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患者,男性,17岁,农民,因“左颈部酸痛伴活动受限半年”而入院。晨起酸痛加重。四肢活动正常。  相似文献   

巨大髌骨骨母细胞瘤1例报告   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
<正>患者,女性,20岁,因右膝肿痛3年加重并活动受限1周来诊,经X线、MRI检查,门诊以"右髌骨骨巨细胞瘤可能"收入院。入院检查:T 36.4℃,P 72次/min,R 17次/min,BP110/70 mmHg,心肺无异常,腹软无压痛,肝脾无异常。右膝关节肿胀,右髌前压痛明显,浮髌试验阳性,膝关节活动度正常,  相似文献   

患者 ,男 ,18岁 ,主诉“右侧锁骨远端包块 2个月”于 2 0 0 0年2月 2 5日入住我院。 2个月前无意中发现右侧锁骨远端有一个蚕豆大的包块 ,并逐渐增大 ,而且出现压痛。查体 :右侧锁骨远端有一个 3 .5cm× 1.5cm的圆形包块 ,质地坚硬 ,不活动 ,有轻压痛 ,局部皮肤温度稍高。全身一般情况较好 ,近期体重无明显减轻。X线片显示 :右侧锁骨远端三分之一有 1个 3cm× 0 .8cm的凹形缺损区 ,内被密度均匀的高密度影充填 (见图 1)。图 1 术前X线片入院诊断 ;右侧锁骨远端肿瘤 (性质待定 )。入院后完善相关检查 ,行肿瘤病灶切除 ,局部采用 9…  相似文献   

李三喜  赵晓勇  高淑琴 《中国骨伤》2002,15(11):691-691
1病例介绍 患者,男性,30岁,已婚,中学教师,主因左下肢无力10个月,右下肢无力8个月,进行性加重3个月,背部肿物1周收入院.  相似文献   

骨母细胞瘤临床病理学研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
李亦民  丁彦青 《中华骨科杂志》1997,17(12):757-759,I003
探讨良性骨母细胞瘤和恶性母细胞瘤的诊断和鉴别诊断标准,采用临床病理分析及常规病理学观察方法。骨母细胞瘤除出现经典的组织学特征外,尚可出现车辐状排列及血管瘤样变化。骨母细胞增生活跃及出现异型的巨型上皮样骨母细胞可作为恶性骨母细胞瘤的组织学诊断依据。恶性骨母细胞瘤是介于良性骨母细胞瘤和肉瘤之间的中间型病变,有其特殊临床及病理学意义,应与良性骨母细胞瘤和骨母细胞型骨肉瘤进行鉴别。  相似文献   

颈椎椎板骨软骨瘤1例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王毅  韦兴  李南 《中国骨伤》2015,28(8):747-748

1病例介绍 患者,女,34岁。因颈部疼痛不适4年,右上肢体麻木、放射痛3年入院。患者4年前无明显诱因出现颈部酸痛,颈背部僵硬,反复发作,逐渐加重,以劳累后明显。3年前出现右肩部及右上肢放射痛,偶感右手麻木,夜间疼痛明显加重。曾在当地医院以“肩周炎”给予对症治疗,无明显疗效,近期,患者感上述症状明显加重,口服止痛药物未见明显缓解。  相似文献   

左髌骨软骨母细胞瘤刮除植骨1例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
陈明  周玉娟 《中国骨伤》2005,18(2):74-74
患者,男,19岁,1年前无明显诱因感左膝部疼痛不适,伸直膝关节时加重。该症状反复发作,活动时加剧,休息后缓解,与天气变化无关。于2003年11月19日到我院就诊.门诊X线片示:左髌骨稍增大,其内呈膨胀性骨质破坏,有大小不等囊状低密度影,伴少许钙化样组织分隔;髌骨骨皮质完整,周边骨质密度稍高,髌股关节无明显改变,周围软组织无肿胀。  相似文献   

异体骨Cage在颈椎植骨融合术中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自从 195 8年 Cloward和 Smith- -Robinson首次报道采用颈椎前路减压植骨融合术治疗颈椎病后 ,绝大部分采用自体髂骨移植。近年来国内外开始了异体骨代替自体髂骨移植。取得了满意的效果。我院于 1999年 6月~ 10月对32例不同类型的颈椎病患者进行了异体骨 Cage植骨填充椎间融合术 ,取得了较好的成效 ,现将治疗体会介绍如下 :1 临床资料本组共 32例 ,男 12例 ,女 2 0例。年龄 2 7- 79岁 ,平均年龄 5 4岁。 32例颈椎病中神经根型 13例 ,脊髓型 19例 ,32例共减压 39个节段 ,其中单个节段 2 5例 ,2个节段 7例 ,C3,4间隙 4例 ,C4,5 间隙 18…  相似文献   

正石骨症又名Albers Schonberg病,是由破骨细胞数目减少或功能缺陷导致的一种以骨吸收障碍为主的罕见遗传性代谢性骨病,发生率约为1∶100 000,且具有一定的地区性~([1])。其典型的临床特征为骨密度增高、骨骼畸形~([2])。石骨症患者因骨脆性增加,骨组织弹性降低,骨折的发生率较高,且骨折后骨不愈合的发生率较高,因此既往文献主要涉及石骨症并四肢骨折的处理~([2])。又由于石骨症患者以骨吸收障碍为主,因此  相似文献   

Summary Among spinal bone tumors, chondrosarcoma occupies the third rank after myeloma and chordoma. Its location in the cervical spine is exceptional. The authors report a case of this lesion involving C7. This new case illustrates well the therapeutic and diagnostic difficulties of this tumor site at the cervico-thoracic level. The radiologic and histologic aspects do not differ from these of the other locations of this tumor. This insidious lesion is often voluminous at the time of discovery. This is why diagnostic delay does not always allow a wide carcinologically satisfactory excision. Despite the development of radiotherapy protocols, the only efficient treatment consists of total vertebrectomy. Surgical procedures are often carcinologically insufficient at the cervical level, which explains the poor prognosis of this tumor. However, results should improve with earlier diagnosis thanks to new radiologic imaging, especially with MRI. This will be then allow better surgical treatment.  相似文献   

A 64-year-old woman experienced numbness and hypesthesia of the right C6 dermatome a year ago. Enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of the cervical spine revealed an enhanced tumor continuing into the foramen from the spinal cord at the C5/6 intervertebral level. It was thought to be an Eden type 2 schwannoma. Right unilateral laminectomy was performed on C5. The tumor was present in the intradural area and arose from the right C6 anterior root. Compound muscle action potentials (CMAPs) from the deltoid, biceps, and extensor carpi radial (ECR) muscles were recorded following electric cervical nerve root stimulation (0.2ms duration, and 7mA intensity). CMAPs of large amplitude were obtained from the deltoid, biceps, and ECR muscles following C5 root stimulation, but those following C6 root stimulation were small. As a result it was determined that the right C6 root was not associated with the nerve distribution for these muscles, so it was resected en bloc with the tumor. No apparent loss of motor function was observed. Standard needle electromyography showed no denervation potentials or decrease in motor unit potentials in either the deltoid or biceps muscles. Intraoperative investigation for compensation of nerve root is clinically useful for determining whether resection of a nerve root results in muscle weakness after surgery for a cervical schwannoma.  相似文献   


Background context

Primary solitary amyloidosis or amyloidoma is a disease process characterized by the focal deposition of amyloid in the absence of a plasma cell dyscrasia with normal serum protein measurements. Solitary amyloidomas affecting the vertebrae are very uncommon but typically affect the thoracic spine. Primary cervical amyloidosis is an exceedingly rare entity with exceptionally good prognosis, but requires diligence of the treating physician to establish the diagnosis and implement the appropriate surgical intervention.


This study aimed to present a rare case of primary cervical amyloidosis with long-term follow-up and review the clinical presentation, characteristic imaging findings, diagnostic pathology, differential diagnosis, treatment algorithm, and prognosis of the disease entity. This case demonstrates the progressive resorption of the amyloidoma over time after surgical stabilization. Previous reported cases of primary cervical amyloidosis will also be reviewed.

Study design

This study is a report and review of the literature.


A 77-year-old woman presented with a several-week history of gradual progressive weakness in her upper and lower extremities. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated a retro-odontoid nonenhancing soft-tissue mass, with erosive bony changes and severe mass effect on the upper cervical cord. The patient was taken to the operating room for decompression and posterior spinal stabilization.


Intraoperative tissue specimens demonstrated amyloidosis and extensive systemic workup did not reveal any inflammatory processes, systemic amyloidosis, or plasma cell dyscrasia. Postoperatively, the patient regained full strength and ambulatory status. The patient remains asymptomatic at a 2-year follow-up. A postoperative follow-up magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated complete resorption of the residual amyloidoma.


Primary solitary amyloidosis is a rare form of amyloidosis that is important to differentiate given its excellent prognosis with surgical management. Treatment should include surgical decompression and spinal stabilization. This is the first case report to clinically and radiographically demonstrate the progressive resorption of a primary amyloidoma over time after surgical stabilization in the upper cervical spine. It is imperative that surgeons encountering such lesions maintain a high suspicion for this rare disease entity and advise their pathologists accordingly to establish the correct diagnosis.  相似文献   

We report a case of persistent local recurrence of rhabdoid meningioma in the cervical spinal cord. Recently, the meningioma has been reported to be undergoing rhabdoid transformation, but the clinical course is still unclear. Histopathological examination of the tumor showed that it was composed of both meningothelial cells and rhabdoid cells. At each recurrence of the tumor, the population of the rhabdoid cells had increased and the ability to grow had also increased, confirmed by the MIB-1 labeling index. This case showed that phenotypic change of the cells with rhabdoid morphology may affect meningiomas and that such changes are associated with aggressive biological and clinical behavior. This newly classified tumor should be recognized in the differential diagnosis of meningioma.  相似文献   


Background context

Postoperative spinal cord herniation with pseudomeningocele is a rare disease, with only five cases reported before the present study.


To describe the clinical features and radiologic findings of postoperative spinal cord herniation with pseudomeningocele.

Study design

Case report.


A case of a 51-year-old man who suffered from postoperative spinal cord herniation with pseudomeningocele was reported, and previous reports on this subject are reviewed.


He had undergone excision of a spinal cord tumor in the cervical spine 10 years previously. He had progressive paraparesis and urinary disturbance 10 years later. The Computed Tomography Multi Planner Reconstruction myelogram showed dilation of the ventral subarachnoid space with left deviation of the spinal cord into the pseudomeningocele at C7. On observation at surgery, the spinal cord appeared displaced dorsally and herniated through the defect of the dorsal dura mater. The spinal cord was tightly adhesive around the dural defect. We released the adhesion of the spinal cord and the dural defect under the spinal cord, and the dural defect was repaired using an artificial dura mater.


The release of adhesion around dural defect and repair of dural defect under spinal cord monitoring resulted in a satisfactory neurologic recovery. Surgical repair of the dural defect with a dural substitute was necessary.  相似文献   

There have been few reports describing dumbbell chondrosarcomas that primarily developed in the cervical spine; and among these cases even fewer can easily be diagnosed as chondrosarcoma. We report a 58-year-old man who complained of right cervical pain and swallowing difficulty without a particularly apparent cause. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed radiography (CT) suggested a diagnosis of dumbbell tumor. 99mTc HMDP bone scintigraphy and 201Tl scintigraphy were negative, and surgery was performed assuming the presence of a neurogenic tumor. Intraoperative histopathological examination showed similar results. The postoperative histopathological diagnosis, however, was chondrosarcoma (grade II). Retrospective discussion regarding the diagnosis of the patient revealed that gadolinium-enhanced MRI was not appropriate for a precise diagnosis and that CT was more effective. We have thus experienced a patient with a rare dumbbell chondrosarcoma that primarily developed in the cervical spine for which a preoperative diagnosis was difficult.  相似文献   

Benign osteoblastomas are infrequent tumors, representing less than 1% of all bone tumors. The spinal location accounts for 40–50% of all osteoblastomas from which only 20% are located in the cervical spine. The majority of the spinal osteoblastomas arise from the posterior elements: pedicles, laminas, transverse or spinous processes. We present a case report of a young male that due to the lack of specific symptoms was diagnosed of a cervical osteoblastoma 14 months after the first symptoms. The tumor was located in the right C7 pedicle. We then operated, resected the tumor and a posterior C6-T1 bilateral instrumentation was performed to stabilize the spine. Nowadays, this delay in diagnosis may be avoided by the routine use of MRI or CT for unspecific cervical symptoms. The treatment of this lesion is the complete surgical resection based on a correct preoperative planning with CT and MRI in order to define precisely the location, size and extension of the tumor. Currently, percutaneous or minimally invasive surgery is not commonly used in the treatment of this lesion.  相似文献   

Background contextIsolated tuberculosis (TB) of posterior elements of the cervical spine is extremely rare. Only few cases are reported in literature, but none describe isolated spinous process and laminae involvement without TB in any other part of the body.PurposeTo report a case of isolated TB involvement of the spinous process and right laminae of C2 combined with atlantoaxial luxation.Study designA case report of isolated spinous process and right laminae TB of C2 combined with atlantoaxial luxation.Patient sampleA 20-year-old male farmer complained about a 2-month history of aggravating neck pain, a 1-month history of a slowly growing lump at the back of the neck, and numbness and weakness of the right arm that had gradually progressed to involve all the limbs for 2 weeks before presentation.Outcome measuresX-ray and computed tomography of cervical spine and Frankel grading of neural function are included to evaluate the therapeutic efficiency.MethodsComputed tomography scans showed flake-like bony destruction located in the spinous process and at the right laminae of C2. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a large swelling posterior to C2 and atlantoaxial luxation-induced distinct compression of the spinal cord. The patient underwent 2 weeks of skull traction and quadruple anti-TB treatment before surgery.ResultsThe patient underwent surgical treatment that included posterior radical debridement, decompression, internal fixation with a screw-rod system from C1 to C4, autologous bone grafting, and fusion. The patient gained normal neural function and returned to work 1 year after surgery.ConclusionsTuberculosis of the posterior elements of the upper cervical spine is very rare and potentially dangerous. Computed tomography and MRI are very useful and important for correct diagnosis. Prompt medical and surgical treatment may avert potential catastrophic event in these cases.  相似文献   

A tuberculous spinal epidural abscess is seen rarely as a late complication of Pott’s disease or in immunocompromised patients. Such abscesses in isolation are rare indeed and very uncommon in the developed and developing world. We report a patient with an isolated subacute tuberculous spinal epidural abscess without disc or vertebral involvement and no primary focus or risk factors associated with the development of spinal tuberculosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND CONTEXT: Perforation of the esophagus after anterior cervical spine surgery is a rare, but well-recognized complication. The management of esophageal perforation is controversial, and either nonoperative or operative treatment can be selected. PURPOSE: Several reports have described the use of a sternocleidomastoid muscle flap for esophageal repair. In this case report, we describe a longus colli muscle flap as a substitute for a sternocleidomastoid flap in a patient with an esophageal perforation. STUDY DESIGN: Case report. PATIENT SAMPLE: A 20-year-old man sustained cervical spinal cord injury, on diving and hitting his head against the bottom of a pool. A C6 burst fracture was observed with posterior displacement of a bone fragment into the spinal canal. The patient exhibited complete paralysis below the C8 spinal segment level. METHODS: The patient underwent subtotal corpectomy of the sixth cervical vertebra with the iliac bone graft and augmented posterior spinal fixation (C5-7) with pedicle screws. After the primary operation, the patient showed signs of infection such as throat pain, a high fever, and osteolytic change of the grafted bone by cervical radiograph. A second operation was performed to replace the graft bone using fibula. On the day after the operation, food residue was confirmed in the suction drainage tube, suggesting esophagus perforation. A third operation was immediately performed to confirm and treat esophagus perforation, although apparent esophageal perforation could not be detected at the second operation. Because the erosion around the perforation of the esophageal posterior wall was extensive, a longus colli muscle flap transposition was accordingly performed into the interspace between the esophageal posterior wall and the grafted bone in addition to simple suturing of the perforation. RESULTS: Neither high fever nor pharyngeal pain has recurred at latest follow-up, 5 years after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report concerning the use of a longus colli muscle flap for esophageal perforation after anterior cervical spine surgery.  相似文献   

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