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Whether beneficial hemodynamic effects of cardiovascular drugs are due to changes in the inotropic or loading conditions has been difficult to determine in clinical settings. In this study, the end-systolic pressure-volume relationship, known as a load-independent measurement of cardiac contractility, was obtained by a volumetric conductance catheter and transient inferior vena caval occlusion. We applied this technique to determine the major mode of hemodynamic action of a new inotropic vasodilator, OPC-8490, in comparison to that of dobutamine. In 7 patients with anterior myocardial infarction, an 8F conductance catheter with pressure micromanometer was inserted into the left ventricle. Absolute volume calibration was accomplished by injection of hypertonic saline into the pulmonary artery. Left ventricular pressures and volumes were simultaneously and continuously measured during transient inferior vena caval occlusion using a balloon catheter. Left ventricular end-systolic pressure-volume relationships were determined during the initial 8-sec of balloon occlusion, before baroreceptor-mediated cardiac stimulation was initiated. OPC-8490 decreased both the left ventricular systolic pressure and end-systolic volume without changing the heart rate. Dobutamine increased the systolic pressure and heart rate but decreased the end-systolic volume. The reduction in the end-systolic volume with dobutamine, was caused by an increase in the slope of the end-systolic pressure-volume relationship, while with OPC-8490, it resulted from a decrease in the end-systolic pressure without an appreciable change in the slope of the end-systolic pressure-volume relationship.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To assess the effect of rapid preload reduction on left ventricular performance in nonischemic cardiomyopathy, 11 patients were studied during inferior vena caval (IVC) balloon occlusion. Five developed sustained pulsus alternans. During pulsus alternans, the strong beats demonstrated systolic performance characteristics similar to baseline values, despite a drop in both left ventricular (LV) end-diastolic diameter (66 +/- 13 to 61 +/- 13 mm; p less than 0.05) and LV end-diastolic pressure (21 +/- 8 to 9 +/- 6 mmHg; p less than 0.05). In contrast, the weak beats demonstrated a reduction in peak systolic pressure (130 +/- 36 to 109 +/- 33 mmHg; p less than 0.02), fractional shortening (20% +/- 4% to 17% +/- 9%; p less than 0.05) and peak positive dP/dt (1,006 +/- 224 to 921 +/- 287 mmHg; p less than 0.05). Measures of diastolic performance (peak negative dP/dt, the time constant of LV relaxation, the length of diastasis, and LV end-diastolic stress) were not different between baseline beats and the strong beats; and only LV end-diastolic stress differed when baseline beats were compared to the weak beats. When the strong beats were compared to the weak beats during induced pulsus alternans, significant differences were observed in peak systolic pressure, peak positive dP/dt, and fractional shortening, but no differences in any measured diastolic parameter was observed. A slight difference was noted in the left ventricular end-diastolic diameters, with the weak beat consistently beginning at a slightly smaller diameter (61 +/- 13; mm vs 59 +/- 13; p less than 0.05). In summary, these data are consistent with an augmentation and deletion of intrinsic contractile forces in association with an alternation in preload on a beat-to-beat basis as best describing left ventricular performance during pulsus alternans.  相似文献   

Using a multielectrode conductance catheter to estimate continuous left ventricular volume we determined the end-systolic pressure-volume relationship (ESPVR) in situ in open-chest anesthetized dogs. Dogs (n = 8) were studied in the control state and after pharmacologic sympathectomy (hexamethonium) and surgical vagotomy both before and after the administration of dobutamine. ESPVR was measured during brief (5 to 6 sec) preload reduction by balloon occlusion of the inferior vena cava (IVCBO). The relationship was highly reproducible. The slope (Ecs) and volume intercept (Vo) (mean +/- SD) in the control series were 5.8 +/- 3.6 mm Hg/ml and 6.5 +/- 12.5 ml, respectively. Upon release of the IVCBO (preload recovery), Ecs was 7.7 +/- 3.6 mm Hg/ml and Vo was 12.4 +/- 9.6 ml (p less than .01). Autonomic blockade produced a 50% reduction in Ecs and a concomitant decrease in Vo (p less than .01), and eliminated the difference between ESPVR generated by preload reduction (IVCBO) and preload recovery (IVCBO release). Subsequent dobutamine infusion increased Ecs to 6.1 +/- 3.5 mm Hg/ml and Vo to 4.1 +/- 6.9 ml, consistent with reported changes of the ESPVR with positive inotropic intervention. A small artifact of right ventricular filling was observed in the left ventricular volume catheter signal, but this did not appreciably alter the ESPVR. These results demonstrate the feasibility of the determination of ESPVR in situ by the conductance catheter and brief IVCBO and underline the importance of the use of rapid load changes to minimize reflex activation during the measurements.  相似文献   

Endsystolic pressure-volume relationships (ESPVR) were determined using the conductance (volume) catheter-technique and the required rapid load changes by applying vasoactive drugs (nitroprusside = NP; phenylephrine = PE) or brief preload reduction by balloon occlusion of the vena cava inferior (BOVCI). With this load-independent index of contractility, we analyzed the hemodynamically active components of amrinone (AM) over a range of different LV-loading conditions. In 19 patients (study I) with still normal LV-function (LVF) in group A (dP/dtmax 1585 +/- 386 mmHg/s; n = 10) and impaired LVF in group B (dP/dtmax 1044 +/- 164 mmHg/s; n = 9) an infusion of AM, 1.5 mg/kg over 2 min, failed to induce changes in ESPVR (p greater than 0.05), but rather caused load changes, resembling like those seen with NP. During continuously paced heart rates (90/min) brief infusion phases with NP and PE provided the necessary load changes. In 11 patients (study II) with impaired LVF (dP/dtmax = 1177 +/- 163 mmHg/s) 2.5 mg/kg AM i.v. induced an increase in contractility, which was more pronounced after the additional application of dobutamine (DOB) at 10 micrograms/kg/min.; (1) Slope k rose from 0.52 to 0.80 mmHg/ml; (2) dP/dtmax increased by an average of 39% and 57% (p less than 0.01), respectively. The BOVCI provided the necessary load changes. Thus AM demonstrates its contractility-increasing effects in a dose-related fashion, probably (at least in part) via an increase in heart rate; inotropic effects further increased with the combination of AM and DOB. The use of the conductance technique for the assessment of ESPVR during acute decrease of preload by temporary BOVCI is innocuous to the patient, reproducible and can be carried out under the conditions of a routine cardiac catheter procedure. This technique seems to be useful in the assessment of relative inotropic effects of the newer cardiotonic drugs.  相似文献   

Recent studies of thoracic pressure changes during external cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) suggest that there may be a significant difference in the rate of delivery of intravenous drugs when they are administered through the extrathoracic inferior vena cava (IVC) rather than the intrathoracic superior vena cava (SVC). Comparison of delivery of a radionuclide given using superior and inferior vena caval access sites was made during normal blood flow and during CPR. Mean times from injection to peak emission count in each ventricle were determined. There were no significant differences between mean peak times for SVC or IVC routes during normal flow or CPR. When peak times were corrected for variations in cardiac output, there were no significant differences between IVC and SVC peak times during normal flow. During CPR, however, mean left ventricular peak time, when corrected for cardiac output, was significantly shorter (P less than .05) when the SVC route was used. The mean time for the counts to reach half the ventricular peak was statistically shorter (P less than .05) in both ventricles with the SVC route during the low flow of CPR. This suggests that during CPR, increased drug dispersion may occur when drugs are infused by the IVC route and thus may modify the anticipated effect of the drug bolus. These results suggest that during CPR, both the cardiac output and the choice of venous access are important variables for drug delivery.  相似文献   

Summary The slope of the left ventricular end-systolic pressure-volume relationship is thought to be a load-independent index of contractile state. However, clinical application requires a practical technique to simultaneously measure pressure and volume in man. We used a left ventricular conductance catheter to derive the left ventricular end-systolic pressure-volume relationship over a range of arterial pressures during nitroprusside infusion and washout in 14 patients, and to characterize the effect of dobutamine, a positive inotropic drug. End-systole was defined as the maximum pressure-to-volume ratio. Dobutamine (5 μg/kg/min) increased the slope of the end-systolic pressure-volume relationship in 11 of 14 patients, the mean slope increasing by 43% from 1.4±0.1 to 2.1±0.2 mm Hg/% end-diastolic volume (p<0.01). In 12 of 14 patients there was a leftward and upward shift of the end-systolic pressure-volume relationship with dobutamine. To quantitate this shift, we derived left ventricular pressure at control end-systolic volume before and after dobutamine. Dobutamine increased the mean end-systolic pressure at control end-systolic volume in 12 of 14 patients, the average increased by 37% from 134±10 to 189±23 mm Hg (p<0.01). We conclude that the conductance catheter can be used in man to detect a drug-induced change in left ventricular contractile state. This technique may be useful in the evaluation of drugs with positive inotropic actions, and in assessing the response of individual patients to positive inotropic agents. Supported in part by NIH Training Grant HL07049. W.S.C. is an Established Investigator of the American Heart Association.  相似文献   

Conductance catheters were used to assess the volume of rightventricular models made from post-mortem casts. Models weremade from silastic rubber and filled with saline. The correlationbetween volume assessed by conductance catheter and real volumewas investigated as saline was withdrawn from, and injectedinto, five models. The mean regression between real and conductance-derivedvolume was 1.05 (SE 0.04 mean R2 0.94 SE 0.02) with Y-intercept– 0.25 ml SE 1.72. Parallel wall conductance was assessedthrough the tricuspid orifice sealed with human tricuspid tissue,or left open, and found to be negligible. There was no differencebetween volumes measured by a catheter through either the pulmonaryor tricuspid orifice. We conclude that conductance cathetersare suitable for the assessment of right ventricular volume,despite the complex geometry.  相似文献   

To investigate the safety and efficacy of inferior vena caval (IVC) balloon occlusion for preload alteration in humans, 13 patients with dilated cardiomyopathy were studied before and during repeated (total of 78) IVC occlusions. Left and right ventricular (LV and RV) micromanometer pressures were simultaneously measured and M-mode and 2-D echocardiograms were recorded at end expiration. Complications were limited to abdominal discomfort in 2 patients. With IVC occlusion, RV collapse fluoroscopically shifted the heart toward midline and ventricular septal motion was frequently disordered. Significant (p = 0.001) changes occurred in RV and LV systolic peak pressures (from 19 +/- 6 to 12 +/- 5 mm Hg and from 129 +/- 34 to 109 +/- 25 mm Hg, respectively). LV and RV end-diastolic pressures also decreased significantly (from 18 +/- 7 to 6 +/- 6 mm Hg and from 5 +/- 3 to 2 +/- 2 mm Hg, respectively) (both p less than or equal to 0.0055). Similarly, LV end-diastolic diameter decreased 13% (from 61 +/- 11 to 53 +/- 12 mm, p = 0.0002). Mean heart rate did not change significantly (from 76 +/- 19 to 78 +/- 21 beats/min). Thus, IVC balloon occlusion provides a safe method of repeatedly altering loading conditions in humans. This approach allows for acquisition of important information regarding cardiac chamber dynamics while minimizing the effects of reflex mechanisms and avoiding use of pharmacologic agents.  相似文献   

The end-systolic pressure-volume relation has been postulated as a load-independent measure of cardiac contractility, but has been difficult to measure because of technical problems associated with the serial measurement of intracardiac volume over a physiologic range of ventricular loading conditions. Utilizing a multielectrode impedance catheter to assess continuous, on-line left ventricular relative volume during transient inferior vena cava occlusion, a method is described for determining the end-systolic pressure-volume relation and for assessing changes in this relation secondary to inotropic modulation. In particular, using this method, the relative inotropic properties were determined of four drugs: dobutamine, milrinone, epinephrine and an experimental cardiotonic agent (Ro 13-6438, Posicor). Left ventricular micromanometer pressure and impedance catheter volume were measured continuously in 10 open chest, anesthetized dogs and 14 pigs. Arterial pressure was altered over a range of 20 to 60 mm Hg by brief inferior vena cava constriction. A linear end-systolic pressure-volume relation was observed in pressure-volume diagrams constructed from on-line pressure and impedance catheter recordings. Administration of dobutamine, milrinone and epinephrine resulted in a leftward shift and an increase in the slope of the end-systolic pressure-volume relation as compared with baseline; Posicor did not alter the slope over a range of doses, despite an increase in the cardiac output secondary to arterial vasodilation. Volume changes as measured by the impedance method closely paralleled simultaneous changes in the ultrasonic crystal-determined segment length, and the impedance end-systolic pressure-volume relation slope was reproducible with repeated load-altering maneuvers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Stenographic reports of weekly clinicopathologic conferences held in Barnes and Wohl Hospitals are published in each Issue of the Journal. Members of the Departments of internal Medicine, Radiology, and Pathology of the Washington University School of Medicine participate jointly in these conferences. Kenneth M. Ludmerer, M.D., and John M. Kissane, M.D., are the editors of this feature.  相似文献   

Summary The patient, a 55-year-old man with neuro-Behçet, developed superior vena caval occlusion. Antibodies to cardiolipin were detected in high titres in his serum and a decreased fibrinolysis was also found. It is suggested that anticardiolipin antibodies, perhaps decreasing fibrinolysis, may play an important pathogenic role in some patients with Behçet's disease.  相似文献   

A 24-yr-old woman with hemolytic anemia developed multiple thrombosis of the hepatic vein and inferior vena cava. She was found to have circulating lupus anticoagulant that could have been causally related to the thrombosis and hence the Budd-Chiari syndrome. On her first admission to the hospital vena cava and hepatic vein catheterizations revealed partial thrombotic occlusion of the cava at the level of the diaphragm, which was subsequently transformed into complete membranous obstruction. The right hepatic vein, which was patent on the first admission, was also completely occluded. These observations support the theory that membranous obstruction of the inferior vena cava is a sequela to inferior vena caval thrombosis rather than a congenital anomaly.  相似文献   

A 33 year old male with no known risk factors for hypercoagulability developed a massive thrombi in the inferior vena cava (IVC). The patient had a history of both pulmonary embolism and embolism related syncope. The thrombus which extended proximally to the level of the renal vein and distally to the left superficial femoral vein did not respond to anticoagulant therapy or thrombolysis. Thirteen days after admission, we decided to use a temporary caval filter to provide protection from migration of the thrombus while attempting invasive thrombolytic therapy, which was performed using a tissue type plasminogen activator through a coaxial catheter of the temporary filter. This resulted in a marked decrease in the size of the thrombus, and multiple thrombi were found to be trapped in the temporary filter. Although the temporary caval filter was effective in capturing emboli, resulting in a decrease in the thrombus size, the thrombus was not completely dissolved within two weeks, which is the maximal implantation time. A permanent filter was eventually used to prevent pulmonary embolism, which could arise from the remaining thrombus. We have found placement of a temporary caval filter to be a safe and effective adjunct, in select cases, when attempting thrombolysis of massive thrombi in the IVC. Since we inserted the temporary filter 13 days after admission, use of a temporary filter during thrombolysis may have been more effective if conducted earlier in our patient's clinical course.  相似文献   

The left ventricular end-systolic pressure-volume relationship is a load-insensitive measure of left ventricular performance. The relationship at end-systole between left ventricular pressure and dimension is more easily obtained, but the conflicting results of previous studies make it unclear if it has the same properties as the left ventricular end-systolic pressure-volume relationship. To address this issue, 11 dogs were instrumented to measure left ventricular pressure and three orthogonal left ventricular dimensions. Left ventricular pressure and dimensions were varied by use of caval occlusion. Left ventricular volume was calculated as an ellipsoid. The left ventricular end-systolic pressure-volume relationship and each of the three end-systolic pressure-dimension relations were described by straight lines (r = .97 +/- .02, mean +/- SD). In six animals, dobutamine produced similar significant increases (p less than .01) in the slope of the end-systolic pressure-volume relationship (244 +/- 61% of control), the end-systolic pressure-anterior-posterior dimension relationship (248 +/- 89%), the end-systolic pressure--septal-lateral dimension relationship (211 +/- 95%), and the end-systolic pressure-basal-apical dimension relationship (210 +/- 85%). The intercepts at zero pressure were relatively unchanged by dobutamine. In contrast, occlusion of the distal left anterior descending coronary artery in five animals produced a rightward shift of the left ventricular end-systolic pressure-volume relationship and the pressure--basal-apical dimension relationship, while the pressure--anterior-posterior dimension and pressure--septal-lateral dimension relationships were relatively unaffected.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

An eight-electrode conductance catheter previously developed by us and used to determine stroke volume in dogs was applied in human beings and dogs to measure absolute left ventricular volume quantitatively. For calibration we developed the formula V(t) = (1/alpha)(L2/sigma b)G(t) - Vc, where V(t) is time-varying left ventricular volume, alpha is a dimensionless constant, L is the electrode separation, sigma b is the conductivity of blood obtained by a sampling cuvette, and G(t) is the measured conductance within the left ventricular cavity. Vc is a correction term caused by the parallel conductance of structures surrounding the cavity and is measured in two ways. The first method, applicable in the anesthetized animal, consists of temporary reduction of volume to zero by suction. The second method uses a transient change in sigma b by injection of a small bolus of hypertonic saline (dogs) or 10 ml of cold glucose (humans) into the pulmonary artery. The validity of the formula was previously established for the isolated postmortem canine heart. The predicted linearity, slope constant alpha, and accuracy of Vc for the left ventricle in vivo were investigated by comparing the conductance volume data with results from independent methods: electromagnetic blood flow measurement for stroke volume and indicator dilution technique for ejection fraction (dogs), thermal dilution for cardiac output (12 patients), and single-plane cineventriculography for V(t) (five patients). In all comparisons, linear regression showed high correlation (from r = .82 [n = 46] to r = .988 [n = 20]) while alpha, with one exception, ranged from 0.75 to 1.07 and the error in Vc ranged from 0.5% to 16.5% (mean 7%). After positioning of the catheter, no arrhythmias were observed. It is concluded that the conductance catheter provides a reliable and simple method to measure left ventricular volume, giving an on-line, time-varying signal that is easily calibrated. Together with left ventricular pressure obtained through the catheter lumen, the instrument may be used for instantaneous display of pressure-volume loops to facilitate assessment of left ventricular pump performance.  相似文献   

Hepatic vena cava syndrome (HVCS) also known as membranous obstruction of inferior vena cava reported mainly from Asia and Africa is an important cause of hepatic venous outflow obstruction (HVOO) that is complicated by high incidence of liver cirrhosis (LC) and moderate to high incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In the past the disease was considered congenital and was included under Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS). HVCS is a chronic disease common in developing countries, the onset of which is related to poor hygienic living condition. The initial lesion in the disease is a bacterial infection induced localized thrombophlebitis in hepatic portion of inferior vena cava at the site where hepatic veins open which on resolution transforms into stenosis, membrane or thick obstruction, and is followed by development of cavo-caval collateral anastomosis. The disease is characterized by long asymptomatic period and recurrent acute exacerbations (AE) precipitated by clinical or subclinical bacterial infection. AE is managed with prolonged oral antibiotic. Development of LC and HCC in HVCS is related to the severity and frequency of AEs and not to the duration of the disease or the type or severity of the caval obstruction. HVOO that develops during severe acute stage or AE is a pre-cirrhotic condition. Primary BCS on the other hand is a rare disease related to prothrombotic disorders reported mainly among Caucasians that clinically manifest as acute, subacute disease or as fulminant hepatic failure; and is managed with life-long anticoagulation, porto-systemic shunt/endovascular angioplasty and stent or liver transplantation. As epidemiology, etiology and natural history of HVCS are different from classical BCS, it is here, recognized as a separate disease entity, a third primary cause of HVOO after sinusoidal obstruction syndrome and BCS. Understanding of the natural history has made early diagnosis of HVCS possible. This paper describes epidemiology, natural history and diagnosis of HVCS and discusses the pathogenesis of LC in the disease and mentions distinctive clinical features of HVCS related LC.  相似文献   

Intraluminal vena caval filters, inserted via the transvenous approach, are used often in the prevention of recurrent pulmonary embolism. Until lately, such filters have been unremovable. In a recent case, however, we treated a patient who experienced acute massive pulmonary embolism after having undergone an emergency right hemicolectomy. He underwent a successful emergency pulmonary embolectomy with the help of cardio-pulmonary bypass; to prevent recurrent embolism, we inserted a removable intracaval filter through the right atriotomy with an introducer set. On the 7th postoperative day, the absence of significant residual thrombi was confirmed by means of phlebography, and the caval filter was removed percutaneously via the femoral approach. Although the value of routine use of the filter in this application has yet to be established, we feel that it warrants further investigation because it relieves the surgeon, during an emergency procedure, of the need to decide quickly whether or not to place a filter. The question becomes one of whether or not to remove the filter, and that decision can await the results of proper postoperative diagnostic studies.  相似文献   

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