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This study was designed to re-examine and compare the neural drive of the knee extensors during isokinetic concentric muscular actions by means of the twitch interpolation technique (activation level, AL) and surface electromyographic (EMG) recordings (root mean square, RMS). Torque, AL and RMS amplitudes of three knee extensors and one knee flexor were measured in nine subjects during maximal and sub-maximal voluntary contractions, performed under concentric (60°·s–1 and 120°·s–1; Con60 and Con120, respectively) and isometric (Iso) conditions. Mean (SD) maximal voluntary torque was significantly lower (P<0.01) during concentric contractions [Con60: 208.6 (26.8) Nm and Con120: 184.7 (26.4) Nm] compared with isometric contractions [327.4 (52.0) Nm]. A significantly lower AL (P<0.05) was recorded during Con60 [80.9 (8.8)%] compared with Iso [87.9 (5.1)%] and Con120 [88.2 (6.6)%] maximal contractions. Simultaneously, a lower knee extensor average RMS amplitudes (av.RMS) was measured during Con60 maximal contractions compared with Iso and Con120 maximal contractions. The antagonist biceps femoris RMS values were not different between maximal Iso, Con60 and Con120 contractions. During sub-maximal voluntary contractions, the RMS/torque relationships were similar whatever the muscle considered (vastus lateralis, vastus medialis or rectus femoris) and the AL/av.RMS relationships did not reveal any noticeable differences between each contractile condition. The results of the present study indicate that av.RMS and AL describe similarly the neural drive during maximal and sub-maximal efforts and indicate that during maximal voluntary efforts, neural drive is dependent upon concentric angular velocity (up to 120°·s–1). Thus, our results suggest that when applying different contractile conditions, the torque output is regulated via complex interactions between intrinsic muscular properties and the neural drive. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Summary We investigated the hypotheses (1) that the initial flexion part of the wipe reflex elicited in the spinalized frog has the same EMG pattern for wipes to different target locations (Berkinblit et al. 1986), thereby reducing the complexity of the control of this task, and (2) that this initial flexion is the same as occurs in the flexion withdrawal reflex (Easton 1972). The activities of seven muscles of the hindlimb of the spinal frog were recorded via intramuscular electromyograms (EMGs) during the wipe reflex to two target locations and during the flexion withdrawal reflex. The EMGs were analyzed during the interval between stimulus placement and movement onset for mean integrated EMG and duration from EMG onset to movement onset. This analysis revealed significant differences (p<0.0001) in the EMG patterns that preceded the initial flexion posture for all three movements. These findings suggest that the spinal circuitry coordinating the initial flexion part of the wipe reflex to different target locations and the flexion withdrawal reflex may not be uniformly shared.  相似文献   

Abstract. Muscle fiber conduction velocity (CV) may be affected by the level of voluntary activation and by the diameter of the fiber. Both the frequency component of the electromyography (EMG) power spectrum, such the as median frequency (MF) or mean power frequency, and the duration of muscle compound action potential to single supramaximal electrical impulse (maximal M-wave) may be related to CV. The aim of the present study was to examine how changes in the activation level in lengthening and in shortening conditions would affect the EMG power spectrum during voluntary effort, and compare them to changes in M-wave shape in similar conditions. Ten male subjects performed eccentric and concentric knee extensions at force levels of 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% of maximal eccentric and concentric knee extension force (maximum voluntary contraction, MVC) at an angular velocity of 2 rad·s–1. In order to measure the M-wave at each force level and in a relaxed condition, a supramaximal electrical stimulus was given to the femoral nerve. The surface EMG was recorded from the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and rectus femoris muscles, and the average EMG (aEMG) and MF were calculated. The results show that although the absolute force was greater, the aEMG was generally lower in eccentric as compared to concentric actions at all of the force levels tested. Although the aEMG increased as force increased, no consistent differences were observed in the amplitude of the maximal M-wave in any of the conditions, or in the duration of the M-wave between eccentric and concentric actions. However, as the force level increased the duration of the M-wave decreased significantly (P<0.01) for both eccentric and concentric actions. On average, no major differences were observed in MF between eccentric and concentric actions or between the force levels in either type of contraction, although rather large variations were observed throughout the motions. In voluntary situations, the recruitment of fast motor units with higher muscle fiber CVs and the increased firing rate of the active units increases the muscle fiber CV as the activation level increases. Even though in conditions of supramaximal electrical nerve stimulation all motor units should be activated simultaneously, the duration of the M-wave in the present study decreased as the force level increased. Possible candidates for the change in the CV may be increased activation of the Na+/K+ pump resulting from the activity in the muscle preceding the electrical stimulation and/or changes in the muscle fiber length between different force levels. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Summary In fourteen subjects we compared maximum voluntary eccentric, concentric, and isometric contractions. The maximum voluntary forces by the subjects on a weight-lifting rod when changing from standing to squatting and from squatting to standing, and during a halfway knee-bend, were measured. The rod was placed on a special stand and moved up and down at a constant speed of 8.5 m/s by a motor. Energy expenditure was measured by the indirect method and EMG activity was measured in the quadriceps femoris. It was found that the force which the muscles generated was greatest during eccentric contraction, lower during isometric and lowest during concentric contraction. Energy expenditure was slightly greater during concentric than eccentric contraction. The level of difference in EMG activity of the quadriceps femoris was statistically insignificant. An energy comparison with isometric contractions was not undertaken in view of the very complex nature of these relationships.  相似文献   

Summary To investigate the relative activation of the synergistic muscles during three different types of muscle contraction, the electromyograms (EMG) of two elbow flexor muscles, the biceps brachii (BB) and the brachioradialis (BR), have been compared. To accomplish this eight healthy human subjects performed the following elbow flexions against the same load — concentric, eccentric and isometric contractions. The isometric contractions were performed at three elbow angles: 10, 45 and 90° (0° equal to full expension). The EMG were recorded by bipolar surface electrodes, and the relative activation between the two muscles was evaluated as the quotient of mean EMG activities (BR/BB). For the isotonic elbow flexions, BR/BB were calculated at three angle divisions: 0–30°, 30–60° and 60–90°. Results indicated that the relative activation of the BR during the concentric contractions was higher than that of the eccentric contraction, particularly at the extended elbow angles, i.e. the BR/BB of the concentric contractions for the elbow joint angles ranging from 0–30° and 30–60° were significantly greater (P<0.05) than those of the eccentric contractions. During the isometric and eccentric contractions, the BR/BB at the flexed joint angles tended to be greater than those at the extended angles. In contrast, there were no angle-dependent BR/BB variations during the concentric elbow flexions. Further, changing patterns in the EMG power spectra due to the type of contraction were different between BB and BR. These results indicated that the activation pattern in the two elbow flexor muscles varied with the muscle contraction pattern.  相似文献   

This study compares the fatigability of the ankle dorsiflexors during five sets of 30 maximal concentric and eccentric contractions in young and elderly adults. The torque produced by the ankle dorsiflexors and the average surface electromyogram (aEMG) of the tibialis anterior were continuously recorded. The contribution of central and peripheral mechanisms to muscle fatigue was tested before, after each set of contractions, and during a 30 min recovery period by the superimposed electrical stimulation method. The compound muscle action potential (M-wave), the mechanical response to single (twitch) and paired (doublet) stimulation, and the postactivation potentiation were also recorded. Compared with young subjects, elderly adults exhibited a greater loss of torque for concentric (50.2 vs. 40.9%; P<0.05) and eccentric (42.1 vs. 27.1%; P < 0.01) contractions. Although young subjects showed a lesser decrease in torque during the eccentric compared with concentric contractions, elderly adults experienced similar fatigability for the two types of contractions despite a comparable depression in the EMG activity of both groups and contraction types (10–20%). As tested by the interpolated-twitch method and aEMG/M-wave ratio, voluntary activation was not altered during either type of contraction or for either age group. During the two fatigue tasks, only elderly adults experienced a decrease in M-wave area (26.4–35.4%; P < 0.05). All together, our results suggest that the fatigue exhibited by both young and elderly adults during maximal concentric and eccentric contractions mainly involved peripheral alterations and that elderly adults may also have experienced a decline in neuromuscular propagation.  相似文献   

Summary In contraction of skeletal muscle a delay exists between the onset of electrical activity and measurable tension. This delay in electromechanical coupling has been stated to be between 30 and 100 ms. Thus, in rapid movements it may be possible for electromyographic (EMG) activity to have terminated before force can be detected. This study was designed to determine the dependence of the EMG-tension delay upon selected initial conditions at the time of muscle activation. The rigth forearms of 14 subjects were passively oscillated by a motor-driven dynamometer through flexion-extension cycles of 135 deg at an angular velocity of 0.5 rad/s. Upon presentation of a visual stimulus the subjects maximally contracted the relaxed elbow flexors during flexion, extension, and under isometric conditions. The muscle length at the time of the stimulus was the same in all three conditions. An on-line computer monitoring surface EMG (Biceps and Brachioradialis) and force calculated the electromechanical delay. The mean value for the delay under eccentric condition, 49.5 ms, was significantly different (p<0.05) from the delays during isometric (53.9 ms) and concentric activity (55.5 ms). It is suggested that the time required to stretch the series elastic component (SEC) represents the major portion of the measured delay and that during eccentric muscle activity the SEC is in a more favorable condition for rapid force development.  相似文献   

Intramuscular and surface electromyographic (EMG) activities were recorded from the left and right upper trapezius muscle of eight healthy male subjects during 5-min long static contractions at 2% and 5% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) force. Intramuscular signals were detected by wire electrodes while surface EMG signals were recorded with linear adhesive electrode arrays. The surface EMG signals were averaged using the potentials extracted from the intramuscular EMG decomposition as triggers. The conduction velocity of single motor units (MUs) was estimated over time from the averaged surface potentials while average rectified value and mean power spectral frequency were computed over time from 0.5 s epochs of surface EMG signal. It was found that (1) MUs were progressively recruited after the beginning of sustained contractions of the upper trapezius muscle at 2% and 5% MVC, (2) the conduction velocity of the MUs active since the beginning of the contraction significantly decreased over time, and (3) although the CV of single MUs significantly decreased, the mean power spectral frequency of the surface EMG did not show a consistent trend over time. It was concluded that spectral surface EMG analysis, being affected by many physiological mechanisms, may show limitations for the objective assessment of localized muscle fatigue during low force, sustained contractions. On the contrary, single motor unit conduction velocity may provide an early indication of changes in muscle fiber membrane properties with sustained activity.  相似文献   

Summary The aim of this investigation was to study the relationships among movement velocity, torque output and electromyographic (EMG) activity of the knee extensor muscles under eccentric and concentric loading. Fourteen male subjects performed maximal voluntary eccentric and concentric constant-velocity knee extensions at 45, 90, 180 and 360° · s–1. Myoelectric signals were recorded, using surface electrodes, from the vastus medialis, vastus lateralis and rectus femoris muscles. For comparison, torque and full-wave rectified EMG signals were amplitude-averaged through the central half (30°–70°) of the range of motion. For each test velocity, eccentric torque was greater than concentric torque (range of mean differences: 20%–146%,P < 0.05). In contrast, EMG activity for all muscles was lower under eccentric loading than velocity-matched concentric loading (7%–31%,P < 0.05). Neither torque output nor EMG activity for the three muscles changed across eccentric test velocities (P > 0.05). While concentric torque increased with decreasing velocity, EMG activity for all muscles decreased with decreasing velocity (P < 0.05). These data suggest that under certain high-tension loading conditions (especially during eccentric muscle actions), the neural drive to the agonist muscles was reduced, despite maximal voluntary effort. This may protect the musculoskeletal system from an injury that could result if the muscle was to become fully activated under these conditions.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this investigation was to determine how the triphasic electromyogram (EMG) pattern of muscle activation developed from the agonist muscle only pattern as movement time (t mov) decreased. Six adult women produced a series of 30° elbow extension movements in the horizontal plane at speeds ranging from ballistic (< 400-ms t mov) to very slow (> 800-ms t mov). Surface EMG from triceps brachii (agonist) and biceps brachii (antagonist) muscles were recorded, together with elbow angle, on a microcomputer. The results showed that triphasic EMG patterns developed systematically as t mov decreased from 1000 ms to < 200 ms. In trials with very long t mov, many elbow extension movements were produced by a single continuous activation of the agonist triceps brachii muscle. As t mov decreased however, agonist activation became predominantly burst-like and other components of the triphasic EMG pattern [activation of the antagonist (Ant) and second agonist activation (Ag2)] began to appear. At the fastest movement speeds, triphasic EMG patterns (Ag1-Ant-Ag2, Ag1 being first activation of agonist muscle) were always present. This data indicated that the triphasic pattern of muscle activation was not switched on when a particular t mov was achieved. Rather, each component systematically developed until all were present, as distinctive bursts of activity, in most trials with t mov less than 400 ms.  相似文献   

Summary Exercise can cause muscle pain for a number of reasons. Usually the pain is experienced during the exercise and recovers rapidly afterwards. There is one type of muscle pain that has a very different and characteristic time course. In this situation the exercise itself, and the immediate post-exercise period are painfree. The pain is not felt for about eight hours and is maximal 1 or 2 days later. Delayed onset muscle pain occurs after unaccustomed, high force contractions and is particularly associated with eccentric contractions. The concensus of opinion is that the pain is caused by some form of damage, but the mechanism for the pain is not known. This review summarises the literature on the consequences of eccentric contractions and relates them to delayed onset muscle pain. There is clear evidence of damage to the muscle fibres themselves, their membranes and, at a later stage, mononuclear cell infiltration, but all these have very different time courses and none are the same as the pain. Intramuscular pressures are raised in some, but not all, painful compartments and even when raised follow a different time course to the pain. Anti-inflammatory agents do not affect the pain, but due to the incomplete understanding of the action of these drugs, the role of inflammation in delayed onset muscle pain is uncertain.Despite the considerable evidence of damage after eccentric contractions, the cause of delayed onset muscle pain is still unknown.  相似文献   

This study monitored plasma and skeletal muscle markers of free-radical-mediated damage following maximum eccentric and concentric exercise, to examine the potential role of free radicals in exercise-induced muscle damage. Fourteen male volunteers performed either (1) a bout of 70 maximum eccentric and a bout of 70 maximum concentric muscle actions of the forearm flexors (the bouts being separated by 4 weeks; n = 8) or (2) a bout of 80 maximum eccentric and a bout of 80 maximum concentric muscle actions of the knee extensors (the bouts being separated by 1 week; n=6). Plasma markers of lipid peroxidation, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) and diene-conjugated compounds (DCC) were monitored in the arm protocol and skeletal muscle markers of oxidative lipid and protein damage, malondialdehyde (MDA) and protein carbonyl derivatives (PCD) respectively, were monitored in the leg protocol. In both protocols, the contralateral limb was used for the second bout and the order of the bouts was randomised between limbs. Repeated measures ANOVA indicated significant changes from baseline following eccentric arm work on the measures of serum creatine kinase activity (P < 0.05), maximum voluntary torque production (P < 0.01) and relaxed arm angle (P < 0.01). Subjective muscle soreness peaked 2 days after eccentric arm work (P < 0.05, Wilcoxon test). However, there were no changes in the plasma levels of TBARS or DCC following the eccentric or concentric arm exercise. Immediately after concentric leg exercise, skeletal muscle PCD concentrations was significantly higher than that observed immediately after eccentric work (P < 0.05). However, no significant difference between the eccentric and concentric knee extensor bouts was observed on the measure of skeletal muscle MDA concentration. The results of this study offer no support for the involvement of oxygen free radicals in exercise-induced muscle damage.  相似文献   

Summary The electromyographic basis of inaccurate performance was investigated in two rapid precision-grip skills controlled by concentric and eccentric muscle contractions respectively. Surface electromyograms, recorded from the first dorsal interosseous (DI), adductor pollicis (AP) and abductor pollicis brevis, were utilised to identify changes in the timing and intensity of muscle activation which may be responsible for inaccurate performance. The results showed that when fast precision-grip skills were controlled by concentric DI and AP muscle contractions, variations in the intensity of muscle contraction were responsible for inaccurate performance. However, when these skills were controlled by eccentric DI and AP muscle contractions, inaccurate performance resulted from variations in the timing of muscle activation. It was concluded that the nature of the deficiency in the patterns of muscle activation resulting in inaccurate performance was dependent upon the type of muscle contraction used in the skill.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of 21 days voluntary leg (plaster) immobilization on the mechanical properties of the triceps surae have been studied in 11 young female subjects, mean age 19.4 years. The results show that during the period of immobilization the mean time to peak tension (TPT) and half relaxation time (1/2RT) and tension (Pt) of the maximal twitch increased significantly (p<0.001) but the effects were short lived. Maximal tension and contraction times of the twitch recovered within 2–14 days following the removal of the plaster cast. The electrically evoked tetanic tensions at 10 Hz and 20 Hz did not change significantly (p>0.1) during immobilization, but the 50 Hz tetanic tension (P°50) and maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) were reduced (p<0.05). The fall in P°50 and MVC was associated with 10% decrease in the estimated muscle (plus bone) cross-sectional area. The relative (%) change in P°50 and MVC following immobilization was related to the initial physiological status (as indicated by the response of the triceps surae to a standard fatigue test prior to immobilization) of the muscle. The rate of rise and recovery fall of the tetanus were slightly but significantly (p<0.01) reduced on day 7 of immobilization, but thereafter remained constant. The isokinetic properties of the triceps surae as reflected in the measured torque/velocity relation of the muscle in 4 subjects did not change significantly if account was taken of the slight degree of atrophy present following immobilization. It was concluded that short term voluntary leg immobilization produces atrophy and some loss of isometric twitch and tetanic function, but has little effect on the isokinetic properties of the triceps surae. The changes in the twitch characteristics during and immediately following immobilization may be indicative of a prolongation of the active state of the muscle.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to analyse the effects of gender and age in a population-based sample of clinically healthy subjects on: (1) strength, endurance and perception of fatigue, (2) mean frequency (MNF) of the electromyogram (EMG), and (3) the ability to relax between active contractions (signal amplitude ratio; SAR) of the surface EMG of an isokinetic shoulder forward flexion test. With this aim we have analysed aspects of the validity of MNF as an indicator of fatigue, using peak torque as a criterion variable. The subjects were 27 men and 28 women (age range: 20–60 years), who were obtained by random sample from the official census lists (participation rate: 66%). The peak torque and surface EMG of two portions of the trapezius, deltoid and infraspinatus muscles were recorded throughout 100 repetitive maximal isokinetic shoulder forward flexions. No significant differences in the perception of fatigue and relative endurance levels of peak torque and work were found between males and females. Males were significantly stronger than females and, on average, females produced approximately 60% of the output of the males; 76% after normalisation for body mass. The men had significantly lower MNF endurance levels for three of the investigated muscles. When controlled for age and body mass, the men had a significantly higher MNF of the deltoid muscle than did the females. These differences were only found for the deltoid muscle. Significant correlations existed between the MNF of the four muscles and biomechanical output, indicating criterion validity for the MNF variable with respect to fatigue. There were no significant effects of gender or age on the ability to relax between repetitive contractions (SAR). The higher prevalence of musculoskeletal complaints of the neck-shoulder region in females cannot be explained by a higher intrinsic muscle tension. Age, gender, body mass index and biomechanical output can have significant effects upon MNF. These effects are important considerations in the interpretation of MNF, for instance in ergonomic situations. Accepted: 17 July 2000  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between acoustic myography (AMG), electromyography (EMG) and force during submaximal dynamic contractions was examined in the biceps brachii muscles of eight healthy males (aged 17–26 years). Different weights were lifted and lowered at a constant speed, using a wall pulley system, to perform concentric and eccentric contractions, respectively. Integrated AMG (iAMG) and integrated EMG (iEMG) activity both increased linearly with force during concentric (iAMGr=0.94; iEMGr=0.99) and eccentric (iAMGr=0.90; iEMGr=0.94) contractions. The slopes of the concentric regression lines were significantly different from the eccentric slopes (P<0.01) for both iAMG and iEMG with concentric contractions showing greater levels of activity. The results indicated that AMG can be used to detect changes in force during dynamic contractions which has important implications for the use of AMG in rehabilitation. The differences in iAMG activity between concentric and eccentric contractions are discussed in relationship to the origin of the AMG signal.  相似文献   

Summary Contraction work (CW) was recorded for each of 200 repetitive isokinetic plantar flexions (1.05 rad · s–1) and knee extensions (1.57 rad · s–1) in 14 elite male orienteers. Simultaneous recordings of integrated electromyograms (iEMG) were obtained from the 3 parts of triceps surae and from 3 superficial portions of quadriceps femoris. CW in both muscle groups decreased significantly during the first 30 contractions (the fatigue phase), followed by a steady state level. The relative steady state level was higher for the plantar flexors (70±17%) than for the knee extensors (56±12%). For quadriceps a significant increase in iEMG occurred during the first 10 contractions followed by a decrease, whereas the iEMG of the plantar flexors showed a gradual decrease to the steady state level, which was similar for the two muscle groups (71–72%). The chosen expression of output/input balance (CW/iEMG) was constant throughout the plantarflexion test but decreased during the initial 20 knee extensions down to 82%. Thus, the fatigue phase of the knee extensions appeared to be divided into two; the first part had decreases in both CW and CW/iEMG and the second part with a decrease in CW alone. In contrast the plantar flexors only showed the characteristics of the second part.  相似文献   

Electromyography (EMG) recordings for a typical 8-h day have indicated that burst activity is greater in old adults compared with young adults; these age-related adaptations might be due to the tasks undertaken. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether EMG burst activity differs between young and old men and women for a discrete task of daily living, and to assess whether the time of day when the task is performed influences the EMG burst patterns. Subjects completed a discrete functional task of a grocery bag carry prior to and following 8 h of daily activity. Surface EMG was recorded from the biceps brachii, triceps brachii, vastus lateralis, and biceps femoris. Spatial and temporal characteristics of the bursts were quantified as a period of EMG activity being greater than 2% maximum EMG and for a duration longer than 0.1 s. Burst activity did not differ between the morning and evening recordings, which indicate that the time of day does not influence burst activity recorded for a discrete task. Although there were no differences in burst number between young (10.9 +/- 1.0) and old (11.4 +/- 0.7) adults, burst duration and area were 3-7 times larger in old adults compared with young adults. The number of bursts in women (7.9 +/- 1.0) were ~85% less compared with men (14.6 +/- 0.7), but burst duration and burst area were approximately three times larger in women compared with men. Thus, older adults demonstrate higher levels of burst activity compared with young adults, and these age-related changes in burst activity are augmented in women.  相似文献   

Summary Fatigue of the vastus lateralis muscle was studied in healthy well-conditioned students, who differed considerably regarding their muscle fibre type distribution. Muscle force decline during repeated maximum voluntary knee extensions at a constant angular velocity (180×s–1 or rad×s–1), using isokinetic equipment, was taken as the criterion for the degree of fatigue. In an attempt to study quantitative as well as qualitative changes in the EMG pattern, integrated EMG (IEMG) and the frequency of the mean power (MPF), computed from the power spectral density function (PSDF), were analysed. It was found that individuals with muscles made up of a high proportion of fast twitch (FT) muscle fibres demonstrated higher peak knee extension torque, and a greater susceptibility to fatigue than did individuals with muscles mainly composed of slow twitch (ST) muscle fibres. An IEMG decline (p<0.01) was demonstrated during 100 contractions in individuals rich in FT fibres. Only a slight, but not significant, reduction in IEMG occurred in individuals with a high percentage of ST fibres. Concomitantly, MPF decreased (p<0.001) in individuals with a high percentage of FT fibres, while their opposites demonstrated only a slight decrease (non-significant). It is suggested that muscle contraction failure might also be related to qualitative changes in the motor unit recruitment pattern, and that these changes occur more rapidly in muscles composed of a high proportion of FT muscle fibres than in muscles composed of a high proportion of ST fibres.  相似文献   

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