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目的 探讨半腱肌移植修复陈旧性踝关节外侧副韧带损伤及踝关节不稳的有效性.方法 选择陈旧性踝关节外侧副韧带损伤患者2例,其中男1例,女1例;男25岁,女17岁.左侧1例,右侧1例.患者入院前均有2年以上反复踝部旋后位扭伤的病史.踝部损伤为Ⅲ度(美国足踝外科学院分度);前抽屉试验及距骨倾斜试验阳性.应力X线片显示距骨倾斜平均21°,且在侧位片显示距骨前脱位.2例均采用同侧自体半腱肌肌腱移植重建踝关节外侧副韧带.结果 2例平均随访8个月.患足局部无肿痛,行走正常,踝关节主动活动与被动活动良好,患足前抽屉试验及距骨倾斜试验阴性,应力X线片检查显示距骨无前脱位,距骨倾斜角<5°.根据Mazur疗效评分标准,优1例,良1例.患者对踝关节功能主观满意.结论 (1)踝关节外侧副韧带损伤是导致慢性踝关节不稳,甚至踝关节骨性关节炎的常见原因;(2)Brostr(o)m法仍不失为修复新鲜踝关节外侧副韧带损伤的有效方法,但对陈旧性损伤无效.(3)采用自体半腱肌肌腱修复重建陈旧性踝关节外侧副韧带的方法简单,有效,对于治疗踝关节不稳、防止踝关节骨性关节炎的发生具有重要的作用.  相似文献   

目的 模拟空降兵着陆瞬间踝关节由跖屈位到内翻位的变化,测定外侧副韧带及关节囊等软组织损伤时的负荷,并分析其在受力过程中所表现的特性,为研制新式伞兵护踝及伞靴提供理论依据. 方法 采用人体踝关节标本6具,通过自制夹具固定在MTS-858生物材料试验机上,施加轴向力,轴向压缩范围10 cm,当负荷曲线出现峰值时停止.记录负荷峰值及达到峰值的时间,绘制负荷-时间曲线. 结果 模拟空降兵着陆瞬间踝关节由跖屈位到内翻位试验中,标本踝关节负荷在达到峰值前随时间逐渐增加,达到峰值后迅速下降.负荷峰值约2207.18 N,达到峰值时间约9.76s.当负荷达到峰值时,踝关节外侧副韧带及关节囊主要呈现钝性断裂损伤,断端极不整齐.全部标本经C型臂摄X线片,均无骨性损伤. 结论 模拟空降兵跳伞着陆瞬间踝关节由跖屈状态到内翻状态下,外侧副韧带及关节囊纤维组织在负荷-时间曲线中表现出“等长收缩”及“等张收缩”特性.本试验为改进护踝或伞靴设计,以更好地防止外侧副韧带及相关软组织损伤提供了一定的理论依据.  相似文献   

【摘要】目的:应用T2-mapping定量评估伴有踝关节外侧副韧带(LAL)损伤的慢性外侧踝关节不稳(LAI)患者的距骨软骨退变情况。方法:搜集19例来本院就诊的伴有LAL损伤的慢性LAI患者和21例健康受试者。对这些研究对象进行T2-mapping扫描和美国足踝外科评分系统评分。将距骨滑车软骨分为内侧前部(MA)、内侧中部(MC)、内侧后部(MP)、外侧前部(LA)、外侧中部(LC)、外侧后部(LP)6个部分。测量并计算每个软骨区域的平均T2值,总距骨软骨(TTC)的T2值由6块软骨的平均T2值得到,计算慢性LAI组每个软骨区域T2值相对于对照组相应软骨区域T2值的增加率。应用独立样本t检验比较慢性LAI组与对照组各软骨区域T2值的差异,应用Pearson相关分析研究慢性LAI组T2值与美国足踝外科评分系统(AOFAS)评分的相关性。结果:慢性LAI组的距骨MA、MC、MP和TTC软骨区域的T2值高于对照组(分别为P<0.001,P=0.026,P=0.002,P<0.001),其中MA软骨区域T2值的增加率最为显著(18.65%)。慢性LAI患者的AOFAS评分为69.32±7.22,MA软骨区域的T2值与AOFAS评分呈负相关(r=-0.525,P<0.05),其余软骨区域T2值与AOFAS评分无明显相关性(P>0.05)。结论:伴有LAL损伤的慢性LAI患者的距骨软骨发生了退变,主要累及距骨内侧软骨面,MA软骨区域最为明显,MA是影响患者临床症状和预后的主要软骨区域。  相似文献   

目的:通过对人体踝关节标本的定量解剖,明确踝关节外侧副韧带相关形态参数及其起止点足印区至各解剖标志的距离,为踝关节外侧副韧带重建手术提供解剖学依据。方法:共选取19例下肢尸体标本,对踝关节外侧副韧带进行精细解剖观察并对相关参数如长度、宽度、厚度及其起止点至各解剖标志的距离进行定量测量。结果:19例人体下肢标本中,前距腓韧带(ATFL)平均长度为23.1±2.98 mm,其中单束8例(42.1%),双束11例(57.9%)。前距腓韧带腓骨起点至腓骨前部结节平均距离(AA)为17.1±3.00 mm,至腓骨隐匿结节(AO)平均距离为5.1±1.69 mm,至腓骨尖(AT)平均距离为14.1±2.86mm,前距腓韧带距骨止点至距骨上下关节面的平均距离分别为11.4±2.25 mm及18.4±2.30 mm,至距骨前外软骨面的平均距离为4.8±1.42 mm。跟腓韧带(CFL)平均长度为31.4±3.55 mm,跟腓韧带腓骨起点至前距腓韧带腓骨起点的平均距离为6.4±2.55 mm,跟腓韧带与前距腓韧带间夹角为116.6±12.69°,跟腓韧带跟骨止点至跟骨外侧结节(CP)平均距离为15.4±2.86 mm,至跟骨后上缘(CC)平均距离为13.9±2.46 mm,至距下关节面(CS)平均距离为15.2±3.21 mm。以变异度衡量各解剖标志相对稳定性结果如下:ATFL腓骨止点AA(17.54%)相似文献   

目的:研究踝关节清理术及外侧副韧带重建术后康复治疗计划。方法:将36例踝关节镜下外侧副韧带重建术后的患者随机分为康复治疗组和对照组,其中康复治疗组20例、对照组16例。两组患者均采用常规的非甾体类抗炎药物和短波、脉冲磁疗、半导体激光治疗。康复治疗组同时按踝关节镜下清理术及小切口辅助外侧副韧带重建术后康复治疗计划进行康复训练,采用改良McGuire踝关节评分系统(1988)评估其疗效。对两组患者分别于术后4、8、12、16和24周进行疗效观察和功能评定。结果:两组患者术后4周踝关节功能评分无显著性差异(P>0.05);术后8周,康复治疗组踝关节功能评分较对照组有所提高,但无显著性差异(P>0.05);术后12周、16周和24周康复治疗组踝关节功能评分与对照组相比有明显改善,具有显著性差异(P<0.05,或P<0.01)。结论:根据踝关节及其外侧副韧带损伤的特点和手术方式,设计科学、系统、安全、有效的踝关节镜下清理术及小切口辅助外侧副韧带重建术后的康复治疗计划,并据此对术后患者进行系统的康复训练,对踝关节功能的恢复有明显促进作用。  相似文献   

踝关节外侧副韧带损伤的研究现状   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
踝关节急性内翻损伤较常见。据文献报道[1],美国每天约有23000人踝关节内翻损伤。其中,以运动损伤中最为常见约占运动损伤的20%。然而,对急性踝关节外侧副韧带损伤的X线诊断标准不一,对其治疗仍存在着较大的分岐:一些学者主张用早期活动或石膏固定治疗,...  相似文献   

手术治疗Ⅲ度踝关节外侧副韧带损伤的长期随访结果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
踝关节外侧副韧带损伤按损伤程度分为三度 :Ⅰ度系单纯韧带紧张 ,无韧带断裂 ,关节稳定 ;Ⅱ度系韧带部分断裂 ,关节中等度不稳 ;Ⅲ度损伤时 ,韧带完全断裂 ,局部明显肿胀 ,皮下瘀斑 ,关节松弛、严重不稳[1 ] 。Ⅰ、Ⅱ度损伤的治疗主要是制动 ,而Ⅲ度损伤的治疗目前争议较大[2 ] ,传统方法主要是采取非手术治疗 ,但近年来报道后期出现踝关节不稳和复发扭伤率较高[3 ] 。笔者自 1987年 3月以来采取手术治疗 ,经长期随访 ,取得了良好效果。一、临床资料与方法1.一般资料 :1987年 3月~ 1999年12月 ,对 12 6例踝关节外侧副韧带Ⅲ度损伤的患者进…  相似文献   

目的 探讨部分腓骨长肌腱移植重建治疗膝关节后外侧复合体损伤的临床疗效.方法 回顾性分析2014年5月—2018年5月郑州市第七人民医院关节外科收治的膝关节后外侧复合体损伤患者22例,男性16例,女性6例;年龄17~51岁,平均31.4岁;均为单侧损伤,左侧10例,右侧12例.患者均采用部分腓骨长肌腱重建外侧副韧带及腘腓...  相似文献   

目的:比较预牵张与否在异体肌腱微创移植重建踝关节外侧韧带的疗效差异。方法:2012年12月至2014年11月,对41例踝关节不稳患者,采用同种异体肌腱微创移植重建踝关节外侧韧带手术治疗,根据术中异体肌腱预牵张与否分成两组:预牵张组(n=21)和未预牵张组(n=20)。两组均行异体肌腱微创移植重建踝关节外侧韧带,预牵张组将异体肌腱编织后置于肌腱牵张器上以80 N预牵张10 min后再行移植,未牵张组将异体肌腱编织后直接移植。术后均给予相同的康复训练。比较两组患者的手术时间、发热情况、伤口愈合时间、距骨倾斜角、距骨前移距离,患者术前术后AOFAS评分、VAS评分。结果:预牵张组的手术时间稍长于未预牵张组但无显著性差异,发热和伤口愈合时间与未预牵张组无明显差异,两组术后末次随访时的AOFAS评分、VAS评分、距骨倾斜角及距骨前移距离均较术前显著改善(P<0.01),组间无显著差异;随访结束后,预牵张组疗效优良率为90.47%,与未牵张组90.00%比较无显著差异。结论:在踝关节外侧韧带解剖重建术时,对移植肌腱进行预牵张并不必须,牵张与否早中期的疗效无显著差异。  相似文献   

目的:研究距跟外侧韧带替代法治疗跟腓韧带缺失的慢性踝关节外侧不稳的疗效。方法:32例慢性踝关节外侧不稳患者,平均年龄26.4±8.7岁,接受踝关节外侧韧带修复手术。术中证实所有患者的跟腓韧带均缺失,采用距跟外侧韧带距骨止点移位替代法修复跟腓韧带。研究平均随访22.3±4.0个月,术前和术后进行AOFAS评分、Mazur评分、Tegner评分、客观检查(前抽屉试验和内翻应力试验)、满意度评分,调查再伤情况。结果:所有患者AOFAS评分、Mazur评分和Tegner评分均显著高于术前,客观检查(抽屉试验和侧搬应力试验)术后均为阴性,满意度评分平均7.4分,无主观不稳和再伤发生,无距下关节(跗骨窦区)疼痛或/和不稳发生。结论:距跟外侧韧带替代法治疗跟腓韧带缺失的慢性踝关节外侧不稳具有良好的治疗效果,临床观察对距下关节无明显影响。  相似文献   

MRI上不同角度斜断面对踝关节外侧韧带显示效果的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:寻找踝关节外侧韧带于自然体位下MRI显示最佳的斜断面,为临床更好地评价外侧韧带提供依据。方法:解剖15例自然体位的正常踝关节标本,分离出外侧韧带,测出它们的长轴走行角度,据此制定MRI扫描方案;35例自愿者行踝关节MRI扫描,扫描方位包括常规横断面,冠状面及不同角度斜断面,比较不同扫描方位上各韧带的显示效果。结果:ATFL的显示以20°斜断面效果最佳,其次是横断面和30°斜断面,两者显示效果相当,45°斜断面次之。CFL的显示以-15°斜断面效果最佳,其次是-25°斜断面,横断面和-35°斜断面次之,但两者显示效果相当。CFL的整体显示率较ATFL低。冠状面对ATFL和CFL的显示不满意,但可满意显示PTFL。结论:MRI评价踝关节外侧韧带时,选择适当的扫描方位可以达到最佳的显示效果。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of MRI to display injuries of the lateral collateral ligamentous complex in patients with an acute ankle distorsion trauma. The MR examinations of 36 patients with ankle pain after ankle distorsion were evaluated retrospectively without knowledge of clinical history, outcome and/or operative findings. The examinations were performed on a 1.5-T whole-body imager using a flexible surface coil. The signs for ligamentous abnormality were as follows: complete or partial discontinuity, increased signal within, and irregularity and waviness of the ligament. The results were compared with operative findings in 18 patients with subsequent surgical repair. Eighteen patients with conservative therapy had a follow-up MR examination after 3 months. There was 1 sprain, 3 partial and 32 complete tears of the anterior talofibular ligament, and 5 sprains, 5 partial, and 7 complete tears of the calcaneofibular ligament. There were no lesions of the posterior talofibular ligament. Compared with surgery, MRI demonstrated in 18 of 18 cases the exact extent of anterior talofibular ligament injuries and underestimated the extent in 2 of 8 cases of calcaneofibular ligament injury. In patients with follow-up MRI after conservative therapy, a thickened band-like structure was found along the course of the injured ligament in 17 of 18 cases. The absence of ligament repair after conservative treatment was confirmed during operative revision in one case. The MRI technique allows for grading of the extent of injury of the lateral collateral ligamentous complex after acute ankle strain. It seems to be suitable for monitoring the healing process after conservative-functional treatment of ligament tears. Received: 29 June 1998; Revision received: 21 October 1998; Accepted: 22 October 1998  相似文献   

Chronic lateral ankle instability can be associated with a longitudinal rupture of the peroneus brevis tendon. Patients with these problems have atypical posterolateral or retromalleolar pain, as well as clinical signs of ligamentous instability. This injury is frequently concomitant with lateral ligament injuries and the injury mechanism is similar; however, the tendon rupture is often missed. Laxity or insufficiency of the superior peroneal retinaculum allows the anterior part of the peroneus brevis tendon to ride upon the sharp posterior fibular edge, resulting in a longitudinal rupture of the tendon. We report on the results after surgical treatment in nine patients (10 ankles) with combined instability of the lateral ankle ligaments and longitudinal rupture of the peroneus brevis tendon. All these patients underwent surgical repair of the peroneus tendon, reconstruction of the superior peroneal retinaculum, removal of the sharp posterior edge of the fibula and correction of the ligamentous instability of the anterior talofibular and calcaneofibular ligaments. One constant finding at surgery was a longitudinal intratendineal rupture of the peroneus brevis tendon combined with insufficiency of the superior peroneal retinaculum and insufficiency of the lateral ligaments. At follow-up 3 (2–5) years postoperatively, the functional results were excellent or good in nine ankles and fair in one. All the patients with excellent or good results had resumed their preinjury activity level. We conclude that this lesion should be suspected in patients with lateral ligamentous instability, combined with retromalleolar pain. In these cases, it is important to address both the tendon rupture and the ligamentous insufficiency.  相似文献   

目的 回顾慢性踝关节外侧不稳定的治疗,对其结果进行分析和评价.方法 74例患者,其中男43例,女31例;年龄15~63岁,平均39岁.患者至少有半年以上的病史,有两次以上的反复扭伤史.所有患者均行6周以上的保守治疗.41例患者行手术治疗,改良的Brostrom术12例,Myerson法8例,Chrisman-Snook法21例.对其他并发的病理问题需同时处:其中腓骨肌腱滑脱加固术6例,跟腱挛缩延长术9例,跟内翻截骨外移术8例,距骨骨软骨损伤清理打孔13例.结果 本组74例患者,通过术前的保守治疗,21例功能性不稳定的患者症状缓解,53例合并功能性不稳定和机械性不稳定的患者中,10例症状缓解,2例不愿意手术治疗,41例行手术治疗.手术治疗的患者在术后的随访中,有随访资料的39例;33例未手术的患者中,有随访资料的28例.共随访6~91个月,采用Roos功能结果评分法进行结果评判.术后踝关节功能评分的平均值为86.24,保守治疗的患者踝关节功能评分的平均值为97.34.结论 本组74例患者,通过术前的保守治疗,21例功能性不稳定的患者症状缓解,53例合并功能性不稳定和机械性不稳定的患者中,10例症状缓解,2例不愿意手术治疗,41例行手术治疗.手术治疗的患者在术后的随访中,有随访资料的39例;33例未手术的患者中,有随访资料的28例.共随访6~91个月,采用Roos功能结果评分法进行结果评判.术后踝关节功能评分的平均值为86.24,保守治疗的患者踝关节功能评分的平均值为97.34.  相似文献   

BackgroundWhile Individuals with chronic ankle instability (CAI) exhibit altered ankle joint movement and moments during stance phase of gait, the interaction or dynamic joint stiffness (DJS) between these is not fully understood. Little attention has been placed on DJS during gait, limiting our understanding of how the most common dynamic task during daily life could affect cartilage loading.Research questionDo Individuals with CAI exhibit altered ankle DJS and mechanical energy exerted at the ankle joint during stance phase of gait?MethodsEighty-four physically active individuals, consisting of 42 individuals with CAI (12 M and 30 F) and 42 control (12 M and 30 F) participants were recruited in this study. Three-dimensional gait analysis was conducted. The sagittal ankle joint angle and moment during stance phase of walking gait were obtained. Stance phase was divided into three sub-phases: controlled plantarflexion, controlled dorsiflexion, and powered plantarflexion. Ankle DJS was represented by the slope of the joint moment plotted as a function of the joint angle. The coefficient of determination was calculated to determine how accurately data fit a linear model. Net work was calculated by the difference between work produced and absorbed. Further, sex specific exploratory analyses of DJS and work between individuals with and without CAI were conducted.ResultsLower DJS during the controlled plantarflexion (CPF) sub-phase, work produced, and net work was found in the CAI group. Males with CAI exhibited lower ankle moment changes during controlled dorsiflexion (CDF) sub-phase and work absorbed. Females with CAI exhibited lower ankle moment changes during CPF and CDF sub-phases, lower DJS during the CPF sub-phase, and lower net work.SignificanceIndividuals with CAI have alterations in DJS and work relative to uninjured controls. Females with CAI showed greater DJS related alterations, relative to controls, than their male CAI counterparts.  相似文献   

人工踝关节置换治疗踝关节病的临床疗效   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的探讨人工踝关节置换治疗踝关节病的疗效。方法对18例患者18踝行人工踝关节置换,其中创伤性踝关节炎9例,骨性踝关节炎6例,创伤后局限性距骨缺血坏死2例,粉碎骨折踝关节融合后1例。结果随访1~5年,按Kofoed评价系统观察疗效,优16例,良2例。患足背伸范围6°~12°,跖屈范围8°~16°,背伸和跖屈11°~23°。并发症有切口皮缘坏死2例,无足内、外翻和影像学松动。结论人工踝关节置换是改善踝关节功能的良好方法。  相似文献   

The more than 80 procedures described for chronic lateral ligamentous instability generally are divided intoanatomic and nonanatomic procedures or augmented and nonaugmented procedures. Of the anatomic repairs, the modified Broström is currently the most commonly used. It is indicated for most chronically unstable ankles. Relative contraindications include generalized ligamentous laxity, previous reconstructive procedures, and lengthy time from the original injury. The Chrisman-Snook and Watson-Jones procedures are nonanatomic, augmented reconstructions in which a portion of the peroneus brevis is used to reconstruct the ATFL (Watson-Jones) or the ATFL and CFL (Chrisman-Snook). Indications for these procedures have included patients with combined ankle and subtalar instability, obese patients, athletes at high risk for repetitive rotation and varus ankle stresses (such as football linemen), patients with connective tissue disease (such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome), and patients with failed direct (anatomic) repair.  相似文献   

Injuries to the lateral and posterolateral aspects of the knee are likely more common than appreciated. If theseinjuries are not recognized and treated, they may result in suboptimal results when treating injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament and posterior cruciate ligament. The treatment options for injuries to the lateral and posterolateral structures include primary repairs, primary repairs with augmentation, tightening of existing structures, and the creation of structural restraints from the lateral femoral epicondyle to either the posterolateral tibia or the fibular head. Reconstructive procedures to the fibular head offer advantages over those to the posterolateral tibia in that they are more optimally positioned to resist varus and posterolateral rotations, and tissue from the epicondyle to the posterior aspect to the fibular head maintains near isometry through a functional range of knee motion. A free semintendinosus tendon graft can be used to reconstruct the lateral collateral ligament and popliteofibular ligaments with minimal morbidity. This procedure can be used as an isolated procedure or in combination with other reconstructive procedures or primary repairs.  相似文献   

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