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摘 要:中国食管癌高发,病理类型以鳞癌为主,但早期食管癌症状隐匿或者缺乏,诊断率低,造成巨大的疾病负担。机会性筛查是食管癌早发现、早诊断、早治疗的重要途径,是现阶段可行的早期食管癌诊疗策略。为了推进早期食管癌机会性筛查的路径规范化,现组织健康体检中心、胸外科、肿瘤内科、内镜专业、流行病学以及从事癌症筛查方面等多学科专家,针对筛查对象、流行病学调查及风险评估、筛查方法、筛查流程、随访和质量控制等几个方面进行归纳整理,规范适合体检机构的食管癌筛查路径,以期能通过本共识提高体检机构的食管癌筛查和早诊能力。 相似文献
中国抗癌协会泌尿男生殖系统肿瘤专业委员会前列腺癌学组 《中国癌症杂志》2021,31(5):435-440
1 前列腺癌流行病学特征
随着中国经济水平提高、人民生活水平改善和人均寿命延长,中国前列腺癌的发病率呈显著上升趋势,正逐步成为影响中国中老年男性健康的重要疾病[1].2015年中国前列腺癌的总体发病率为10.23/10万人,死亡率为4.36/10万 人[2].2020年世界癌症报告数据显示,前列腺癌位居男性恶性肿瘤发病... 相似文献
重庆市宫颈癌机会性筛查方法研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
[目的]分析重庆市宫颈癌机会性筛查的基本现状,探索适合重庆市宫颈癌机会性筛查方法。[方法]收集分析2009年重庆市8家医院机会性筛查资料,筛查方法包括液基细胞学、巴氏涂片、HPVDNA检测,以及专家推荐的三种筛查方案,Ⅰ方案:HPV检测和液基细胞学组合;Ⅱ方案:传统巴氏涂片和HPV检测;Ⅲ方案:仅用肉眼观察(醋酸或碘染色法,VIA/VILI)。病理确诊宫颈病变及宫颈癌,并对受检妇女进行流行病学调查。[结果]筛查过程中医生实际使用液基细胞学2390例(64.26%),Ⅲ方案2300例(61.84%),巴氏涂片194例(5.22%),Ⅰ方案103例(2.77%),Ⅱ方案52例(1.40%),HPVDNA检测17例(0.46%),最普遍采用的方法是液基细胞学、肉眼观察。检出CIN217例,检出率为9.68%;宫颈癌22例,检出率为0.98%。对受检妇女进行流行病学调查显示,愿意选择液基细胞学所占比例(69.69%)最高,其次分别为阴道镜(47.26%)、VIA/VILI(40.04%)、巴氏涂片(4.35%),所占比例最低为HPVDNA(3.54%),而经济欠发达、文化程度低、年长者、家人未患有肿瘤者更愿意选择传统筛查方法。[结论]不管是筛查过程中医生实际使用,还是受检妇女的选择,均是以细胞学为重庆市宫颈癌的主要检测手段,液基细胞学正逐步被广泛使用;而肉眼观察仍为重庆市经济欠发达地区宫颈癌筛查的另一主要检测手段。 相似文献
骨骼是乳腺癌最常见的远处转移部位,约占所有转移性乳腺癌患者的60%~75%。骨转移灶形成的软组织包块可对周围重要神经血管形成压迫,导致肢体局部功能丧失,骨痛、病理性骨折、脊髓压迫及高钙血症等骨相关事件的出现,严重影响患者的自主活动能力及生存质量。为早期识别乳腺癌骨转移、控制骨转移灶进展并对骨转移灶及时进行干预,从而改善患者的生存质量,中国抗癌协会骨肿瘤和骨转移瘤专业委员会组织编写《乳腺癌骨转移诊疗专家共识》,以期对乳腺癌骨转移患者的诊疗给予指导与帮助。 相似文献
目的 分析城市女性乳腺癌高危人群的流行病学特征,为乳腺癌防治提供科学依据。方法 以高危评估问卷、临床体格检查、乳腺B超和钼靶为基础,对24016名城市女性开展乳腺癌筛查,并对筛查结果进行统计学分析。结果 在24016名参加问卷的妇女中,经问卷初筛评估为高危人群的有1890名,其中有14例被诊断为乳腺癌,乳腺癌筛查阳性率为0.583‰。单因素分析显示,乳腺癌检出率在饮酒习惯、精神压抑状况、月经初潮年龄、初育年龄、哺乳时长及乳腺癌家族史方面的差异有统计学意义。多因素分析显示,经常饮酒(OR=2.31,95%CI:1.53~4.17)、精神压抑(OR=3.20,95%CI:1.20~8.34)、哺乳时长≤12个月(OR=2.49,95%CI:1.23~5.18)以及有乳腺癌家族史(OR=3.17,95%CI:1.15~5.23)为影响本组人群乳腺癌检出率的独立影响因素。结论 乳腺癌高危人群筛查策略是一种高效经济的筛查方式。经常饮酒、精神压抑、哺乳时长≤12个月以及有乳腺癌家族史人群是乳腺癌筛查过程中需重点关注的人群。 相似文献
[目的]比较江苏省淮安市上消化道癌社会性筛查与机会性筛查结果和成本效益,以期为上消化道癌防治提供科学依据。[方法]选取2019—2021年淮安市上消化道癌社会性筛查和机会性筛查资料,比较两种筛查模式在阳性病例检出率、早诊率、成本效益等方面差异。[结果]社会性筛查共检出阳性病变156例,检出率为1.30%,其中早期病变107例,早诊率为68.59%;机会性筛查共检出阳性病变747例,检出率为2.98%,其中早期病变232例,早诊率为31.06%。除食管高级别上皮内瘤变和早期癌外,社会性筛查其他上消化道各级病变检出率均低于机会性筛查(P<0.05)。分性别看,社会性筛查男女性阳性检出率均低于机会性筛查(P均<0.001),而早诊率均高于机会性筛查(P均<0.05)。分年龄段看,社会性筛查50~59岁和60~69岁阳性检出率均低于机会性筛查(P均<0.001),而各年龄段筛查人群的早诊率均高于机会性筛查(P均<0.05)。[结论]除早诊率外,上消化道癌机会性筛查在阳性病例检出率、早期病例发现数、成本效益等方面均优于社会性筛查。 相似文献
中国抗癌协会乳腺癌专业委员会 《中国癌症杂志》2024,(3):316-334
中国乳腺癌患者发病年龄较轻,60%的女性患者在诊断时为绝经前。与绝经后相比,未绝经女性卵巢功能旺盛,可持续大量分泌雌激素、促进乳腺癌细胞增殖。卵巢功能抑制(ovarian function suppression,OFS)已用于乳腺癌临床治疗数十年,大量循证证据表明,单用OFS和加用OFS均可降低未绝经女性乳腺癌的复发风险并改善生存。部分OFS研究的长期随访数据(SOFT/TEXT研究12和13年随访、STO-5研究20年随访、亚裔人群的ASTRRA研究8年随访)近期陆续公布,进一步证实对于早期乳腺癌患者加用OFS可显著降低10年以上的复发风险,提高治愈可能。monarchE和NATALEE研究显示,部分CDK4/6抑制剂叠加在绝经前早期乳腺癌患者含有药物去势[促性腺激素释放激素类似物(gonadotropin releasing hormone analog,GnRHa)]的辅助内分泌治疗方案时仍可进一步增加生存获益。中国抗癌协会乳腺癌专业委员会召集了国内乳腺癌治疗领域的临床专家,在2021年版的基础上共同商讨编制了《中国早期乳腺癌卵巢功能抑制临床应用专家共识(2024年版)》。本共... 相似文献
目的调查我国目前省市级各类大医院开展子宫颈癌机会性筛查的基本现状,为我国探索城市地区子宫颈癌的防治策略提供依据。方法按照时间(2005~2007年)和医院类型(综合医院、肿瘤医院和妇幼保健院)分层分析全国不同地区14家医院子宫颈病变的筛查、诊断和治疗情况。结果在目前常用的筛查方法中,巴氏涂片所占比例为65.28%、液基细胞学检查占21.14%、HPV检测占6.84%、液基细胞学+HPV检测占1.39%、巴氏涂片+HPV检测占2.55%、肉眼检查占2.80%。但在2005—2007年期间,可以看出巴氏涂片所占比例均逐年降低(76.34%,68.98%,55.56%,X^2=29517.43,P〈0.0001),而液基细胞学呈逐年增加的趋势(8.23%,15.16%,32.72%,X^2=64438.34,P〈0.0001)。妇幼保健院采用巴氏涂片的比例(68.98%)要高于综合医院(54.49%)和肿瘤医院(41.13%)。液基细胞学在综合医院、肿瘤医院和妇幼保健院所占的比例分别为41.77%、12.86%和15.16%。在诊断的子宫颈病变中,浸润癌、原位癌/CIN3、CIN2和CIN1的比例分别为28.14%、22.02%、21.95%和27.89%。浸润癌在肿瘤医院所占比例(59.59%)最高,癌前病变(CIN3、CIN2、CIN1)在综合医院和妇幼保健院所占比例较高。治疗方式中LEEP所占比例(37.60%)最高,其在综合医院比例最高(56.19%),其次是妇幼保健院(36.96%),放化疗方式主要见于肿瘤医院(38.86%)。结论在我国城市的各类大医院中主要以细胞学为子宫颈病变的检测手段,液基细胞学正逐渐被广泛使用,作为一种新技术,HPV检测仍是我国城市妇女筛查的辅助手段。加强宣传、提高医院子宫颈癌机会性筛查的覆盖率、规范宫颈病变的早诊早治技术,是推动城市子宫颈癌防治的有效途径。 相似文献
浙江省抗癌协会癌痛专业委员会 《肿瘤学杂志》2019,25(3):177-184
摘 要:根据我国癌痛规范化治疗现状和国内外最新癌痛诊疗相关的权威指南、共识,结合浙江省在癌痛规范化治疗和癌痛规范化治疗示范病房创建中积累的临床实践和管理经验,浙江省抗癌协会癌痛专业委员形成了共识,主要内容包括:癌痛信息化管理,癌痛规范化治疗示范医院创建管理制度化的相关内容,规范化的患者教育和知情同意制度,癌痛评估的“常规、量化、全面、动态”原则,阿片类药物的剂量滴定,爆发痛的管理,癌痛药物治疗,多学科团队合作,规范化药学服务与药事管理,规范化护理和患者随访。本共识不仅涉及癌痛规范化治疗的临床实践,也涵盖了与医院建设和信息化管理相关的内容,与癌痛全程管理密切相关,涉及癌痛患者、医生、护士、药师和医院管理者。浙江省抗癌协会癌痛专业委员会希望本共识可以为创建癌痛规范化治疗示范医院提供全面的指导,有效解决癌痛规范化治疗示范医院创建工作中遇到的问题,为我国癌痛患者获得高质量的规范化诊疗服务和实现我国癌痛治疗“零差异”提供助力。 相似文献
Soo Youn Cho So Yeon Park Young Kyung Bae Jee Yeon Kim Eun Kyung Kim Woo Gyeong Kim Youngmee Kwon Ahwon Lee Hee Jin Lee Ji Shin Lee Jee Young Park Gyungyub Gong Hye Kyoung Yoon 《JOURNAL OF BREAST CANCER》2021,24(1):1
Given the recent advances in management and understanding of breast cancer, a standardized pathology report reflecting these changes is critical. To meet this need, the Breast Pathology Study Group of the Korean Society of Pathologists has developed a standardized pathology reporting format for breast cancer, consisting of ‘standard data elements,’ ‘conditional data elements,’ and a biomarker report form. The ‘standard data elements’ consist of the basic pathologic features used for prognostication, while other factors related to prognosis or diagnosis are described in the ‘conditional data elements.’ In addition to standard data elements, all recommended issues are also presented. We expect that this standardized pathology report for breast cancer will improve diagnostic concordance and communication between pathologists and clinicians, as well as between pathologists inter-institutionally. 相似文献
城市医院宫颈癌机会性筛查初探 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
[目的]探索机会性筛查在城市人群宫颈癌筛查中推进和干预方法。[方法]分析深圳市妇幼保健院2004~2006年妇科门诊、子宫颈疾病诊治中心、体检科所有就诊患者和体检的人群宫颈癌筛查的情况。[结果]2004年机会性筛查率12.66%,2005年增至16.47%,2006年至18.65%。线性趋势卡方检验χ^2=1588.5503,P〈0.0001,有连续增长趋势。体检人群的机会性筛查率从2004年的78.13%增至2005年的88.95%,2006年至89.39%,也有连续增长趋势(χ^2=353.9559,P〈0.0001)。2004~2006年阴道镜筛查人群阴道镜诊断高度病变与病理诊断符合率75%~100%,低度病变符合率71.88%~85.75%。[结论]机会性筛查是城市女性宫颈癌筛查的重要方式之一,细胞学检查和HPV检测是经济较为发达地区筛查方法的首要选择,电子阴道镜检查是一个值得探索的适合中国城市人群宫颈癌筛查的方法。 相似文献
《Annals of oncology》2009,20(8):1319-1329
The 11th St Gallen (Switzerland) expert consensus meeting on the primary treatment of early breast cancer in March 2009 maintained an emphasis on targeting adjuvant systemic therapies according to subgroups defined by predictive markers. Any positive level of estrogen receptor (ER) expression is considered sufficient to justify the use of endocrine adjuvant therapy in almost all patients. Overexpression or amplification of HER2 by standard criteria is an indication for anti-HER2 therapy for all but the very lowest risk invasive tumours. The corollary is that ER and HER2 must be reliably and accurately measured. Indications for cytotoxic adjuvant therapy were refined, acknowledging the role of risk factors with the caveat that risk per se is not a target. Proliferation markers, including those identified in multigene array analyses, were recognised as important in this regard. The threshold for indication of each systemic treatment modality thus depends on different criteria which have been separately listed to clarify the therapeutic decision-making algorithm. 相似文献
Alex J. Mitchell 《Current breast cancer reports》2014,6(3):226-234
Distress is a common and clinically relevant complication of breast cancer which can occur at any time. Several organizations have recommended systematic screening for distress but, because there is still a debate about its effectiveness, uptake has been slow. Screening research can be divided into studies of diagnostic validity that test the accuracy of particular tools and studies involving screening implementation that test the clinical success of screening. Despite many cross-sectional validation studies, few have specifically studied breast cancer patients. Only one short tool, the distress thermometer (DT), and a longer tool, the hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS) have been evaluated in both types of study in more than one centre. Multidomain tools, for example the Edmonton symptom assessment system (ESAS) and the Emotion Thermometer (ET), are promising, and are currently under evaluation. Current evidence suggests that for any mental disorder (including adjustment disorder) the DT has sensitivity of 84 % and specificity of 63 % and the HADS has sensitivity of 65 % and specificity of 77 %. Evidence to date suggests that the DT and HADS are moderately accurate when helping identify distress, performing best in screening (initial assessment), but only slightly increase referrals for psychosocial care. However, their effect can be magnified by combining screening with mandatory follow-up. 相似文献
Hussein Khaled Heba Gamal Mohamed Lotayef Michael Knauer Beat Thürliman 《Breast cancer research and treatment》2018,171(3):545-564
Older women (≥?70 years old) with breast cancer undergo different treatments than young women. Studies have examined factors that influence this disparity, but synthesized patient-reported data are lacking in the literature. This study aims to identify, appraise, and synthesize the existing qualitative evidence on patient-reported factors influencing older women's decision to accept or decline breast cancer treatment.Methods
A systematic review was performed in accordance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols (PRISMA) principles. Medline, Embase, CINAHL, and PsycINFO were searched for qualitative studies describing patient-reported factors influencing the decision-making process of older women (≥?70 years old) with non-metastatic invasive breast cancer. Quality was assessed using the Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research (SRQR) criteria. Common ideas were coded, thematically organized, and synthesized within a theoretical framework.Results
Of 5998 studies identified, 10 met eligibility criteria. The median SRQR total score was 13.04 (IQR 12.84–13.81). The studies represented a range of cancer treatments; most of the studies focused on surgery and primary endocrine therapy. Our data show that the most common patient-reported factors in the decision-making process included treatment characteristics, personal goals/beliefs, patient characteristics, physician’s recommendation, and personal/family experience. These factors led the patient to either accept or decline treatment, and were not consistent across all studies included. Studies used different interview guides, which may have affected these results.Conclusions
This systematic review highlights the complexity of factors that influence an older woman’s treatment decision-making process. Acknowledging and addressing these factors may improve discussions about treatment choices between older women and their health care providers, and encourage maximization of a patient-centered approach.18.
《Clinical oncology (Royal College of Radiologists (Great Britain))》2020,32(5):e145-e153
AimsLenvatinib is an oral multi-kinase inhibitor approved for the treatment of adults with progressive, locally advanced or metastatic, differentiated thyroid carcinoma refractory to radioactive iodine.Materials and methodsA literature review was undertaken to inform the development of consensus-based guidance for the routine management of adverse events associated with lenvatinib. PubMed was searched on 24 October 2017; the search terms were ‘lenvatinib’ and ‘thyroid cancer’.ResultsHypertension, diarrhoea, weight loss, skin toxicities and cardiovascular adverse events were considered. For grade 1/2 diarrhoea, initial treatment should be loperamide with a 1-week treatment interruption if diarrhoea persists and dose reduction if diarrhoea recurs on reinitiation of lenvatinib. Blood pressure should be monitored daily in patients with pre-existing hypertension, otherwise from 1 week after the initiation of lenvatinib and weekly for the first 2 months. For patients with systolic blood pressure ≥135 mmHg to <160 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure ≥85 mmHg to <100 mmHg, lenvatinib should be continued but antihypertensive therapy initiated/intensified. For patients who remain hypertensive, a treatment break can be considered with lenvatinib reinitiated at a reduced dose once the patient's blood pressure has stabilised for at least 48 h. Weight loss of 10% of baseline body weight or the onset of anorexia should be managed with a 1-week treatment break; patients should maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. For patients with grade 2 proteinuria, lenvatinib may be continued, but an angiotensin II receptor blocker or angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor should be commenced. For grade >3 proteinuria, lenvatinib should be interrupted until proteinuria returns to 1+. For chronic proteinuria, lenvatinib should be stopped. Skin toxicities should be managed with moisturisers or emollients and soap substitutes.ConclusionsProphylaxis, regular monitoring and symptomatic management with appropriate short treatment breaks and, for persistent adverse events, dose reductions, are recommended to enable patients to remain on the optimal dose regimen. 相似文献