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Epithelium formation is a common event in animal morphogenesis. It has been reported that F9 cells differentiate into visceral endoderm-like epithelial cells when cell aggregates are cultured in the presence of retinoic acid. The present investigation set out to determine whether this in vitro model could be used under monolayer culture conditions, which is suitable for a detailed analysis of epithelial differentiation. We performed comparative gene expression analyses of F9 cells grown under aggregate and monolayer culture conditions prior to and following treatment with retinoic acid. Under these conditions, induction in the expression of differentiation marker genes was confirmed, even in monolayer cultures. Junctional complex and apical membrane formation, both of which are characteristic of epithelial cells, were also observed under monolayer culture conditions. Because of the merit of monolayer culture condition, we found that apical membrane and junctional complex formation are strictly regulated during epithelial differentiation. It was also revealed that F9 cells differentiated into epithelial cells predominantly on the fourth and fifth day following retinoic acid induction. These results showed that a monolayer culture of F9 cells represents a viable in vitro model that can be employed to elucidate mechanisms pertaining to epithelium formation.  相似文献   

Gap junction channels provide a pathway for coordinating multicellular activity. To evaluate the contribution of cell-to-cell communication in the function of epithelial cells, we studied the strength of gap junctional coupling in pancreatic acinar and duct cells exposed to agents known to elevate the intracellular concentration of Ca(2+) or cAMP. In acinar cells, we observed that maximal concentrations of acetylcholine evoked a biphasic increase in cytosolic Ca(2+) mobilization. The second sustained phase, which depends on Ca(2+) influx into the cell, was associated with the rapid closure of gap junction channels. In duct cells, stimulation of CFTR-dependent Cl(-) currents with cAMP analogs markedly increased gap junctional conductance in pairs of cells. Interestingly, cAMP had no effect on intercellular communication between cells harboring the DeltaF508 mutation of CFTR. An abnormal pattern of gap junctional coupling may contribute to the altered functions of tissues affected in cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

Tight junctions (TJs) and adherens junctions (AJs) form an apical junctional complex at the apical side of the lateral membranes of epithelial cells, in which TJs are aligned at the apical side of AJs. Many cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) and cell polarity molecules (CPMs) cooperatively regulate the formation of the apical junctional complex, but the mechanism for the alignment of TJs at the apical side of AJs is not fully understood. We developed a cellular system with which epithelial‐like TJs and AJs were reconstituted in fibroblasts and analyzed the cooperative roles of CAMs and CPMs. We exogenously expressed various combinations of CAMs and CPMs in fibroblasts that express negligible amounts of these molecules endogenously. In these cells, the nectin‐based cell–cell adhesion was formed at the apical side of the junctional adhesion molecule (JAM)‐based cell–cell adhesion, and cadherin and claudin were recruited to the nectin‐3‐ and JAM‐based cell–cell adhesion sites to form AJ‐like and TJ‐like domains, respectively. This inversed alignment of the AJ‐like and TJ‐like domains was reversed by complementary expression of CPMs Par‐3, atypical protein kinase C, Par‐6, Crb3, Pals1 and Patj. We describe the cooperative roles of these CAMs and CPMs in the apico‐basal alignment of TJs and AJs in epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Aerolysin is one of the major virulence factors produced by Aeromonas hydrophila, a human pathogen that produces deep wound infection and gastroenteritis. The toxin interacts with target mammalian cells by binding to the glycan core of glycosylphosphatidyl inositol (GPI)-anchored proteins and subsequently forms a pore in the plasma membrane. Since epithelial cells of the intestine are the primary targets of aerolysin, we investigated its effect on three types of polarized epithelial cells: Caco-2 cells, derived from human intestine; MDCK cells, a well-characterized cell line in terms of protein targeting; and FRT cells, an unusual cell line in that it targets its GPI-anchored proteins to the basolateral plasma membrane in contrast to other epithelial cells, which target them almost exclusively to the apical surface. Surprisingly, we found that all three cell types were sensitive to the toxin from both the apical and the basolateral sides. Apical sensitivity was always higher, even for FRT cells. In contrast, FRT cells were more sensitive from the basolateral than from the apical side to the related toxin Clostridium septicum alpha-toxin, which also binds to GPI-anchored proteins but lacks the lectin binding domain found in aerolysin. These observations are consistent with the notion that a shuttling mechanism involving low-affinity interactions with surface sugars allows aerolysin to gradually move toward the membrane surface, where it can finally encounter the glycan cores of GPI-anchored proteins.  相似文献   

Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection of primates provides an important model for infection of humans by HIV. Since mucosal epithelium is likely to be an important portal of entry, we decided to study aspects of the interaction of SIV with epithelial cells. SIV was shown to produce virus efficiently in polarized epithelial cells (Vero C1008) transfected with SIVmac239 proviral DNA. The virus titer in the epithelial cell culture fluid reached 10(3) TCID50/ml at day 3 posttransfection. Initially after transfected epithelial cells were plated on a permeable membrane, virus budded at both the apical and the basolateral domains. However, after the cells formed a tight monolayer, 95-100% of the virus particles budded basolaterally, as assessed by release of p27 antigen into the fluid above and below the monolayer. This finding was confirmed by electron microscopy, which showed that the mature virus budded basolaterally in polarized cells. After introduction of the CD4 gene into Vero cells by a retrovirus vector, polarizable cells were able to be infected by cell-free SIVmac239 virus. The virus titer reached 10(4) TCID50/ml in culture fluid and virions also budded basolaterally, the same as the virus from transfected cells. Two viruses (SIVmac1A11 and SIVmac251) that contain truncated TMgp28 instead of TMgp41 also budded basolaterally. Furthermore, we found that HIV-1 with full-length or truncated TMgp41 also budded basolaterally.  相似文献   

Most coronaviruses cause respiratory or intestinal infections in their animal or human host. Hence, their interaction with polarized epithelial cells plays a critical role in the onset and outcome of infection. In this paper, we review the knowledge regarding the entry and release of coronaviruses, with particular emphasis on the severe acute respiratory syndrome and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronaviruses. As these viruses approach the epithelial surfaces from the apical side, it is not surprising that coronavirus cell receptors are exposed primarily on the apical domain of polarized epithelial cells. With respect to release, all possibilities appear to occur. Thus, most coronaviruses exit through the apical surface, several through the basolateral one, although the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus appears to use both sides. These observations help us understand the local or systematic spread of the infection within its host as well as the spread of the virus within the host population. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Detergent-insoluble microdomains or rafts play a crucial role in many cellular functions: membrane traffic, cell signalling and human diseases. In this work we investigate the role of rafts in the sorting of GPI-anchored proteins in polarized epithelial cells. In contrast to MDCK cells, the majority of endogenous GPI-anchored proteins are sorted to the basolateral surface of Fischer rat thyroid cells (Zurzolo et al., J. Cell Biol. 121, 1031-1039, 1993). We analyzed a set of transfected GPI proteins in order to understand the role of the GPI anchor and of association with rafts for apical sorting. We found that the GPI moiety is necessary but not sufficient for apical sorting of GPI proteins and that the ectodomain has a major role. We propose a new model in which the stabilization of proteins into rafts, probably mediated by interactions between protein ectodomains and a putative receptor, plays a crucial role in apical sorting.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: PAR-6, aPKC and PAR-3 are polarity proteins that co-operate in the establishment of cell polarity in Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila embryos. We have recently shown that mammalian aPKC is required for the formation of the epithelia-specific cell-cell junctional structure. We have also revealed that a mammalian PAR-6 forms a ternary complex with aPKC and ASIP/PAR-3, and localizes at the most apical end of the junctional complex in epithelial cells. RESULTS: The ternary complex formation and junctional co-localization of PAR-6 with aPKC and ASIP/PAR-3 are observed during the early stage of epithelial cell polarization. In addition, over-expression of the PAR-6 mutant with CRIB/PDZ domain in MDCK cells disturbs the cell-cell contact-induced junctional localization of tight junction proteins, as well as inhibiting TER development. Furthermore, the binding of Cdc42:GTP to the CRIB/PDZ domain of PAR-6 enhances the kinase activity of PAR-6-bound aPKC. Detailed analyses suggest that the binding of PAR-6 to aPKC has the intrinsic potential to activate aPKC, which is only released when Cdc42:GTP binds to the CRIB/PDZ domain. CONCLUSION: The results indicate the involvement of PAR-6 in the aPKC function which is required for the cell-cell adhesion-induced formation of epithelial junctional structures, possibly through the cooperative regulation of aPKC activity with Cdc42.  相似文献   

To study the expression of human intestinal receptors for enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), the human polarized intestinal epithelial cell line Caco-2 in culture and several subpopulations of HT-29 cells in culture--parental (mainly undifferentiated) HT-29 cells (HT-29 Std), an enterocytelike subpopulation obtained by selection through glucose deprivation (HT-29 Glc-), and an enterocytelike subpopulation obtained by selection through glucose deprivation which maintains its differentiation characteristics when switched back to standard glucose-containing medium (HT-29 Glc-/+)--were used. Since Caco-2 spontaneously differentiated in culture under standard culture conditions (in the presence of glucose) and HT-29 cells were undifferentiated when cultured under standard conditions (HT-29 Std) and differentiated when grown in a glucose-free medium (HT-29 Glc-), we studied the expression of the receptors for colonization factor antigens (CFA) I, II, and III and the 2230 antigen of ETEC in relation to enterocytic differentiation. We provide evidence that expression of ETEC CFA receptors develops in parallel with other differentiation functions of the cultured cells. The expression of ETEC-specific brush border receptors was studied by indirect immunofluorescence using antibodies raised against purified ETEC CFA. No ETEC receptors were detected in HT-29 Std or short-term-cultured Caco-2 cells. However, among the population of HT-29 Std cells, 2 to 4% of the cells were found to bind ETEC, and these cells expressed positive carcinoembryonic antigen immunoreactivity. This indicated that among the population of undifferentiated HT-29 cells, clusters of differentiated cells were present. ETEC CFA receptors were expressed in the apical and basolateral domains of differentiated HT-29 cells, whereas in differentiated Caco-2 cells only apical expression was observed. Both in HT-29 cells (HT-29 Glc-/+) and in Caco-2 cells cultured under standard conditions, ETEC CFA receptors develop as a function of day in culture. This indicated that the expression of the ETEC CFA receptors was a growth-related event. Indeed, ETEC CFA receptors developed in step with the apical expression of differentiation-associated proteins.  相似文献   

The colonic epithelium is composed of a polarized monolayer sheathed by a layer of pericryptal myofibroblasts (PCMFs). We mimicked these cellular compartments in vitro to assess the effects of paracrine-acting PCMF-derived factors on tight junction (TJ) integrity, as measured by transepithelial electrical resistance (TER). Coculture with 18Co PCMFs, or basolateral administration of 18Co conditioned medium, significantly reduced TER of polarized Caco-2 cells. Among candidate paracrine factors, only keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) reduced Caco-2 TER; basolateral KGF treatment led to time- and concentration-dependent increases in claudin-2 levels. We also demonstrate that amphiregulin (AREG), produced largely by Caco-2 cells, increased claudin-2 levels, leading to epidermal growth factor receptor-mediated TER reduction. We propose that colonic epithelial TJ integrity can be modulated by paracrine KGF and autocrine AREG through increased claudin-2 levels. KGF-regulated claudin-2 induction may have implications for inflammatory bowel disease, where both KGF and claudin-2 are upregulated.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Pro-inflammatory chemokines that attract and cytokines that activate immune cells contribute to normal physiological homeostasis in the female reproductive tract, and are needed to deal effectively with potential pathogenic microbes. Mucosal epithelial cells are capable of producing these factors that communicate with cells of the innate and adaptive immune systems. METHODS: Epithelial cells from Fallopian tube, endometrium and endocervix were isolated and grown to high transepithelial resistance in cell inserts from seven patients who had hysterectomies. Interleukin (IL)-8, IL-6, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and macrophage inflammatory peptide-1beta (MIP-1beta) were assessed by Luminex bead analysis or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in epithelial cell conditioned media from the apical and basolateral compartments. RESULTS: With the exception of MCP-1, the seven chemokines/cytokines constitutively produced by the polarized epithelial cells were preferentially secreted apically. A concentration pattern was found in all cases, with IL-8 and IL-6 produced in the greatest quantity. CONCLUSIONS: The concentrations of IL-8, IL-6, G-CSF and MCP-1 are similar to the levels found in reproductive tract fluids of patients with infection. The constitutive secretion and compartmentalization of large quantities of bioactive chemokines and cytokines provide additional evidence for the role of epithelial cells as gatekeepers of innate immune protection in the female reproductive tract.  相似文献   

Polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) transmigration across cultured intestinal epithelial monolayers has been shown to be associated with a decrease in transepithelial resistance to the passive flow of ions. Using flux techniques, we show that this effect reflects selective, PMN induced alterations in paracellular, as opposed to transcellular, ion permeability. Enhancement of paracellular permeability due to PMN transmigration is not simply due to expansion of the paracellular space resulting from cell death as cytotoxicity does not occur during this process. Thus, permeability alterations accompanying PMN transmigration can be specifically attributed to altered permeability of the rate limiting barrier of the paracellular pathway, the intercellular tight junction. We have also explored the mechanism by which PMN induce transient tight junction dissolution during transmigration. Use of inhibitors of toxic oxygen metabolites or use of PMN from patients with chronic granulomatous disease show that oxygen metabolites are neither required for transmigration or for the permeability abnormality accompanying transmigration. Similarly, use of protease inhibitors suggest that release of proteases by PMN during transmigration is not the basis by which PMN are able to cross tight junctions. Structural studies show that transient intimate PMN-epithelial cell plasma membrane associations and cytoskeletal specializations preceed junctional impalement by PMN. We speculate that such putative adhesion sites serve as the foothold from which PMN may generate the mechanical force necessary to cross tight junctions during transmigration.  相似文献   

Chodosh J  Gan Yj  Holder VP  Sixbey JW 《Virology》2000,266(2):387-396
In polarized epithelium direction of viral entry and release correlates with proclivity of a virus to establish local versus systemic infection. The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), whose principal tissue reservoir is B lymphocytes, also has disease manifestations in epithelium, suggesting intertissue spread potentially influenced by epithelial cell polarity. We stably transfected the B lymphocyte EBV receptor (CR2/CD21) into Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) epithelial cells used extensively to study effects of cell polarity on infection by both DNA and RNA viruses. CR2/CD21 was detected on both apical and basolateral surfaces of polarized MDCK cells, with predominant expression basolaterally. However, infectivity was up to four-fold greater apically, suggesting that endogenous cell surface molecules, sorted asymmetrically onto polarized plasma membranes, may be involved in EBV entry into MDCK cells. EBV gp350/220, a replicative cycle glycoprotein added to the virus envelope on egress through the cell membrane, was immunolocalized by confocal microscopy to basolateral cell surfaces only. Apical entry of EBV with subsequent basolateral release of newly replicated virus favors systemic infection by viral dissemination to underlying lymphocytic aggregations. Under conditions of long-term culture, latent EBV was not stably maintained in these cells, suggesting that the epithelial phase of acute EBV infection may be transient.  相似文献   

 Activation of the basolateral receptor for adenosine in HT-29cl.19A cells, by 100 μM adenosine, increased the equivalent short-circuit current (ΔI sc= 24±2 μA/cm2), depolarized the intracellular potential (ΔV a= 26±2 mV) and decreased the fractional apical membrane resistance (ΔfR a=–0.48). The changes in all parameters reached their peak values simultaneously. This suggests that the primary action of the adenosine-activated pathway is on only one membrane. Bumetanide inhibited the transepithelial response and repolarized the cell potential. After preincubation with 100 μM forskolin, application of 300 μM adenosine caused a significant further change in V a, I sc, the transepithelial potential (V t) and fR a. Together with the results from ion-replacement studies, the observations indicate that adenosine activates channels other than the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). The rank order of potencies of adenosine and adenosine analogues implies that the receptor is of the A2 subtype. Preincubation with 4-bromophenacyl bromide (4-BPB) inhibited the effect of an adenosine analogue by 50%, indicating that activation of phospholipase A2 may be involved in the adenosine-induced response. Received: 5 August 1998 / Received after revision: 12 October 1998 / Accepted: 5 November 1998  相似文献   

The structural features of the dental epithelial cells and the enameloid in tooth germs of the Japanese Port Jackson shark, Heterodontus japonicus, in the stages of enameloid formation, were investigated by light and transmission electron microscopy. At the enameloid matrix-formation stage, tall columnar inner dental epithelial cells contained large numbers of glycogen particles. At the enameloid mineralization stage, when many sharply outlined crystals appeared throughout the enameloid, the inner dental epithelial cells exhibited well-developed Golgi apparatuses and many mitochondria in the proximal cytoplasm, and abundant vesicles and vacuoles in the distal cytoplasm. Marked interdigitations of the lateral membrane were visible in the inner dental epithelial cells. The outer dental epithelial cells contained many mitochondria, lysosomal bodies, vesicles and microtubules, and the capillaries usually approached the outer dental epithelial cells. At the enameloid maturation stage, large numbers of crystals occupied the enameloid, and most of the organic matrix had disappeared from the enameloid area after demineralization. The organelles in the inner and outer dental epithelial cells decreased in number, but there were still widely distributed Golgi apparatuses, abundant intermediate filaments and granules containing an electron-dense substance in the inner dental epithelial cells. It is probable that the dental epithelial cells are involved in the removal of organic matrix from the enameloid and in the process of mineralization at the later stages of enameloid formation, i.e., the mineralization and the maturation stages.  相似文献   

Many studies have described the ultrastructure of the dorsal root ganglia in various embryonic and adult animals, but in spite of the efforts of many investigators the functional role of the satellite cells in this tissue is not clearly understood. In this study, we discuss the function of this cell type based on the concept of cell-to-cell interaction through gap junctions. Five male 60 day-old Wistar strain rats were used. All animals were anesthetized with pentobarbital and perfused with glutaraldehyde fixative, then the dorsal root ganglia in levels L4, L5 and L6 were taken from each rat. After postosmication, the specimens were prepared for observation by transmission electron microscopy. All nerve cells were completely surrounded by satellite cell cytoplasmic expansions. The boundaries between adjacent nerve cells and satellite cells were complicated due to the presence of perikaryal projections of nerve cells. Gap junctions which showed the typical trilamellar structure of plasma membranes were found mainly between satellite cell processes belonging to the same nerve cell. On the other hand, some gap junctions were found between the satellite cell projections belonging to different nerve cells. The size of the gap junctions ranged from 300 to 400 nm. No gap junctions were associated with the plasma membrane of any nerve cell. In conclusion, only satellite cells can share free transcellular exchange of cytoplasmic molecules such as ions, amino acids, sugars and several second messengers including cAMP and inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate by way of gap junctions in dorsal root ganglia.  相似文献   

The murine model of Citrobacter rodentium infection has been used to complement in vitro studies of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) infections of human intestinal epithelial cells (IECs). However, the differences in epithelial cell responses between these two models are not fully understood. We used an in vitro model of C. rodentium infection to examine important, yet incompletely understood, cellular responses of murine IECs to this pathogen. C. rodentium attached to CMT-93 cells and disrupted their tight junctional expression of claudins-4 and -5. This was associated with a loss of barrier function that required live bacteria and was partially prevented by the inhibition of Rho kinase. Furthermore, C. rodentium caused an upregulation of IEC apoptosis that was associated with the cytoplasmic accumulation of apoptosis-inducing factor, but not with the activation of caspase-3. These studies demonstrate for the first time that C. rodentium affects murine IECs in ways that may be similar, but distinct, to the effects of EPEC on human IECs.  相似文献   

Neisseria gonorrhoeae interact with polarized T84 epithelial cells by engaging carcinoembryonic antigen-related cellular adhesion molecule (CEACAM) receptors. Adherent bacteria that are taken up by the cells are able to traverse the epithelial layer from the apical to the basal side. Herein, we demonstrate that the actin cytoskeleton of the cells is not required for the initial adherence of the bacteria, however, it is essential for invasion into and traversal through T84 cells. Furthermore, microtubule inhibitors blocked the traversal, but not the adherence and invasion of the bacteria. Inhibition of the motor activity of myosins reduced invasion and traversal, but not bacterial adherence. Immunofluorescence confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed the colocalization of the microtubule-based kinesin and dynein motors, and the actin-based motor myosin with adherent and intracellular gonococci. Transcytosis was reduced by blocking kinesin and myosin with specific antibodies. This underlines the importance of these motor proteins for the transcytosis of epithelial monolayers by N. gonorrhoeae.  相似文献   

As is often the case with cell culture, normal human endometrial epithelial cells show a low, squamous shape with flattened nuclei and lack three-dimensional morphology in in-vitro culture systems. Here we report the first well-differentiated epithelial culture system using basement membrane extracts (BME) from an Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm tumour (EHS tumour). In this model, BME regulated the reconstruction of glandular formation and subsequent reformation of the epithelium by epithelial cells. An electron microscopic study clearly indicated that there were two distinct types of cells grown on the substrate. The first, having a high columnar shape, formed the glandular epithelium, and the second, having a cuboidal shape, covered the surface of the BME. Study of epithelial reformation indicated that the regeneration of superficial epithelium could occur, following the development of the glandular formation, in a helix-like pattern. Total protein secretion was greater when the cells were grown on the BME than on plastic. Thus, normal human endometrial epithelial cells cultured on the BME assumed a phenotype and morphology characteristic of those in vivo.  相似文献   

A polarized epithelial culture system and chlamydia-specific T-cell lines and clones were employed to investigate the ability and mechanisms by which T cells control the growth of chlamydiae in epithelial cells. Monolayers of polarized mouse epithelial cells were infected with the Chlamydia trachomatis agent of mouse pneumonitis (MoPn) and then exposed to antigen-stimulated MoPn-specific T-cell lines and clones. The results revealed that in vivo-protective MoPn-specific T-cell lines and clone 2.14-0 were capable of inhibiting the growth of MoPn in polarized epithelial cells. In contrast, the nonprotective MoPn-specific T-cell clone 2.14-3, naive splenic T cells, and a control T-cell clone could not inhibit the growth of MoPn in epithelial cells. Transmission electron microscopic analysis of infected epithelial cells which were exposed to clone 2.14-0 confirmed the absence of an established infection, as deduced from the virtual absence of inclusions in the cells. Antigen-specific activation of clone 2.14-0 was required for the MoPn-inhibitory function, since the absence of antigenic stimulation or stimulation with a heterologous chlamydial agent did not result in MoPn growth inhibition. Activation of clone 2.14-0 resulted in acquisition of the capacity to inhibit growth of both homologous (MoPn) and heterologous chlamydial agents. Close interaction between epithelial cells and clone 2.14-0 was required for the MoPn-inhibitory action, because separation of the cell types by a filter with a pore size of 0.45, 3.0, or even 8.0 microns abrogated MoPn inhibition. Protective T cells may act at close range in the epithelium to control chlamydial growth, possibly involving short-range-acting cytokines. The ability of antigen-stimulated T-cell lines and clones to inhibit chlamydial growth in polarized epithelial cultures could be a useful method for identifying protective T-cell clones and antigenic peptide fragments containing protective epitopes.  相似文献   

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