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The release rate of nicardipine HCl from various alginate microparticles was investigated. Manugel A7B618 which has a high guluronic acid content of 70% and a low polymerization degree of 60-400 was used as alginate. A 23 factorial design was utilized for the preparation of the alginate microparticles. The effect of drug:polymer weight ratio, CaCl2 concentration and curing time on parameters such as the time for 50% of the drug to be released (t50%) and the drug entrapment efficiency were evaluated with analysis of variance. The mean particle sizes and the swelling ratios of the microparticles were determined. The in vitro release studies were carried out with a flow-through cell apparatus at different media (pH 1.2, 2.5, 4.5, 7, 7.5 buffer solutions). Drug:polymer weight ratio and the concentration of the crosslinking agent were the influential factors on the release of NC from the alginate microparticles. The release of nicardipine was extended with alginate microparticles prepared in aratio of 1:1 (drug:polymer weight ratio). The release of drug from alginate microparticles took place by both diffusion through the swollen matrix and relaxation of the polymer at pH: 1.2-4.5. However, the release was due to diffusion and erosion mechanisms at pH 7-7.5.  相似文献   

The natural polymers alginate and chitosan were used for the preparation of controlled release nicardipine HCl gel microparticles. The effect of the mannuronic/guluronic acid content and the alginate viscosity on the prolonged action of the microparticles, which were prepared with different types of alginates, were investigated. The mean particle sizes and the swelling ratios of the microparticles were also determined. The in vitro release studies were carried out with a flow-through cell apparatus in different media (pH 1.2, 2.5, 4.5, 7 and 7.5 buffer solutions). The release of nicardipine was extended with the alginate gel microparticles prepared with guluronic acid rich alginate. After the determination of the most appropriate alginate type, the effect of alginate-chitosan complex formation was studied on the release pattern of drug incorporated. It was observed that the alginate-chitosan complex formation reduced the erosion of the alginate-chitosan matrix at pH 7-7.5. The release of drug from the chitosan-alginate gel microparticles took place by both diffusion through the swollen matrix and relaxation of the polymer at pH 1.2-4.5.  相似文献   

The natural polymers alginate and chitosan were used for the preparation of controlled release nicardipine HCl gel microparticles. The effect of the mannuronic/guluronic acid content and the alginate viscosity on the prolonged action of the microparticles, which were prepared with different types of alginates, were investigated. The mean particle sizes and the swelling ratios of the microparticles were also determined. The in vitro release studies were carried out with a flow-through cell apparatus in different media (pH 1.2, 2.5, 4.5, 7 and 7.5 buffer solutions). The release of nicardipine was extended with the alginate gel microparticles prepared with guluronic acid rich alginate. After the determination of the most appropriate alginate type, the effect of alginatechitosan complex formation was studied on the release pattern of drug incorporated. It was observed that the alginate-chitosan complex formation reduced the erosion of the alginate-chitosan matrix at pH 7-7.5. The release of drug from the chitosan-alginate gel microparticles took place by both diffusion through the swollen matrix and relaxation of the polymer at pH 1.2-4.5  相似文献   

The effect of four formulation and processing variables, calcium concentration, drying condition, concentration of hardening agent and hardening time on the bead properties and the release characteristics of a model drug from calcium pectinate gel (CPG) beads were studied. A poorly soluble compound, indomethacin, was used as the model drug. The investigated variables affected the bead size, the entrapment efficiency and the release of indomethacin from CPG beads. Drug release was found to be a function of the formulation and processing variables. The slower drug release was achieved from the formulations with higher calcium concentration, higher concentration of hardening agent and longer hardening time. The drying condition, however, did not influence the drug release. The mechanism of indomethacin release from CPG beads followed the diffusion controlled model for an inert porous matrix. All drug release data fitted well to the Higuchi square root time expression.  相似文献   

A crosslinked alginate microparticle system for the targeting to the lymphatic system by Peyer's patches (PP) uptake was designed in order to improve the oral absorption of Polymyxin B (PMB). To verify mucoadhesion and PP uptake, microparticles labelled with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) were prepared by spray-drying technique and crosslinking reactions with calcium ions and chitosan (CS), in vitro characterized and assayed by an ex vivo method. Microparticles showed a size less then 3 μm, an antibiotic loading level of 11.86 ± 0.70%, w/w, a sustained drug release behaviour in simulated gastro-intestinal (GI) fluids and a preserved biological activity throughout the manufacture. The ex vivo study was performed by a perfusion method on intestinal tracts of just sacrificed adult rats. The recovered samples were analysed by epifluorescence microscope for mucoadhesion and PP uptake and by microbiological analysis for antibiotic activity preservation, providing evidence of mucoadhesion at the level of both PP and non-PP epithelium, uptake by PP and PMB microbiological activity in PP tissue. Furthermore, the study revealed the involvement of transport pathways across villous enterocytes.  相似文献   

A crosslinked alginate microparticle system for the targeting to the lymphatic system by Peyer's patches (PP) uptake was designed in order to improve the oral absorption of Polymyxin B (PMB). To verify mucoadhesion and PP uptake, microparticles labelled with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) were prepared by spray-drying technique and crosslinking reactions with calcium ions and chitosan (CS), in vitro characterized and assayed by an ex vivo method. Microparticles showed a size less then 3 microm, an antibiotic loading level of 11.86 +/- 0.70%, w/w, a sustained drug release behaviour in simulated gastro-intestinal (GI) fluids and a preserved biological activity throughout the manufacture. The ex vivo study was performed by a perfusion method on intestinal tracts of just sacrificed adult rats. The recovered samples were analysed by epifluorescence microscope for mucoadhesion and PP uptake and by microbiological analysis for antibiotic activity preservation, providing evidence of mucoadhesion at the level of both PP and non-PP epithelium, uptake by PP and PMB microbiological activity in PP tissue. Furthermore, the study revealed the involvement of transport pathways across villous enterocytes.  相似文献   

Gellan gum beads containing cephalexin were prepared by extruding the dispersion of cephalexin and gellan gum into a solution containing a mixture of calcium and zinc ions (counterions). Beads were prepared by changing experimental variables such as pH of the counterion solution and amount of cephalexin loading in order to optimize process variables on the final % drug entrapment efficiency, release rates, size, and morphology of the beads. Absence of chemical interactions between drug, anionic polymer, and counterions after production of beads was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Differential scanning calorimetry was used to understand the crystalline nature of the drug after its successful entrapment. These data indicated the amorphous dispersion of cephalexin in the polymer matrix. Beads were spherical in shape, with the average bead size ranging from 925 to 1183 microm as measured by the laser light scattering technique. Cephalexin entrapment of up to 69.24% was achieved. In vitro release studies were performed in 0.1 N HCl or pH 7.4 phosphate buffer and the release of cephalexin was achieved up to 6 h. Dynamic swelling studies were performed in 0.1 N HCl or pH 7.4 phosphate buffer. Diffusion coefficients were calculated for spherical geometry. The release data have been fitted to an empirical relation to estimate the transport parameters. Mathematical modeling studies were performed for spherical geometry by solving Fick's equation to compute concentration profiles. These results were correlated with the release profiles.  相似文献   

Calcium alginate gel-coated pellets were developed by forming an insoluble gel coat on extruded-spheronized pellets by interfacial complexation. Experiments were designed to investigate the effect of pellet size, alginate type, alginate concentration, and dissolution medium on swelling and drug release behavior. Low swelling in acidic media was related to proton-calcium ion exchange forming insoluble acid gels. In contrast, partial formation of soluble sodium alginate in 0.1M NaCl induced water uptake, resulting in greater swelling. Drug release from coated pellets showed a lag time when the gel coat hydrated and swelled, followed by a zero-order release. Significantly slower release was observed when either the pellet size or the alginate concentration was increased. Alginate with high guluronic acid content gave the slowest release. Different types of alginate with high mannuronic acid content showed different release behaviors that are probably due to the different monomer sequences and botanical sources. The faster drug release in acidic media and 0.1M NaCl compared to water is probably due to reduced calcium cross-linking in the gel. These results suggest that the pellet size, alginate type and concentration and dissolution medium influenced the swelling and drug release behavior of calcium alginate gel-coated pellets.  相似文献   

The effect of four formulation and processing variables, calcium concentration, drying condition, concentration of hardening agent and hardening time on the bead properties and the release characteristics of a model drug from calcium pectinate gel (CPG) beads were studied. A poorly soluble compound, indomethacin, was used as the model drug. The investigated variables affected the bead size, the entrapment efficiency and the release of indomethacin from CPG beads. Drug release was found to be a function of the formulation and processing variables. The slower drug release was achieved from the formulations with higher calcium concentration, higher concentration of hardening agent and longer hardening time. The drying condition, however, did not influence the drug release. The mechanism of indomethacin release from CPG beads followed the diffusion controlled model for an inert porous matrix. All drug release data fitted well to the Higuchi square root time expression.  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to the investigation of the effect of polyester hydrophobicity and ability for crystallisation on lipophilic drug loading and release from microparticles fabricated on the base of these polymers. Poly(l-lactic acid), poly(d, l-lactic acid) and poly (lactic acid-co-glycolic acid) were synthesised by ring-opening polymerisation using stannous octoate as catalyst, while poly(caprolactone) (PCL) and poly(ω-pentadecalactone) (PPDL) formation was catalysed by lipase. The particles were formed via single emulsion evaporation/diffusion method. The particles obtained were studied using SEM, XRD and DSC methods. The degradation of particles based on different polyesters, entrapment and release of a model hydrophobic drug (risperidone®) were thoroughly studied. The effect of particles hydrophobicity and crystallinity on these parameters was of most interest. The drug entrapment is greater for the hydrophobic polymers. Drug release was more rapid from crystalline particles (PLLA, PCL, PPDL), than from amorphous PDLLA and PLGA ones.  相似文献   

This review details the properties of solid lipid microparticles (SLMs): a promising drug carrier system that has been until now rather unexploited. First, the advantages of SLMs compared with other drug carrier systems are listed. Then an overview of SLM manufacturing compounds and techniques is presented. A detailed discussion of the characteristics of SLMs follows, and includes the determination of particle size distribution, the determination of SLM morphology, the solid-state analysis, the determination of SLM drug loading and the factors influencing it. The in vitro drug release studies that have been carried out so far and the parameters affecting them are also described. Some preliminary in vivo aspects (in vivo drug release studies, biocompatibility studies and in vivo fate) are also considered.  相似文献   

This review details the properties of solid lipid microparticles (SLMs): a promising drug carrier system that has been until now rather unexploited. First, the advantages of SLMs compared with other drug carrier systems are listed. Then an overview of SLM manufacturing compounds and techniques is presented. A detailed discussion of the characteristics of SLMs follows, and includes the determination of particle size distribution, the determination of SLM morphology, the solid-state analysis, the determination of SLM drug loading and the factors influencing it. The invitro drug release studies that have been carried out so far and the parameters affecting them are also described. Some preliminary invivo aspects (invivo drug release studies, b-iocompatibility studies and invivo fate) are also considered.  相似文献   

Extended release liphophilic microspheres of indomethacin were prepared using cetostearyl alcohol (CsA), stearyl alcohol (SA) and cetyl alcohol (CA) in the various drug-lipid ratios. The release of indometacin was studied on the basis of USP criteria and the effects of drug-lipid ratio, the size of microspheres and carboxymethylcellulose sodium (CMC-Na) added as a hydrophilic polymer on the drug release were investigated. In vitro dissolution studies were performed using USP XXIII apparatus I at pH 6.2. Release profiles were evaluated according to first order, Higuchi square root of time and Hixson-Crowell cube root models. The best fit was found with the square root of time model (r2=0.991) for the microspheres (125-250 microm) prepared in 1:4:1 drug-lipid-copolymer ratio using stearyl alcohol. With a further regression analysis, an excellent equation (Release%=-10.721+42.549*square root of (t)-4.027*t) was developed for empirical drug estimation (r2=0.998).  相似文献   

Microparticles with size less than 3?µm, able to be taken up by M cell of Peyer's patches for the drug delivery to the Gut Associated Limphoid Tissue (GALT), were developed in order to improve oral bioavailability of Polymyxin B (PMB). Less than 3?µm alginate microparticles resistant to gastro-intestinal media were prepared by spray-drying technique and cross-linking by calcium ions and chitosan. The cross-linked microparticles were evaluated for PMB content by spectrophotometric method, alginate/PMB interaction by rheological study, cross-linking degree by EDS analysis and PMB activity by microbiological assay. By modulating the polymer cross-linking degree, cationic PMB interacted on alginate chains leading to a proper PMB loading as well as antibiotic retention in gastric environment and sustained delivery in intestinal fluid. Moreover, the procedure resulted suitable for PMB biological activity preservation.  相似文献   

Microparticles with size less than 3 microm, able to be taken up by M cell of Peyer's patches for the drug delivery to the Gut Associated Limphoid Tissue (GALT), were developed in order to improve oral bioavailability of Polymyxin B (PMB). Less than 3 microm alginate microparticles resistant to gastro-intestinal media were prepared by spray-drying technique and cross-linking by calcium ions and chitosan. The cross-linked microparticles were evaluated for PMB content by spectrophotometric method, alginate/PMB interaction by rheological study, cross-linking degree by EDS analysis and PMB activity by microbiological assay. By modulating the polymer cross-linking degree, cationic PMB interacted on alginate chains leading to a proper PMB loading as well as antibiotic retention in gastric environment and sustained delivery in intestinal fluid. Moreover, the procedure resulted suitable for PMB biological activity preservation.  相似文献   

This work investigated the means for the efficient encapsulation of muramyl dipeptide (MDP) in poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) microparticles (MP) by a solvent evaporation method in order to optimize the effect of the adjuvant for oral immunization. Therefore, the influence of MDP concentration in the inner aqueous phase was evaluated on MP characteristics such as size, morphology, drug entrapment, entrapment efficiency and the eventual interactions of MDP with co-entrapped model antigen, bovine serum albumin (BSA). The process of manufacturing produced a high entrapment efficiency of MDP (63:58=0:40%) without altering its integrity, as shown by chromatogram peaks analysis of alpha and beta anomers. The crystallinity of the polymer was dramatically increased (+24.6%) either with or without MDP loading but the entrapment of BSA reduced this crystallinity suggesting BSA-PCL interaction. These MP were resistant to simulated gastric fluid and exhibited a continuous BSA release. Moreover, their average diameter (<10 mum) combined with their high hydrophobicity make of this delivery system an exciting alternative for enhanced oral immunization.  相似文献   

This work investigated the means for the efficient encapsulation of muramyl dipeptide (MDP) in poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) microparticles (MP) by a solvent evaporation method in order to optimize the effect of the adjuvant for oral immunization. Therefore, the influence of MDP concentration in the inner aqueous phase was evaluated on MP characteristics such as size, morphology, drug entrapment, entrapment efficiency and the eventual interactions of MDP with co-entrapped model antigen, bovine serum albumin (BSA). The process of manufacturing produced a high entrapment efficiency of MDP (63.58 +/- 0.40%) without altering its integrity, as shown by chromatogram peaks analysis of a and beta anomers. The crystallinity of the polymer was dramatically increased (+24.6%) either with or without MDP loading but the entrapment of BSA reduced this crystallinity suggesting BSA-PCL interaction. These MP were resistant to simulated gastric fluid and exhibited a continuous BSA release. Moreover, their average diameter (<10 microm) combined with their high hydrophobicity make of this delivery system an exciting alternative for enhanced oral immunization.  相似文献   

In the present work we investigated the feasibility of chitosan treated Ca-alginate microparticles for delivery of naproxen in lower parts of GIT and evaluated influence of formulation factors on their physicochemical characteristics and drug release profiles. Investigated factors were drug/polymer ratio, chitosan molecular weight, chitosan concentration in hardening medium, and hardening time. Sixteen microparticle formulations were prepared utilizing 24 full factorial design (each factor was varied at two levels). Microparticles size varied between 262.3 ± 14.9 and 358.4 ± 21.7 μm with slightly deformed spherical shape. Low naproxen solubility and rapid reaction of ionotropic gelation resulted in high encapsulation efficiency (> 75.19%). Under conditions mimicking those in the stomach, after two hours, less than 6.18% of naproxen was released. Significant influence of all investigated factors on drug release rate was observed in simulated small intestinal fluid. Furthermore, experimental design analysis revealed that chitosan molecular weight and its concentration had the most pronounced effect on naproxen release. Release data kinetics indicated predominant influence of a pH-dependent relaxation mechanism on drug release from microparticles.  相似文献   

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