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Toll-like receptors control activation of adaptive immune responses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mechanisms that control the activation of antigen-specific immune responses in vivo are poorly understood. It has been suggested that the initiation of adaptive immune responses is controlled by innate immune recognition. Mammalian Toll-like receptors play an essential role in innate immunity by recognizing conserved pathogen-associated molecular patterns and initiating the activation of NF-kappaB and other signaling pathways through the adapter protein, MyD88. Here we show that MyD88-deficient mice have a profound defect in the activation of antigen-specific T helper type 1 (TH1) but not TH2 immune responses. These results suggest that distinct pathways of the innate immune system control activation of the two effector arms of adaptive immunity.  相似文献   

Control of adaptive immune responses by Toll-like receptors   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Recently, there has been considerable interest in how adaptive immune responses are controlled by the innate immune system. In particular, researchers have focused on how the differentiation of CD4 T cells is directed upon priming by dendritic cells. The identification of the Toll-like receptors as a family of pattern-recognition receptors involved in controlling dendritic cell activation has focused attention on these receptors as possible regulators of adaptive immune responses. However, recent studies have suggested that Toll-like receptors may only control the induction of Th1 responses and that a separate system of recognition regulates Th2 responses.  相似文献   

The report shows that CpG can exert additional adjuvant effects by inducing cells that are normally inferior antigen (Ag)-presenting cells to participate in immune induction by cross-priming. Macrophages (Mphi) exposed to protein Ag in the presence of bioactive CpG DNA released material that induced primary CD8(+) T cell responses in DC-na?ve T cell cultures. This cross-priming event was accompanied by up-regulation of the stress protein response as well as inflammatory cytokine expression in treated Mphi. The material released was indicated to contain inducible heat shock protein-70 and epitope peptide, which in turn, were presented by dendritic cells (DCs) to responder T cells. Such an adjuvant effect by CpG may serve to salvage immunogenic material from otherwise inert depot cellular sites and additionally stimulate DCs to effectively cross-prime. The cross-priming, shown also to occur in vivo, may be particularly useful when Ag doses are low and have minimal opportunity for delivery to DCs for consequent direct priming.  相似文献   

The innate immune system provides sophisticated defense mechanisms to protect complex macroorganisms from the attack of microorganisms. Among those, the complement system and Toll-like receptors are of paramount importance to discriminate between infectious non-self and non-infectious self and to provide critical danger signals instructing adaptive immune responses. Here, we will discuss recent advances in our understanding of the mechanisms underlying complement and TLR-mediated regulation of adaptive immunity. We will focus on the regulation of T cell immunity and discuss recent findings on the cross-talk between complement receptor and TLR signaling pathways. Such cross-talk is likely to affect the outcome of infections with intracellular pathogens, as well as the initiation and maintenance of aberrant immune responses leading to autoimmunity and atopy.  相似文献   

It is well accepted that adaptive immunity plays a key role in the control of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. In contrast, the contribution of innate immunity has only received attention in recent years. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) sense pathogen-associated molecule patterns and activate antiviral mechanisms, including intracellular antiviral pathways and the production of antiviral effector interferons (IFNs) and pro-inflammatory cytokines. Experimental results from in vitro and in vivo models have demonstrated that TLRs mediate the activation of cellular signaling pathways and the production of antiviral cytokines, resulting in a suppression of HBV replication. However, HBV infection is associated with downregulation of TLR expression on host cells and blockade of the activation of downstream signaling pathways. In primary HBV infection, TLRs may slow down HBV infection, but contribute only indirectly to viral clearance. Importantly, TLRs may modulate HBV-specific T- and B-cell responses in vivo, which are essential for the termination of HBV infection. Thus, TLR agonists are promising candidates to act as immunomodulators for the treatment of chronic HBV infection. Antiviral treatment may recover TLR expression and function in chronic HBV infection and may increase the efficacy of therapeutic approaches based on TLR activation. A combined therapeutic strategy with antiviral treatment and TLR activation could facilitate the restoration of HBV-specific immune responses and thereby, achieve viral clearance in chronically infected HBV patients.  相似文献   

The importance of protein glycosylation in the migration of immune cells throughout the body has been extensively appreciated. However, our awareness of the impact of glycosylation on the regulation of innate and adaptive immune responses is relatively new. An increasing number of studies reveal the relevance of glycosylation to pathogen recognition, to the modulation of the innate immune system and to the control of immune cell homeostasis and inflammation. Similarly important is the effect of glycan-containing 'information' in the development of autoimmune diseases and cancer. In this review, we provide an overview of these new directions and their impact in the field of glycoimmunology.  相似文献   

Previous studies have documented that selective delivery of protein antigens to cells expressing mannose receptor (MR) can lead to enhanced immune responses. We postulated that agents that influenced the MR expression level, and the activation and migration status of MR-expressing antigen presenting cells, would modulate immune responses to MR-targeted vaccines. To address this question, we investigated the effect of clinically used adjuvants in human MR transgenic (hMR-Tg) mice immunized with an MR-targeting cancer vaccine composed of the human anti-MR monoclonal antibody B11 fused with the oncofetal protein, human chorionic gonadotropin beta chain (hCGβ), and referred to as B11-hCGβ. We found that humoral responses to low doses of B11-hCGβ could be enhanced by prior administration of GM-CSF, which upregulated MR expression in vivo. However, co-administration of the Toll-like receptor (TLR) agonists, poly-ICLC and/or CpG with B11-hCGβ was required to elicit Th1 immunity, as measured by antigen-specific T-cell production of IFN-γ. The TLR agonists were shown to increase the number of vaccine-containing cells in the draining lymph nodes of immunized hMR-Tg mice. In particular, with B11-hCGβ and poly-ICLC, a dramatic increase in vaccine-positive cells was observed in the T-cell areas of the lymph nodes, compared to the vaccine alone or combined with GM-CSF. Importantly, the absence of the TLR agonists during the priming immunization led to antigen-specific tolerance. Therefore, this study provides insight into the mechanisms by which adjuvants can augment immune responses to B11-hCGβ and have implications for the rationale design of clinical studies combining MR-targeted vaccination with TLR agonists.  相似文献   

C3d is the final degradation product of the third component of complement (C3). When conjugated to an antigen, C3d enhances immune responses to the fused antigen. Therefore, this molecule has been used as an adjuvant to enhance the immune responses to various foreign and self-proteins. C3d binds to the complement receptor 2 (CR2) that is located on the surface of follicular dendritic cells (FDC), B cells, and T cells in many species. C3d stimulates antigen presentation by FCD and helps to maintain immunological B cell memory. On B cells, C3d interaction with CR2 will collect molecules such as CD19, TAPA (CD81), and Lew 13. CD19 has a long intracellular tail that triggers a signaling cascade that results in cell activation and proliferation. Furthermore, simultaneous C3d-CR2 ligation and surface immunoglobulin (sIg) by antigen, activates two signaling pathways that cross-talk and synergize to activate B cells. However, C3d can enhance antibody titers in the absence of CR2 binding, indicating CR2-independent mechanism(s) of enhancement of the immune response. This review focuses on the complexity of the C3d-CR2 interaction, the importance of this interaction for the enhancement of the immune response by C3d and its derivatives, as well as the paradoxical enhancement of the immune response in the absence of CR2.  相似文献   

先天性免疫识别侵袭的微生物,引起宿主防御反应.然而,先天性免疫识别的分子机制还不清楚.最近,有人发现了Toll样受体家族(TLRs),并阐明了这些受体在微生物识别中的主要作用.TLR基因家族包括11个成员,也可能更多.每种引起TLR先天性免疫反应的微生物类型各不相同.先天性免疫的激活引起特定抗原获得性免疫的发展.因此,TLRs控制先天性免疫反应和获得性免疫反应.  相似文献   

While it is well-known that adsorbed proteins on implanted biomaterials modulate inflammatory responses, modulation of dendritic cells (DCs) via adhesion-dependent signaling has only been begun to be characterized. In this work, we demonstrate that adhesive substrates elicit differential DC maturation and adaptive immune responses. We find that adhesive substrates support similar levels of DC adhesion and expression of stimulatory and co-stimulatory molecules. Conversely, DC morphology and differential production of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-12p40 and IL-10, respectively) is adhesive substrate-dependent. For example, DCs cultured on collagen and vitronectin substrates generate higher levels of IL-12p40, whereas DCs cultured on albumin and serum-coated tissue culture-treated substrates produce the higher levels of IL-10 compared to other substrates. Additionally, our results suggest substrate-dependent trends in DC-mediated allogeneic CD4(+) T-cell proliferation and T-helper cell type responses. Specifically, we show that substrate-dependent modulation of DC IL-12p40 cytokine production correlates with CD4(+) T-cell proliferation and T(h)1 type response in terms of IFN-gamma producing T-helper cells. Furthermore, our results suggest substrate-dependent trends in DC-mediated stimulation of IL-4 producing T-cells, but this T(h)2 type response is not dependent on DC production of IL-10 cytokine. This work has impact in the rational design of biomaterials for diverse applications such as tissue-engineered constructs, synthetic particle-based vaccines and the ex vivo culture of DCs for immunotherapies.  相似文献   

Roles of Toll-like receptors in innate immune responses   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Innate immunity recognizes invading micro-organisms and triggers a host defence response. However, the molecular mechanism for innate immune recognition was unclear. Recently, a family of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) was identified, and crucial roles for these receptors in the recognition of microbial components have been elucidated. The TLR family consists of 10 members and will be expanding. Each TLR distinguishes between specific patterns of microbial components to provoke innate immune responses. The activation of innate immunity then leads to the development of antigen-specific adaptive immunity. Thus, TLRs control both innate and adaptive immune responses.  相似文献   

Variability in TLR function influences susceptibility to infectious as well as immune-mediated diseases. Given the outbred nature of humans, identifying functional Toll-like receptor variability and its role in clinical disease requires such analysis to be conducted in large, often multi-centered cohorts. Yet the technically complex measurements involved in innate immune analysis benefit from centralized processing of samples. Centralization requires shipping of samples or prolonged storage, possibly even cryopreservation. Deviation from standard operating procedures (SOP) for sample procurement, storage and processing may alter the final innate immune read out. We here set out to define the impact of variables most likely to be encountered during large, multi-site studies: (i) the source of the sample, (ii) time between sample procurement to processing, and (iii) processing of fresh vs. cryopreserved samples. We found that all of these variables exert a profound impact on the final innate response to TLR stimulation. Specific innate responses appeared to be affected in response to specific TLR stimuli by a particular variable under study, proving it impossible to provide global generalizations. Based on our studies and other published work on this topic, we propose a minimal list of variables that have to be met for samples to be comparable within and across studies: a) timing between procurement and processing cannot vary by more than 10%; b) all samples have to be stored the same; and c) the source of samples needs to be the same. In summary, for innate immune analysis scrupulous adherence to standard operating procedures is paramount.  相似文献   

In this study, 2-Cys Plasmodium berghei ANKA (PbA) peroxiredoxin (Prx) was identified as an antigenic protein recognized by an anti-PbA IgE antibody using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and proteomic analysis. Innate immune responses to PbAPrx were examined using cells from mice deficient in Toll-like receptors (TLR) or related molecules, and it was demonstrated that responses were severely impaired in TLR4(-/-), MyD88(-/-) and MD-2(-/-) mice, but not in Toll/IL-1 receptor domain-containing adaptor inducing IFN-gamma (TRIF)(-/-), TLR2(-/-) or radioprotective 105 (RP105)(-/-) mice. An association between PbAPrx and TLR4 was observed following immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting, suggesting that PbAPrx was associated with TLR4/MD-2. Interactions between Prx and TLR4/MD-2 were also examined by flow cytometry using TLR4/MD-2- or TLR2-expressing cells. NFkappaB/GFP activity was observed in TLR4/MD-2- but not in TLR2-expressing cells following stimulation with Prx. However, this effect was not observed after treatment with proteinase K, suggesting that PbAPrx is a protein ligand for TLR4 and that the PbAPrx activity observed in this study is not due to contamination with LPS. These findings indicate that malarial Prx induces IgE-mediated protection through FcepsilonRI on mast cells and innate immunity through TLR4 with MyD88 and MD-2, suggesting a novel function for malarial Prx in innate and acquired immune responses in malaria.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of innate immune responses mediated by Toll-like receptors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The innate immune response is thought to be a rapid and nonclonal host defense. The recent discovery of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and analyses of their physiological roles have established the notion that TLRs play a central role in innate immunity. Accumulating evidence suggests that individual TLRs recognize distinct ligands derived from bacterial components to generate specific cellular immune responses. In this review, we delineate the relationships between TLRs and microbial components, the TLR-mediated signaling pathways mainly based on cytoplasmic adaptor molecules containing Toll/interleukin-1R domains, the mechanism of TLR-mediated gene expression, and the involvement of TLRs in septic shock, including up-to-date observations.  相似文献   

Co-evolution of parasites and adaptive immune responses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The interplay between evolving host populations and evolving parasite populations is dominated by two key genetically based elements, namely the virulence of parasites and the resistance of their hosts. Here, Graham Mitchell gives a personal overview of ideas on the coevolution of parasite-host relationships and the contributions to immunology that are likely to emerge from systematic studies on this relationship.  相似文献   

The role of Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) in antifungal responses in the immunodeficient and allergic host is unclear. We investigated the role of TLR9 in murine models of invasive aspergillosis and fungal asthma. Neutrophil-depleted TLR9 wild-type (TLR9(+/+)) and TLR9-deficient (TLR9(-/-)) mice were challenged with resting or swollen Aspergillus fumigatus conidia and monitored for survival and lung inflammatory responses. The absence of TLR9 delayed, but did not prevent, mortality in immunodeficient mice challenged with resting or swollen conidia compared to TLR9(+/+) mice. In a fungal asthma model, TLR9(+/+) and TLR9(-/-) mice were sensitized to soluble A. fumigatus antigens and challenged with resting or swollen A. fumigatus conidia, and both groups of mice were analyzed prior to and at days 7, 14, and 28 after the conidium challenge. When challenged with resting conidia, TLR9(-/-) mice exhibited significantly lower airway hyper-responsiveness compared to the TLR9(+/+) groups. In contrast, A. fumigatus-sensitized TLR9(-/-) mice exhibited pulmonary fungal growth at days 14 and 28 after challenge with swollen conidia, a finding never observed in their allergic wild-type counterparts. Increased fungal growth in allergic TLR9(-/-) mice correlated with markedly decreased dectin-1 expression in whole lung samples and isolated dendritic cell populations. Further, whole lung levels of interleukin-17 were lower in allergic TLR9(-/-) mice compared to similar TLR9(+/+) mice. Together, these data suggest that TLR9 modulates pulmonary antifungal immune responses to swollen conidia, possibly through the regulation of dectin-1 expression.  相似文献   

Sepsis remains a serious clinical problem because of high patient morbidity and mortality. Despite significant advances in critical care, there is still no efficient causal therapy applicable to patients indicating the need to further elucidate the molecular pathways leading to the immunopathology of sepsis. The importance of Toll-like receptors (TLR) for the induction of immune responses against sepsis was demonstrated in humans exhibiting polymorphisms in TLR genes and in animal models using genetically modified mouse strains. Because of the clinical heterogeneity in human sepsis and the complex pathomechanisms underlying sepsis, several different animal models might be used to cover the diverse features of sepsis. TLR receptors induce signaling through the adapter proteins MyD88 and TRIF. TLR signaling is tightly controlled at different steps of the signaling cascade by series of regulatory proteins. Using a model of severe polymicrobial septic peritonitis we could show that single TLRs are dispensable for the induction of innate immune responses under those conditions. However, genetic ablation of MyD88 or TRIF/type-I interferon signaling pathways prevented hyper-inflammation and attenuated the pathogenic consequences of sepsis indicating that dampening common signaling pathways may create a moderate signal strength which is associated with favorable immune responses. Therefore, broad knowledge about the regulation of TLR-induced signaling pathways may further elucidate the immune mechanisms during sepsis and targeting of TLR adapter molecules may provide a new therapeutic strategy against severe sepsis.  相似文献   

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