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We studied the anatomy education and the view of anatomy professors on it in medical and dental schools in Japan. In most schools anatomy is taught in the second year. In medical schools, the systematic education separating macroscopic and microscopic anatomy is prevalent. Although the tutorial system has been introduced in 80% of medical schools, its introduction into anatomy education has remained at 30%. The tutorial system is regarded to be more effective by engaged professors than non-engaged. Some kinds of clinical anatomy education have been introduced in half of the medical schools surveyed. In dental schools, on the other hand, macroscopic and microscopic anatomy tend to be taught in combination. One third of the dental schools have introduced clinical anatomy but few schools have a tutorial system. The overwhelming majority of professors are evaluated by students and have regarded the evaluation useful for improving their teaching. They also have thought that the questionnaire and the timing of the evaluation must be considered carefully, and that the evaluation should not be directly used for purposes other than the improvement of education. We have made the proposals for further improvement in anatomy education based upon this study.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed to explore whether brain norepinephrine (NE) serves as a specific reward system for the power drive. Previous research has indicated that 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl glycol (MHPG), a urinary metabolite reflecting central NE turnover, is positively correlated with features of assertiveness which one might expect of a person high in the need for power (n power) or in a state of aroused power motivation. Twenty-seven male undergraduates, 13 of whom were high and 14 of whom were low in n power as assessed by a TAT measure, were recruited as subjects. Before and after the laboratory session, subjects voided all urine and concentrations of epinephrine, norepinephrine and MHPG were obtained from samples. The laboratory task consisted of 20 picture-word pairs in which the subject had to learn to anticipate the word associated with each picture before the word was presented. Five pairs of stimuli in each of the following picture-word combinations were presented 12 times: neutral-neutral, neutral-power, power-neutral and power-power. The results revealed that, as predicted, subjects high in n power learn most power-related material faster than subjects low in n power. The need for achievement is unrelated to the learning of any picture-word pairs. The neurochemical data indicated that subjects maintaining a relatively high MHPG excretion rate during the experiment who were also high in n power showed the greatest mastery of power related compared with neutral picture-word pairs. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that brain NE turnover is specifically related to the learning of power-related responses in subjects high in n power.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to investigate the levels of house dust mite allergen Der p I in classroom floor dust from 49 schools with smooth (n= 18) or carpeted (n= 31) floors. Schools were located in the city of Rotterdam (n= 29) and in a number of small communities in the Province of Gelderland (n= 20). Data on building characteristics of the schools were obtained. Dust samples were analysed for Der p I content, the major allergen of the house dust mite Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus. The results showed that in schools with carpeted classroom floors, larger amounts of settled dust and higher Der p I levels either expressed as concentrations (in ng/g) or loadings (in ng/m2) were found than in schools with smooth classroom floors. However, the levels of Der p I were considerably lower than in dust collected from floors in homes. Although the Der p I levels were low, effects of several building characteristics on the levels were found. Age of the floor cover, the number of classrooms in the school and the presence of damp spots in the building were related to Der p I concentrations and loadings mainly on carpeted floors. Remarkably, schools in the rural area contained significantly more dust and Der p I than schools in the urban area. We conclude that dust from carpeted classroom floors contains more house dust mite allergen than dust from smooth classroom floors, but much less than dust from floors in homes.  相似文献   

Our previous analysis of 65 advanced dental caries lesions by traditional culture techniques indicated that lactobacilli were numerous in the advancing front of the progressive lesion. Production of organic acids by lactobacilli is considered to be important in causing decalcification of the dentinal matrix. The present study was undertaken to define more precisely the diversity of lactobacilli found in this environment and to quantify the major species and phylotypes relative to total load of lactobacilli by real-time PCR. Pooled DNA was amplified by PCR with Lactobacillus genus-specific primers for subsequent cloning, sequencing, and phylogenetic analysis. Based on 16S ribosomal DNA sequence comparisons, 18 different phylotypes of lactobacilli were detected, including strong representation of both novel and gastrointestinal phylotypes. Specific PCR primers were designed for nine prominent species, including Lactobacillus gasseri, L. ultunensis, L. salivarius, L. rhamnosus, L. casei, L. crispatus, L. delbrueckii, L. fermentum, and L. gallinarum. More than three different species were identified as being present in most of the dentine samples, confirming the widespread distribution and numerical importance of various Lactobacillus spp. in carious dentine. Quantification by real-time PCR revealed various proportions of the nine species colonizing carious dentine, with higher mean loads of L. gasseri and L. ultunensis than of the other prevalent species. The findings provide a basis for further characterization of the pathogenicity of Lactobacillus spp. in the context of extension of the carious lesion.  相似文献   



Learning environment in any medical school is found to be important in determining students' academic success. This study was undertaken to compare the perceptions of first year and clinical phase students regarding the learning environment at Melaka Manipal Medical College (MMMC) (Manipal Campus) and also to identify the gender wise differences in their perceptions.  相似文献   

Between September 1, 1990, and March 31, 1991, 103 of the 142 medical schools in the United States and Canada responded to a questionnaire regarding their services and programs for learning-disabled medical students. Ninety-three schools accepted such students (and ten did not), but only two-thirds had support programs and half lacked the capacity to diagnose learning disability disorders. Twenty-five did not know they could administer licensing examinations in a nonstandard manner, and 19 had no senior administrator or faculty member coordinating learning disability services. The author concludes that these results suggest that medical schools are poorly informed about and unprepared to help learning-disabled students.  相似文献   

Background: Being able to estimate the age at death of fossil hominins enables meaningful comparisons of both dental and general growth, past and present.

Aim: The aim of this study was to use data for modern permanent canine formation derived from separate histological and radiographic studies to estimate the age at death of an early African Homo erectus specimen (KNM-WT 15?000) with a developing permanent maxillary canine.

Methods: Ground sections of 18 sexed modern human canines were used to reconstruct growth in tooth height along the enamel–dentine junction (EDJ) and onwards into root formation along the cement–dentine junction (CDJ). Daily rates of enamel and dentine formation were used to put a time scale to cumulative fractions of tooth height.

Results: Age estimates for KNM-WT 15?000 averaged 7.89–8.8 years of age (range?=?6.6–10.3 years) and were close to previous histological estimates for this individual (7.6–8.8 years).

Conclusions: Stages of dental development in KNM-WT 15?000 were easily accommodated within this age distribution of a modern sample. However, body mass and stature estimates for KNM-WT 15?000 fell well beyond those reported for a modern sample of 438 Sudanese children aged between 7.0–10 years.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Changes in graduate medical education associated with full implementation of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 have required medical schools to review and revise their curricula. As limited funding increases pressures to streamline training, residencies will potentially expect an entry level of skill and competence that is greater than that which schools are currently providing. To determine whether medical school curricular requirements correlate with residency needs, this multidisciplinary pilot study investigated expectations and prerequisites for postgraduate specialty training. METHOD: A questionnaire about 100 skills and competencies expected of new first-year residents was sent to 50 U.S. residency directors from surgery, internal medicine, family medicine, pediatrics, and obstetrics-gynecology programs. Each director was asked to state expectations of a first-year resident's competence in each skill at entry to residency and after three months of training. Skills deemed most appropriately acquired in residency were also identified. Competencies included diagnosis, management, triage, interpretation of data, informatics and technology, record keeping, interpersonal communications, and manual skills. RESULTS: A total of 39 residency directors responded, including seven surgery, nine medicine, seven family medicine, eight pediatrics, and eight obstetrics-gynecology. In addition to physical examination skills, 13 competencies achieved more than 70% agreement as being entry-level skills. There was wide variability as to the relative importance of the remaining skills, with residency directors expecting to devote significant resources and time in early training to ensure competence. CONCLUSIONS: Medical schools should consider the expectations of their students' future residency directors when developing new curricula. Assuring students' competencies through focused curricular change should save both time and resources during residency.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The objective of this work was to assess problem-based learning (PBL) as a method for teaching information and communication technology in medical informatics (MI) courses. A study was conducted in the Schools of Medicine of Rennes and Rouen (France) with third-year medical students. METHODS: The "PBL-in-MI" sessions included a first tutorial group meeting, then personal work, followed by a second tutorial group meeting. A problem that simulated practice and was focused on information technology was discussed. In Rouen, the students were familiar with PBL, and they enrolled on a voluntary basis, while in Rennes, the students were first-ever participants in PBL courses, and the program was mandatory. One hundred and seventy-seven students participated in the PBL-in-MI sessions and were given a questionnaire in order to evaluate qualitatively the sessions. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The response rate was 92.1%. The overall opinion of the students was good. 69.8% responded positively to the program. In Rouen, where the students participated in PBL-in-MI sessions on a voluntary basis, the students were significantly more enthusiastic about PBL-in-MI. Moreover, attitudes and opinions of students are plausibly related to differences in previous PBL skills. The fact that the na?ve group had two tutors, one trained and one na?ve as the students, has been investigated. Teacher naivety was an explanatory factor for the differences between Rennes and Rouen.  相似文献   

How do students use multimedia tools to support their learning during a gross anatomy dissection course? We investigated this question in the anatomic dissection course for first year medical students at the University of Munich (n=850) by giving all participating students access to an anatomical multimedia CD-ROM. The use of this multimedia learning tool was voluntary and it was not essential for the end-of-course examination.After the examination, two questionnaires (return rate first questionnaire n1=347, 41%; return rate second questionnaire n2=644, 76%) were given to the surveyed students with the following content: evaluation of the multimedia learning tool, details about the usage of different kinds of available learning media, and finally an evaluation of the media used for teaching during the course. Furthermore we collected personal data from participants such as age, gender and the score achieved in the examination.Classical textbooks and anatomical atlases were used by 84% of students for preparation. The multimedia learning tool was used by 34% as an additional media for learning. The multimedia learning tool was not used alone. The data showed differences with regard to gender and performance of students, but not relating to age. Students rated the computer-specific features, e.g. three-dimensional (3D) models, virtual simulations, and an interactive quiz module, as major reasons for using the multimedia learning tool.Our results show that medical students use anatomic multimedia learning tools primarily as an additional medium for learning, and thus lead to the conclusion that the main learning media are still textbooks and anatomic atlases.  相似文献   

We examined the relations among students' perceptions of classroom goal structures (mastery and performance goal structures), students' achievement goal orientations (mastery, performance, and work-avoidance goals), and learning strategies (deep processing, surface processing and self-handicapping strategies). Participants were 323 5th and 6th grade students in elementary schools. The results from structural equation modeling indicated that perceptions of classroom mastery goal structures were associated with students' mastery goal orientations, which were in turn related positively to the deep processing strategies and academic achievement. Perceptions of classroom performance goal stractures proved associated with work avoidance-goal orientations, which were positively related to the surface processing and self-handicapping strategies. Two types of goal structures had a positive relation with students' performance goal orientations, which had significant positive effects on academic achievement. The results of this study suggest that elementary school students' perceptions of mastery goal structures are related to adaptive patterns of learning more than perceptions of performance goal structures are. The role of perceptions of classroom goal structure in promoting students' goal orientations and learning strategies is discussed.  相似文献   

The cellular basis of long-term memory (LTM) storage is not completely known. We have developed a preparation where we are able to specify that a single identified neuron, Right Pedal Dorsal 1 (RPeD1), is a site of LTM formation of associative learning in the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis. We demonstrated this by ablating the soma of the neuron but leaving behind its functional primary neurite, as evidenced by electrophysiological and behavioral analyses. The soma-less RPeD1 neurite continues to be a necessary participant in the mediation of aerial respiratory behavior, associative learning, and intermediate-term memory (ITM); however, LTM cannot be formed. However, if RPeD1's soma is ablated after LTM consolidation has occurred, LTM can still be accessed. Thus the soma of RPeD1 is a site of LTM formation.  相似文献   

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