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分裂样障碍患者的脑磁共振成像分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨分裂样障碍患者与正常对照者脑形态的差异。方法 采用三维磁共振成像技术测量64例(男女各32例)分裂样障碍患者和64名(男女各32名)对照组的脑形态,径线测量采用秋野等方法。结果 (1)两组男性比较:与对照组比较,患者组右侧颞叶长径小[ ( 63 4±1 5 )mm],海马角大[ (38 7±1 7)°];左侧海马长径小[ (39 4±0 7)mm],海马角大[ (38 6±1 5)°],均P<0 05。两侧半球比较,患者组右侧半球长径( 159 5±2 1 )mm、顶枕叶长径( 54 4±1 3 )mm均小于左侧[分别为(160 7±2 3)mm和(55 8±1 1)mm],而右侧半球横径[ ( 71 1±1 0 )mm]、颞叶长径[ (63 4±1 5)mm]和海马长径[ (40 7±0 8 )mm]则大于左侧[分别为( 69 8±1 0 )mm、( 62 0±1 2)mm、(39 4±0 7)mm;P<0 05]。(2)两组女性比较:患者组右侧半球高径[ (106 9±1 5)mm]、颞叶长径[ (61 6±1 2)mm]、顶枕叶长径[ (50 8±1 3)mm]和海马长径[ ( 39 9±0 8 )mm]均小于对照组[分别为(109 0±1 4)mm、(62 0±1 1)mm、(51 5±1 1)mm、(41 3±0 9)mm;均P<0 05]。两侧半球比较,患者组右侧额极长径[ ( 34 9±0 9 )mm]、额叶长径[ ( 60 7±0 9 )mm]和颞叶长径[ (61 6±1 2)mm]均大于左侧[分别为(33 6±0 8)mm、(59 6±0 8)mm、(59 9±1 3)mm],顶枕叶长径[ (50 8±1  相似文献   

目的 应用脑功能磁共振成像(fMRI)技术,观察书写痉挛患者痉挛性书写脑功能区激活特点,探讨书写痉挛可能发病机制.方法 采用fMRI组块设计,分别获得10例书写痉挛患者和10名年龄、性别匹配健康对照组执行默写、手写、笔写任务时的平均脑功能激活图,同时通过一般线性分析法产生“笔写减手写”及“笔写减默写”的差异脑功能图.结果 书写痉挛患者进行书写任务时,受累手对侧基底节区,特别是壳核(激活体素个数864),较健康对照组(激活体素个数54)显著激活;运动皮质(第一运动区、辅助运动区、运动前区)及同侧小脑较健康对照亦有明显激活;而进行手指写和默写任务时两组间差异并不明显;"笔写减手写"及"笔写减默写"差异脑功能图发现书写痉挛患者在除去手指写运动及语言处理相关影响后上述脑区仍有明显激活,健康对照组则皮质下结构激活消失,运动相关皮质激活亦明显减少.结论 书写痉挛患者执行笔写任务时上述脑区尤其皮质下结构异常激活与书写痉挛发生存在一定关联,基底节区及相应皮质-皮质下环路功能紊乱,可能在书写痉挛发病机制中起到重要作用.  相似文献   

Foreign accent syndrome (FAS) is a rare disorder characterized by the emergence of a perceived foreign accent following brain damage. Despite decades of study, little is known about the neural substrates involved in this disorder. In this case study, MRI images of the brain were obtained during a speech task for an American English-speaking monolingual female who presented with FAS of unknown etiology and was thought to sound ‘Swedish’ or ‘Eastern European’. On the basis of MR structural imaging, the patient was noted to have frontal lobe atrophy. An fMRI picture-naming task designed to broadly engage the speech motor network revealed predominantly left-hemisphere involvement, including activation of the (1) left superior temporal and medial frontal structures, (2) bilateral subcortical structures and thalamus, and (3) left cerebellum. The results suggest an instance of substantial brain reorganization for speech motor control.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty patients with schizophrenia and ten normal control subjects underwent magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. The volumes of several brain structures were measured using a computer image analysing system. The schizophrenic patients had significantly smaller left parahippocampal volume and larger left temporal horn volume than the control subjects. A larger body of the right lateral ventricle could be estimated in the schizophrenics, but this difference was not significant. In the patient group a non-significant negative corrlation was established between the presence of positive symptoms and the left temporal horn volume. There was no signieficant correlation between the temporal horn and temporal lobe or medial temporal structures. Our results indicate that the left medial temporal structure or left temporal lobe may be involved in schizophrenia and that temporal horn enlargement does not simply represent volume loss of the surrounding tissue.  相似文献   

目的 探讨线索诱发海洛因依赖者戒断期心理渴求的特异神经结构,为寻找干预复吸的有效策略提供理论依据。方法 采用3 0T磁共振成像系统,对30例戒断期海洛因依赖者和17名健康对照者在观看自然风光和吸毒图片时行全脑扫描,识别线索诱发海洛因渴求的特异脑区。结果(1)与观看自然风光相比,观看吸毒图片可以诱导戒断期海洛因依赖者产生明显心理渴求(t=-6 535,P<0 001),且渴求程度与吸毒量呈正相关(r=0 464,P=0 01)。(2)共发现17个参与线索诱发海洛因渴求的特异脑区,主要集中在前额叶皮质和边缘系统,以左侧为主。自我报告渴求与激活脑区数目及左侧额下回、额中回、扣带回前部、额内测回,右侧眶额皮质、杏仁核和岛叶等7个脑区的激活体积呈正相关(P<0 05)。结论 多个脑区参与线索诱发海洛因渴求,既包括认知过程又涉及情感加工,不同渴求程度激活脑区数目与某些脑区的激活体积不同。  相似文献   

Central nervous system (CNS) involvement is extremely rare in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Additionally, most patients with CNS involvement have chronic and severe RA. We present a report of a 66-year-old man who was diagnosed with rheumatoid meningitis and CNS vasculitis without a history of RA. His initial symptom was seizure. Brain magnetic resonance imaging showed leptomeningeal enhancement.CSF analysis revealed slight increase in the number of white blood cells. An examination of viral markers and culture studies for infectious etiology were unremarkable. However, the rheumatoid factor was positive and the levels of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody were very high. The patient was diagnosed with rheumatoid meningitis and received steroid therapy. However, he developed CNS vasculitis. We suggested that the possibility of rheumatoid meningitis should be considered during the differential diagnosis stage in patients with uncontrolled meningitis, even though RA does not typically show CNS involvement.  相似文献   

目的 研究肌萎缩侧索硬化(ALS)的弥散张量成像(DTI)和磁共振波谱(MRS)特点,并对ALs的病理生理机制进行初步探讨.方法 ALS患者38例,单纯下运动神经元受累疾病患者8例,混合型颈椎病5例和健康对照34名,行常规头颅MRI、DTI和1H-MRS测定.结果 21%(8/38)的ALS患者可见T2 FLAIR序列双侧锥体束走行异常高信号,强度高于皮质灰质.ALS组和健康对照组相比,中央前回(ALS组0.492±0.059,健康对照组0.552 4-0.045,F=17.150,P<0.01)、内囊后肢(分别为0.679 ±0.048、0.727±0.031,F=19.481,P<0.01)、大脑脚(左侧0.740±0.038、0.761±0.024,F=4.290;右侧0.720±0.044、0.746±0.034,F=3.264,均P<0.01)的部分各向异性(FA值)显著降低;ALS组上述部位的N-乙酰大冬氨酸/肌酸(NAA/Cr)值和健康对照组相比亦存在显著降低.AKS组各部位FA值降低百分率分别为10.9%、6.6%、2.8%~3.5%,以中央前回处最为显著;内囊前肢、枕叶处的FA值亦有不同程度降低.结论 DTI和MRS枪测不仪有助于ALS患者:运动神经元高位受累的确认和ALS的诊断和鉴别诊断,而且还可促进对ALS病理机制和病损分布的了解.  相似文献   



Despite the high prevalence of specific phobia (SP), its neural substrates remain undetermined. Although an initial series of functional neuroimaging studies have implicated paralimbic and sensory cortical regions in the pathophysiology of SP, to date contemporary morphometric neuroimaging methods have not been applied to test specific hypotheses regarding structural abnormalities.


Morphometric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methods were used to measure regional cortical thickness in 10 subjects with SP (animal type) and 20 healthy comparison (HC) subjects.


Consistent with a priori hypotheses, between-group differences in cortical thickness were found within paralimbic and sensory cortical regions. Specifically, in comparison with the HC group, the SP group exhibited increased cortical thickness in bilateral insular, bilateral pregenual anterior cingulate, and bilateral posterior cingulate cortex as well as left visual cortical regions.


Taken together, these structural findings parallel results from initial functional imaging studies that implicate paralimbic and sensory cortical regions in the mediating anatomy of SP symptoms. Further research will be necessary to replicate these findings and to determine their specificity as well as their pathophysiologic significance.  相似文献   

The study was undertaken to examine the potentialities of new MRI techniques (MR-myelocysternoventriculography and phasic contrast-enhanced MRI with reference to a cardiac cycle) in visualizing the spinal fluid system and flow in different groups of neurosurgical patients. MR-myelocysternoventriculography was based on the sequences of SSFP-3D (Signa, GE, 1.5 T) and PSIF-3D (Magnetom 42SP, Siemens, 1.0 T). These regimens were applied to obtain highly T2*-weighed images. These techniques were used in 280 patients. Phasic contrast-enhanced MRI with reference to a cardiac cycle was performed in the axial (through the aqueduct of the cerebrum) and sagittal projects (CINE-2D mode, Signa GE). This technique was employed to study 30 patients and 5 healthy volunteers. MRI-cysternography based on SSFP-3D- and PSIF-3D sequences is recommended as the method of choice in evaluating the 3rd ventriculostoma and, in combination with spiral computed tomography, in detecting fistulas of the base of the skull. Phasic contrast-enhanced MRI with reference to a cardiac cycle yielded the values of spinal fluid flow through the aqueduct of the cerebrum in health: Vsyst max = 4.1 +/- 1.3 cm/sec; Vsyst mean = 2.5 +/- 1.4 cm/sec; Vdiast max = 3.4 +/- 1.5 cm/sec; Vdist mean = 2.5 +/- 1.7 cm/sec (N = 5). The prospect of the technique is to develop recommendations and to predict prognosis while making bypass surgery for ventriculostomas and cystostomas.  相似文献   

精神分裂症脑结构的核磁共振研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:采用核磁共振技术(MRI)分析精神分裂症患者的脑结构改变。方法:以精神分裂症住院患者101例为对象,正常30例为对照,作头颅核磁共振扫描。结果:病例组第三脑室显著增宽,尾状核体积较大,海马增厚,各部位海马信号强度减弱。结论:精神分裂症患者脑萎缩明显,尾状核增大。  相似文献   

Several recent studies have found a relationship between midline cerebral malformations (cavum septi pellucidum, absence of the adhesio interthalamica) and schizophrenia. In this study, we investigated whether the adhesio interthalamica is more often absent in patients with schizophrenia than healthy cases and whether the absence of the adhesio interthalamica may be related to the volume of the third ventricle. Twenty-six patients (11 male, 15 female) in the schizophrenia group and twenty-nine (11 male, 18 female) cases in the control group were examined by MRI. The adhesio interthalamica was found to be absent more often among patients with schizophrenia compared with control subjects and patients without adhesio interthalamica did not have significantly larger third ventricle volumes. The absence of the adhesio interthalamica may be important in explaining the association between the abnormalities of brain midline structures and schizophrenia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Previous research has noted functional and structural temporal lobe abnormalities in schizophrenia that relate to symptoms such as auditory hallucinations and thought disorder. The goal of the study was to determine whether the functional abnormalities are present in schizophrenia at early stages of auditory processing. METHOD: Functional magnetic resonance imaging activity was examined during the presentation of the mismatch stimuli, which are deviant tones embedded in a series of standard tones. The mismatch stimuli are used to elicit the mismatch negativity, an early auditory event-related potential. Ten patients with schizophrenia and 10 comparison subjects were presented the mismatch stimuli condition and a control condition in which only one tone was presented repeatedly. RESULTS: The superior temporal gyrus showed the most prevalent and consistent activation. The superior temporal gyrus showed less activation in the schizophrenic subjects than in the comparison subjects only during the mismatch stimuli condition. CONCLUSIONS: This result is consistent with those of mismatch negativity event-related potential studies and suggests that early auditory processing is abnormal in chronic schizophrenia.  相似文献   

The PERFORM MRI Project was an ancillary study of the PERFORM trial. Its aim was to investigate the potential effects of terutroban in patients with atherothrombotic disorders, in comparison to aspirin, on the evolution of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) lesions after a recent ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA). The change in both hypointense and hyperintense lesions on the fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequence, in the total brain volume and in the hippocampal volume from baseline (M1) to the final visit (M24) was assessed as well as the number of emergent microbleeds. A total of 748 patients had their MRI examination validated both at M1 and M24 during the study. At baseline, the volume of hypointense and hyperintense lesions on FLAIR images, the total brain volume, the hippocampal volume and the number of patients with microbleeds did not differ between the two groups. During follow-up, the mean volumetric increase of lesions hypointense or hyperintense on FLAIR images (from 5 to 8 %), the mean reduction of total brain volume (?0.4 %) and of hippocampal volume (?4 %), did not differ between the two treatment arms. The same parameters analysed ipsilateral to the ischaemic lesion did not differ either between the two groups. In the terutroban group, 16.3 % of patients presented with emergent microbleeds, 10.7 % in the aspirin group; this difference was not significant. In the PERFORM study, the progression of FLAIR lesions, of cerebral or hippocampal atrophy and of microbleeds did not differ between patients treated by terutroban and those treated by aspirin.  相似文献   

目的 了解在静息状态下抑郁症患者脑区的局部一致性特点.方法 采用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)技术,检测静息状态下27例抑郁症患者(患者组)和性别、年龄、受教育程度均与患者相匹配的27名正常人(对照组)的脑功能活动,并对两组进行比较.利用局部一致性方法 分析fMRI数据,用SPM2软件进行配对t检验(P<0.005).结果 与对照组相比,患者组双侧额中回、右额下回、右颞上回、左前扣带回、右后扣带回、右岛叶、双侧豆状核、双侧屏状核、左尾状核局部一致性显著增高(P<0.005,未校正,体素值>10);未显示脑区有明显的局部一致性减低.结论 抑郁症患者神经环路脑区局部在静息状态下具有很高的一致性,其局部一致性的增高可能参与了抑郁症的代偿机制.  相似文献   

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