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Human mast cells are well known to produce a serine protease, tryptase, which appears to play a pathogenic role in various skin inflammations. It was previously reported that a rat homologue of bikunin may inhibit tryptase activity. Various type of cells (i.e. keratinocytes) are able to produce this protein inhibitor, it still remains unclear if bikunin is present in dermal inflammatory milieu, in which mast cells, through secretion of tryptase, play an inflammatory role. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to exploit expression and production of bikunin in dermis and dermal constituents. We first compared the dermal mast cells in psoriatic lesions with those in lesional skin of atopic dermatitis or of chronic eczema by use of immunoelectron microscopy and immunohistochemical analyses using antibodies to bikunin and tryptase. Then, we tested what kinds of cytokines may regulate the de novo synthesis of bikunin. To do so, RNA was extracted from a human mastocytic cell line, HMC-1, reverse-transcribed, and semiquantitative RT-PCR was performed using primers specific for bikunin. With immunoelectron microscopy, bikunin was found to localize on the cell membrane, while tryptase was in the secretary granules of the mast cells. In psoriatic lesions, around 70% of dermal mast cells were positive for both tryptase and bikunin, and the remaining was mostly positive for tryptase, but the expression of bikunin was under the detection limit of the experimental setting. This observation was seen in only psoriatic lesions, even in almost cured lesions, while in atopic dermatitis or chronic eczema only mast cells doubly positive for bikuin and tryptase were seen. In HMC-1, bikunin was constitutively expressed at an mRNA level, which was upregulated by stimulation with interleukine-4, but was suppressed by interferon-γ. Bearing in mind the concept that in psoriasis local cytokine milieu is shifted toward a Th1 pattern (predominant secretion of interferon-γ), tryptase-positive, bikunin-negative mast cells may be induced.  相似文献   

The distribution of mast cells (MCs) containing tryptase (T) and chymase (C) was studied in the non-lesional and lesional skin of 26 patients with atopic dertnatitis (AD) and 23 patients with non-atopic nummular eczema (NE). and in the skin of eight healthy controls. T and C activities were demonstrated enzymehistochemically using 2-Gly-Pro-Arg-MNA and Suc-Val-Pro-Phe-MNA as substrates, respectively. The T- and C-containing MCs were counted separately in the epidermis, in contact with the basement membrane. In the papillary dermis and in different dermal levels (0·2 mm each). Also, the C protein was determined immunohistochemically. T-positive MCs were similarly distributed in non-lesional and lesional skin of both AD and NE. The MC number was relatively high in the upper dermis (papillary dermis and levels I and I!) of non-lesional and lesional skin of AD. In the upper dermis of non-lesional AD and NE skin and in normal skin, about 50% of T-positive MCs displayed C activity, whereas the percentage in lesional AD and NE skin was only about 30%. hi this respect, the non-lesional and lesional samples differed significantly froLu each other in both dennatoses (in AD p = 0%005, in NEP = 0·002. Students' t-test). In all samples the MC number decreased in the deeper dermal levels, although numerous T-containing MCs were still counted in the deeper dermis (dermal levels IV-VII) of lesional AD and NE skiti. differing significantly from the MC number in normal skin (In ADp = 0·005. in NE p=0·041). In the deeper dermis. the percentage of MCs containing active C was about 70% in non-lesional and lesional AD and NE. and about 90% in normal healthy skin. However, in the upper dermis of non-lesional and lesional skin of both AD and NE. about H()% of all MCs contained the C protein, which differed significantly from the value of 100% in normal skin (p<0·5). In conclusion, the increased number of T-positive MCs in the upper dermis of non-lesional and lesional AD contributes to promoting inflammation. C apparently loses its activity in the upper dermis of lesional AD and especially in NE. Thus. Ihe enzyme partially lacks its capability to suppress inflammation, such as degradation of neuropeptides and proteins. The dysregulation of these proteinases exists already in non-lesional skin of AD and NE.  相似文献   

Summary Trypsin-like proteinase isolated from human skin was localized in cutaneous mast cells using immunoperoxidase and enzyme-histochemical techniques. Skin biopsy specimens were taken from four mastocytoma and four healthy patients. Immunoperoxidase staining was performed with protein A-sepharose purified rabbit polyclonal antibody raised against human skin tryptase and using aminoethylcarbazole as chromogen. The positively stained cells in the dermis were granular in character. Using peptide 4-methoxy-2-naphthylamide substrates (Bz-Arg-MNA, Z-Lys-Arg-MNA, Z-Gly-Arg-MNA, Z-Pro-Arg-MNA and Z-Gly-Pro-Arg-MNA) and Fast Garnet GBC as chromogen the red azo dye was found to precipitate in the cytoplasmic granules of the cutaneous mast cells. The enzymatic reaction was totally inhibited by diisopropyl fluorophosphate, leupeptin, and benzemidine. No marked inhibition was seen with soybean trypsin inhibitor and alpha-1-antitrypsin. The best substrate was Z-Gly-Pro-Arg-MNA giving the strongest red azo dye when incubation time was 15,30 or 60 min. These results show the localization of human skin tryptase in dermal mast cells and the usefullnes of Z-Gly-Pro-Arg-MNA as a suitable substrate tested for enzyme-histochemical localization of mast cells in healthy or mastocytoma skin.  相似文献   

A relationship has been suggested between mast cells (MCs) and male pattern hair loss (MPHL), because of histological evidence of perifollicular fibrosis and increased mast cell numbers. Two paired punch biopsies were taken from balding vertexes and non-balding occipital promontory areas of ten patients with MPHL (Ludwig–Hamilton IIIv to IV) and from five normal subjects aged from 20 to 35 years. Masson trichrome and Victoria blue staining were performed to observe collagen frameworks and elastic fiber structures. Numbers of immunoreactive MCs stained with anti-tryptase or anti-chymase antibody were counted. It was found that collagen bundles were significantly increased in balding vertexes than in non-balding occiput scalp skin. A near 4-fold increase in elastic fibers was observed in both vertex and occiput scalp skins with MPHL versus controls. Total numbers of MCs (tryptase-positive) in site-matched scalp samples were about 2-fold higher in MPHL subjects than in normal controls. Percentage elastic fiber (%) was found to be relatively well-correlated with tryptase and chymase-positive MCs. These findings suggest that accumulated MCs might be responsible for increased elastic fiber synthesis in MPHL, and indicate that future investigations are warranted.  相似文献   

The distribution and density of tryptase- and chymase-positive mast cells in lesional and non-lesional cutaneous lichen planus (LP) was analysed. For this, enzyme-histochemical staining techniques and morphometrical measurements were applied. In non-lesional LP skin, chymase-positive cells (TC mast cells) showed a distribution similar to that found in both non-lesional psoriatic skin and in normal skin. Tryptase-positive cells (reflecting both T and TC mast cells), however, were increased in number in the upper dermis of non-lesional LP skin. In lesional LP skin, there were fewer chymase-positive cells in the upper dermis, whereas there were more tryptase-positive cells. In the upper dermis, no differences in the number of tryptase containing cells were detected between lesional and nonlesional LP skin. In lesions of LP and psoriasis, tryptase-positive mast cells are increased but differ in their distribution in the papillary dermis. In psoriatic lesions, tryptase-positive cells are frequently observed in epidermal contact, a feature very rarely seen in LP lesions. The present results suggest that the increased numbers of T mast cells in the upper dermis of nonlesional LP skin may be involved in initiating the LP lesion. It seems unlikely that mast cells could be responsible for the epidermal basal cell damage, though T mast cells do participate in the general inflammatory reaction.  相似文献   

The distribution of the neuropeptides substance P (SP), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) was studied immunohistochemically in psoriatic skin during the Koebner response (6 h, 2 days, 7 days, 14 days, 21 days), and in mature psoriatic plaques, of 37 psoriatic patients. The morphological association of sensory nerves, SP and VIP with papillary mast cells was also monitored. The nerves containing SP, VIP or CGRP were very scanty in control skin, and in non-lesional and Koebner-negative psoriatic skin. The first psoriatic lesions were seen 7 days after tape stripping the symptomless psoriatic skin. SP- and VIP-containing nerves were slightly increased in Koebner-positive specimens, but the increase was very prominent in dermal papillae of mature psoriatic plaques. In the plaques, nerve-mast cell contacts were significantly increased (p<0.001) compared with non-lesional psoriatic skin. Only SP-positive fibres were detected in the epidermis and in contact with papillary mast cells. VIP was mainly located around capillaries where SP was also found. No change was noted in CGRP-positive fibres between lesional and non-lesional specimens. The appearance of SP and VIP in the capillary walls is morphological evidence for their function as vasodilators in psoriatic lesion. A slight increase in SP- and VIP-positive fibres in Koebner-positive specimens suggests that these neuropeptides may participate in the inflammatory reaction at an early stage. Their prominence in mature psoriatic plaques in turn indicates a role for them in the maintenance of psoriatic lesions. Morphological contacts between mast cells and SP-containing nerves give further evidence to the view that SP is capable of amplifying the inflammatory reaction also through the axon-reflex mechanism.Part of this work was presented at the meeting of the European Society for Dermatological Research, London, UK, 4–7 April 1992  相似文献   

Stereological quantification of mast cell numbers was applied to sections of punch biopsies from lesional and nonlesional skin of atopic dermatitis patients and skin of healthy volunteers. We also investigated whether the method of staining and/or the fixative influenced the results of the determination of the mast cell profile numbers. The punch biopsies were taken from the same four locations in both atopic dermatitis patients and normal individuals. The locations were the scalp, neck and flexure of the elbow (lesional skin), and nates (nonlesional skin). Clinical scoring was carried out at the site of each biopsy. After fixation and plastic embedding, the biopsies were cut into 2 μm serial sections. Ten sections, 30 μm apart, from each biopsy were examined and stained alternately with either toluidine blue or Giemsa stain and mast cell profile numbers were determined. The study yielded the following results: (1) in atopic dermatitis lesional skin an increased number of mast cell profiles was found as compared with nonlesional skin, (2) comparing atopic dermatitis skin with normal skin, a significantly increased number of mast cell profiles per millimetre squared was found in specimens from the neck, (3) staining with toluidine blue yielded a lower number of mast cell profiles than Giemsa staining, (4) the use of Carnoy’s fixative resulted in a lower mast cell profile count than the use of formaldehyde, and (5) there was no statistically significant correlation between the clinical score and the number of mast cell profiles per millimetre squared. Using stereological techniques, this study indicated that mast cells might participate in the inflammatory process in skin leading to atopic dermatitis. Received: 17 April 1996  相似文献   

Summary The aim of the present study was to test further our previous hypothesis that the inflammatory reaction in psoriasis is neurogenic. For this purpose, contact sites between mast cells and sensory nerves were morphometrically analysed in the basement membrane zone, papillary dermis and three dermal zones of lesional/non-lesional psoriatic and lichen planus skin as well as in healthy control skin. The analyses were made on sections stained with a histochemical double stain developed for this study. With the double stain, active mast cell tryptase was stained blue enzyme histochemically, and the sensory nerves black using specific monoclonal anti-neurofilament antibodies with immunogold. In psoriatic lesions, both mast cells and mast cell — nerve contacts were markedly more frequent in the basement membrane zone and in the papillary dermis when compared with the corresponding areas in the other groups. Mast cell numbers were increased in both lesional and symptom-free skin in lichen planus, but no increase was found in the mast cell — nerve contacts. Increased contacts between mast cells and sensory nerves indicate that the elements exist for neurogenic inflammation in psoriatic lesions. These increased contacts are not due to the extensive inflammatory reaction only, because they were not observed in lichen planus lesions.  相似文献   

Summary Numbers and volume fractions of mast cells in nonlesional and chronic lesional skin of psoriatic patients were compared with those of normal control skin. Mast cell densities were similar in psoriatic nonlesional and normal control skin. The superficial dermis of lesional psoriatic skin contained more mast cells than either normal or nonlesional psoriatic skin. Neither PUVA nor corticosteroid treatment for 3–4 weeks significantly reduced mast cell numbers or volume fractions in lesional skin, although both treatments clinically and histologically markedly improved the lesions. The results indicate that the initiation of the healing process in psoriatic plaques is not correlated with the mast cell density. The remaining high mast cell density may be normalized later, or after a longer therapy.  相似文献   

慢性光损伤是最常见的皮肤损害,由于长期接受紫外线照射所导致。研究表明,长期曝光部位皮肤中肥大细胞的数量较非曝光部位明显增多;肥大细胞在紫外线诱导的皮肤免疫抑制中发挥一定的作用。在慢性光损伤过程中,肥大细胞通过分泌基质金属蛋白酶和类胰蛋白酶等,参与光损伤中细胞外基质及基底膜的破坏;又通过分泌细胞因子如IL-10等,限制了小鼠皮肤慢性光损伤的病理过程。  相似文献   

肥大细胞释放组胺在变态反应和非变态反应发病机制中均起重要作用.研究表明,肥大细胞主要通过免疫学途径和非免疫学途径释放组胺,多种物质参与组胺释放过程.特异性IgE介导肥大细胞释放组胺是肥大细胞激活的典型方式.抗FcεRI抗体和抗IgE抗体在慢性特发性荨麻疹肥大细胞释放组胺机制中起作用.凝血机制中生成的凝血酶可激活蛋白酶激活受体,介导肥大细胞黏附于纤维连接蛋白,诱发肥大细胞释放组胺.遗传因素、神经精神因素及物理因素也参与荨麻疹患者肥大细胞释放组胺.  相似文献   

Mast cells (MC) are of hematopoietic origin but complete their differentiation exclusively within tissues. The mediators that positively or negatively affect the maturation process are incompletely defined. Here, the human MC line HMC-1 (subclone 5C6) was used along with several treatments (IL-4, IL-6, NGF), either alone or in combination, and MC differentiation was monitored by flow-cytometric analysis of c-kit, tryptase, and FcRI expression. Of the different treatments, IL-4 displayed the clearest effects by suppressing the expression of the three markers and inhibiting cellular growth, while the other cytokines had no (NGF) or negligible (IL-6) effects only. The downregulating effects of IL-4 could not be overcome by any other treatment. There is some controversy in the literature as to the impact of IL-4 on the MC lineage. To determine whether the effects from IL-4 were differentiation stage dependent, two further human MC subsets (skin MC and LAD 2 cells) were investigated. No effects on c-kit and FcRI expression were noted when terminally differentiated skin MC were used as target cells, while a modest downregulation of c-kit was observed with intermediately matured LAD 2 cells. In sharp contrast to HMC-1 5C6 cells, the survival of skin MC was significantly enhanced by IL-4 treatment. Our data therefore imply that at a lower maturation stage, IL-4 acts as a negative regulator of the MC lineage, but that this property disappears or is even reversed upon terminal differentiation of the cell. Our study provides direct proof that the effects of IL-4 vary substantially in the course of MC maturation.  相似文献   

银屑病中有相当比例的患者因心理压力而使病情恶化,但其机制尚不明确.心理压力能激活下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴和皮肤感觉神经,导致内分泌激素和神经介质释放.多种激素和神经介质能活化肥大细胞产生和释放一系列的炎症介质和细胞因子.银屑病患者中,一些激素、神经肽、感觉神经纤维和肥大细胞在表达水平和数量上增高.心理压力影响银屑病病情的机制之一可能与应激介质通过肥大细胞的作用有关.  相似文献   

Mast cell chymase is a chymotrypsin-like serine proteinase primarily stored in secretory mast cell granules. Mast cell chymase has various effects on angiotensin, metalloproteases, lipoproteins, procollagen, neuropeptides and cytokines. Recent studies have demonstrated that chymase inhibitors inhibit skin inflammation. In this study we sought to determine the role of mast cell chymase in atopic dermatitis (AD) in comparison with its role in psoriasis and normal skin. Skin biopsy specimens were obtained from non-lesional and lesional skin of patients with chronic AD and psoriasis and from normal skin of non-atopic and non-psoriatic controls. The number of mast cells containing chymase was determined by immunohistochemistry using a chymase-specific monoclonal antibody. A significantly (P<0.05) enhanced number of chymase-positive cells was found in lesional AD skin as compared to normal skin as well as to lesional and non-lesional skin of patients with psoriasis. A significant (P<0.05) increase in the number of chymase-positive cells was also found in non-lesional AD skin in comparison to psoriasis. An enhanced, albeit not statistically significant difference was noted in non-lesional AD skin as compared to normal skin. In conclusion, these results suggest that mast cell chymase may play an integral part in eliciting and maintaining cutaneous inflammation in AD but not in psoriasis. The increased proteinase activity of mast cell chymase may also be involved in promoting a skin barrier defect in AD, which subsequently enhances the skins permeability to allergens and microbes and thereby aggravates the eczema.  相似文献   

In this study we established a coculture system for rat peritoneal mast cells (MC) with psoriatic (PSO) dermal fibroblasts. Rat MC adhered within five minutes to the fibroblasts monolayer and their attachment and viability was maintained for at least 2-3 days. Cocultured MC could be activated to release high percentages of histamine with compound 48/80 indicating that they retained their full functional activity. Attachment, viability and functional activity were similar for MC seeded on PSO fibroblasts or on normal human fibroblasts (NOR) used as a control. This would indicate that PSO fibroblasts altered biochemical characteristics do not interfere with these MC properties. We suggest that this coculture system is a suitable in vitro defined model to study mutual effects of MC and fibroblasts in psoriasis.  相似文献   

Specific heterodimers of α and β integrins are implicated in mediating adhesion and functional activation of mast cells to extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, determining thus homing, secretion and tissue distribution of these cells. In the present study, we have examined integrin expression and associated morphological features of mast cells adhering to ECM, also depending on cell activation and under the influence of protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors. Unstimulated and PMA-activated human leukaemic mast cells (HMC-1 line) were allowed to adhere to fibronectin or vitronectin-coated surfaces. Cells were specifically stained for actin, β1, α1–α6, αv and αvβ5 integrins and were evaluated by fluorescence microscopy and confocal laser scan microscopy. Spontaneously adhering cells rapidly assumed an oblong shape, with pronounced formation of filopodia, whereas PMA-stimulated cells were round in shape. Clustering of integrins on filopodia and on comma-like shapes at the cell circumference in rounded cells was noted only for α4, α5 and β1 chains in fibronectin-adhering cells, and for αv and αvβ5 chains in vitronectin-adhering cells. On double staining, clustered integrins co-localized with each other and with actin at the cell membrane and along intracellular tension lines of actin filaments. PKC inhibitors affected the shape of cells, but adhesion was maintained. These data provide a morphological correlate to previously reported functional studies, demonstrating clustering of selected integrins during ECM adhesion at the cell membrane. This was associated with alignment of integrins along actin filaments within the cytoplasm, PKC signalling and changes in shape and activation of mast cells.  相似文献   

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