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目的 为了促进全方位育人,医学院校将课程思政理念与医学生理学课程巧妙融合,让思想政治教育与专业课程形成协同效应,提高教学成效,实现全程育人;向"课程思政"理念转变,实现教学模式改革创新;探索课程思政的教学评价体系.方法 选取教学班级2018级临床专业25、26班共50人,采用线上(学习通、QQ教学群)线下(传统PPT教学)混合的教学手段,将课程思政和专业知识相结合进行教学.课堂上由教师设计思政案例,课堂下将接力棒交到学生手上,让学生做课程思政建设的主人;在学习通上建立课程思政体系,引导学生培养生理学中的人生观;学期末以问卷形式初步了解课程思政融入教学对提高专业知识认知的帮助,及正确价值观培育的作用.结论 医学基础课程(以生理学为例)中融入课程思政在一定程度上可提高学生对专业知识的认知,并协同促进高尚医疗情怀和正确人生价值取向的缔造,使原本乏味的专业知识充满了高度、温度和态度.  相似文献   

线上线下混合式教学成为高校教学改革和发展的主要趋势。该文主要对“放射测量与防护”课程进行线下授课 与线上同步讨论和考核,通过课前准备、课中授课和课后复习几方面说明混合式教学相互依靠、相辅相成的过程。线上课程 中增设课前预习任务、课中知识点讨论任务、课后作业、在线答疑辅导及考勤率统计等内容,并实时生成每名学生的学习分 析表,便于教师及时了解学生的学习情况。通过线上评价、线下评价和最后的期末考核,重点评价学生的各个学习过程,从 而有效调动学生学习的积极性和主动性。通过近几年的线上线下混合式教学实践,教学成效显著提高。  相似文献   

在线开放课程是一种信息技术与教学资源融合的新型教学模式,在促进教学改革方面具有重要作用。医学 免疫学是医学院校临床及相关专业的主干课程之一,具有理论抽象、内容繁杂、知识点多的特点。因此,充分利用网络平台, 提供学生和相关人员能够随时在线学习的便利性对于该课程的学习及普及具有重要意义。新乡医学院的《医学免疫学》课程 是首个在中国大学MOOC 上线运行的免疫学在线开放课程,开课第一学期,选课总人数1 734 人。本文以我校在线开放课程 《医学免疫学》课程为例,从课程规划、内容设计、微课制作、推广使用及效果评价等多方面详细阐述了在线开放课程的建设情 况,并对在线开放课程的建设及运行存在的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

为深入落实教育部提出的高校课程思政建设的要求,上海交通大学生物医学工程学院本科专业限选课“近代显微学:仪器原理与生物应用”教学团队基于自身教学实践,针对工科专业教学引入思政内容,提出了新的解决方案。课程通过围绕科学精神、工程伦理和实践能力3类思政元素,构建以学生为主体、教师为主导、成果为导向的教学模式,深入挖掘课程思政要点,并紧密融合专业内容,形成问题引导、线上线下混合的教学方案,最终实现引导学生在课前、课中、课后的教学全流程积极参与知识学习、热点讨论和实践教育等目的。教学实践取得了课程思政润物细无声的预期效果,也为工科专业融入课程思政教育提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

医学免疫学网络课程建设对成人教育是必要的,因Blackboard在线教学管理系统平台可以将文字、符号、图片、影像、动画等多种教学技术集于一身,同时又具备信息传播的及时性和教学过程的交互性。课程建设通过欢迎页面、信息公告、学习导航、课程内容、资源共享、中英文词汇、案例分析、在线测试、在线评价等栏目,构建立体化多媒体资源,建立教师与学生之间的互动交流平台,通过双方交流沟通、学生自评,激发学生的学习主动性,促进学生自主学习,以达到提高教学效果的目的。  相似文献   

目的:比较和研究解剖学线上教学与传统教学的特点.方法:比较2020学年本校基础医学和法医学专业99人(线上教学)和2021学年本校同专业96人(传统教学)的教学方式、考核方式、考核成绩;并问卷调查课堂气氛、注意力、师生互动、学习兴趣、学习主动性等指标;分析结果,为解剖学教学改进提供思路.结果:线上教学组课程期末成绩、平时成绩、期末考试成绩均高于传统教学组(P<0.001).线上教学组课程期末成绩、期末考试成绩在80-89分段、90-100分段人数多于传统教学组(P=0.000).两组学生在"课堂气氛"、"与教师互动"、"学习的主动性和自觉性"、"团队协作能力"等4个问题的回答上有统计学差异(P<0.05).结论:在解剖学教学中,线上教学和传统教学各有所长,应有机结合.  相似文献   

课程思政是全面落实立德树人的重要举措。近年本课程教学团队在医学免疫学国家级混合式一流课程建设过程中,全面多维融入课程思政,旨在将学生培养成具有独立思维、敢于质疑和批判、具有创新思维和能力、符合社会发展和新时代要求的社会主义建设者和接班人。  相似文献   

采用线上与线下模式混合型教学模式,即超星学习通线上学习与药理学线下教学结合的授课方式,能有效提升授课效果,同时提高学生的自我学习、自我管理能力.通过灵活多样的课前、课中和课后教学,使学生更加深刻地理解和掌握药理学课程的理论知识,不断提升学生的综合专业素质.  相似文献   

谢谨  李涛  陈明  杨靖   《四川生理科学杂志》2022,44(1):173-174
本文通过全面分析省属普通高等医学院校一流本科专业建设的重点要素与实施路径,提出办好省属普通高等医学院校一流医学本科专业必须紧抓"三个建设导向"(融入区域经济社会发展导向、学生未来岗位胜任力全面发展导向、学生德才兼备产出目标导向)和"四个一流"支撑(一流课程、一流师资、一流教研科研、一流教学条件)的观点,从而为进一步推进省属医学教育教学创新和建设一流本科专业提供实践方略参考.  相似文献   

网络课程不仅仅是课堂的有力补充和完善,而且更有利于自主、交互和个性化学习.本教研室秉着以“学生为主体、教师为主导”的设计理念,注重可观性、互动性和趣味性设计原则,规划、建设和完善了人体解剖学网络课程.教学实践表明:本网络课程的应用优化了教学效果,提高了教学质量,得到了学生的一致好评.  相似文献   

An idea about the second disease as a metamorphosis when the phenomenon of one nature is transformed into phenomenon of the second nature is proposed. There are three stages in the development of the second disease: origin, when clinical and morphological features of initial and new nosologic forms coexist; formation-distinct groups of features of a new nosologic form which preserved a link to the first disease; separation of this new nosologic form with its typical clinical and morphological features. The second disease is metamorphosis of the first disease which develops into a new nosologic entity under the influence of exogenous or endogenous factors.  相似文献   

Sleep and body temperature in "morning" and "evening" people   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
J Foret  N Touron  O Benoit  G Bouard 《Sleep》1985,8(4):311-318
Three groups of young, normal sleepers were selected as morning types (MTs), evening types (ETs), and neither types (NTs) as determined by the Horne and Ostberg questionnaire. Sleep and rectal temperatures were recorded under three conditions: baseline nights (Cond. 1), sleep on the recovery day after 1 night of sleep deprivation (Cond. 2), and sleep on the recovery night after 1 night and 1 day of sleep deprivation (Cond. 3). During Conds. 1 and 3, when sleep schedules were self-determined, sleep structure and body temperature were similar in MTs, and ETs, and NTs. During Cond. 2, however, MTs had poorer sleep, i.e., a smaller percentage of REM sleep and more awakenings, than ETs. This difference can be related to the evolution of temperature during Cond. 2; i.e., a temperature increase in the MT and NT and a decrease in the ET.  相似文献   

In spite of our knowledge of activity related adaptations in supraspinal neurones and skeletal muscles, very little is known concerning adaptations in alpha-motoneurones to alterations in chronic activity levels. Recent evidence shows that the biophysical properties of alpha-motoneurones are plastic and adapt to both increases and decreases in chronic activation. The nature of the adaptations--in resting membrane potential, spike threshold, afterhyper-polarization amplitude,and rate of depolarization during spike generation--point to involvement of density, type, location, and/or metabolic modulation of ion conductance channels in the motoneuronal membrane. These changes will have significant effects on how motoneurones respond when activated during the generation of movements, and on the effort required to sustain activation during prolonged exercise. Since the adaptations most likely involve structural changes in the motoneurones and changes in protein synthesis, and change the output response of the cells to input, they are considered to be learning responses. Future research directions for examining this issue are outlined.  相似文献   

For much of the 20th century scientific psychology treated the relative contributions of nature and nurture to the development of phenotypes as the result of two quite separate sources of influence. One, nature, was linked to biological perspectives, often manifest as "instinct", while the other, nurture, was taken to reflect psychological influences. We argue that this separation was contingent on historical circumstance. Prior to about 1920, several perspectives in biology and psychology promoted the synthesis of nature and nurture. But between 1930 and 1980 that synthetic consensus was lost in America as numerous influences converged to promote a view that identified psychological and biological aspects of mind and behavior as inherently separate. Around 1960, during the hegemony of behaviorism, Daniel Lehrman, Gilbert Gottlieb, and other pioneers of developmental psychobiology developed probabilistic epigenesis to reject predeterminist notions of instinct and restore a synthesis. We describe the earlier and later periods of synthesis and discuss several influences that led to the separation of nature and nurture in the middle of the 20th century.  相似文献   

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