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我国呼吸系统病理学的回顾与展望廖松林,李维华,刘鸿瑞近40年特别是近10多年来,我国病理工作者在呼吸系统疾病的病理学研究方面做了大量工作,取得了较为显著的成绩。现就肺癌及非肿瘤性肺疾病两个方面的病理学研究状况作一简要的回顾及展望。一、肺癌的病理学研究...  相似文献   

近50年,尤其是近10年来,我国病理学工作者在呼吸系统疾病的人体和实验病理学研究上取得了较大进展,在肺癌分子病理学方面做出了卓有成效的工作,严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)的爆发更是病理界的挑战和机遇。《中华病理学杂志》作为国内最优秀的医学专业期刊之一,为病理工作者提供了很好的平台,代表了国内病理学的最高水平,在国际上也占有一席之地。  相似文献   

呼吸系统主要疾病病理的研究现状及展望赫明昌呼吸系统的某些主要疾病的人体及实验病理研究,近年来在国内外取得了较大进展。我们仅在急性肺损伤、慢性阻塞性肺疾病及肺癌三方面就国内外的研究现状及未来展望浅加评述。1.急性肺损伤:在急性肺损伤中对新生儿及成人呼吸...  相似文献   

目的 探讨儿科呼吸系统疾病的临床研究进展.方法 对儿科呼吸系统疾病的病例进行回顾性分析,并对其结果 进行探讨.结果 通过对反复喘息、慢性咳嗽、肺炎、肺结核、哮喘及肺间质性疾病等方面加以探讨.结论 儿科呼吸系统疾病是临床常见的病症之一,只有掌握其发病特点并对其进行针对性管理,才能提高患儿的生命质量.  相似文献   

维生素D是人体不可缺少的营养素之一,具有广泛的生物学效应.维生素D不仅调节钙磷代谢,促进骨骼钙化,还作为重要的免疫调节因子在固有免疫应答和适应性免疫应答中发挥着重要作用,与呼吸系统疾病发生、发展密切相关.近年研究表明,维生素D缺乏可使免疫细胞增殖和分化偏移而产生异常免疫反应,增加呼吸系统疾病易感性和严重程度.儿童是维生素D缺乏的高危人群,深入研究维生素D的免疫调节功能,将为治疗儿童呼吸系统疾病提供理论基础.  相似文献   

<正>上皮钠通道(epithelial sodium channel,ENa C)是一种非电压依赖性的离子通道,是上皮细胞主要的Na+转运通道之一,属于ENa C/退化蛋白(degenerin)超家族[1-2]。ENa C对阿米洛利敏感,主要分布于人体肺部[3]、肾脏[4]、结肠、生殖道[5]及中枢神经系统[6]等多种组织的上皮细胞,能够控制Na+进入上皮细胞,对稳定细胞内Na+浓度及维持细胞渗透平衡具有重要作用[7]。细胞内外液体渗透平衡是维持细胞正常生理功能的基础,这种平衡取决于细胞内外的相对渗透压和膜的渗透性[8],而人体细胞内液和细胞外液的渗  相似文献   

T细胞是高度异质性的细胞群,CD4+T细胞功能亚群越分越细,以分泌IL-9为主的Th9细胞是一种独立的效应T细胞亚群,转化生长因子β(TGF-β)和IL-4能诱导Th0分化成Th9细胞,同时也可在TGF-β作用下由Th2细胞转化而来。IL-9不仅由Th9细胞分泌而来,Th2细胞、Th17细胞也可分泌;Th9细胞的特异转录因子以及其在疾病中的调控机制极其复杂,Th9细胞在呼吸系统疾病中发挥着重要的免疫调节作用。  相似文献   

目的了解慢性呼吸系统疾病的细菌分布与二重感染的关系.方法对251例确诊为慢性呼吸系统疾病患者的送检标本进行微生物培养和鉴定.结果在251例标本中微生物阳性总分离率为47.1%(119/251);以念珠菌为主共分离出68株,占阳性总分离率的57.1%(68/119),白色念珠菌共分离出53株,占念珠菌分离总数的77.9%(53/68).而93例急性上呼吸道感染患者的微生物阳性总分离率为50.5%(47/93),但念珠菌的分离率较低.仅分离出10.6%(5/47).结论慢性呼吸系统疾病患者,有必要定期进行真菌培养和药物敏感性试验,避免二重感染.  相似文献   

基质金属蛋白酶与呼吸系统疾病   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基质金属蛋白酶是一组金属离子依赖的、结构相似的内肽酶家族.在体内可由多种基质细胞和炎症细胞产生,能降解基底膜和细胞外基质的多种蛋白成份,在组织重建与修复、炎症反应、肿瘤侵袭和转移中发挥重要作用.各种致病因子的刺激可引起其异常表达,导致一系列疾病发生.  相似文献   

泌尿生殖系统病理学的进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The material of lectures on pathology in 75 higher medical schools of the country is analyzed. The types of lectures, their optimal planning are indicated. Recommendations to enhance their efficiency taking into consideration the motivation of their learning are given. Optimal form for the lecture is considered a problem lecture.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural study of fetal and newborn lungs in the intrauterine infection caused by respiratory viruses showed the virus reproduction to take place in type II alveolocytes with destructive changes in cell organelles. Each type of virus results in a certain picture of ultrastructural changes. Progressing cell organelles destruction with an intensive cytoplasm vacuolization and virion presence in the cytoplasmic matrix and on the endoplasmic network membranes is characteristic for influenza. Severe cytoplasm vacuolization with lipid formation, homogenization and condensation of membranous bodies, nuclear pyknosis are observed in parainfluenza. RS-infection is characterized by virion formation on the cytoplasmic cell membrane, numerous deformed membranous bodies, filling intercellular spaces and alveolar lumen with rough granular electron-dense material, massive release of organelles into the alveolar lumen. Edema and vacuolization of endothelium, edema and focal disappearance of basal membrane are observed in the capillary walls.  相似文献   

《Diagnostic Histopathology》2020,26(12):541-550
Specific texts on infectious diseases and those in textbooks on pulmonary pathology commonly approach the subject of infection in the lung from an etiological microbiological perspective, listing infectious agents by taxonomy followed by associated pathology. However, in practice one is faced with a specimen in which a reaction pattern is seen (usually of inflammatory nature) which may be indicative of a specific type of infection. In these circumstances an approach leading from reaction pattern to specific microbiological diagnosis is required. This approach will form the basis of this review. General aspects are covered without exhaustive discussion of specific microbiology. For more detailed discussion of specific entities the reader is referred to the excellent textbooks on pulmonary pathology and those on pathology of infectious diseases. The reaction patterns described here are combinations of gross pathology and cellular reactions. The breakdown of these patterns is somewhat arbitrary and artificial. In many cases the pattern will not be absolutely typical and many overlapping features will be present in individual cases.  相似文献   

Specific texts on infectious diseases and those in textbooks on pulmonary pathology commonly approach the subject of infection in the lung from an etiological microbiological perspective, listing infectious agents by taxonomy followed by associated pathology. However, in practice one is faced with a specimen in which a reaction pattern is seen (usually of inflammatory nature) which may be indicative of a specific type of infection. In these circumstances an approach leading from reaction pattern to specific microbiological diagnosis is required. This approach will form the basis of this review. General aspects are covered without exhaustive discussion of specific microbiology. For more detailed discussion of specific entities the reader is referred to the excellent textbooks on pulmonary pathology and those on pathology of infectious diseases. The reaction patterns described here are combinations of gross pathology and cellular reactions. The breakdown of these patterns is somewhat arbitrary and artificial. In many cases the pattern will not be absolutely typical and many overlapping features will be present in individual cases.  相似文献   

Specific texts on infectious diseases and those in textbooks on pulmonary pathology commonly approach the subject of infection in the lung from an etiological microbiological perspective, listing infectious agents by taxonomy followed by associated pathology. However, in practice one is faced with a specimen in which a reaction pattern is seen (usually of inflammatory nature) which may be indicative of a specific type of infection. In these circumstances an approach leading from reaction pattern to specific microbiological diagnosis is required. This approach will form the basis of this review. General aspects are covered without exhaustive discussion of specific microbiology. For more detailed discussion of specific entities the reader is referred to the excellent textbooks on pulmonary pathology and those on pathology of infectious diseases. The reaction patterns described here are combinations of gross pathology and cellular reactions. The breakdown of these patterns is somewhat arbitrary and artificial. In many cases the pattern will not be absolutely typical and many overlapping features will be present in individual cases.  相似文献   

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