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目的:考察3~8岁儿童关于特质的性别差异信念及其发展特点。方法:采用个别测查法对379名儿童进行测查。结果:①从总体上看,各年龄组儿童倾向于将男性化特质归于男孩,将女性化特质归于女孩;②男孩比女孩更倾向于将男性化特质与男孩相联系,而女孩比男孩则更倾向于将女性化特质与女孩相联系;③从总体上看,学前阶段儿童将男性化特质与男孩相联系、将女性化特质与女孩相联系的倾向逐渐增强,6岁之后二者均处于稳定水平。结论:我国儿童从3岁起就持有关于特质的性别差异信念,他们对同性特质的性别差异信念强于对异性特质的性别差异信念,并且这些信念在学前期间不断增强,6岁左右趋于稳定。  相似文献   

目的:考察学前儿童关于攻击行为的性别图式是否影响他们对攻击行为信息的回忆.方法:采用错误回忆范式,对189名学前儿童进行测查.结果:儿童对女孩身体攻击者性别与攻击方式的错误回忆均显著高于男孩身体攻击者,且3岁、4岁和5岁组儿童对女孩身体攻击者的错误回忆均显著高于男孩身体攻击者;儿童对女孩关系攻击者的错误回忆显著高于男孩关系攻击者.结论:学前儿童关于身体攻击与关系攻击行为的性别图式影响他们对相关攻击行为信息的回忆.  相似文献   

目的:检验中文版父母阅读信念量表在中国学前儿童父母中的信度和效度。方法:随机抽取上海公立幼儿园1112名儿童的父母,由父亲或母亲完成父母阅读信念量表。其中部分父母完成家庭读写环境问卷,1个月后完成父母阅读信念量表重测。5个月后通过儿童阅读兴趣问卷和亲子阅读视频完成儿童阅读兴趣测评。结果:验证性因素分析显示二阶七因素模型拟合良好(χ2/df=2.82,P<0.001,RMSEA=0.04,CFI=0.94,IFI=0.94,TLI=0.94,SRMR=0.04)。7个因子与家庭阅读环境的相关系数在0.23—0.49之间,与儿童阅读兴趣的相关系数在0.22—0.47之间。总量表及各因素的内部一致性信度(0.80—0.96)和重测信度(0.74—0.95)良好。多群组验证性因素分析结果显示中文版父母阅读信念量表在父亲、母亲间具有完全的测量等值性。结论:中文版父母阅读信念量表具有良好的信度和效度,可作为评定中国学前儿童父母阅读信念的工具。  相似文献   

目的:从负面情绪应对的视角研究压力情境下情绪实体论者和情绪增长论者是否会采取不同类型的压力应对策略,同时探讨情绪可控性的中介作用.方法:采用实验法进行研究,实验采用单因素2水平(压力组vs.控制组)被试间设计.结果:在压力情境下,情绪增长论者比情绪实体论者更愿意选择增加积极情绪的应对策略(F=3.42,P<0.05);...  相似文献   

内隐自尊自从提出以来其测量的方法就引起人们大量的关注与争议。本文从内隐自尊的概念和操作定义入手,就内隐自尊测量的内隐特性是否是无意识的以及内隐自尊测量方法是否纯粹是基于"与自我联结"强度大小的角度,对内隐自尊测量方法内隐特性的假设提出了质疑,并在深入分析目前内隐自尊测量方法存在的问题基础上,对未来内隐自尊测量的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

目的:本研究采用内隐联结测验(IAT)的研究范式探索中国大学生对父母的内隐态度差异。方法:实验采用标准的IAT测验范式,由被试自己生成概念词和属性词,77个被试(女43,男34)完成实验。结果:发现无论使用他人参照还是自我参照,中国大学生对母亲和父亲的内隐态度差异显著,其中对母亲的内隐态度要亲近;并且男女之间存在分离效应,男生对母亲和父亲的内隐态度差异不显著,而女生对母亲和父亲的内隐态度差异显著。结论:中国大学生对父母的内隐态度差异显著。  相似文献   

目的:探究新冠疫情期间公众的内隐健康信念对焦虑、抑郁状态的影响及其机制。方法:采用内隐健康信念量表、健康防护行为参与度量表、亲社会行为参与度量表、广泛性焦虑量表(GAD-7)、患者健康问卷(PHQ-9),邀请全国各地942位18岁以上的成年人参与调查。结果:(1)内隐健康信念与焦虑、抑郁呈显著负相关;(2)健康防护行为参与度部分中介了内隐健康信念对抑郁的预测效应,但在内隐健康信念和焦虑之间没有中介效应;(3)亲社会行为参与度调节了内隐健康信念对抑郁的影响,但不调节内隐健康信念对焦虑的影响。结论:内隐健康信念能够通过健康防护行参与度对抑郁症状起预测作用,在该作用中亲社会行为参与度起调节作用。  相似文献   

目的:考察当代大学生的择偶偏爱性别差异,探讨大学生的择偶偏爱的类型,并探讨择偶偏爱与一般社会信念的关系。方法:对来自北京6所高校大学生563名进行分析,采用择偶偏爱问卷和一般社会信念问卷。结果:①女性在有高薪潜力的、受过高等教育的、高社会地位的等14个因素上比男性更为偏爱,男性较女性更为偏爱的仅有4项,包括外貌有吸引力,形象性感、比本人年轻和擅长家务的;②大学生择偶偏爱类型可以分为经济取向、性格取向和生理取向,女性偏爱性格取向和经济取向,男性偏爱生理取向;③一般社会信念对于大学生择偶偏爱具有显著的预测作用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨自杀尝试者的内隐自杀意念及其本质,并考察内隐自杀意念对自杀尝试的解释作用。方法:采用死亡/自杀内隐联想测验范式、自杀行为筛查问卷以及Beck抑郁问卷对45名自杀尝试者和48名无自杀尝试者进行测量。结果:(1)自杀尝试组的内隐自杀意念显著大于无自杀尝试组;(2)相比于无自杀尝试组,自杀尝试组的自我与活着的内隐联系更弱,而两组被试的自我与死亡的联系强度无显著差异;(3)在控制抑郁、外显自杀意念后,内隐自杀意念仍能显著解释自杀尝试的变异。结论:自杀尝试者的内隐自杀意念表现为自我与活着的内隐联系较弱。内隐自杀意念和自杀尝试行为之间关系密切,有可能成为识别未来自杀尝试风险的有效指标。  相似文献   

目的:考察学前儿童焦虑的发展特点.方法:以学前儿童焦虑量表为评估工具,要求469名母亲报告4-6岁儿童的焦虑问题.结果:躯体伤害恐惧在4-6岁儿童中相对保持稳定,分离焦虑、社交恐惧、强迫-冲动行为和广泛性焦虑随年龄增长而下降:男孩的社交恐惧和广泛性焦虑显著高于女孩,分离焦虑、躯体伤害恐惧和强迫-冲动行为不存在显著的性别差异;4-6岁儿童的焦虑症状水平由高到低依次为躯体伤害恐惧、分离焦虑、广泛性焦虑、社交恐惧和强迫-冲动行为.结论:4-6岁儿童的多数焦虑症状随年龄增长而下降,各年龄组儿童的躯体伤害恐惧和分离焦虑明显高于社交恐惧、强迫-冲动行为和广泛性焦虑.  相似文献   

青春期前期学生心理健康发展趋势和性别差异   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
目的 :揭示青春期前期学生心理健康的特点和发展趋势 ,为指导学生适应青春期发展提供依据。方法 :使用《中小学生心理健康量表》对处于青春期前期的小学三、五年级和初中一年级 2 0 6 8名学生进行调查 ,对所得数据用SPSS8.0进行统计分析。结果 :以量表的总均分为因变量进行 2 (性别 )× 3(年级 )的方差分析显示 :年级与性别主效应显著 ,年级与性别间的交互作用不显著。事后比较和t检验进一步显示出差异存在的具体方面。结论 :青春前期学生心理健康水平总体上表现为随年级的升高而降低 ,但不同维度存在不同的发展趋势 ;青春前期学生心理健康存在性别差异 ,且在不同年级表现不同 ,从发展趋势上看 ,性别差异从人际、适应维度逐步转向自我维度  相似文献   

汉词再认ERP新旧效应的性别差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:运用事件相关电位(ERPs)技术探讨汉词再认新旧效应的性别差异及其脑机制。方法:30名大学生(男女各半)参与汉词再认测验,同时记录EEG,离线处理数据后比较男女被试诱发出的ERPs主要成分及其新旧效应。结果:女性P500波幅显著大于男性(F=12.76,P〈0.001),潜伏期短于男性(F=3.589,P〈0.05)。男女被试在350.600ms均诱发出了显著的顶区新旧效应,但男性呈显著左侧优势,女性则更为双侧化。仅男性诱发出了显著的额区新旧效应,呈负走向变化,头皮分布呈右侧优势。结论:汉词再认的ERP新旧效应存在性别差异。这种性别差异可能既与信息提取速度及强度的差异有关,也与不同性别的神经解剖结构差异有关。  相似文献   

老年心理健康的性别差异   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
根据554名年龄在70以上(均龄=77.5)的老人所作的调查结果,发现女性比男性有较多的心理症状和抑郁表征,且对生活有较大的不满。男民生老人的心理健康随着年龄的增加而下降,但与教育水平并没有显著的关系。另一方面,丧偶的男性则比较缺乏生活和满足感,相对的,女性老人的心理健康与年龄并没有显著的关系,但与教育水平和婚姻状况却密切相关,本研究表明,若以社会人口特征预测老人的心理健康,性别差异是一个重要的考  相似文献   

Aggression in humans is associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. In this study we report on the aggressive behavior syndrome (AGG) in young children as defined by the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and the Teacher Report Form (TRF). We assessed aggression in a large sample of Dutch twins at ages 3, 7, and 10 years. The purpose of this study was three-fold. First, we determined the number of children who are clinically deviant on the AGG scale. Second, we assessed the genetic and environmental contributions to AGG for the maternal, paternal, and teacher ratings at each age, for boys and girls. Third, we explored issues of rater bias by analyzing parental and teacher data simultaneously. CBCL data were available from mothers on 6436 three-year-old, 5451 seven-year-old, and 2972 ten-year-old twin pairs and CBCL data from fathers on 4207 three-year-old, 4269 seven-year-old, and 2295 ten-year-old twin pairs. Teacher report data from the TRF were collected for 1036 seven-year-old and 903 ten-year-old twin pairs from the Netherlands Twin Registry. Structural equation modeling was employed to obtain genetic and environmental estimates at each age. Analyses were conducted separately by age and informant, as well as simultaneously, for all informants. Differences in raw scores across gender were found, with boys being rated as more aggressive than girls by all informants. Mothers reported more symptoms than fathers, who reported more symptoms than teachers. Evidence for moderate to high genetic influence (51%–72%) was seen for AGG by all three informants at all ages with only small sex differences in heritability estimates. Best fitting models for AGG by parent reports also included a small contribution of common environment. The largest sex differences in heritabilities were seen at age 10. Contributions of common (13%–27%) and unique (16%–31%) environment were small to moderate. There was some evidence of genetic dominance by teacher report for 10-year-old girls.  相似文献   

IntroductionObesity in young adulthood increases the risk for premature death, and the prevalence of obesity rapidly increasing among young adults, particularly in young men. We evaluated the gender differences in accompanying comorbidities and attitudes regarding weight control among young Korean adults with obesity.Materials and MethodsWe analyzed 2,050 young adults with obesity (1,325 men and 725 women) in the 7th KNHANES (2016–2018) aged 19–44 years, with body mass indexes (BMIs) ≥25.0 kg/m2. The odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for poor lifestyle factors and accompanying illnesses as well as self-perceived weight status, weight control efforts, and weight control strategies in men compared to those in women were calculated by multivariate logistic regression analysis.ResultsThe mean BMIs and waist circumferences were 28.2 ± 0.1 kg/m2 and 93.6 ± 0.2 cm and 28.6 ± 0.1 kg/m2 and 88.7 ± 0.4 cm, in men and women, respectively. The ORs and 95% CIs for abdominal obesity (1.52, 1.11–2.07), hypertension (3.11, 2.20–4.40), hypercholesterolemia (1.45, 1.09–1.93), hypertriglyceridemia (3.37, 2.38–4.78), and elevated alanine transaminase concentration (6.53, 4.56–9.36) were higher in young men compared to those in young women. Despite the higher prevalences of comorbid conditions, the odds of inappropriate weight perception (8.13, 4.17–15.86), lack of weight control efforts (2.20, 1.71–2.84), lack of diet therapy (1.56, 1.13–2.16), lack of pharmacotherapy (13.27, 6.82–25.79), heavy drinking (1.32, 1.02–1.72), current smoking (6.92, 5.00–9.59), and frequent eating out (4.38, 3.35–5.71) were higher among men. However, the odds of not engaging in exercise (0.48, 0.35–0.64) were lower among men compared to that in women.DiscussionDespite their higher prevalences of comorbidities, appropriate weight perception and weight control efforts are insufficient in young men with obesity. These gender differences should be considered to provide tailored programs for weight reduction in young adults with obesity.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe impact of heterogeneity on gender difference for achieving clinically meaningful weight loss (cmWL) remains unclear. Here, we explored the potential gender differences in factors associated with cmWL.MethodsA total of 60,668 participants with body mass index (BMI) ≥25 kg/m<sup>2</sup> at study entry and available BMI values at follow-up were included in this study. cmWL was defined as a weight loss of ≥5% from the study entry to follow-up. The associations of social-demographic factors, personal history of chronic diseases, lifestyle behaviors, and history of BMI with cmWL were evaluated using logistic regression models.ResultsDuring a median follow-up of 9.13 years, 26.6% of the participants had a cmWL (30.8% for females vs. 23.1% in males; p < 0.001). Participants with older age, obesity at study entry, being more physical activity compared to 10 years ago, being relapsed smokers or consistent current smokers, having a history of chronic diseases (i.e., diabetes, osteoporosis, and stroke), cancer diagnosis during the study period, and more than 10-year follow-up were more likely to achieve cmWL in both males and females (all p < 0.05). The new smoking quitters and participants with less active in physical activity compared to 10 years ago were less likely to achieve cmWL in both males and females (all p < 0.05). Specifically, males with a history of emphysema were more likely to reach cmWL, and for females, those being overweight at 20 years old and current drinkers were more likely to reach cmWL (p < 0.05). Sensitivity analyses demonstrated similar results.ConclusionAge, BMI status, physical activity, smoking status, family income, and health status were independent factors in males and females for weight management. However, further well-designed prospective studies are warranted to confirm our findings.  相似文献   

Plasma noradrenaline (NA), adrenaline (A), and corticosterone (CS) responses to social and nonsocial stressors were studied in male members of a strain of wild-type rats, widely differing in their level of aggression. The aggressiveness was preliminarily established by measuring the latency time to attack (ALT) a male intruder in a standard resident-intruder test. Animals were then provided with a jugular vein cannula for blood sampling during stress exposure. Implanted rats were randomly assigned to 3 experimental treatments: social stress (defeat experience, SD), nonsocial stress (presentation of a shock-prod, SP) and control (animals undisturbed in their home cages, CTR). A significant correlation was found between ALT and the amount of time spent in burying the probe in SP rats: the more aggressive the animal, the higher the rate of burying behavior. SD induced a much stronger effect on plasma NA, A, and CS concentrations than SP. A significant negative correlation was found between ALT scores and values of the area under the response time curve for NA and A, in both SD and SP situations: the more aggressive the animal, the higher the catecholaminergic reactivity to the stressors. On the contrary, no evidence of a correlation between aggressiveness and plasma corticosterone responses was found, neither in SD nor in SP rats. These findings in an unselected strain of wild-type rats confirmed that an aggressive/active coping strategy is associated with a high sympathetic-adrenomedullary activation and support the concept of individual differentiation in coping styles as a coherent set of behavioral and neuroendocrine characteristics.  相似文献   

Metacognitive theory, amongst other theories, gives an important role to beliefs about mental states, including beliefs about emotions, in the maintenance of distress. Mentalization theory as well as the dialectical behaviour therapy and emotion-focused therapy literature specifies particular beliefs thought to be related to emotion dysregulation and therefore to a label of borderline personality disorder. The current study aimed to develop a questionnaire to measure the beliefs about emotions as specified by this literature and to test the relationship of this new measure to various aspects of emotion regulation in a non-clinical sample of 289 participants. A factor analysis extracted six factors, which described beliefs about emotions as (a) overwhelming and uncontrollable; (b) shameful and irrational; (c) invalid and meaningless; (d) useless; (e) damaging; and (f) contagious. The final measure showed some promising psychometric properties. All of the questionnaire subscales were related to aspects of emotion dysregulation including distress, borderline personality disorder symptoms and behaviours associated with dysregulation of emotion, suggesting that beliefs about emotions could be an important metacognitive construct involved in the ability to regulate emotions. Beliefs about emotions may be a useful direct or indirect target for treatment of difficulties regulating emotions, and this could be achieved through the use of various therapeutic modalities.  相似文献   

Sleep is an important component in our lives as it is necessary throughout one’s entire life span. This study was conducted to elucidate whether there are gender differences in sleep quality and what factors can affect sleep quality in community-dwelling elderly Koreans. A total of 382 subjects (175 males and 207 females) were recruited among elderly aged 45 or over who participated in the 2010 Hallym Aging Study (HAS). They were invited to a general hospital and were evaluated for socioeconomic status, smoking history, and various clinical measures. Sleep quality was assessed by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). A higher score indicates poorer subjective sleep quality, (PSQI global score > 5 suggests sleep disturbance). After adjusting for potential covariates, our results show that alcohol increases the odds for poor sleep (odds ratio [OR] = 3.35, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.11–10.10) in males. In females, lack of exercise was the major risk factor of poor sleep as they are 4.46 times more likely to suffer from low sleep quality than those who exercise regularly (95% CI=1.56–13.75). Stress was also a risk factor for poor sleep. It was 5.60 times higher in the “always have stress” group than the “do not have stress” group (95% CI = 1.54–20.34). Thus, alcohol consumption is associated with men’s sleep quality, while exercise and stress level affect women’s.  相似文献   

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