tumor, intraoperative difficulties or complications, immediate postoperative complications, facial score 10 days and 3 months after the surgery, and audiologic evaluation 90 days after the surgery. RESULTS: A good exposure of the internal auditory canal was possible in 19 cases. In 3 patients we had to change the approach to a translabyrinthine one to achieve total removal of the tumor in all patients. Hearing was preserved at the same preoperative levels in 31% of the cases. CONCLUSIONS: The retrolabyrinthine approach offered security to the facial nerve, no morbidity, and good percentage of hearing preservation. It is also easily changeable to a translabyrinthine approach when more exposure is necessary.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe retrolabyrinthine approach is classified among the posterior petrosectomies. Its goal is to achieve an enlarged mastoidectomy while sparing the intrapetrous neurotologic structures in order to offer maximal exposure of the posterior cerebellopontine angle compound.MethodsThe stages of the procedure are subsequently the skeletonization of the sigmoid sinus, wide opening of the mastoid antrum and exposure of the semicircular canals. We present herein the technique, indications and limitations of the retrolabyrinthine approach.ConclusionThe retrolabyrinthine approach is a demanding technique. Nowadays the retrolabyrinthine approach is routinely combined to additional resections of the petrous bone, so-called “combined petrosectomies”, to target the jugular foramen or the petroclival area.  相似文献   

A new procedure, the retrosigmoid-internal auditory canal (RSG-IAC) vestibular neurectomy, has been developed, presented, and compared with the retrolabyrinthine vestibular neurectomy (RVN). The RSG-IAC involves a 3 cm retrosigmoid craniotomy removal of the posterior wall of the internal auditory canal (IAC) to the singular canal, with transection of the superior vestibular nerve and the posterior ampullary nerve. This effects a complete denervation of the vestibular labyrinth and preserves the patient's hearing. All 11 patients with Meniere's disease were cured of vertigo. Hearing was preserved to within 10 dB of the preoperative pure-tone average (PTA) in 9 of 11 cases. There were no serious complications and no cases of facial paralysis or total hearing loss. The major postoperative problem is persistent headache that necessitates medication. These results compare favorably with--and may be better than those noted after--the RVN procedure. The RSG-IAC vestibular neurectomy is an important improvement in the evolution of vestibular neurectomy for the treatment of vertigo. A prospective study is now in progress to determine which procedure--the RSG-IAC or RVN--best fulfills the goals of vestibular neurectomy.  相似文献   

Summary The study was carried out on a series of 42 patients who underwent surgery through a midline approach. Lesions were in the anterior part of the third ventricle in 32 cases, in the frontal horns in 6, in the trigone in 3, and in both lateral and thrid ventricles in 1 case. The third ventricle was approached through Monro's foramen in 22 cases and through an interfornicial route in 9 cases.Surgical mortality occurred in 2 cases (5%). Permanent morbidity occurred in another 2 cases (5%): it consisted of slight intellectual deterioration in one case and slight fixed pyramidal signs in the other. Transient mutism was the most frequently observed post-operative complication.Thirty-one patients were reviewed and submitted to neuropsy-chological tests in the late postoperative period to investigate the presence of intellectual deterioration or disturbances in the interhemispheric transfer of motor, somataesthetic and visual information. All patients showed only the presence of short-term memory disturbance. Furthermore, 12 patients tested before surgery also showed the presence of short-term memory deficits in the preoperative period.We conclude that a midline approach is the most direct and safe route to the third ventricle as well as to the frontal horns and trigone.  相似文献   

Present experience supports the view that endoscopic access to the cerebellopontine angle has proved an easy and safe therapeutic (selective trigeminal root section in cases of Vth nerve neuralgia) and diagnostic (inspection in cases of otherwise undetectable tumours) method, offering the advantages of little surgical risk and high effectiveness.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The suitability of the endoscopic approach for the treatment of an encephalocele of the lateral wall of the sphenoid is discussed. This is a retrospective review of 4 cases diagnosed with temporosphenoidal encephalocele and having a history of CSF leak who were surgically treated using an endoscopic endonasal approach between January 2001 and June 2002 at the Department of Otolaryngology of Sant'Orsola-Malpighi University Hospital and the Department of Neurosurgery at Bellaria Hospital in Bologna. METHODS: Three patients were female between 48 and 73 years of age (mean: 61 years). All patients had suffered from a CSF leak for 5 months to 18 years. None of the patients had a past medical history of head trauma. A fourth patient had undergone a previous microscopic approach for a previously misdiagnosed CSF leak wrongly ascribed to an empty sella. Three patients underwent an ethmoid-pterygo-sphenoidal endoscopic approach (EPSEA), while the patient who had undergone previous microscopic surgery, was treated using a transnasal transsphenoidal endoscopic approach. RESULTS: The follow-up of the patients ranged from 10 to 26 months (mean: 18 months) and no case of a recurrent CSF leak was observed postoperatively. CONCLUSIONS: In our report, the endoscopic approach was a useful tool for the treatment of encephaloceles of the lateral wall of the sphenoid sinus. In skilled hands, this technique permits both the resection of the encephalocele and the subsequent reconstruction of the defect also with a low rate of morbidity.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to evaluate the feasability of the modified retrolabyrinthine approach (traditional retrolabyrinthine approach plus resection of the posterior semicircular canal) to expose the entire fundus of the internal auditory canal (IAC). This approach is advocated by its proponents to manage acoustic neuromas reaching the lateral IAC and with the preservation of hearing as the goal. Little anatomic data directly estimate the limitations of this exposure. Measurements were recorded from 25 cadaver temporal bones dissected with this modified approach. The distances were taken between the porus acousticus (inferior and superior portions), the dome of the jugular bulb, the midportion of the sigmoid sinus, and the fundus of the IAC (inferior and superior portions). All of the measurements were then compared with those of the translabyrithine approach. The current study shows that despite the sacrifice of the posterior semicircular canal, the superior lateral fundus cannot be completely visualized. There is a distance (on average 1.1 mm) that differentiates the superior area of the IAC accessible with translabyrithine and modified retrosigmoid techniques. This value is smaller than that observed in the classic retrosigmoid approach indicating that the modified technique affords a more adequate, even if not ideal, exposure to minimize the risk of recurrence. The modified retrolabyrinthine approach provided an optimal exposure of the inferior half of the IAC. A superior blind area, smaller than that of the traditional retrolabyrinthine technique, cannot be completely approached via this route. We believe that this approach can be considered as an alternative technique in selected cases especially for tumors involving the inferior vestibular nerve.  相似文献   

Twelve patients with lesions in the anterior or anterolateral regions of foramen magnum were treated through the far lateral approach. The patients presented with neck pain, dysesthesia, quadriparesis, numbness, respiratory distress, and spastic contractures. Most lesions were meningiomas and neurofibromas, with one patient each with a posterior inferior cerebellar artery aneurysm, neurenteric cyst, and chordoma. All mass lesions were excised totally and the aneurysm was clipped. Three patients had severe respiratory problems preoperatively and two of them died. The other patients made a satisfactory neurological recovery. It was not found necessary to resect the condyle or mobilize the vertebral artery in any of the patients.  相似文献   

This article outlines the surgical technique and the indications for the lateral transmaxillosphenoidal approach, which is illustrated by an index case. A 27-year-old woman presented with a trigeminal sensory deficit caused by a dermoid tumor occupying the lateral compartment of her right cavernous sinus. A lateral transmaxillosphenoidal approach was performed, and the tumor was removed lateral to the intracavernous carotid artery (ICA) and medial to intracavernous cranial nerves. The lateral transmaxillosphenoidal approach is similar to the transmaxillosphenoidal approach used for the removal of pituitary adenomas invading the medial compartment of the cavernous sinus. By opening the lateral wall of the sphenoid sinus just above and laterally to the carotid artery, tumor can be removed medial to the intracavernous cranial nerves and lateral to the ICA.  相似文献   

The urogenital sinus is an embriological anomaly which consists on a common channel from the urethra and vagina. The major incidence is produced in the congenital adrenal hyperplasia's context. In certain occasions it can be associated to an imperforate anus, then the malformation is called a cloacal defect. There are multiple surgical techniques to correct this malformation and different therapeutical approaches (without surgery, surgery at one or various times, early or delayed surgery) being the newest one the total urogenital mobilization. The purpose of this work is to reflect our experience with this technique. We present seven girls with urogenital sinus (3 with congenital adrenal hyperplasia, 2 with a cloacal defect, and the other 2 associated to ambiguous genitalia). Five patients were operated in the first year of life. The outcome has been favorable, and the cosmetic and functional results have been very good. The surgical technique consists on posterior sagittal incision, it can be done transanorectal if necessary, the urethrovaginal union is achieved and both structures are mobilized together, connecting them to the perineum, as a single unit. We believe that the total urogenital mobilization is actually the surgical technique to be chosen in every of urogenital sinus, for being easier, allowing early realization (girls under 1 year old), correcting simultaneously other anomalies, reducing the complications (urethrovaginal fistula, vaginal structure, or acquired vaginal atresia); and the result is excellent.  相似文献   

The treatment of the urogenital sinus with normal rectum still represents a challenge. A perineal approach with or without a skin flap seems to be effective for those patients with a low implantation of the vagina. However, in patients with a high vaginal implantation, this treatment frequently fails to provide a good, functional vagina due to a narrow, strictured vaginal opening. Based on previous experience in the treatment of more than 80 patients with a persistent cloaca, a posterior sagittal transanorectal approach with a protective colostomy was performed in three patients with urogenital sinus and normal rectum. The pelvis was approached through a midsagittal posterior incision; the coccyx was split and the entire anorectal sphincteric mechanism was divided in the midline. The rectum was bivalved in the midline including both posterior and anterior rectal walls. This provided excellent exposure to the urogenital sinus. The vagina was then fully separated from the urogenital sinus (as described in cases of persistent cloacas), and then mobilized and sutured to the perineum. The rectum and sphincteric mechanism were meticulously reconstructed. A midline incision assures the preservation of anorectal innervation, and provides excellent exposure to the pelvis. Anal dilatations are not necessary to maintain a patent and supple anorectal opening because the rectum has two suture lines, one in front of the other. After the colostomy was closed, all patients had appropriate bowel control for their age; two of them are fully continent for urine and the third one still has a suprapubic cystostomy tube waiting for a repair of an additional urethral malformation.  相似文献   

A case of chronic inflammation of the sphenoidal sinus is presented. The intermittent and relapsing nature of the condition is emphasized. Its association with hypopituitarism is distinctly uncommon. The surgical management of the case is discussed.  相似文献   

Tumors of the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The lateral dural wall of the cavernous sinus is composed of two layers, the outer dural layer (dura propria) and the inner membranous layer. Tumors arising from the contents of the lateral dural wall are located between these two layers and are classified as interdural. They are in essence extradural/extracavernous. The inner membranous layer separates these tumors from the venous channels of the cavernous sinus. Preoperative recognition of tumors in this location is critical for selecting an appropriate microsurgical approach. Characteristics displayed by magnetic resonance imaging show an oval-shaped, smooth-bordered mass with medial displacement but not encasement of the cavernous internal carotid artery. Tumors in this location can be resected safely without entering the cavernous sinus proper by using techniques that permit reflection of the dura propria of the lateral wall (methods of Hakuba or Dolenc). During the last 5 years, the authors have identified and treated five patients with interdural cavernous sinus tumors, which included two trigeminal neurinomas arising from the first division of the fifth cranial nerve, two epidermoid tumors, and one malignant melanoma presumed to be primary. The pathoanatomical features that make this group of tumors unique are discussed, as well as the clinical and radiological findings, and selection of the microsurgical approach. A more favorable prognosis for tumor resection and cranial nerve preservation is predicted for interdural tumors when compared with other cavernous sinus tumors.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe optimal surgical approach for displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures (DIACF) is subject of debate. The primary aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to assess wound-healing complications following the sinus tarsi approach (STA) compared to the extended lateral approach (ELA). Secondary aims were to assess time to surgery, operative time, calcaneal anatomy restoration, functional outcome, implant removal and injury to the peroneal tendons and sural nerve.MethodsMEDLINE, EMBASE and Cochrane databases were searched for clinical studies comparing the STA and the ELA (until September 2017).ResultsNine studies were included (two randomized controlled trials; seven comparative studies). 326 patients (331 fractures) were treated by the STA and 383 patients (390 fractures) by ELA. Ninety-nine per cent were Sanders type II/III fractures. Wound healing complications in the STA and ELA occurred in 11/331 and 82/390 fractures, respectively. Weighted means were 4.9% and 24.9%, respectively. Meta-analysis showed significantly less wound healing complications in the STA compared to ELA (risk ratio 0.20; 95% CI 0.11–0.36; P < 0.00001; I2 = 0%). In general, time to surgery and operative time were shorter in the STA. Meta-analysis was not possible due to heterogeneity between studies. No differences were found in remaining secondary outcomes.ConclusionsThe STA is associated with significantly less wound healing complications. With similar functional outcome and calcaneal anatomy restoration, the STA may be the preferred approach in the operative treatment of Sanders type II/III DIACF.  相似文献   

The transsphenoethmoid approach to the sphenoid sinus and clivus.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A K Lalwani  M J Kaplan  P H Gutin 《Neurosurgery》1992,31(6):1008-14; discussion 1014
Surgical access to the sphenoid sinus and clivus for the resection of benign and malignant disease is difficult and is often associated with significant morbidity. The transsphenoethmoid approach, an extension of a familiar otolaryngological procedure, with or without a limited medial maxillectomy, allows access to this region with little morbidity and excellent cosmetic results. Since 1988, the transsphenoethmoid approach has been used in 15 patients at our institution for resection of primary and recurrent chordomas, chondrosarcomas, pituitary macroadenomas, repair of cerebrospinal fluid leaks, and drainage of petroclival cysts. In most instances, an ipsilateral approach is most satisfactory. When necessary, a contralateral transsphenoethmoid approach is used when the tumor is posterolateral to the internal carotid artery and as far lateral as the abducens nerve.  相似文献   

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