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The learning styles and preferences of health professionals have been studied increasingly over the past decade, yet few relationships have been found between doctors' career choices and learning styles. One of the problems of relating learning styles to specialty choice is that learning style instruments measure how an individual perceives and processes information in learning situations. This study re-examines doctors' career choices utilizing a learning preference inventory which assesses how one chooses to approach a learning situation. The study results indicate that there are significant differences in doctors' approaches to learning and interacting with others among the different career specialties using a learning preference inventory. This is in contrast to previous research with Kolb's Learning Style Inventory in which learning style was not found to be related to career choice.  相似文献   

The way in which students approach their learning is dependent on a variety of factors including the characteristics of the departments and teaching to which they are exposed. These factors appear to influence whether the students adopt a surface, deep or strategic approach. In order to explore further the relationship between educational context and approach to learning, a comparison was made between students attending a traditional medical school and those attending a problem-based medical school. The results showed marked differences, with the problem-based school being higher on deep approach and lower on surface approach than the traditional school. This study provides one of the first pieces of evidence of a difference between students in the two types of medical school which can be directly attributed to the educational environment. Students in the problem-based school appear to have an approach to learning which more closely approximates the aims of most medical schools. The results provide support for the philosophies and strategies of the problem-based schools.  相似文献   

OBJECT: To develop and evaluate the effect of having a personal learning log on Senior House Officers knowledge and confidence. METHODS: A multiple choice paper and a confidence checklist for two hospital specialties were developed to assess knowledge and confidence. These were administered to a control group and to an intervention group who had the learning log. Both groups completed an evaluation at the end of the post. SETTING: The study took place in Accident & Emergency and Obstetric & Gynaecology posts in Greater Glasgow and Lanarkshire. SUBJECTS: 79 Senior House Officers in Accident & Emergency and 78 Senior House Officers in Obstetrics & Gynaecology. RESULTS: The mean scores in the MCQ and the mode in the confidence checklist increased significantly in both specialties during the post, but there was no significant difference between the control and intervention groups. Forty two learning logs were returned at the end of the study and analysis of these revealed that there was great scope for learning but few documented the specific learning achieved. Evaluation of the posts revealed that some improvements had taken place in teaching and assessment frequency, however, there was scope for further improvement. CONCLUSION: While the problems of hospital training are well documented, an attempt to improve the situation using a learning log did not have a statistically significant impact on SHO knowledge or confidence. A six-month hospital post appears to present many opportunities for learning but these are not exploited. It is suggested that three things are needed. Firstly, active participation by and personalized feedback from a senior member of staff, with training where needed. Secondly, protected time for tutorials with a planned system of formative assessment, and thirdly, a more positive approach to learning by both SHOs and consultants. Once this occurs, a learning log may have a more significant impact on training.  相似文献   

Summary. A random sample of clinical teachers at a British medial school was surveyed by postal questionnaire to assess their attitudes to teaching and to teacher training. The response rate among the 186 teachers sampled was 80%. A high degree of enthusiasm for teaching was detected despite a perception that teaching received neither sufficient priority within the medical school nor due recognition within its reward structure. Feelings were mixed concerning the quality of training which graduates received. However, only 5% of teachers believed their own teaching ability to be below average. This survey revealed considerable support for the concept of training courses for medical teachers, though feelings were mixed as to whether such courses should be compulsory. These findings are discussed and related to recent initiatives to improve both the status of teaching within medical schools and the quality of medical education.  相似文献   

Approaches to learning of students in an Indonesian medical school   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports on a study of approaches to learning of undergraduate medical students in the University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. The Lancaster Approaches to Studying Inventory was translated into Indonesian and the translated form pilot tested. The instrument was then completed by 90 students, 30 each in first, second and fifth year in the Faculty of Medicine. It was found that Indonesian students generally gave higher rates than previous studies have reported. Factor analysis of their responses showed strong resemblances to other groups in the factors of meaning and reproducing orientation. Differences found in Indonesian students' responses were in strategic and non-academic orientations. There were differences between the response patterns of first-, third- and fifth-year students. It is concluded that the instrument is valid for use in Indonesia.  相似文献   

This paper provides for the first time evidence of a consistent difference in the memory structures of novice and expert clinicians. The diagnostic performance of first- and third-year clinical medical students, senior house officers, registrars and consultants on four clinical problems in general medicine was studied. Comparisons were made of all diagnostic interpretations offered and the forceful features (personally important pieces of information which act as a key to particular memory structures which in turn give rise to the clinical interpretation) from which these were derived. Results demonstrate that the numbers of interpretations made and the numbers of forceful features identified did not differ significantly between groups (P greater than 0.05). However, the actual interpretations made in three out of four cases, and the actual forceful features identified in all cases, did differ significantly between groups (P less than 0.05). The numbers of interpretations made by all groups were large and demonstrated enormous variability. Highly individualized multiple responses to clinical information are associated with easy diagnoses. We conclude that there is no difference between groups of differing clinical experience in the breadth of thought but that there are marked differences in the precise content and structure of thought. This allows coherent explanation of variation in diagnostic expertise with clinical experience. The significance of the findings is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes a situation where an alteration in the final-year assessment scheme led to changes in student learning activities which were the exact opposite of those intended. Students were seen to be spending a disproportionate amount of time studying the theoretical components of the course relative to the practical and clinical aspects. The paramount importance of the assessments and examinations in influencing student learning behaviour led the departments concerned to develop a new clinical examination which more clearly reflected the objectives of the course.
A questionnaire survey was undertaken to determine how the different sections of the final assessment affected the students' approach to studying. The questionnaire was administered to graduates during their intern year for the 3 years following the introduction of the new clinical examination. Results were also obtained for the year preceding the change. The survey showed that the students developed a high regard for the new examination and its validity as a test of clinical competence. The students found that an increase in ward-based learning activities was essential for success in the final examinations. The new clinical examination has thus influenced students' learning and successfully restored the balance of their learning activities between the clinical and theoretical components of the course.  相似文献   

The pre-registration year, a mandatory period of general clinical training in the United Kingdom, has been the subject of recent comment and criticism. The literature on the year is analysed, taking as a starting point and framework the 1983 review by the Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME), and focusing on the 1987 Recommendations of the General Medical Council. It is concluded that the pre-registration programme has been improved, but that attention needs to be given to house officers' hours of duty, to career counselling for them and to training for teachers and supervisors.  相似文献   

The quality of medical education during internship is a cause for concern. This paper describes a structured educational programme for interns that was based around learning modules, clinical attachments and bedside teaching. The programme was incorporated into the term rotation of interns within an Area Health Service, and evaluated. Learning modules were timetabled by a Programme Coordinator and interns were reminded to attend. Clinical attachments were organized by the interns from a list of willing supervisors. Attendance at timetabled learning modules averaged 67%, which was greater than the 27% attendance at clinical attachments. Both sessions received high ratings for quality and clinical relevance. This structured education programme was based upon adult learning methods and was both feasible and well received by interns. Intern training programmes need to be programmed into the working week to ensure attendance, and modified following evaluation by interns. Such programmes should be considered by all hospitals to which interns are allocated.  相似文献   

In this study we investigate how the introductory phase of the problem-based medical programme in Maastricht affects the study methods of students. On the first day of the academic year, 142 men and women medical students completed the Short Inventory of Study Approaches and again at the end of the introductory period. The study indicates that these study methods are fostered by training in problem-based learning given during the introductory period.  相似文献   

The learning style of medical students   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recent research indicates that students' learning styles and approaches to study may have a significant bearing on their academic success. A study was undertaken on first-, third- and final-year medical students to analyse their preferred learning styles and approaches to study, using the Lancaster Approaches to Learning Inventory. The results showed that students entering the medical school had preferences which were more similar to science students' than arts students'. The medical students had high scores on reproducing orientation (surface approach) in all years tested. The first-year students had low scores on meaning orientation (deep approach) but the scores from students in later years showed a progressive rise. The implications of these results with regard to selection, teaching and assessment are explored. However, this preliminary study does not allow us to differentiate between the effect of student preference and that of the context and the environment in which they study.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Interest in the teaching of communication skills in medical schools has increased since the early seventies but, despite this growing interest, relatively limited curricular time is spent on the teaching of communication skills. The limited attention to the teaching of these skills applies even more to the physicians' clinical years, when attention becomes highly focused on biomedical and technical competence. Continuing training after medical school is necessary to refresh knowledge and skills, to prohibit decline of performance and to establish further improvements. OBJECTIVE: This review provides an overview of evaluation studies of communication skills training programmes for clinically experienced physicians who have finished their undergraduate medical education. The review focuses on the training objectives, the applied educational methods, the evaluation methodology and instruments, and training results. METHODS: CD-ROM searches were performed on MedLine and Psychlit, with a focus on effect-studies dating from 1985. RESULTS: Fifteen papers on 14 evaluation studies were located. There appears to be some consistency in the aims and methods of the training programmes. Course effect measurements include physician self-ratings, independent behavioural observations and patient outcomes. Most of the studies used inadequate research designs. Overall, positive training effects on the physicians' communication behaviour are found on half or less of the observed behaviours. Studies with the most adequate designs report the fewest positive training effects. CONCLUSION: Several reasons are discussed to explain the limited findings. Future research may benefit from research methods which focus on factors that inhibit and facilitate the physicians' implementation of skills into actual behaviours in daily practice.  相似文献   

Clinical auditing and the setting of goals for continuing education are often based on case note reviews. Deficiencies in the comprehensiveness of the recorded case history place some restrictions on the usefulness of such reviews as guides to continuing education programmes. In this study, attempts were made to improve the quality of the data in psychiatric case notes by peer discussion, and by altering the case note recording guidelines. After each educational intervention a further detailed audit of the subsequent case histories was performed. Significant differences emerged in a few subsections of the case notes, but overall there was little change. Possible explanations for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Little is known about the ability of pre-registration house officers (PRHOs) to perform basic clinical skills just prior to entering the medical register. OBJECTIVES: To find out whether PRHOs have deficiencies in basic clinical skills and to determine if the PRHOs themselves or their consultants are aware of them. METHOD: All 40 PRHOs at the Chelsea and Westminster and Whittington Hospitals were invited to undertake a 17 station OSCE of basic clinical skills. Each station was marked by one examiner completing an overall global score after completing an itemised checklist. An adequate station performance was the acquisition of a pass/borderline pass grade. Prior to the OSCE, a questionnaire was given to each PRHO asking them to rate their own abilities (on a 5-point scale) in the skills tested. A similar questionnaire was sent to the educational supervisors of each PRHO asking them to rate their house officer's ability in each of the same skills. RESULTS: Twenty-two PRHOs participated. Each PRHO failed to perform adequately a mean of 2.4 OSCE stations (SD 1.8, range 1-8). There were no significant correlations between OSCE performance and either self- or educational supervisor ratings. The supervisor felt unable to give an opinion on PRHO abilities in 18% of the skills assessed. DISCUSSION: This study suggests that PRHOs may have deficiencies in basic clinical skills at the time they enter the medical register. Neither the PRHOs themselves nor their consultants identified these deficiencies. A large regional study with sufficient power is required to explore the generalizability of these concerns in more detail.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess postgraduate education (PGE) for paediatric senior house officers (SHOs) in a single region. METHODS: A survey of all paediatric SHOs in the region was undertaken in the form of a questionnaire and telephone contact. The standard set by the Committee of Postgraduate Medical Deans for SHO education formed the basis for the questionnaire; there should be (i) a designated educational supervisor for each SHO, (ii) regular work appraisal and counselling and (iii) 4 h protected teaching per week. Supplementary questions were asked regarding methods of teaching and study leave. RESULTS: There was a 92% response rate from SHOs and 90% of SHOs contacted had a named educational supervisor. The mean time for protected teaching per week was 2.14 h, although this varied widely between centres. There were many different teaching methods used and 82% of SHOs had no difficulty in obtaining study leave. There was a particular problem for those who were working shifts or cross-covering. CONCLUSIONS: Our study has shown that paediatric SHOs in Wales are reasonably satisfied with their postgraduate education, although there is considerable variation between different units. Several areas have been highlighted which need to be improved if we are to provide SHOs with adequate preparation for the specialist registrar training grade.  相似文献   

In-training assessment in postgraduate training for general practice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Assessment within general practice training curricula is necessary to both guide learning and to make certification decisions about competence to practise without supervision in the community, but there is a risk that the two roles could become confused. This paper proposes a conceptual framework that explains the relationship between formative assessment, in-training assessment and end-point assessment, as adopted by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Training Programme. The literature is reviewed to suggest assessment formats that could provide a means of making decisions about progress through training without harming the important role of providing feed-back to guide learners.  相似文献   

Teaching doctors to take alcohol histories: a limited success story   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Doctors often lack the knowledge and skills to identify and assess those who drink to excess and are unsure of what their preventive and educational role should be. As part of a prospective study of early identification and intervention with general hospital patients who drink to excess, we were interested to discover whether brief education about alcohol-related problems and training in the use of a quick and efficient alcohol screening questionnaire would improve doctors' alcohol history-taking and thus their identification of those at risk. The case notes of every fifth admission to orthopaedic and medical wards at the York District Hospital were studied before and after doctor education. Recorded information on both alcohol and tobacco increased over the period reviewed, reflecting perhaps doctors' growing awareness of the health-threatening aspects of these drugs. While there was no major change in doctors' alcohol history-taking, with two thirds of case notes making no mention, or only vague mention, of alcohol, there was a significant post-education increase in the number of patients for whom detailed drinking histories were recorded, but no significant changes in tobacco histories. Small but significant improvements such as these are important in view of the size of the medical problems arising from the use of alcohol.  相似文献   

In health profession education many more students than is currently acknowledged experience often extreme difficulties with their studying. This booklet is intended to help them. It outlines an approach being adopted in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Southampton by which students are encouraged to reflect on and discuss their approaches to studying, identifying their perception of their task and where necessary changing this. It is shown that students need to elaborate their knowledge, that is to structure the factual information they are receiving and to relate it to their practical experiences. A number of suggestions are made to encourage this, and their theoretical underpinnings are discussed. It is concluded that while inappropriate curricula and teaching methods and not some weakness on the part of students are largely the cause of learning difficulties, it will take time to change these. Establishing a kind of 'clinic' for helping students cope can be of value immediately.  相似文献   

One hundred junior doctors were asked to complete a questionnaire about the training they had received in the use of problem lists. A questionnaire was sent about the training in the use of problems lists at their medical school to the Deans at all 27 British medical schools. Of the 100 junior doctors, 57 reported that problem lists 'had hardly been mentioned' at their medical school. In contrast only one of the 24 Deans who responded thought that problems lists were 'likely to be hardly mentioned' at his medical school. After graduation only 35 junior doctors had worked for a consultant who had demanded the use of problem lists and only 17 of these had worked for more than one such consultant. Most junior doctors have received little training in the use of problem lists as undergraduates and even fewer as postgraduates. Few consultants demand the use of problem lists.  相似文献   

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