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Krewski D Mallick R Zielinski JM Létourneau EG 《Journal of exposure analysis and environmental epidemiology》2005,15(3):234-243
Radon, a well-established risk factor for human lung cancer, is present at low concentrations in most homes. Consequently, many countries have established national guidelines for residential radon concentrations. In this article, we evaluate two models for describing seasonal variation in residential radon concentrations based on the data from a large case-control study conducted in Winnipeg, Canada. In this study, radon levels in homes were monitored during two successive 6-month periods, with integrated annual radon concentrations obtained using CR-39 alpha-track detectors. Significant differences were noted among measurements taken during different seasons of the year. Using the model introduced by Pinel et al. (1995) to describe temporal variation in residential radon levels in southwest England using seasonal adjustment factors, reasonable predictions of annual average radon concentrations were obtained from the 6-month integrated radon measurements. However, a simple multiplicative model was found to provide better predictions than the seasonal adjustment model. Although model coefficients vary somewhat from one geographic location to another, the concordance with respect discriminating between results above and below 150 Bq/m(3) in Winnipeg was in the range 85-90% using seasonal adjustment models with coefficients derived from data in either Winnipeg or southwest England. 相似文献
The present study's objective was to control the quality of different mitigation methods for unusually high indoor radon (222Rn) concentrations of up to 274,000 Bq m(-3) in a village (Umhausen, 2,600 inhabitants) in western Tyrol, Austria. Five years after mitigation, five different remedial actions were examined on their quality by means of measuring indoor radon concentrations with charcoal liquid scintillation radon detectors and with a continuously recording AlphaGuard detector. Mitigation method in house 1--a mechanical intake and outlet ventilation system with heat exchanger in the basement, combined with a soil depressurization system--was characterized by long-term stability. With most favorable air pressure (+100 Pa) in the basement, mean basement radon concentrations in the winter were reduced from 200,000 Bq m(-3) to 3,000 Bq m(-3) by this method 5 y after mitigation. Acting against experts' instructions, the inhabitants had switched off the ventilation system most of the time to minimize power consumption although it had been proven that ventilation reduced mean basement radon concentration by a factor of about 3 in the winter and about 15 in the summer. Mitigation method in house 2-soil depressurization with two fans and loops of drainage tubes to withdraw radon from the region below the floor and outside the basement walls, and from soil below that part of the house with no basement-had been the most successful remedial measure until the winter of 1999 (i.e., 6 y after mitigation), when micro-cracks opened and consequently mean basement radon concentration increased from 250 Bq m(-3) to 1,500 Bq m(-3). Measures to block these microcracks and to minimize soil drying are being developed. Five years after mitigation, the remedial method used in house 3--a multilayer floor construction, where a fan was used to suck radon from a layer between bottom slab and floor-reduced winter mean radon concentration from 25,000 Bq m(-3) to 1,200 Bq m(-3), with the ventilation on and the basement door open. Mitigation method in house 4--a basement sealing technique--was unsuccessful with almost identical radon concentrations during all the five years since mitigation had started. Mitigation method in house 5--a waterproof basement technique especially for future homes--reduced mean basement radon concentration below 300 Bq m(-3) and mean ground floor radon concentration below 200 Bq m(-3), which is the Austrian action level for newly constructed buildings. These findings indicate that even in areas with extremely high radon concentrations, effective mitigation of indoor radon can be achieved provided that house-specific long-term, stable mitigation techniques are applied. 相似文献
个旧市郊室内氡、钍射气浓度和地面γ辐射水平初步调查 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
目的调查个旧地区居室内氡(^222Rn)、钍射气(^220Rn)及其子体水平,明确钍射气的剂量贡献。方法考虑住宅类型和地理分布因素,从个旧市郊某村选取建筑结构有代表性的50户住宅的主卧室,采用氡-钍射气鉴别探测器测量氡、钍射气浓度,用沉积率装置测量钍射气子体浓度。其中14间居室采用连续性氡测量探测器和α谱氡、钍射气鉴别探测器测量氡、钍射气浓度,空气采样滤膜结合CR-39探测器测量钍射气衰变产物浓度,碘化钠闪烁计数器测量地表γ剂量率。结果50间居室的氡浓度为32~498Bq/m^3,平均136Bq/m^3;钍射气浓度为39~7908Bq/m^3,平均3297Bq/m^3;钍射气子体浓度为2.0~23.9Bq/m^3,平均10.2Bq/m^3。钍射气子体衰变产物致居民年平均有效剂量大于氡子体衰变产物的平均年有效剂量(2.9mSv vs 1.6mSv)。结论个旧市郊部分居室室内钍射气及其子体浓度高,钍射气子体的剂量贡献要高于氡子体的剂量贡献。在个旧开展氡致肺癌危险评价研究应当考虑钍射气子体的剂量贡献。 相似文献
An indoor radon measurement survey has been carried out in six districts of the Punjab province. These included Gujranwala, Gujrat, Hafizabad, Sialkot, Narowal and Mandibahauddin districts. In each district, 40 representative houses were chosen and indoor radon levels were measured in these dwellings in autumn, winter, spring and summer seasons using CR-39 based NRPB radon dosimeters. After exposure to radon, the CR-39 detectors were etched in 25% NaOH at 80 degrees C and track densities were related to radon concentration levels. From the observed data, average radon concentration levels and a seasonal correction factor were calculated. The average 222Rn concentration level was found to vary from 40 +/- 15 to 160 +/- 32 Bq m(-3) and 38 +/- 17 to 141 +/- 26 Bq m(-3) in the bedrooms and living rooms of the houses surveyed, respectively. The annual mean effective dose received by the occupants has been calculated using ICRP (1993 Ann. ICRP 23) and UNSCEAR (2000 Sources and Effects of Ionizing Radiation (New York: United Nations)); it varied from 1.2 to 1.7 mSv and from 1.8 to 2.4 mSv, respectively. 相似文献
Spatial and temporal indoor radon variations. 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
D J Steck 《Health physics》1992,62(4):351-355
This paper examines the ability of standard radon measurement protocols to predict long-term radon concentrations in houses located in the upper Midwest. It was observed that: (1) significant radon variations can occur on a spatial scale as small as a single floor; (2) radon measurements that integrate for periods less than 3 mo are reliable only to within a factor of 2 or more; and (3) contemporary, short-term measurements within existing structures may not accurately reflect past radon concentrations. Two-hundred forty-three occupied houses located in 40 towns were monitored for at least 1 y using alpha-track detectors. If lifetime radon exposure estimates need to be determined accurately, then long-term, integrating radon detectors should be placed in several rooms of each house. In radon atmospheres that may not be stable for long periods of time, it is suggested that multiple, year-long measurements or surface alpha activity measurements in combination with year-long alpha-track measurements are needed for an accurate lifetime radon assessment. 相似文献
During the winter months of 1992/93 and 1993/94, instantaneous indoor radon concentrations and gamma dose rates were measured in 890 schools in Slovenia attended in total by about 280,000 pupils. Under "closed conditions," the room to be surveyed was closed for more than 12 h prior to sampling, the air was sampled into alpha scintillation cells with a volume of 700 cm3, and alpha activity was measured. An arithmetic mean of 168 Bq m(-3) and a geometric mean of 82 Bq m(-3) were obtained. In 67% of schools, indoor radon concentrations were below 100 Bq m(-3), and in 8.7% (77 schools with about 16,000 pupils) they exceeded 400 Bq m(-3), which is the proposed Slovene action level. In the majority of cases, radon concentrations were high due to the geological characteristics of the ground. Approximately 70% of schools with high radon levels were found in the Karst region. Gamma dose rates were measured using a portable scintillation counter. An arithmetic mean of 102 nGy h(-1) and a geometric mean of 95 nGy h(-1) were obtained. No extraordinarily high values were recorded. 相似文献
To provide detailed information for bronchial dose estimates, aerosol particle size distributions, and radon gas concentration, measurements were made in six residential homes and three laboratory rooms in different office buildings in the city of Ottawa. In the literature, most particle size distribution measurements are taken with samplers operating for a few days at most. In this study, the particle size samplers collected the samples from 77 to 162 d. The equilibrium factor determined from the long-term measurements ranged from 0.6 to almost 1 with an average of 0.75. Even though radon concentrations were quite different between residential setting and office buildings, the average equilibrium factor was similar in the two different indoor environments. The results suggest that at least in some basements, if they were occupied, the radon dose would be about twice as high as normally estimated from the conventional F(eq) value of 0.4. 相似文献
Chao CY 《Applied occupational and environmental hygiene》1999,14(12):811-818
A series of measurements were conducted to study the indoor radon pollution in air-conditioned high-rise office buildings. Continuous monitoring of indoor radon levels in nine air-conditioned premises located in six office buildings in Hong Kong was conducted from August 1996 to February 1998. Each of the tests lasted for at least 48 hours. The measurement covered both day time monitoring while the air-conditioning was on and night time monitoring while the air-conditioning was off. The indoor radon level followed inversely the operation pattern of the mechanical ventilation systems in the buildings. During office hours when the mechanical ventilation was on, the indoor radon level decayed and after the mechanical ventilation was off during non-office hours, the radon level increased. The average indoor radon level during office hours on the nine premises varied from 87 Bq/m3 to 296 Bq/m3, and the indoor averaged radon levels over both day time and night time periods without mechanical ventilation were about 25 percent higher. The air infiltration rate and the radon emission characteristics from the building materials were estimated from the radon build-up curves which were observed after the mechanical ventilation was off. The radon decay curve observed after the mechanical ventilation system was turned on was used to calculate the total fresh air intake rate. Average radon emanation rates of the building materials in the six buildings varied from 0.0019 to 0.0033 Bq/m2s. It has been found that building infiltration rate accounted for about 10-30 percent of the total building ventilation rate in the buildings depending on building tightness. 相似文献
Cost evaluation of control measures for indoor radon progeny 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Based on assumed conditions within a typical U.S. home, annualized costs for reducing indoor airborne radon progeny concentrations have been calculated for a variety of methods of control. These analyses were limited to methods for control in existing homes. Control through modified construction techniques was not evaluated. Methods assessed included increased air circulation, increased ventilation, particle removal using electrostatic precipitation and unipolar ion generation, and the application of sealants to room surfaces. Although surface sealants proved to be reasonably cost-effective per person- sievert dose reduction, such sealants are prone to cracking and the durability of their effectiveness is questionable. Use of ceiling fans for increased air circulation and particle deposition appears to be least cost-effective, but this method may be attractive in some cases for reasons of comfort. The use of unipolar ion generators appears to be the best approach from the standpoint of cost effectiveness. These devices are also easy to install and are esthetically readily acceptable. 相似文献
Duport P 《Health physics》2004,87(6):670-1; author reply 672
In epidemiologic studies on lung cancer risk due to indoor radon the quantification of individual radon exposure over a long time period is one of the main issues. Therefore, radon measurements in one or more dwellings, which in total have been inhabited by the participants for a sufficient time-period, are necessary as well as consideration of changes of building characteristics and ventilation habits, which influence radon concentration. Given data on 1-y alpha-track measurements and personal information from 6,000 participants of case-control studies in West and East Germany, an improved method is developed to assess individual radon exposure histories. Times spent in different rooms of the dwelling, which are known from a personal questionnaire, are taken into account. The time spent outside the house (average fraction 45%) varies substantially among the participants. Therefore, assuming a substantially lower radon exposure outside the dwelling, the residence time constitutes an important aspect of total radon exposure. By means of an analysis of variance, important determinants of indoor radon are identified, namely constant conditions such as type of house (one family house or multiple dwelling), type of construction (half-timbered, massive construction, lightweight construction), year of construction, floor and type of basement, and changeable conditions such as heating system, window insulation, and airing habits. A correction of measurements in former dwellings by factors derived from the analysis is applied if current living conditions differ from those of the participants at the time when they were living in the particular dwellings. In rare cases the adjustment for changes leads to a correction of the measurements with a factor of about 1.4, but a reduction of 5% on average only. Exposure assessment can be improved by considering time at home and changes of building and ventilation conditions that affect radon concentration. The major concern that changes in ventilation habits and building conditions lead to substantial errors in exposure (and therefore risk) assessment cannot be confirmed in the data analyzed. 相似文献
湛江市部分住房室内外空气中氡浓度测定 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
徐美奕 《微量元素与健康研究》2003,20(4):38-40
采用活性炭吸附闪烁法测定了湛江市部分住房室内、外空气中的平衡当量氡浓度。结果表明 ,住房室内、外空气中平衡当量氡浓度平均值分别为 2 5 2 7Bq/m3 和 14 6 8Bq/m3 ,室内空气中平衡当量氡浓度显著高于室外 (P <0 0 1) ;不同装饰材料的住房室内空气中平衡当量氡浓度各有差异 ,其中以花岗岩为装饰材料的住房室内平衡当量氡浓度 (31 18Bq/m3 )为最高 ,水泥地板住房 (14 71Bq/m3 )最低 相似文献
The present study finds the average excess dose equivalent resulting from external gamma radiation on reclaimed land to be 17 mrem/yr (whole body); the highest excess is 166 mrem/yr, well below the NCRP limit that might be compared (500 mrem/yr). In contrast, the annual average excess exposure from radon-daughter inhalation on reclaimed land has been found to be 540 mrem/yr to the whole lung, more than twice that resulting from natural background in the study area and more than 5 times the national average dose equivalent reported in NCRP 45 (100 mrem/yr). Moreover, a significant number of individuals presently receive lung doses exceeding limits inferred from NCRP recommendations. These results indicate the need for corrective action to reduce radiation exposure of members of the general population whose exposure exceeds dose limiting recommendations and possibly to reduce radiation exposures well below these limits, thereby lowering risks even further. 相似文献
A C George 《Health physics》1984,46(4):867-872
Activated carbon canisters were tested to determine their adsorption and retention characteristics for radon. Our tests conducted indoors under typical conditions of temperature and relative humidity indicate that simple, inexpensive and maintenance-free passive devices containing 150-200 g of activated carbon can measure radon conveniently and adequately. The amount of radon absorbed in the collector is determined by counting the gamma rays from the decay products of radon. The lower limit of detection for radon is 0.2 pCi/l. for an exposure of 72 hr. Greater sensitivity can be obtained with larger counting systems and devices containing carbon with more surface area. Tests in a residential building and in a test chamber indicate that the measured radon in the canister is proportional to the mean concentration of radon during the period of exposure when correction for relative humidity is made. For practical situations encountered indoors, the device yields results accurate to within +/- 20%. Results from field measurements indicate that the use of the device is feasible. 相似文献
Field evaluations of an air filtration system and an electronic air cleaner to remove Rn decay products were performed in a single-family house located in the Northford, CT area. Field measurements included the Rn concentration, particle number concentration, and concentration and activity size distribution of Rn decay products. A semi-continuous screen diffusion battery system with six parallel sampler/detector units was used to determine the concentrations and size distributions of the Rn decay products. Indoor particles were generated by common activities such as vacuuming, washing and drying clothes, opening the outside door, and cooking. Influences on the size distributions over the size range from 0.5 nm to 500 nm of Rn decay products were investigated in the domestic environment. The effect of the air cleaners was to decrease the concentration of the decay products and to reduce the equilibrium fraction. For the filtration system in particular, the activity fractions in the smallest size range were increased. However, the overall effect of the air cleaners was to reduce the median dose. The filtration unit was found to be more effective than the electronic air cleaner. 相似文献
Minkin L 《Health physics》2001,80(2):151-156
The core of the hypotheses considered is that there is an additional strong driving force-the thermodiffusion of radon and soil air in concrete and soils, which can cause an intensive indoor radon entry. A vertical thermogradient in the slab causes thermodiffusion air flux through concrete into the house. The proof of this concept is based on consideration of concrete slab as a micro-porous system having a pore-size distribution that mostly pertains to Knudsen's region and a transition zone of pore sizes. The Knudsen's theory for a transition zone is developed, which is consistent with the known experimental data of thermodiffusion. Calculated thermodiffusion air flux across a concrete slab under thermogradient 80 K m(-1) approximately ranges 1 x 10(-7)-1 x 10(-6) kg x m(-2) x s(-1). The calculated typical radon-bearing advective air velocity in soil due to thermogradient in the slab is about 1 x 10(-6) m x s(-1). 相似文献