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Routine monitoring of body iron stores is an essential component of overall management for the patient on hemodialysis. Adequate iron levels are important for the prevention and treatment of iron-deficiency anemia, which is associated with reduced physical functioning, cardiovascular disease, and poor quality of life. Hemodialysis patients are at especially high risk for iron-deficiency anemia, owing to continuous blood losses and supraphysiologic levels of erythropoiesis driven by recombinant human erythropoietin therapy. Unfortunately, the accurate determination of iron status in these patients can be a challenging task, which is made more difficult by inflammation, infections, and the large number of comorbid conditions that can affect commonly used indices of body iron stores. Despite their limitations, transferrin saturation (TSAT) and serum ferritin remain the cornerstones of iron status assessment. Because these values can be altered by a number of non-iron-related factors, it is necessary to go beyond these measures and draw upon additional sources of information to determine the patient's iron status. Other important factors to consider when assessing the need for iron therapy include evidence of underlying inflammatory processes that may block iron mobilization and distort the standard iron indices, the results of alternative iron indices, and the patient's recent history of iron administration. Frequently, the response to a gram of intravenous (i.v.) iron is a safe and effective way to determine the role of iron deficiency in the anemia of the problematic patient. The chronic inflammatory state associated with malnutrition and clinical or subclinical infections substantially increases the risk of misdiagnosing the patient with iron overload and may place the patient at risk of iron deficiency owing to inappropriate withdrawal of i.v. iron therapy. To avoid the risks of withholding iron therapy, the nephrologist must keep this relationship in mind whenever serum ferritin testing suggests replete iron stores, whereas TSAT testing suggests insufficient iron availability.  相似文献   

Many women presenting with pelvic floor dysfunction will complain of voiding symptoms. This study examines the relationship between such symptoms and uroflowmetry parameters in 414 women with complaints of pelvic floor dysfunction who underwent free uroflowmetry with a weight transducer type flowmeter. Symptoms of voiding dysfunction were ascertained by interview, with symptoms rated positive if they occurred more than occasionally. Symptoms were correlated with maximum urine flow rate and maximum urine flow rate centiles: 356 women voided between 50 and 600 ml; these datasets were used for analysis. Average age was 57.4 years (range: 17–86). Symptoms of voiding dysfunction were common (62%): 26% of women described hesitancy, 28% a poor stream, 26% stop- start voiding, 15% straining to void, and 35% incomplete emptying/need to revoid. As a group, symptoms of voiding dysfunction were associated with reduced maximum urine flow rate centiles (28.1 vs 36.3, p= 0.011). The strength of the association varied markedly, with only hesitancy (p=0.002), poor stream (p<0.001), and stop-start voiding (p=0.014) reaching significance. Hesitancy, poor stream, and stop-start voiding were the only symptoms predictive of voiding impairment. Straining to void and the sensation of incomplete emptying or the need to revoid were not associated with a significant reduction in maximum flow rate centiles.Editorial Comment: Voiding dysfunction is a common complaint in women with pelvic floor dysfunction. This study shows that only the symptoms of hesitancy, poor stream, and stop-start voiding were associated with objective voiding dysfunction on free flowmetry. These symptoms may help to identify women who need further evaluation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyse data on cases with urological abnormalities recorded over a 15-year period (1984-98) by the Northern Region Congenital Abnormality Survey (NorCAS), with special reference to fetal renal pelvic measurements. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data on all urological cases recorded in the NorCAS database and in notification documents forwarded from hospitals in the Northern Region were extracted and incorporated in a separate unattributable database for analysis. Specific fields for filing recorded fetal renal pelvic measurements with their corresponding gestational ages were inserted; it was ensured as far as possible that these measurements were made in the anteroposterior plane. RESULTS: The total number of cases analysed was 2737; a measurement of the fetal renal pelvis was recorded in 813, and more than once in 468, giving 1301 measurement episodes with the corresponding gestational ages, pregnancy and postnatal outcome. The male/female (M/F) ratio was significantly higher in those cases which had a fetal renal pelvic measurement recorded than in those which had not. This was because there was a 12/1 M/F ratio in measured cases of vesico-ureteric reflux (VUR). Few cases of VUR had a fetal renal pelvic measurement recorded. The difference in the fetal renal pelvic measurements between those cases which were normal postnatally and those which had a structural abnormality, an obstructive lesion or VUR became significant at 7 mm and at 18 weeks of gestational age. Over the whole period the proportion of cases in which micturating cysto-urethrography was technically possible and might have contributed to the diagnosis was 28.5%; the highest was 44.1% in 1998. CONCLUSIONS: Antenatal renal dilatation occurs infrequently in the presence of VUR and when it does, the fetus will probably be male. Antenatal ultrasonography is unlikely to contribute to detecting VUR in females, the gender in whom early diagnosis is particularly desirable. Other means of suspecting VUR antenatally, e.g. the family history or genetic coding, may be more valuable. A measurement of the fetal renal pelvis of > or = 7 mm at a gestational age of 18 weeks should prompt subsequent careful ultrasonography during the pregnancy and early postnatal investigation of the urinary tract. The diagnosis of VUR should not be excluded because the fetal renal pelvis is only minimally dilated if the fetus is female.  相似文献   


Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are characterized by a state of inflammation and oxidative stress that seems to improve after kidney transplantation (KT). Nevertheless, there is controversy regarding what is the best marker that better define inflammation and specially oxidative stress.


To evaluate the biomarkers which are associated with improvements in inflammation and lipid peroxidation in patients who have undergone KT. To evaluate the relationship between inflammation, lipid peroxidation and mortality in KT.


196 KT (between 2003 and 2008). 67.9% men; median age: 51.9 years. Inflammation markers analyzed previous KT and 3 months after KT: c-reactive protein(CRP), interleukin 6(IL-6), tumor necrosis factor alpha(TNFα), soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor alpha(sTNFRα), soluble interleukin-2 receptor (sIL-2R). Lipid peroxidation markers analyzed: oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) and anti-oxLDL antibodies. Calculation of glomerular filtration rate after KT: MDRD equation.


Following KT, there is a significant decrease in CRP (p = 0.006), IL-6 (p = 0.0037), TNFα (p < 0.0001), sTNFRα (p < 0.0001) and sIL-2R (p < 0.0001), while levels of oxLDL increase after KT (p < 0.0001) and there is not a significantly difference in anti-oxLDL. 12.8% of the patients had died in 2012. These patients had higher levels of IL-6 (p = 0.011) and sTNFRα (p < 0.006) after KT and a lower MDRD (p < 0.0001), hemoglobin (p = 0.012) and albumin (p = 0.007). We observed no statistically differences in the levels of markers previous KT. Of the patients who died, the 43.5% of them had anti-oxLDL antibody levels greater than 75th percentile (P75: 3781 UI/ml, p = 0.028). In the multivariate analysis, age (OR:1.12; p = 0.0129), MDRD (OR:0.92; p = 0.013) and P75 of anti-oxLDL(OR: 5.19; p = 0.026) were independent risk factors for mortality. Independent risk factors for survival were: P75 of IL-6 (HR: 2.45; p = 0.027), oxLDL (HR:19.85; p = 0.002) and anti-oxLDL (HR: 9.55; p = 0.003).


KT improved inflammation but not lipid oxidative state. KT patients who died had a higher inflammatory state (with higher levels of IL-6 and sTNFRα), a worse lipid oxidative state and a worse renal function 3 months after KT. Age, anti-oxLDL and renal function at 3 months after KT were independent risk factors for mortality.




Pneumomediastinum after blunt thoracic trauma is often considered a marker of serious aerodigestive injury that leads to invasive testing. However, the efficacy of such testing in otherwise stable children remains unknown. We hypothesize that pneumomediastinum after blunt trauma in clinically stable children is rarely associated with significant underlying injury.


We reviewed all patients in our pediatric trauma database (1997-2007) for pneumomediastinum after blunt injury. Patients were then subdivided into 2 groups: group I, isolated thoracic and group II, thoracic and additional injuries. Procedures and imaging were recorded, and outcomes were assessed.


Thirty-two children with blunt thoracic trauma were included as follows: group I (n = 14) and group II (n = 18). In all patients, there were 28 diagnostic procedures performed resulting in only 1 positive test—a bronchial tear found on bronchoscopy in association with obvious respiratory distress. Group I was more than twice as likely to undergo invasive procedures as group II (P < .0001), resulting in significantly greater costs (?$13683 ± 2520 vs $5378 ± 1000; P < .002). Patients in group I also received more diagnostic imaging to assess pneumomediastinum (1.89 vs 1.08 studies/patient per day; P < .05). More than 28% of all patients were completely asymptomatic and had pneumomediastinum as their only marker of injury. Strikingly, these patients received more than 46% of the procedures.


Children with pneumomediastinum from blunt trauma often receive invasive and expensive testing with low yield, especially those with isolated thoracic trauma.  相似文献   

Introduction: Compliance for voluntary colorectal cancer (CRC) screening reported by the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS) is>85%. This high rate is assumed to be the result of heightened awareness of CRC. The purpose of the present paper was to determine if observed participation rates in the USA are the result of increased awareness of CRC alone. Methods: Postal survey of Colorectal Surgical Society of Australia (CSSA). Results: A response rate of 65% (52\80) was observed. As in the ASCRS, the majority of members support screening (94%); but 4% (2\52) reported that they do not advocate CRC screening, which was lower than that observed in the ASCRS survey (P = 0.03). A total of 94% support screening of baseline risk (BLR) patients at age 50 or less. Support was similar for annual fecal occult blood testing (FOBT; CSSA 54% vs ASCRS 56%, P = NS) for patients with BLR, but much less support for colonoscopy every 10 years (CSq10) was observed (CSSA 31% vs ASCRS 68%, P < 0.01). Similar to the ASCRS, CS every 5 years (CSq5) was the most common strategy advocated to patients with a family history of polyps (CSSA 75% vs ASCRS 78%, P = NS) and cancer (CSSA 94% vs ASCRS 94%, P = NS), respectively. A total of 25% (13\52) of CSSA members report participating in CRC screening, compared to the 55% reported by the ASCRS (P < 0.01). As in the ASCRS, CSq5 (69%) was the most common form of screening undergone. None of the CSSA members were being screened with more than one test, compared to the 46% reported by the ASCRS (P < 0.01). Of those who had not been screened, 82%(31\38) reported that they do plan to undergo CRC screening compared to 99% reported by the ASCRS (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Screening compliance is significantly higher in the ASCRS than in the CSSA. Awareness of CRC is not the only obstacle to improving screening compliance.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Videotapes presenting information concerning children's anaesthesia are often based on what the makers of the videotape believe the parents want to know rather than what parents actually want to know. They frequently do not take into account the parent's coping style. Two common parental coping styles are information-seeking (monitoring) and information-avoiding (blunting). METHODS: We wished to take parent needs into account when making our local videotape and accordingly constructed a questionnaire designed to elicit these needs. RESULTS: Of the parents questioned, 55% wanted more extensive preoperative information and 41% of parents wanted a videotape as part of this preparation. Information about premedication, induction of anaesthesia, side-effects of anaesthesia and postoperative pain management were sought by more than 70% of parents. Parents had concerns about induction of anaesthesia, emergence from anaesthesia and postoperative pain and nausea. When asked a question concerning preference about being present at the induction of anaesthesia, 90% of parents wanted to be present at the induction and 75% of parents thought that their child should receive a premedicant. The number of parents requesting to be present at the induction decreased to 72% after an explanation about the purpose and effects of premedication. There was no correlation between the coping style of the parent and the responses given to the questions. There was no correlation between the level of education and the coping style of the parent. CONCLUSIONS: The use of a questionnaire of parental attitudes towards information and anaesthesia provided a useful tool in the production of a video as part of our preoperative preparation. Our videotape has proved a success with staff and parents and children and enhances the quality of our service. Its popularity stems from the fact that it addresses what the parents want to know and also conveys what the staff of this hospital would like the parents to know.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the effect of cholecystectomy in patients with gallstones on preoperative abdominal symptoms. Methods: A systematic search was made of the Medline database in combination with reference checking. Articles were excluded if patients aged <18 years, symptom relief rates could not be calculated, if follow-up after cholecystectomy was less than 1 month, or when the included patients were at extraordinary risk for a complicated outcome. Potential differences in relief rates due to patient selection, retrospective versus prospective design, duration of follow-up, or intervention were analyzed using logistic regression. Results: The pooled relief rate for biliary pain was high 92% (95% confidence interval 86 to 96%). Symptom relief rates were consistently higher in studies that included acute cholecystectomies. For upper abdominal pain—without restrictions for intensity or duration—pooled relief rates ranged from 72% (66 to 77%) after elective cholecystectomy, to 86% (83 to 91%) after acute cholecystectomy. The relief rate of food intolerance was higher in studies with a follow-up 12 months (88%, 76 to 91%) compared to studies with a follow-up of more than 12 months (65%, 55 to 74%). Conclusion: In almost all patients with gallstones biliary pain disappeared after cholecystectomy. There is insufficient evidence, however, that this relief was due to cholecystectomy. Relief rates of other isolated symptoms were low in patients with an elective cholecystectomy. A proper evaluation of the effectiveness of cholecystectomy in terms of abdominal symptom relief rates requires a randomized trial.  相似文献   

The glomerular tip lesion: what does it really mean?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Haas M 《Kidney international》2005,67(3):1188-1189

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) continues to rise and is still a major cause of mortality. Orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) continues to give patients the best chance for cure, but recurrence of the disease remains a problem. Even with the implementation of the Milan criteria, recurrence rates have been shown to be 8–15% in most studies and even higher in patients who are beyond the Milan criteria. Therefore, several investigators have looked into the value of adjuvant therapy using systemic cytotoxic chemotherapy in HCC after OLT. Unfortunately, most of the trials are very small, and the results have been disappointing. But trials using Licartin seem to be promising, and other drugs such as FOLFOX and sorafenib warrant further investigation based on their efficacy in the advanced disease. In this review, we will review the current data on efficacy and rationale of adjuvant treatment for HCC after OLT including novel biomarkers.  相似文献   

Aim Stage‐specific survival for colon cancer is improved when more lymph nodes are identified in the surgical specimen. This association is typically attributed to staging effect, but may instead be a surrogate for tumour biology. Method We retrospectively studied a cohort of 48 consecutively treated patients with Stage II colon cancer who underwent complete resection between January 2000 and December 2002. Archived H&E slides were reviewed for lymphocytic infiltration at the leading edge, presence and degree of sinus histiocytosis in the largest node and the presence of lymph node hyperplasia. Results The mean number of lymph nodes identified was 14.1 ± 9.4. T stage was strongly associated with the number of nodes identified (P = 0.01) and the presence of a significant degree of sinus histiocytosis approached statistical significance (P = 0.077). No statistically significant relationship existed between number of lymph nodes in a specimen and tumour location (P = 0.44), grade (P = 0.56) or lymphovascular invasion (P = 0.64). Conclusions T stage is highly associated with the number of nodes found in a colon cancer specimen; a significant degree of sinus histiocytosis may also be predictive. Finding more nodes may be a surrogate for tumour or host‐related factors that impact prognosis.  相似文献   

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